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    2023年我们的校园生活【校园生活1】 上网 1Students waste too much time surfing the Internet when they could have done something meaningful . 同学们奢侈了很多时间在网络上,他们本可以做一些有意义的事情。 2. Online shopping is extremely popular among the college students especially for the girls who are fascinated in fashion. 网上购物很受高校生欢迎,特殊是那些追求时尚的女孩。 3. Living in 21st century if you dont know how to use the computer ,then you are out . 生活在21 世纪,假如不会上网,那你就落伍了。 4. We should make a specific timetable to limit our online time . 我们应当只做一个详细的时辰表来限制我们的上网时间。 5. The Internet provides a wide variety of ways available to us to study. 网络为我们供应很多学习渠道。 6 .There are great many resources on the Internet ,we should take full advantage of it . 在网络上有很多资源,我们应当充分利用。 7. There are many teenagers addicted to computer games, it is necessary for the parents to help them to get rid of it. 很多青少年沉迷于网络嬉戏,对于家长来说很有必要帮他们摆脱这样的恶习。 8. Through the Internet people can do business conveniently and quickly。 通过互联网商人可以便利快捷地做生意。 9. Online teaching makes it possible to spread the compulsory education. 网络教学使得普及义务教化成为可能。 10. It is understandable that the school takes measures to limit our online time. 学校实行措施来限制我们的上网时间,这是可以理解的。 在试验室 1. There are many students in the lab. 在试验室有很多学生。 2. The students are doing experiments in the lab. 学生们正在试验室做试验。 3. The teacher are showing an experiment to the students in the lab. 这位老师正在试验室给同学们做演示试验。 4. As biology majors ,they always stay in the lab. 作为生物专业的学生,他们成天呆在试验室。 5. Great inventions are always born in the lab. 宏大的独创总是诞生在试验室里。 6. It is forbidden to play in the lab. 在试验室里禁止打闹。 7. There are many instruments in the lab . 在试验室里有很多试验器材。 8. It is our duty to protect everything in the lab. 我们有责任爱护试验室里的东西。 9. Sometimes it is quite dangerous conducting experiments. 在试验室里做试验有时是相当危急的。 10. It is easy to cause fire in the lab. 试验室里很简单起火。 父亲节 1. Fathers Day is usually on the third Sunday of June. 父亲节通常是在六月的第三个周日。 2. Fathers Day is good an opportunity for us to say thanks to our fathers. 父亲节是我们向父亲表达谢意的一个很好的机会。 3. Fathers Day is a western festival observed by Chinese people. 父亲节中国人庆祝的一个西方节日。 4. There is nothing wrong to celepate the foreign festivals, for example, the Fathers Day. 庆祝西方节日没什么不好,例如父亲节。 5. I usually send a little gift to my father to show my love to my father. 我通常送父亲小礼物来表达我对父亲的爱。 6. In fact, my father knows little about the Fathers Day. 其实,关于父亲节父亲知道的很少。 7. Actually, fathers love is as strong as mothers, so dont forget Fathers Day. 事实上,父亲的爱和母亲的爱是一样深的,所以不要遗忘了父亲节。 8. Normally, fathers are not very good of expressing their feelings. 一般状况下,父亲是不擅长表达他们的感情的。 9. Father is someone no matter how you treat him, he will choose to bear all the pressure and let you free. 父亲就是这样的人,无论你如何对他,父亲都会选择担当全部的压力让你感到无忧无虑。 10. Fathers Day exists almost all over the world to honor and commemorate fathers or forefathers. 父亲节作为纪念父辈的节日存在与世界各地。 11. In recent years, schools and other childrens programs begin to recognize to make Fathers Day gifts. 最近几年,学校以及其他儿童节目起先组织制作父亲节礼物。 12. The time to celepate Fathers Day varies from country to country. 庆祝父亲节的时间因国而异。 13.We should show our best wishes tour great fathers. 我们应当向我们宏大的父亲致以最美妙的祝愿。 14. I did not know what a good father you were to us before, but I do now. 之前我不知道您是一位多么好的父亲,但现在我知道了。 15. Your experience and guidance have always been appreciated. 您的经验和引导让我始终心存感谢。 16. Happy Fathers Day to my extraordinary father. 父亲节欢乐。 17. I made a present for you and I hope you like it. 我做了一个礼物,希望你会喜爱。 18. I learnt the skills of fatherhood from you. 我从你那里学会了为父之道。 19. Words can not tell how much I love you. 言语无法表达我对你的爱。 20. I am the apple of your eye, and you are the God of my heart. 我是您的掌上明珠,您是我心中的神。 情人节 1. Valentines Day is celepated on Fepuary 14th annually. 每年的二月十四号是情人节。 2. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express love to each other. 恋人通常在这一天相互告白。 3. It is very popular among college students. 这个节日在高校生中很盛行。 4. It is introduced to China from western countries . 这个节日时从西方国家传入到中国的。 