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    外研版新版初一英语下全册教案 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB-TTAK 08-TTA 2C】第一模块:(5 课时)Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this?I.课时 1 课时 II.Type of lesson:Listening and speaking III.Teaching aims:i.Knowledge aim:学习和掌握名词性物主代词 ii.Ability aim:能听懂有关失物招领的对话并表演在失物招领处发生的事情 iii.Emotion aim:学会与他人交流时言行举止大方得体,对他人提供的帮助表示感谢 IV.Teaching important and difficult points i.Teaching important points:Make the students understand and use the dialogue ii.Teaching difficult points:Make sure the students can use the dialogue V.Teaching Aids:Multi-Media Tape,recorder VI.Teaching Procedure Step 1 Lead-in Use a pen that was lost last term and ask whose pen is this?Purpose:Make the students interested in the topic Step 2 Learning the dialogue i.Learn the new words Activity1 Match the words from the box with the pictures 同步练习:Step 3 Pronunciation Step 4 Sum up and exercise Step 5:Homework VII.Blackboard writing VIII.反思 Unit 2 Are they yours?I.课时 2 课时(课文讲解&练习)II.Type of lesson:Reading and writing III.Teaching aims:iv.Knowledge aim:学习和掌握新单词 v.Ability aim:能读懂有关失物招领的短文,能写出一则招领启事 vi.Emotion aim:学会与他人交流时言行举止大方得体,对他人提供的帮助表示感谢 IV.Teaching important and difficult points i.Teaching important points:Make the students understand the passage ii.Teaching difficult points:Make sure the students can find some useful information from the passage and write a lost and found note.V.Teaching Aids:Multi-Media Tape,recorder VI.Teaching Procedure Step 1 Pre-reading Learn the new words and show the students a lost and found note,lead in the passage.Step 2 While-reading Activity 1:Listen and read the passage.Activity 2:Read the passage and answer the questions.Activity3:Translate and explain the language points Activity 4:Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions from the box.(Activity3 on P5)Step 3 Post-reading Writing(Activity 4 on P5)Step 4 Sum up and exercise Step 5:Homework VII.Blackboard writing VIII.反思 Unit 3 Language in use I.课时 2 课时(课本练习&练习册)II.Type of lesson:Grammar III.Teaching aims:vii.Knowledge aim:名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的用法 viii.Ability aim:能利用名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词解决一些问题 ix.Emotion aim:学会与他人交流时言行举止大方得体,对他人提供的帮助表示感谢 IV.Teaching important and difficult points i.Teaching important points:Make the students solve some questions ii.Teaching difficult points:Make sure the students do the exercises V.Teaching Aids:Multi-Media Tape,recorder VI.Teaching Procedure Step 1:Activity 1:Work in pairs.Ask and answer questions.The teacher prepare some school things,ask every pair to choose a school thing,show the students a model,like this:-Whose bag is this Is it yours -No,its not mine.Its his.Give the students two minutes to make the dialogue,then present in the class.Activity 2:Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.Give the students three minutes to finish it themselves,then check the answers together.Step 3:Match the words from Box A with the words from Box B.This activity is very easy,so the students can do it together.Step 4:Around the world-The Internet lost and found Ask the students read by themselves,then translate one by one,the teacher explain the language points.Step 5:Activity 4:Work in pairs.The teacher prepares some things such as camera,crayons,football,gloves,mobile phone,wallet,watch and so on.Student A:Think of three or four things he/she has lost or he/she can choose from the box.Describe them.Student B:Think of five or six things you have in your lost and found office or you can choose from the box.Describe them.Then ask and answer questions.Student A:Ask Student B if theyve got the things you have lost.Answer questions about details.Student B:Answer questions about the things Student A has lost.Ask questions about details.Give the students five minutes to prepare,then act out in the class.Step 6:Homework VII.Blackboard writing Unit 3 Language in use VIII.反思 第二模块(5 课时)Module 2 What can you do?Teaching aims:1.Knowledge aim:学习和掌握情态动词“can”.2.Ability aim:能正确使用情态动词“can”表示能力的肯定、否定与疑问形式。3.Emotion aim:帮助学生认识并肯定自己的能力,增强自信心,培养竞争意识和为班级体服务的意识。Unit 1 I can play the piano.Type of lesson:Listening and speaking .Teaching aims:understand conversations about joining school clubs talk about ones abilities .Teaching aids:Tape recorder,videos,OHP .课时安排:1 课时.Teaching procedure Step 1.Lead-in In pairs,students say what they like doing and their partners say what they can do.Step 2 Learning the dialogue pictures to show new vocabulary students to repeat new words and expressions chorally paying attention to pronunciation.students to look at the pictures and match them with the words and expressions from the box on their own,then check in pairs.and check()the things in Activity I which Tonys dad can do.students to look at the pictures again and talk about them in pairs.them to listen and check the things Tonys dad can do.3.Play the recording through while they listen and then answer the question.4.Play it again for them to check and then check their answer in pairs.Step 4.Listen and read.1.Put Darning,Betty,Lingling and Tonys name on the board.2.Ask students to look at the pictures in Activity 1 and talk about what they think the four characters can do in pairs.3.Play the recording and ask students to listen and read.4.Ask students to cover the conversation in their books and listen only to what Darning,Betty,Tony and Lingling can do and check the clubs they want to join.5 Play the recording again.Then tell students to check in pairs.Answers Music Club Dance Club Table Tennis Club Food and Drink Club Darning Betty Lingling Tony Step 5.