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    英语中考模拟测试学校 _ 班级 _ 姓名 _ 成绩 _ 注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第 I 卷(客观性试题)、单项选择1.-Hello,Joyce,you are busy.Can I give you _hand?-Thanks very much,_ I can manage.A.the,and B.an,or C.a,so D.a,but 2.Katherine was excited to receive a dozen of roses from her husband on _ Day.A.Woman B.Women C.Womens D.Womans 3.Its never too old to learn.Karl Marx began to learn English in his_.A.fifties B.fiftieth C.fifty D.the fiftieth 4.Teenagers should _ to take care of themselves from a young age.A.educate B.be educating C.have educated D.be educated 5.-I will miss my family when I go abroad for further study this autumn.-Dont worry.You can _them by e-mail.A.come up with B.keep in touch with C.make friends with D.get along with 6.-_ you come with me to Lang Langs piano concert this evening?-Id love to,but I have to study for my math test.A.Should B.May C.Must D.Can 7.-Do you know Wang Feng?He can remember 100 groups of numbers in five minutes.-Yes._ man he is!A.What a smart B.How smart C.What a stupid D.How stupid 8.Take care when you are driving,_in a summer storm like this.A.immediately B.probably C.especially D.recently 9.When Robinson Crusoe got to the island,the first thing _ he did was _for some food.A.who,look B.that,to look C.which,looking D.whom,to be looked 10.-Do you know_?-At a robot shop.A.where Mr.Jiang bought the robot B.where did Mr.Jiang buy the robot C.why Mr.Jiang bought the robot D.why did Mr.Jiang buy the robot 11.-What does your father think of your school report this term?-The smile on his face shows he is _ what I did in my study.A.worried about B.sorry for C.angry with D.pleased with 12.Why did you come back so early today?The English party was _ till next Friday.A.put up B.put off C.put out D.put down 13.-I have a problem.I dont know what to do.-Lets ask Dick for help.He can _a good idea to solve your problem.A.think up B.give up C.hang out D.laugh at 14.Did Liu Ying and Liu Li come to your birthday puny,Tina?I had invited them,but _ of them showed up.A.both B.all C.none D.neither 15.Helen,can I wear jeans and a T-shirt to the school talent show?OK,but a dress might be_.A.good B.bad C.better D.worse 16.Have you washed the clothes?Not yet.But I _ them in half an hour.A.washed B.have washed C.will wash D.wash 17.He likes music very much.He s the school music club for half a year.A.joined B.taken part in C.joined in D.been in 18.Do you prefer classical music _ pop music?Pop music,I think.A.to B.or C.than D.for 19.Its difficult for village children to cross the river to school.I think a bridge _ over the river.A.should be built B.will build C.is built D.was built 20.What does the sign mean?A.Don t enterB.Watch your hand C.Dry your hand D.Be quiet、完形填空阅读下面短文,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.False Bay is South Africa.It is one of the _21_ places in the world to see a great white shark.The great white shark is known for its _22_-the largest sharks can grow to six meters in length and over 2,000kilometres in weight.Great white sharks are meat-eaters.They catch large _23_ like tuna(金枪鱼),seals(海豹)and even whales.Great white sharks also _24_boats.Simon a British researcher,was lucky to get away safely when a shark bit into his boat.About three people are killed each year _25_ great white sharks.The sharks come to hunt 60,000 seals that live in False Bay,In order to find fish,the seals have to cross the deep water of the bay-this is where the sharks _26_.Great white sharks are very good hunters.They wait below the seals and then swim_27_and crash into them by surprise at 40 kilometers per hour,killing _28_with one bite.Will a shark attack something that_29_like food?Some researchers put a carpet in the shape of a seal _30_.At high speeds the sharks can t tell the difference._31_ a shark choose between a plant and a fish?When scientists put tuna and sea-plant in the water,the shark bites into _32_.Even though sharks eat meat,if a plant looks like an animal,the shark attacks.Will a shark prefer to eat a human or a fish?When the shark has a choice between humans and tuna,it is the _33_that attracts the shark s attention.Great white sharks clearly prefer fish to humans.These researchers show that great white sharks are_34_hunters which will attack anything that looks and acts like a fish._35_,that means humans can also get bitten by mistake.21.A.good B.well C.better D.best 22.A.colour B.size C.speed D.shape 23.A.pets B.insects C.sea-animals D.birds 24.A.attack B.protect C.love D.follow 25.A.for B.by C.with D.of 26.A.wait B.rest C.sleep D.play 27.A.around B.along C.down D.up 28.A.us B.you C.it D.them 29.A.looks B.sounds C.smells D.tastes 30.A.on the ground B.in the sky C.in the water D.in the room 31.A.Can B.May C.Must D.Should 32.A.all B.none C.both D.neither 33.A.human B.fish C.sea-plant D.boat 34.A.amazing B.strange C.kind D.dangerous 35.A.Proudly B.Unluckily C.Finally D.Happily III 阅读理解根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个最佳答案.Passage 1 The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago