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    全国英语等级考试五级(PETS5)历年真题五材料题(江南博哥)根据以下材料,回答31-50题For decades, posters depicting rabbits with inflamed, reddened eyes symbolized campaigns against the testing of cosmetics on animals. Now the most severe of those (31)_are to be bannedacross the European Union.The so-called Draize tests are a series of notorious procedures (32)_involve applying cosmetics ingredients (33)_the eyes and skin of live laboratory rabbits. The animals' re- actions are(34)_to assess whether the (35)_is an irritant or not. However, on April 27 the independent scientific advisory committee of the European Center for the Validation ofAlternative Methods (ECVAM) approved a series of humane (36)_Two of these alternative tests use waste animal tissue reclaimed from slaughterhouses to replace live animals and test (37)_chemicals might severely irritate the eyes. Two morewill(38)_live animals with in vitro cell cultures for determining whether (39)_irri- tate the skin. A fifth alterative test, (40)_identify whether chemicals will causeskin aller- gies, will spare hundreds of thousands of mice a year.These humane alternatives have been available (41)_commercial use for years, but to enforce their use, ECVAM has had to show they are as (42)_as or better than thepro- cedures on live animals they are to replace. Now (43)the committee has validated the alternatives, (44)_will become illegal under the European Cosmetics Directive(45)_cosmetic companies to continue to use live animals, and regulatory authorities in(46)_member state will be forced to outlaw their use.(47)_these changes, cosmetics companies will still be allowed to (48)_rel- atively mild chemicals on the eyes of live animals until further alternative tests are approved, orun- til 2009, (49)_most cosmetic tests on live animals will be banned in Europe, regardless of(50 )_alternatives have been approved or not.31 填空题参考解析:tests【精析】本句意为“现在,在整个欧盟,其中的一些最严酷的测试将被禁止。”根据上文语句“symbolized campaigns against the testing ofcosmetics on animals”的提示,此空应填“tests”。参考译文。几十年来,画有眼睛发炎,发红的兔子的海报常代表着人们对在动物身上进行化妆品测试的反对。现在,在整个欧盟,其中的一些最严酷的测试将被禁止。所谓的“Draize”试验指的是一些名声狼藉的实验程序,主要是在实验里的活体兔子的眼睛和皮肤上实验某种化妆品成分。兔子的反应将被用来衡量该成分的刺激性。然而,4月27日,“欧洲替代方法的审批中心”(ECVAM)的独立科学顾问委员会批准了一系列人性化的替代实验。其中两种替代方式就是利用从屠宰场回收的废弃动物组织来进行化学品活体实验,或验证化学品对眼睛是否具有严重刺激性。另外两种方式是取消动物活体实验,代之以体外细胞培养,这样可以确定化学品对皮肤的刺激性。第五种替代实验是用来验证化学品是否会引起皮肤过敏:仅第五种替代实验,每年就会节省数十万只实验小白鼠。上述这些人性化的替代实验已经存在很多年了,但是要想实施它们,ECVAM需要证明比起活体动物实验,这些替代测试的效果一样甚至更好:既然委员会已批准了替代实验,那么在欧洲化妆品的指导原则下,化妆品公司继续使用活体动物进行实验就是违法的。各个成员国的监管机构也不得不禁止其使用=尽管有了这些改变,但是,在进一步的替代试验被批准之前或者2009年前,化妆品公司仍然可以在活体动物的眼睛上实验一些相对温和的化学物质。2009年,无论替代实验是否被批准,欧洲将禁止大多数化妆品的活体动物测试。32 填空题参考解析:that【精析】本句意为“所谓的Draize试验指的是一些名声狼藉的实验程序。主要是在实验室里的活体兔子的眼睛和皮肤上实验某种化妆品成分。”根据语法分析,“involve applying cosmetics ingredients”是修饰“a series of notorious procedures”的定语从句,所以此空应填定语从句引导词“that”。本题也可填“which”。33 填空题参考解析:to【精析】本句翻译见32题。“apply sthto sth”是固定搭配,意为“应用于,适用于”。所以此空应填“to”。34 填空题参考解析:used【精析】本句意为“兔子的反应将被用来衡量该成分的刺激性。”根据上下文语意,所以此空应填动词被动态形式“used”。35 填空题参考解析:ingredient【精析】本句翻译见34题。根据上文“involve applying cosmetics ingredients”的提示,所以此空应填“ingredient”。36 填空题参考解析:alternatiyes【精析】本句意思为“科学顾问委员会批准了一系列人性化的替代方式。”根据下文“Two of these alternative tests use waste animal tissue”提示,所以此空应填“alternatives”。37 填空题参考解析:whether 【精析】本句意为“验证该化学品是否会严重刺激眼睛”。根据上文“The animalsreactions眦used to assess wl|ether the”提示,所以此空应填“whether”。38 填空题参考解析:replace【精析】本句意为“另外两种方式是取消动物活体实验,代之以体外细胞培养,这样可以确定化学品对皮肤的刺激性。”根据上文“reclaimed from slaughterhouses to replace live animals”提示,所以此空应填“replace”。39 填空题参考解析:chemicals【精析】本句翻译见38题。根据上文“and test whether chemicalsmight severely irritate the eyes”提示,所以此空应填“chemicals”。