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    Prepare Tem 4 Course requirementslParticipation lDiligencelCreativity PART I PART I DICTATIONDICTATION(15 min.15%)(15 min.15%)一篇150个单词的短文 考试时间考试时间:15分钟 比重:比重:15%PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION (15 min.15%)PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION (15 min.15%)Section A Conversations(10 items)Section B Passages(10 items)Section C News Broadcast(10 items)考试时间:考试时间:15分钟 比重:比重:15%PART IIIPART IIICLOZE(15 min.10%)CLOZE(15 min.10%)20个填空 考试时间考试时间:15分钟 比重比重:10%PART IVPART IVGRAMMAR&VOCABULARY (15 min.15%)GRAMMAR&VOCABULARY (15 min.15%)PART VREADING COMPREHENSION(20 items)考试时间:25分钟 比重:20%PART VIPART VI WRITING WRITING Section A:Composition(35 min.15%)Section A:Composition(35 min.15%)(200个英文单词)Section B:Note-Writing(10 min.10%)Section B:Note-Writing(10 min.10%)(50-60个英文单词)考试时间考试时间:45分钟 比重比重:25%lNotelNote is a kind of simple letter.Its form is quite similar to that of a letter.It is made up of date,salutation(heading),body,ending and signature.The content is usually concise.The writer only needs to express clearly the reason,motivation and the requirement for writing.应用文l看清题目要求,必须面面俱到。l注意格式正确l字数不能过分超标l题目要求:Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:例lYesterday you failed to turn up for the appointment with your teacher,Professor Wang.Write him a note of apology and make a request for another meeting.You should also suggest the time for the requested meeting.l分析:题中包含四项内容1.Apologize for failure to turn up for the appointment2.The reason for failure to turn up3.Make a request for another meeting4.Suggest the time for the requested meetingSection B:Note Writing(10%)lGrading specifications-Format:2 points-Content:3 points -Language:4 points-Style appropriateness:1 pointNote-writing Sample FormatlApril 17,2010 (Date)l(Dear)Tom/Mary,(Salutation)l Im very glad to know that youre coming to Shanghai.(Content)l Sincerely yours,(Complimentary closure)l Mary/Tom (Signature)l便条的基本要求是:格式(包括日期、称呼和结尾)正确,日期的位置在右上角或左上角,正确写法为以下几种:April 17th,2010 April 17th April 17,2010 April 17 17/4/2010 4/17/2010l称呼的位置在日期下面一行的左侧,正确写法为:Dear Professor Wang,Respected Professor Wang,l结尾的位置在便条结尾的右或左下方,正确写法为:l Yours sincerely,Sallyl Yours truly,Sallyl Yours,Sallyl Sincerely yours,Sallyl Truly yours,Sallyl Sincerely,Sallyl Note Writing Topicsl2006 Ask for joining a weekend excursionl2005 Invite friend to pop band/orchestral2004 Comfort a friend who failed in final examl2003 Decline invitation to a house-warming partyl2002 Ask about condition of walkman&offer pricel2001 Apologize for missing an appointment2006 Note-writinglWrite an answer sheet two a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:lYou have got to know that you classmates,Michael,is organizing a weekend excursion for the class,and you are thinking of joining the trip.Write him a note expressing your interest in the excursion and asking for information on two details related to the excursion.lMarks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.A Letter to Michael April 22,2007 Dear Michael,Im told youre organizing a weekend excursion for the class.Is that true?Where are you going and for how long?Im wondering if I could join you.As you know,Im an outdoor person,and it would be great to spend a couple of days outdoors after weve taken the mid-tem exams.Looking forward to your early reply.Thanks.(60 words)Yours,Mary各类便条样文祝贺类便条祝贺类便条l祝贺类便条是对他人的毕业、晋升、获奖、祝贺类便条是对他人的毕业、晋升、获奖、开业、订婚、结婚、生日等表示祝贺。其开业、订婚、结婚、生日等表示祝贺。其写作步骤为:写作步骤为:首先说明祝贺的事由,表首先说明祝贺的事由,表达祝贺,达祝贺,然后指出对方取得成绩的原因,然后指出对方取得成绩的原因,最后再次表达自己的祝福。写祝贺类的最后再次表达自己的祝福。写祝贺类的便条时要注意言辞恳切,感情真挚。便条时要注意言辞恳切,感情真挚。模板陈列模板陈列 Date Dear ,I have learned with delight that .I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulation.I know this is surely owing to .It is a reward you really deserve for your .Again,please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes to you.Sincerely yours,Signaturel日期与称呼日期与称呼l获悉值得祝贺的消息,说出祝贺事由。获悉值得祝贺的消息,说出祝贺事由。l表达祝贺之意。表达祝贺之意。l肯定被祝贺人过去的努力。肯定被祝贺人过去的努力。l给对方适当的赞美。给对方适当的赞美。l再次致以真诚的祝贺和良好的祝愿。