connected Europe,Africa and Asia.People reached these different places along these roads.Scientists believe people began to travel the Silk Road about 3000 years ago.By the time the Chinese silk trade became important in the world,the Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometers.It spread from Rome to China,which is from the West to the Far East.Traders travelling along the Silk Road carried silk,of course.They also carried and traded spices(香料),cloth,valuable stones and gold.There is a famous old story along the old road.It is said that Roman soldiers(士兵)travelled through central Asia.They started to live somewhere near the ancient Chinese village of Liqian.Some of these Romans married local Chinese women and the story of blue-eyed villages of China was started.During its busiest period,the Silk Road allowed people from many different cultures and countries to meet each other and mix.The Silk Road allowed the sharing of valuable goods and new ideas.These included people and trading goods from the Mediterranean,Persian,Magyar,Armenian,Bactrian,Indian and Chinese areas.All these peoples travelled the Silk Road,and they shared goods,stories,languages,and cultures.In modern times,the old Silk Road routes(路线)are still used,but now they are crossed by trains instead of camels and horses.There is even a Silk Route Museum in Jiuquan in China.It has over 35,000 objects from all along the Silk Road.In this way,China protects the history of many countries and peoples.36.How many kilometers did the Silk Road cover?A.About 3000.B.Nearly 6500.C.Almost 2000 D.Over 35,000 37.Traders carried all kinds of goods along the Silk Road.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?A.Silk B.Cloth.C.Gold.D.Tea.38.Who married ancient Chinese women in the story of blue-eyed villages of China?A.Asian soldiers.B.African soldiers.C.European soldiers.D.American soldiers.39.What can we infer(推断)from the passage?A.Valuable things could not be sold along the Silk Road.B.The Silk Road allowed people from different countries to mix.C.Ancient Chinese along the Slik Road may be able to speak different languages.D.The objects in the museum in Jiuquan in China are from all along the Silk Road.40.Which part of a magazine can this passage come from?A.History and Geography.B.Sports World.C.Man and Animals.D.Popular Science.Passage 2 For ten weeks,in a great house on the island of St Thomas,John C.Lilly tried to teach a six-year-old dolphin to speak English.Margaret Howe,an experiment(试验)helper,would live day and night with Peter,a dolphin.And they would eat,bathe(洗澡),sleep and play together from Sunday to Friday,with only Saturdays off for Margaret.She lived her 1ife in swimming clothes-with a coat on colder evenings-and cut her hair short so that she could get on with Peter more easily.After a few days,Peter was becoming more and more interested in winning her attentions.He threw a ball against her shower towel to get her to play.As time went by,he only wanted to play ball with her and not on his own.The problem was that,just at the time Peter and Margaret began to get on well just as two best friends,the experiment ended and the lab was closed.After a few weeks,Margaret received the sad news that Peter had killed himse1f by refusing to breathe,and sinking to the bottom of his pool.Dolphins may not speak English-but,just like humans,they know all about broken hearts.41.Peter is the name of_ A.a doctor B.dolphin C.a scientist D.an experiment helper 42.Margaret worked days_a week during the experiment.A.four B.five C.six D.seven 43.To live with the dolphin,Margaret couldnt _.A.cut her hair short B.have a common life-like others C.wear swimming c1othes D.eat,bathe and play together with him 44.The ending of the story was that _.A.Margaret didnt leave the lab B.the lab was closed and the dolphin died C.the dolphin could speak English at last D.Dr John C.Lilly was satisfied with the experiment 45.From this passage,we can learn that _.A.dolphins arent worth studying B.dolphins cant be humans good friends C.dolphins cant communicate with humans D.dolphins may have feelings just like humans Passage 3 Day and night across China,groups of middle-aged retirees,mostly women,gather together to dance in open space,like squares and parks.They are known as“guang chang wu da ma”.Their love for square dancing has made them a national phenomenon.However,some people don t think highly of it.Their music is too loud,and they take up too much public space.Besides,they even dance at improper(not proper)places-such as the square in front of the Louvre in Paris,where Chinese tourists broke into a dance last year.Even so,the dancers are growing in number and style.Li Dong,46,is a pioneer in this field.“In addition to keeping fit,square dancing has become so popular because older people who are free from work and from raising children want to be connected with one another.B ut I think that square dancing has a deeper meaning.”By teaching herself different dances,such as Latin,Tango and Cha-cha,Li adds variety(花样)to square dancing.