40 填空题参考解析:to【精析】本句意为“第五种替代实验是用来验证化学品是否会引起皮肤过敏”。根据上下文语意,此空应填表示目的状语的“to”。41 填空题参考解析:for【精析】本句意为“上述这些人性化的替代实验已经存在很多年了,但是要想实施它们,ECVAM需要证明比起活体动物实验,这些替代测试的效果一样甚至更好。be available for sth”是固定搭配,意为“对有用,有效”,所以此空应填“for”。42 填空题参考解析:good【精析】本句翻译见41题。根据上下文与意义,此空应填“900d”构“as good as”,表示同级比较。43 填空题参考解析:that【精析】本句意为“既然委员会已批准了替代实验”。“now that”是固定搭配,意为“既然”,所以此空应填“that”。44 填空题参考解析:it【精析】本句意为“那么在欧洲化妆品的指导原则下,化妆品公司继续使用活体动物进行实验就是违法的。”该空应填形式主语it,其逻辑主语是“to continue to use live animals。45 填空题参考解析:for【精析】本句翻译见44题,根据上下文,所以此空应填“for”表示动作主体。46 填空题参考解析:each【精析】本句意为“各个成员国的监管机构也不得不禁止其使用。”根据语意,所以此空应填“each”。47 填空题参考解析:Despite【精析】本句意为“尽管有这些变化,但是”。根据上下文,此空应填让步状语从句的引导词“Despite”。48 填空题参考解析:test【精析】本句意为“化妆品公司仍然可以在活体动物的眼睛上实验一些相对温和的化学物质”。根据语意,此空应填“test”。49 填空题参考解析:when【精析】本句意为“2009年,无论替代实验是否被批准,欧洲将禁止大多数化妆品的动物测试。”根据语法分析,“most cosmetic tests on liveanimals will be banned”是修饰“2009”的定语从句,所以此空应填定语从句引导词“when”。50 填空题参考解析:Whether·【精析】本句翻译见49题。根据语意和语法分析,所以此空应填宾语从句的引导词“whether”。材料题根据以下材料,回答51-60题Text 1In parts of Brazil's poor northeast, snakes and parrots are on sale by the roadside for a few reais. In Brazil, as elsewhere in Latin America, wild animals have been kept as pets for centuries. But inrecent years they have become the target of a vast and flourishing illegal trade that is threatening the survival of some species. Governments and others are now trying to do more to end thetrafficking.In Brazil alone, the trade in animals is worth $1 billion a year, according to the National Net-work Against the Trafficking of Wild Animals (RENCTAS), a coalition of NGOs. Some of the sellers are simply the rural poor, seeking a means of subsistence. Others, especially those involved in exports,are organised networks. The buyers include pet shops, pharmaceutical laboratories and foreign collectors.The international trade in animals is regulated by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES), which most Latin American countries have signed.Brazil has gone further, banning all trade in wild animals, whether endangered or not. Critics say that by pushing the trade underground, this has made it harder to regulate. In any event,Brazil lacks inspectors, and perhaps the will, to enforce the ban.Some of Brazil's neighbours have looser rules. Many Brazilian animals are smuggled across the country's long northern borders to Venezuela, Colombia or the Guyanas, whence they are exported withfake documentation. Efforts are now under way to improve regional co-operation. In July, in the first meeting of its kind, representatives from the United States government, Interpol and CITES met Latin American officials and NGOSA in Brasilia.What about the importing countries? The United States Fish and Wildlife Service carries out inspections at airports, and investigates smuggling networks. Each year it handles 4,500 cases involvingthe import or export of animals. Under the Lacey act, American animal traffickers who break foreign laws can be prosecuted at home. Smugglers are regularly picked up in Miami: a Nicaraguan wascaught last year at the airport with "Christmas gifts" that included over 1,100 sea turtles' eggs. Tony Silva, a well-known exotic-bird fancier based in Chicago, was jailed in the mid-1990sfor heading a ring importing rare parrots from South America.In an effort to deter would-be buyers, RENCTAS is working with tourism bodies to teach unsuspecting foreigners visiting Brazil that they should forget about wild life souvenirs. But in the long run the trade will be stopped onlyif incentives are generated to deter the rural poor from providing the raw material. Eco-tourism projects have spread across Latin America over the past decade, and the CITES secretariat is backing plans for more. The best hope for parrots is to become more valuable in the wild than ina plastic tube.51 单选题 The following groups are among buyers of wild animals EXCEPTA. foreign collectors.        