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    新目标七年级上Unit-3--Section-B-Reading (2).ppt

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    新目标七年级上Unit-3--Section-B-Reading (2).ppt

    新目新目标七年七年级上上Unit-3-Section-B-Reading Unit 3 How do you get to school?take the bus ride the bike(by bus)(by bike)walks(on foot)take the train(by train)take/drive the car(by car)take the subway(by subway)I take the bus to school.I ride the bike to school.They take the subway to school.They drive the car to school.She walks to school.I get to school by bus.I get to school by bike.They get to school by subway.She gets to school on foot.They get to school by car.For the students in the city,it is easy to get to school.But for the students in one small village,it is difficult to get to school.riverThe river is between the village and the school.(在在和和之间之间)no bridge no boat Crossing the River to School2bRead the passage quickly and answer the questions.1.How do the students in the village get to school?2.Is it easy or difficult?Fast reading 快速阅读快速阅读They go on a ropeway.Its difficult.students in one small villagedifficultgo on a ropewayHowstudents in one small villagedifficultmost studentseasyHowmost studentsHoweasymost studentsHow3.Why do they go to school like this?Careful reading细读细读 Read Para.1(第一段)(第一段)and answer questions.There is a very big river.v.流动小船流动小船The river runs too quickly for boats.There is no bridge.students in one small villagedifficultgo on a ropewaya big riverno bridgeruns quickly4.How old is Liangliang?5.Is he afraid(害怕)害怕)of going on a ropeway?Why?6.Why does he love school?Tips:带着问题阅带着问题阅读课文,有助于读课文,有助于理解课文内容。理解课文内容。Careful reading Read Para.2(第二段)(第二段)and answer.Hes 11 years old.No,he isnt.Because he loves school.Because he loves to play with his classmates.And he loves his teacher.students in one small villagedifficultgo on a ropewaya big riverno bridgeruns quicklyLianglang11 years oldnot afraidloves schoolclassmatesteacher7.What is the villagers dream?Fast reading 快速阅读快速阅读Read Para.3(第三段)(第三段)and answer.Discussion:Do you think their dream can come true?Why or why not?实现实现To have a bridge.Because many people will help them.students in one small villagedifficulta big riverno bridgeruns quicklyLianglang11 years oldnot afraidloves schoolclassmatesteachervillagers dreamto have a bridgecome trueeasymost studentsHowgo on a ropeway注意语音语调注意语音语调difficultbigquicklyafraidtrueTips:可采用:可采用跳读跳读,找找关键词关键词的方法。的方法。Complete the sentences with the words from the passage.(从文中找出单词填空从文中找出单词填空)students in one small _a big _bridge_s quicklyLianglang11 years oldnot _s schoolclassmates_villagers _to have a _ _easymost studentsHowgo on a _villageropewaydifficultnorunafraidloveteacherdreambridgecome trueriver1.cross the river2.betweenand3.go on a ropeway4.one 11-year-old boy5.be afraid6.be like7.dream come true过河过河在在和和之间之间一个十一岁的男孩一个十一岁的男孩害怕害怕像像实现梦想实现梦想cross the bridgecross the roada 10-year-old boyan 8-year-old boylook like滑索道滑索道他十一他十一岁岁He is 11.He is 11 years old.He is an 11-year-old boy.()She is my cousin.She is _ girl.A.a 8-year-old B.a-years-old C.an 8-year-old D.a 8 years old CJack is eight years old.(同同义义句)句)Jack is _ _ boy.an 8-year-old()Tom _ his math teacher because he thinks his teacher is _ his father.A.like;like B.likes;likes C.likes;like D.like;likes C1.It is easy to get to school.It is difficult.It is their dream to have a bridge.2.There is a very big river between and There is no bridge.有有it 形式主语形式主语Crossing the River to SchoolHow do you get to school?Do you walk or _ a bike?Do you go _ bus or _ train?For many students,it is _.But for the students in one small _ in China,it is _.There is a big river _ their school _ the village.There is _ bridge and river _ too quickly for boats.So these students go on a _ to cross the river to school.One _boy,Liangliang,_ the river every school day.But he is not _because he loves school.“I love to play _ my classmates.And I love my _.Hes _ a father to me.”Many of the students and villagers never leave the village.It is their _ to have a _.Can their dream _ _.ridebybyeasyvillagedifficultbetweenandnorunsropeway11-year-oldcrossesafraidwithteacherlikedreambridgecome true 1.Remember the new words and expressions in this period.2.Try to retell the passage after class.谢谢大家!结结 语语


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