“Although we are old,we are curious and want to try different dance style,”she said,”because square dancing has attracted(吸引)so much attention,I want to take it seriously.”As for people s objection(反对),Li says her team has taken the suggestion of turning down the volume(音量)and dancing at proper sites.”We are not a trouble at all.”46.Why does the writer mention Chinese tourists broke into a dance in front of the Louvre in Paris?A.Because their music was too loud.B.Because they weren t dancing at a proper place.C.Because they took up too much space.D.Because they wanted to show their dancing to others.47.Which of the following is NOT the reason why older people love square dancing?A.It can help them keep healthy.B.They want to communicate with one another.C.They are free from work and raising children.D.They want to attract people s attention.48.As for people s objection,Li has _A.taught herself different dances like Latin,etc.B.danced better than before.C.put on beautiful dresses.D.tried to make less noise and choose proper sites.49.Which words can be used to describe Li Dong?A.Curious and creative(有创造性的).B.Helpful and careful.C.Kind and funny.D.Patient and active.50.This passage most probably comes from?A.A story book B.A science magazine C.A newspaper D.A text book Passage 4 Dear daughter,You are a wonderful person and your mother and I love you.It will not be long before you leave home to make your way in the world.Can I please give you some friendly advice?Here are some things that you should never do.1).Never Look Down Upon Yourself.You are great and able to achieve great things so believe in yourself.When things go badly,never stop believing.Some girls get upset and lose confidence.And then all kinds of problems can follow.2).Never Get Upset With Your Looks.We think you look great.Please be happy with the person you are and the body you have.Eat well,take exercise and be healthy.Some girls become upset because they try to lose weight or get the perfect shape.You look fine.3).Never spend money more than your income(收入).Never spend money more than your income and save a little every month.Don t borrow other s money if possible.4).Never Give Less Than Your Best.We are very proud of what you have succeeded so far.You should be proud too.Keep doing well.Keep trying your hardest at everything you do.No one can ask for more than that.5).Never Forget That Your Parents Love You.Whatever happens in life,your family will still be your family.Whatever difficulties you have,you can always talk to us and we will try to help.We are here for you.Love,Dad 51.From the letter,we can know the daughter will _soon.A.leave school B.go to college C.go to another city D.face lots of difficulties 52.According to the father,some girls become upset because they _.A.aren t healthy enoughB.don t make enough moneyC.don t have good jobsD.try to have the perfect shape 53.When someone gets upset and loses confidence,_.A.nobody will love him B.he can t get good incomeC.all problems will follow him D.his parents won t believe in him anymore54.The father thinks his daughter has been a _person.A.happy B.successful C.perfect D.hard-working 55.The father writes this letter to his daughter in order to tell her_.A.that her parents love her B.what she should never do C.how she can become successful D.that her parents will always help her 第 II 卷非选择题、从所给的句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面对话(A)(有两项是多余的)Shop worker:What can I do for you?Anna:_56_ Shop worker:What color do you like?Anna:Purple.Shop worker:All right._57_ Betty:Small.Anna worker:What about this one?Betty:_58_ Shop worker:Certainly.Anna:Oh,I like it._59_ Shop worker:It s 198 yuan.Anna:_60_ Shop worker:But wait a minute!There is a sale on today.Everything is half price.Anna:OK!I ll take it.A.That s too expensive.B.May I try it on?C.I d like to buy a T-shirt.D.I m afraid I don t like it.E.How much is it?F.What else would you like?G.What size do you take?(B)补全对话:根据对话内容,填写适当词语,使对话完整,正确.(每空词数不限)A:Welcome to Weihua clothes Store,61._61_?B:I d like to buy a sweater for my mum.Her birthday is coming.A:A happy mum!62._62_?B:She likes white.It looks good on her.A:All right.What size do you want for your mum?B:Small is OK.A:63._63_this one?B:It looks beautiful.How much does it cost?A:Oh,it s 398 yuan.B:What!398 yuan?I think it is too 64._64_.A:But wait a minute!There s a sale on today.Everything is half price.B:Well,that s great!I ll 65._65_ it.I m sure she will like it.、句子翻译(A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译.66.你介意把电视关掉吗?Would you mind _ _the TV?67.旧社会工人们每天要工作十多个小时.Workers were _ _ work for over ten hours every day in old days.68.坐飞机要比坐公交车快得多_ _taking the bus,taking the plan is much faster.69.很多青少年由于过重的作业负担而得不到足够的睡眠.A large number of teenagers cant get enough sleep_ _ too much homework 70.我不知道怎样与他相处融洽._71.不要把手机借给别人._ 72.我想去日本观光._(B)根据下面短文,将短文中划线部分的句子译成中文.73).We are all busy talking about and using the Internet.But how many of us know the history of the Internet?At first the Internet was only used by the governm


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