B. pet shop owners.C. pharmaceutical laboratories.  D. poor people in the countryside.正确答案:D参考解析:D【精析】推断题。题目问的是“下列哪一人群不是野生动物的购买者?”。由文章第二段最后一句“The buyers include pet shops,pharmaceutical laboratories and foreign collectors”可知:宠物店主,外国收藏者和药材实验室都是野生动物的购买者,这与A、B和C项内容相符。故选D。参考译文  在巴西较为贫穷的东北部的部分地区,路边卖的蛇和鹦鹉只需要几个雷亚尔。巴西和拉丁美洲的其他地方一样,几百年来,野生动物都被当作宠物出售。但近年来,它们已经成为一个庞大而且愈演愈盛的走私产业,严重威胁着一些物种的生存。政府和其他人现在正努力终止野生动物贩运。  根据全国打击野生动物贩运网络一个非政府联盟的估计,仅在巴西,野生动物交易的数额每年就有10亿,有些卖家只是农村贫困人口,这是他们谋生的一种手段。而其他人,特别是那些涉及出口的人往往会形成一些犯罪网络。买家包括宠物店主,制药实验室和外国收藏动物的国际贸易受国际野生动植物濒危物种贸易公约的监管。大部分拉美国家都签署了这一公约。巴西则要求更严,已经禁止一切野生动物的贸易,无论是否是濒临灭绝的物种。批评者说,这种做法导致了野生动物的地下贸易,这使其监管变得更难。在多数情况下,巴西没有检查官,或许也不愿去执行该项禁令。  一些巴西的邻国采取较为宽松的政策。巴西的许多动物都是通过狭长的北部边境走私到委内瑞拉,哥伦比亚或圭亚那。从那里,人们利用伪造的文件把它们再出口到其他地方。目前,旨在改善区域合作的工作正在进行。今年七月召开了首次合作会议。美国政府、国际刑警组织的代表参会并在巴西利亚会见了濒危物种贸易公约的拉美官员和非政府联盟组织成员。  那么进口国的情况又如何呢?美国野生动物局负责在机场进行巡查,并调查动物走私网络。每年,进口国所处理的涉及动物的进口或出口的案件高达4500起。根据雷斯法案,违反外国法律的美国动物贩子可以在国内受审。走私者经常选中迈阿密:去年,一个尼加拉瓜人在机场被抓,警方缴获了1100多个作为“圣诞礼物”的海龟蛋。托尼·席尔瓦一个居住在芝加哥的一个知名异国鸟类爱好者,由于涉嫌从南美进口稀有鹦鹉而在90年代中期被刑拘。  为了尽力劝阻潜在的买家,反对野生动物走私组织正与旅游机构合作,对前来巴西旅游的毫不知情的外国人(游客)进行教育,让他们放弃购买野生动物纪念品。但是,从长远来看,只有形成激励,遏止农村贫困人口提供走私“原料”,这种贸易才能停止。过去十年间,生态旅游项目已遍布拉丁美洲。濒临绝种野生动物保护组织的秘书处也正支持项目的扩大。今后,鹦鹉的最大希望是在野外变得比在塑料管中更有价值。52 单选题 According to critics, it is hard to regulate the trade in wild animals in Brazil becauseA. Brazil has not signed CITES.B. Brazil has failed to enforce CITES.C. regulations on the trade are too loose.D. the trade in wild animals has gone underground.正确答案:D参考解析:D【精析】细节题。题目问的是“根据批评者,巴西野生动物贸易难以控制的原因什么?”。由文章第三段第一、二、三句“which most Latin American countries have signedBrazil has gone further,banning all trade in wild animals,whether endangered or notCritics say that by pushing the trade underground,this has made it harder to regulate”可知:巴西野生动物问题的症结在于地下交易,这与D项内容相符。故选D。53 单选题 The purpose of the meeting between the U.S. and Latin American officials is toA. make the countries sign CITES.B. strengthen regional co-operation.C. lift the ban on trade in wild animals.D. require documentation for wild animal export.正确答案:B参考解析:B【精析】细节题。题目问的是“美国和拉丁美洲官员的会面的目的是什么?”。由文章第四段第三句“Efforts are now under way to improve regional C0operation”可知:其会面的目的是促进地区合作,共同解决野生动物贸易问题,这与B项内容相符,故选B。54 单选题 The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service's responsibilities do NOT includeA. inspecting incoming air cargo.   B. detecting animal smuggling.C. regulating wildlife trading.     D. investigating smuggling networks.正确答案:C参考解析:C【精析】推断题。题目问的是“美国野生动物局的职责不包括哪一项?”。由文章第五段第二句“The United States Fish and Wildlife Service carries out inspections at airports,and investigates smuggfing networks”可知:美国野生动物局在机场开展巡查,并调查走私网络。这与A、B和D项内容相符,故选C。55 单选题 How can the trade of wild animals be eliminated eventually?A. To initiate eco-toufism projects.B. To punish those who make wildlife specimens.C. To improve the living conditions for the rural poor.D. To fine foreigners for their buying wildlife souvenirs.正确答案:C参考解析:C【精析】细节题。题目问的是“野生动物贸易问题最终如何才能得以解决?”。由文章第六段第二句“But in the long run the trade will be stopped only if incentives ale generated to deter the rural poor from providing the raw material”可知:从长远来看,只有形成激励,遏止农村贫困人口提供“原料”,这种贸易才能停止,这与C项内容相符。另外,A项内容与该段第三句“Ec0tourism projects have spread across Latin America over the past decade”不符。B和D项文中没有提及,故选C。