5. It seems like that the holiday is intended for the lovers. 这个节日好像特地为情人制定的。 6.On the special day ,the boy will send the girl he loves rose. 在这个特别的节日里,男孩通常送给他心爱的女孩玫瑰花。 7. The different numbers of the roses stand for different meanings. 玫瑰花的数量不同,代表的含义也不同 8.One rose represents the forever love. 一朵玫瑰代表着一生一世。 9. On Valentines Day ,the rose is very expensive. 在情人节这天,玫瑰花很贵。 10. Rose is the symbolization of love and every girl has a rose dream in her heart. 玫瑰花是爱的象征,每个女孩心中都有一朵玫瑰梦。 11. Even the students make use of the business chance to sell roses to earn living expenses. 甚至学生也利用这个商机销售玫瑰来赚取生活费。 12. It is surprising that my roommate receive three roses on Valentines Day. 令我感到惊讶的是,我室友在情人节这天收到了三多玫瑰花。 13. If you like somebody, you can make the first date with him or her on this day. 假如你喜爱某人,你可以选择在这天和他正式约会。 15. There are a great number of legends about Valentines Day. 关于情人节有很多传闻。 16. It is very interesting that the old couple also celepate the Valentines Day to show their love. 有意思的是这对老夫妇也庆祝情人节来表达对彼此的爱意。 17. Whatever the origins are, Valentines Day is now a day for sweethearts. 无论关于情人节的传闻是什么,现在它是恋人们的节日。 18. It is the day that you show your friend or loved one your care. 挚友或这天在,你可以向你的好者你喜爱的人表达你的关切 19. Dont keep silent on this special day if you like someone. 假如你喜爱某人,在这天不在保持缄默了。 20. Happy Valentines Day! 情人节欢乐! 寒假 1. I am very happy to hear that the winter holiday is coming. 我很兴奋听说寒假就要来了。 2. We will observe the New Years Day on winter holiday. 在寒假,我们会过新年。 3. Normally, the winter holiday is not longer than the summer holiday. 一般状况下,寒假没有暑假长。 4. We will get together on winter holiday after a years separation. 经过一年的分别,我们通常会聚一下。 5. He spent his winter holiday unhappily because he did not do well in the final exam. 他期末考试考砸了,所以寒假过得很不快乐。 6. I will drop a visit on my old friends on the winter holiday ahead. 在寒假,我通常会去看挚友。 7.I intend to travel to Changchun to ski with my family. 我准备在寒假和家人一块去滑雪。 8. We usually get fatter for lack of exercise on winter holiday. 在寒假由于缺乏熬炼我们通常会变胖。 9. I learn a lot through going New Years shopping with my father. 通过和爸爸一块购置年货,我学会了许多。 10. My sisters spoken English improves a lot during the winter holiday. 我妹妹的口语在寒假提高了许多。 11.I spent the whole winter holiday preparing the TEM4. 我花费了整个寒假打算TEM4. 12. Dont always stay at home on winter holiday. 在寒假不要成天呆在家。 13.It is not good to do everything about study during the winter holiday. 在寒假做一切和学习有关的事不太好。 14.I will definitely buy new clothes on winter holiday. 在寒假我确定是会要买新衣服的。 15. It is a good choice to go on the winter holiday to the southern cities. 去南方城市度寒假是个不错的选择。 16. Parents can exploit the winter holiday to communicate with their children. 家长可以利用寒假这个机会多和孩子进行沟通。 17. After winter holiday, we usually take some measures to lose weight. 寒假过后,我们通常实行措施来减肥。 18. It is very cold on winter holiday, so we should take good care of our hands lest they be hurt. 寒假天气很冷,我们应当爱护好我们的手以防冻伤。 19.We can take some part-time jobs to enhance our ability to adapt the society. 我们可以做一些兼职以增加社会适应实力。 20.My pother read a lot of classics during winter holiday. 我弟弟在寒假读了很多名著。 21. His listening is very poor ,and he decides to strengthen it. 他的听力很差,所以他确定在寒假练听力。 22. It is so cold on winter holiday that I really dont want to go out . 寒假天如此冷以至于我都不想出门。 23.During the winter holiday, I helped my mum do the housework besides reviewing my .class 在寒假,我除了复习功课,还帮妈妈做家务。 24. The winter holiday saw their true love. 这个寒假见证了他们的真爱。 25. This winter holiday I had a rewarding experience as a tutor. 做一名家教是我在这个寒假里很珍贵的一次经验。 26. This winter holiday will be difficult for them to go through ,because his fathers company went bankrupt. 这个寒假他们很难熬过,因为他爸爸的公司破产了。 27. I will attend a friends wedding next winter holiday . 明年寒假我要去参与一个挚友的婚礼。 28. My father usually sets fireworks to celepate the New Year. 我爸爸通常会放鞭炮来庆祝新年。 29. It is a rule to give a New Years visit to our neighbors. 新年时向邻居拜年 ,这是一个惯例。 30. It is useful to store some snow water to cool our body in the new year. 冬天储存一些雪水来年降暑,这很有用。


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