再次致以真诚的祝贺和良好的祝愿。l结尾与签名结尾与签名常用句式:常用句式:l It is the most joyful news I have heard for a long time.l I was pleasantly surprised to read in the newspaper that you l Sincere congratulations upon yourl We take this opportunity to express our best wishes to you.l We hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life and in your chosen career.祝贺类便条祝贺类便条 lWrite a note of about 50 60 words based on the following situation:Your friend has just won the first prize in the Provincial English Speech Contest.Write a note of congratulations.lMarks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.l January 19,1996lDear John,l I have learned with delight that you won the first prize in the Provincial English Speech Contest.I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulation.l I know this is surely owing to your diligence.It is a reward you really deserve for your long-term efforts.l Again,please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes to you.l Sincerely yours,l Tom告示(通知)类便条告示(通知)类便条 l告示(通知)类便条非常实用,它可以用告示(通知)类便条非常实用,它可以用来表达转求购信息,也可以告知相关人员来表达转求购信息,也可以告知相关人员某事项。此类便条的正文应简洁明了,一某事项。此类便条的正文应简洁明了,一般包括通知的对象、事由、时间、地点等。般包括通知的对象、事由、时间、地点等。书写时句子之间的安排须符合逻辑,条理书写时句子之间的安排须符合逻辑,条理清晰。清晰。模板陈列:模板陈列:DatelDear ,l Im very happy to announce you that .Those who are interested/concerned may/should .l If you need any further information,please dont hesitate to call me up.My telephone number is .l Sincerely yours,l Signaturel日期与称呼l告示的内容。l具体的细节。l鼓励有兴趣的人/有关的人联系自己。l写明联系方式。l结尾与签名常用句式:常用句式:lAll the students are invited to attend the meeting to be held at 8 a.m.tomorrow.lAll those who are interested are warmly welcome.lPlease notify the others concerned.模板示例模板示例lWrite a note of about 50 60 words based o the following situation:before you leave university you want to sell your bike.Write a note describing the condition of your bike,how much you would like for it,and how you can be connected.lMarks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.l April 2,1995lDear fellow students,l Im very happy to announce you that I have a bike on sale.It is red,half new,and still in good condition but only sold at the price of 50 Yuan.Those who are interested in buying may come to me at Room 303 Building 4.l If you need any further information,please dont hesitate to call me up.My telephone number is 82564778.l l Sincerely yours,l Tom安慰便条类安慰便条类 l安慰的便条比较常见,因为生活中处处有安慰的便条比较常见,因为生活中处处有失意之处,如生病、考试失败、竞选没成失意之处,如生病、考试失败、竞选没成功等,都能引起学生们的伤感和失望。此功等,都能引起学生们的伤感和失望。此类便条一般包含以下三部分类容:类便条一般包含以下三部分类容:l1)表达关切之情;)表达关切之情;2)安慰和鼓励对方;)安慰和鼓励对方;3)送上自己真心内的祝愿,)送上自己真心内的祝愿,再次表达关怀再次表达关怀 模板陈列:模板陈列:l DatelDear ,l Im very sorry to hear that ,so Im writing to express my deepest sympathy/concern to you.l I just want you not to be so depressed.You know everything will be all right.Therefore,I do hope you can pull yourself together as soon as possible.l I hope I have made you feel a little better.Again,sorry for your/May you a quick recovery.l Sincerely yours,l Signature l日期与称呼日期与称呼l安慰的事由。安慰的事由。l表达对所安慰之人的鼓励。表达对所安慰之人的鼓励。l希望自己的话能起到安慰对方的作用。希望自己的话能起到安慰对方的作用。l再次对对方的不行深表遗憾和同情或预再次对对方的不行深表遗憾和同情或预祝对方早日康复。祝对方早日康复。l结尾与签名结尾与签名常用句式:常用句式:lI an very sorry to hear thatlI am very concerned about your health these days.l Please accept our deepest sympathy and convey our best wishes to Your friends are hoping for your quick return to health/early recovery/rapid recovery.模板示例模板示例 lWrite a note of about 50 60 words based on the following situation:your friend,Jane,has failed in the final exam,and is feeling very unhappy about it.Write a note to comfort her and give her some encouragement.lMarks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.