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.1.Ask students to read the words in the box aloud.2.Tell them to complete the passage individually,then check with their partners.3.Check answers with the whole class.Step 6.Work in pairs.Look at the information.Ask and answer.1.Look at the information in the table.Elicit what Darning can and cant do.Then elicit a question about Darning and have another student answer it.2.Ask other students to make questions about Betty,Lingling and Tony and have others answer them.3.Ask students to ask and answer in pairs as in the examples.Step 7.Homework 1.Remember the new words and expressions in Unit 1.2.Practice acting out the dialogue with partner showing VII Self-reflection Unit 2 I can run really fast.Type of lesson:reading and writing .Teaching aims:understand the reading material about running for class monitors learn to write a speech about running for a class monitor .Teaching aids:Tape recorder,videos,OHP .课时安排:2 课时.Teaching procedure Step 1.Lead-in students what they can do very well and say,He/She is good at.the students to model the question What are you good at Ask them to interview their partners and make notes.Step 2.Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.1.Write the three monitor titles on the board.Ask the class what they are.2.Put students in pairs to ask each other both questions.Tell them to make a list of what they think each monitor does 3.Ask three students to come up to the board and write one thing under one of the titles.Then give the chalks or pens to someone else.Step 3.Read the passage and check()the true sentences.students that Lingling,Darning and Tony want to be monitors.Ask students to read quickly to find which monitors they want to be.2.Ask students to read again.This time they can use their fingers to skim through and underline the things Lingling,Darning and Tony are good at.3.Ask students to check in pairs and elicit answers from the whole class.4.Ask students to read the sentences on page 11,and talk about them in pairs and guess the answers.5.Ask students to read the passage again and decide if the sentences are true or false.If false,then say why.6.Ask students to check with their their answers are different,tell them to go back to the text,read again and check.students to read out the sentences and say if they are true or not.If not,ask them to say why.Step 4 Underline the correct words.1.Ask students to work in pairs.Tell them to read through the passage and choose the correct words.2.Check answers by reading the passage aloud and pausing to allow the whole class to complete it with the correct words.Step 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions from the box.1.Ask students to look at the expressions in the box.2.Ask students complete the sentences on their own and be careful with the language forms.3.Check in pairs.Elicit answers from the whole class in full sentences.Step 6 Work in pairs.Choose the best people in your class to be the monitors in Activity 1.Say:who they are and what job they can do and why they can do it 1.Write titles of the three monitors across the board.2.Ask the class for two volunteers for each monitor.Write their names underneath.3.Put volunteers in pairs to talk about what they are good at,can do well and how they can help.4.Ask the rest of the students to make a table as below with three questions about their abilities to ask the volunteers.Put it on the board.Questions Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Good at Can do Can help students to talk in groups about their notes,and decide who should be their monitors and say why.Step 7 Homework 1.Remember the new words and expressions in Unit 2.2.Write a passage about one of the monitors in Activity 5.Blackboard showing Self-reflection.Unit 3 Language in use.Type of lesson:revision and application.Teaching aims:summarise and consolidate the usage of can revise new words and phrases.Teaching aids:Tape recorder,videos,OHP .