56 单选题 根据以下材料,回答题Text 2At the dawn of the 20th century, suburbia was a dream inspired by revulsion to the poverty and crowding of the cities. In the visions of architects, there would be neighborhood parks, tree-lined streets and low-density housing free from the pollution and social problems of the cities. As the top map of the New York City metropolitan area shows, commuter suburbs had sprung up near the railway lines onLong Island and Westchester County by 1930, but further expansion was fueled in large part by the automobile. Eventually it was apparent that much of suburbia was not delivering on theearly promise.The extraordinary growth of car ownership in 20th-century America was made possible by abundant domestic oil, the world's largest highway system, and low taxes on vehicles and gasoline. But suburban growth would not have been nearly as greatwere it not for government policies that penalized cities and rewarded suburbs. For instance, federal mortgage insurance programs tended to promote new housing on outlying land rather than repairof existing city housing and, furthermore, excluded racially mixed neighborhoods that were deemed unstable. American communities have far fewer impediments to expansion than European ones :London, for instance, restricted sprawl by establishing greenbelts on its periphery.Tax deductions for mortgage interest in the U. S. have been larger than those of most other countries. Furthermore, suburban jurisdictions in the U. S. have far greater zoning powers than their foreigncounterparts and use this power to reinforce low-density housing by requiring large lots, thus increasing the number of affluent taxpayers and reducing the need to supply services to needy families. Arguably, the most important stimulus to "whiteflight" out of the city was fear of crime, particularly crime by blacks-a fear reinforced by the social pathologies of public housing, where blacks and other minorities predominate. Such apprehension helps to explain why revitalization projects and improved mass-transit systems have failed to lure the middle class back to the city in large numbers.Suburban expansion may conjure up images of aesthetic degradation and cultural sterility, but it has provided better housing for millions. In the process of suburbanization, low-income city families have also benefited because of the housing stock that became available as the middle class fled. By spreading out, U. S. cities avoided the sometimes oppressive densities of Japaneseand European cities. Indeed, so great is the compactness in Tokyo that Japanese officials see deconcentration as a high priority.Overall, however, the suburban push financially hurt cities, which saw their tax bases shrink. They were disproportionately affected by unfunded federal mandates and thus hindered in efforts toprovide quality schools and reliable municipal services. Indeed, New York City's fiscal problems in the 1970s followed, and were worsened by the middle-class flight into the suburbs. The outflow, rather than population growth, drove rapid suburban spread.Which of the following is NOT the cause for the emergence of suburbia?A. Residents' dislike of poverty.     B. Density of the cities.C. Influence of architects.        D. Social problems in cities.正确答案:C参考解析:C【精析】推断题。题目问的是“哪一个不是郊区出现的原因?”。由文章第一段第一句“suburbia was a dream inspired by revulsion to the poverty and crowding of the cities”可知:郊区生活是一个由对贫穷和城市拥挤的厌恶而引起的梦想,这与A和B项内容相符;此外,由第一段第二句“there would be neighborhoodfree from the pollution and social problems of the cities”可知:这里会有社区公园,绿树成荫的街道和远离污染和城市社会问题的低密度住宅,这与D项内容相符。故选C。参考译文  20世纪来临之际,郊区生活是一个由对贫穷和城市拥挤的反感而引起的梦想。在建筑师看来,那里会有社区公


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