模板套用:l March 17,2004lDear Jane,l Im very sorry to hear that you have failed in the final exam,so Im writing to express my deepest sympathy to you.l I just wand you not to be so depressed.You know everything will be all right.Therefore,I do hope you can pull yourself together as soon as possible.l I hope I have made you feel a little better.Again,sorry for your failure.l Sincerely yours,l Tom典题演练:典题演练:lWrite a note of about 5060words based on the following situation respectively:lYour cousin has been promoted as the sale manager of the company.Write a note to congratulate him.lAs the chairman of the Student Union,you are requested to write a note to all members of the Union,notifying them to attend a meeting.lYouve learned that your friend Jimmy is ill these days.Write him a note expressing your concern,asking after his health and giving your best wishes.邀请类便条邀请类便条 l此类便条用于邀请别人参加会议、聚会、此类便条用于邀请别人参加会议、聚会、社交、庆祝活动等。便条的内容一般应包社交、庆祝活动等。便条的内容一般应包括邀请的事由、活动的细节描述、邀请的括邀请的事由、活动的细节描述、邀请的愿望以及对答复的期盼愿望以及对答复的期盼。模板陈列:模板陈列:l DatelDear ,lI am writing to invite you to .Since ,Im sure you will be very interested in .So may I have the honor of your company?If so,please let me know as soon as possible.lIm looking forward to your reply.l Sincerely yours,l Signaturel日期和称呼日期和称呼l开门见山发出邀请并指出邀请的事由。开门见山发出邀请并指出邀请的事由。l引出邀请人可能感兴趣的理由。引出邀请人可能感兴趣的理由。l正式发出邀请。正式发出邀请。l如果接受请尽快告知。如果接受请尽快告知。l期盼答复。期盼答复。l结尾与签名结尾与签名常用句式:常用句式:lIt gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit this exhibition.lI wonder if you could comelMy family and I would feel honored if you cold come.lWe would be looking forward to your participation in the party.lI really hope you can make it模板示例模板示例:lWrite a note of about 50 60 words based on the following situation:you have got two tickets to a concert given by a famous pop band/orchestra.Write a note to your friend,Hilda/Mike,describing briefly what it is and inviting her/him to come with you.lMarks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.l April 7,2005lDear Mike,lI am writing to invite you to a concert given by a famous pop band at the National Theatre this Saturday evening.Since you are crazy about pop music,Im sure you will be very interested in it.So may I have the honor of your company?If so,please let me know as soon as possible.lIm looking forward to your reply.l Sincerely yours,l Tom道谢类便条道谢类便条 l此类便条是用来就收到的礼物、受到的服此类便条是用来就收到的礼物、受到的服务、帮助、关怀等表示感谢的。它可包括务、帮助、关怀等表示感谢的。它可包括三个方面的内容:道谢的原因、对所得到三个方面的内容:道谢的原因、对所得到的磅数和关怀等的感受、再次感谢并致以的磅数和关怀等的感受、再次感谢并致以良好的祝愿。良好的祝愿。模板陈列:模板陈列:l DatelDear ,lI am writing these lines to express my sincere gratitude for .Had it not been for ,I would(not)have .l I can not thank you too much.Please accept my appreciation again and give my kind regards to .l Yours trulyl Signaturel日期和称呼日期和称呼l道谢的原因。道谢的原因。l如果没有对方的帮助的话会怎么样。如果没有对方的帮助的话会怎么样。l再怎么感谢都不为过。再怎么感谢都不为过。l再次感谢并致以良好的祝愿。再次感谢并致以良好的祝愿。l结尾与签名结尾与签名常用句式:常用句式:lI dont know how to thank you for your kindness to me.lA thousand thanks for your help and encouragement.lWith deepest gratitude I write you here few lines.lWe are indebted to you for your help.lI would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for模板示例模板示例:lWrite a note of about 50 60 words based on the following situation:you have enjoyed very much the party held at your friendMikes home.Write to him a note to thank him for his hospitality and express your hope for more of such kind of parties to be held.lMarks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.模板套用:模板套用:l April 4,2002lDear Mike,lI am writing these lines to express my sincere gratitude for your invitation to the party held at your home.Had it not been for your hospitality,I wouldnt have enjoyed myself so much.How I wish more parties of this kind to be held in the coming days.l I cant thank you too much.Please accept my appreciation again and give my kind regards to your family .l Yours trulyl AliceWrite a note of about 5060words based on the following situation respectively:lYour friend Bob is going back to Sydney,but you cannot see him off at the airport.Write a note of apology and explain the reason.lSuppose you are the sales manager of a company,and your company will hold a conference on the promotion of the new products.Write a note to an eminent professor of Beijing Institute of Business to speak at the conference.lYou are preparing for TEM-4,and a junior Guo Li lent you a book and gave you some suggestions.Write a note to show your gratitude.


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