课时安排:2 课时.Teaching procedure Step 1 Lead-in at the language in the practice box with the students.for some volunteers to come to the front one at a an activity in their ear and ask them to act it out.The class guess what the volunteer can/cant do Step 2 Work in pairs.Add two or three more activities to the list.students to read the list of activities.Tell students to talk about other activities in pairs and add them to their lists.2.Ask students to practise in pairs by asking about the activities on their lists.3.Tell students to look at the question in the language box and to make a similar question from the list.4.Tell students to write one question for each activity on.the list.students to practise in pairs by asking about the activities on their lists.Step 3.Complete the sentences with can or cant.1.Tell students to read the sentences and think carefully about whether to use can or cant.2.Ask students to complete the sentences on their own and then check in pairs.3.Ask pairs of students to read the dialogues aloud.Step 4.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.1.Tell students to read the passage and decide if the student is tidy or untidy.Elicit the answer Tidy.2.Then tell them to read again and try to guess the missing word.Then complete the passage with the words in the box individually.3.Check their answers in pairs.4.Ask students to read out each sentence.Step 4 Around the world:Languages 1 Look at the different scripts.Ask students,How many languages are there What are they 2 Answer any questions students may have.Step 5.Work in groups of three or four.Talk about a new school club.1 Tell students they are going to set up a new school club.Ask them to look at the advert for the Music Club as an example.2 Elicit what information is given.Ask how the club is advertised 3.Put students in groups of 3-4.Tell them to choose the type of club they are going to set up,and where and when it is going to be held.They need to think of ideas to make the club interesting.4 Go around and help with ideas if necessary.Step 6.Homework Make a poster for a club.Blackboard showing Self-reflection.第三模块:5课时 Module 3 Making Plans aims and requirements:the following new words and expressions:buy,enjoy,revise,take,lie,stay,picnic,email,test,party,because,look forward to,do some sightseeing,like foreign culture.the Grammar:The use of“be going to do”.the following sunds:/bl/table tennis,/kl/clothes,/pl/plans,play.II.Teaching main points and difficult points:understand conversations about weekend plans.process information of weekend plans in the listening material.talk about weekend plans with given information.get information from the reading material about personal information.summarise and consolidate“be going to”and the new vocabulary.with tools.Tape recorder,Teaching pictures and cards,Video,OHP and so on.allocation:six classes.steps:Unit 1 What are you going to do at the weekend?Listening and vocabulary and match the words in Box 1 with the words in Box 2.*Read through the words in both boxes while the Ss follow them;then read them through again and have the Ss repeat them.*Check the word stress in the multi-syllable words(revise,piano,lesson,party,picnic,homework,email).*Ask the Ss to cover the dialogue below,and,in pairs,to decide which verbs in Box 1 go with which nouns in Box can check their answers with another pair.*With the dialogue still covered,play the recording through and ask them to just listen and focus on the words in the boxes.*Then play it again and ask them to check their suggested matching.*Collect answers as phrases.*List the phrases on the board as you are given them.Check my email,have a piano lesson,have a picnic,get up early,go to a party,revise for my test,stay in bed,do my homework,buy some clothes.the phrases in Activity 1 under the pictures.*Ask the Ss to look at the pictures and write the correct phrases under them individually.*Then they can check with a partner.*Collect the answers from the class.and read.*Ask the Ss to listen to the text while they follow it in their books.the correct answers.*Ask the Ss to do this activity individually,then check with a partner.*Collect the answers as a complete question and answer pair from two Ss.*Have the Ss practise asking and answering the questions in pairs.Pronunciation and speaking and repeat.*Play through the recording while the Ss follow.*Play the recording again,pausing for them to should do this chorally as a whole class,in groups and individually.*Put them in pairs to practise.Encourage them to be critical and help each other get the pronunciation right.*Circulate and monitor their production.and repeat.Pay attention to the pronunciation of/l/.*Play through the recording while the Ss follow.*Play the recording again,pausing for them to should do this chorally as a whole class,in groups and individually.*Put them in pairs to practise.in pairs.Ask and answer to complete the diary.*Read through the examples so that the Ss know what to do.*Pair them to ask and answer,taking it in turns.*Collect the answers from the pairs,having them ask and answer.*Complete the chart on the board if you feel it will help.exercises in Workbook,from 1 to 2.exercises in Exercise Book Unit one.ready for the test of Module two.Unit 2 Were going to walk up the Great Wall Reading and vocabulary the passages and match them with the photos.*Ask the Ss to look at the three photos first,and ask


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