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    第页1 英语中考模拟测试卷(全卷四个部分,满分 120 分,考试用时120 分钟)第卷(选择题共90 分)第一部分听力(共四节,满分 30 分)第一节听句子,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出与所听句子内容相关的图画,每个句子听两遍.(共 5 小题;每小题1 分,满分 5 分)第二节听句子,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语.每个句子听两遍.(共 7 小题;每小题1 分,满分 7 分)()6.A.Twenty meters.B.Twenty kilos.C.Twenty yuan.()7.A.Lazy.B.Rainy.C.Two meters.()8.A.At seven.B.By air.C.Do some cleaning.()9.A.On the playground.B.Very well.C.My classmates.()10.A.Have breakfast.B.At half past six.C.Go to school.()11.A.Its my pleasure.B.Yes,I am.C.Thank you for saying so.()12.A.Winter.B.Spring is windy.C.Its summer here.第三节听对话及问题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出能回答问题的正确选项.每段对话听两遍.(共 8 小题;每小题1 分,满分 8 分)()13.A.Chinese.B.Chemistry.C.English.()14.A.Her handbag was stolen.第页2 B.She found a policeman.C.She bought a brown schoolbag.()15.A.In a bookstore.B.In a supermarket.C.In a theater.()16.A.Very funny.B.Boring.C.Moving.()17.A.It should be allowed.B.She doesnt mind it.C.It should be forbidden.()18.A.Because he is a new student.B.Because he is a new teacher.C.Because he has been ill for a long time.()19.A.Fried rice.B.Noodles.C.Dumplings.()20.A.Call his best friend.B.Visit his best friend.C.Write a letter to his best friend.第四节听短文,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出能完成下列题目的正确选项.短文听两遍.(共 5 小题;每小题2 分,满分 10 分)()21.Where did the friend s grandfather of the writer come from?A.Thailand.B.Manhattan.C.New York.()22.Why did the grandfather go into a cafeteria?A.Because he wanted to wait for someone.B.Because he wanted to get something to eat.C.Because he wanted to meet his friend.()23.Who might the woman in the cafeteria be?A.She might be a waitress.B.She might be a friend of the grandfather.C.She might be a customer.()24.What should we do to get food in a cafeteria?A.We should wait for the waiter patiently.B.We should ask someone for help.C.We should get it ourselves.第页3()25.What can we learn from the grandfather s words about the life in the US?A.Get up early and you can succeed.B.Act and get what you want on your own.C.Nobody brings you anything unless you pay the price.第二部分英语知识运用(共二节,满分 25 分)第一节单项选择从题中所给的A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)()26.I am not good at my subjects.When I want to give up,my teacher tells me that three months enough for me as long as I stick to my dream.I agree.Lets work harder together now.A.has B.have C.is D.are()27.You used to weak in most of your subjects,didn t you?Yes,I paid too much attention to online games then.A.be;play B.be;playing C.being;play D.being;playing()28.The hazy weather(雾霾天气)is so serious in the north of China recently.Yes.All of us must do to help the environment,or we will have more hazy weather.A.something useful B.anything useful C.useful somethingD.useful nothing()29.She was angry at all I was doing she walked out without saying anything.A.so;/;that B.such;/;that C.so;what;that D.such;what;that()30.My uncle says that Guo Jingming s movies are absurd(荒谬的).Maybe he is right.But Guo is good at making films are liked by teenagers.A.what B.those C.who D.that()31.I borrowed a lot of books from the library,but I read only of them because I had time.第页4 A.few;little B.a few;little C.little;little D.a few;a few()32.will you finish your homework?In an hour.A.How many B.How long C.How often D.How soon()33.Where would you like to visit tomorrow,Julia?How about going to the Kunming Zoo?A.Well,to be honest,I m not really interested in going to the Kunming Zoo.B.Terrible!You d better take the subway.C.Take it easy!You can do it.D.It doesnt matter.()34.Listen!Is Professor Johnson giving a report in Yunnan University?No,it be him.He has gone to Taiwan.A.needntB.may notC.can tD.mustn t()35.Which of the two T-shirts will you take?I will take,because I find of them are too expensive for me.A.both;both B.neither;both C.both;neither D.neither;neither()36.Its very important for us to protect the nature because we its rich resource to live.A.leave for B.give up C.depend on D.lead to()37.Granny,the school trip was very exciting but a little tiring.Oh,could you tell me?A.how did you go to work B.what you did in the trip C.that you saw something beautiful D.if your friends had played with you()38.I m worried about my P.E.examination on April 15th.I know you hate doing sports,but exercise you take,youll be.第页5 A.the fewer;the fatter B.the less;the more fatter C.the more;the fatter D.the less;the fatter()39.Lets talk about that report again.Oh,no.I don t want to beat a dead horse.A.kill the horse B.waste time C.do the same thing D.win the dead horse()40.My teacher said to me,“If you don t pull your socks up,you will fail the exam.”A.have a good rest B.put on your socks C.study harder D.stay up late 第二节完形填空从题中所给的A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出能填入空白处的正确选项.(共 10 小题;每小题1 分,满分 10 分)It was a cold afternoon.I was training a soccer team of firstgraders.It was the day of our 41 practice.I told the kids to sit on a long bench in the grass.Any time I train a new team,I spend a few minutes helping them get to 42 one another.Each kid needs to say his own name and the names of all the kids sitting to the left of him.A few minutes later,I decided to put the kids to a test.Alex was chosen to start at the end of the bench,go up to each kid,say that kid s 43 and then shake his right hand.Alex was doing well,and he went down the rowDylan,Micah,David and Beau-until he reached Ben.He said Bens name and reached out his right hand,but Ben just 44 there,his right hand 45 in his jacket.“Ben,why don t you let Alex shake your hand?”I asked.Ben stood up,and said:“But I dont have that 46.”He pulled his jacket away from his right shoulder.Bens arm ran from his right shoulder but his arm 47 at the elbow.No forearm,no hand,no fingers!I was shocked and couldn t think of 48 to say,but the little kids were unwilling to hide their curiosity(好奇心).“Look at that,”said Alex.“Hey,what happened to your arm?”another asked.第页6“Does it hurt?”Ben took off his jacket to 49 the kids what they all wanted to see.He explained to them that he had always been that 50,and it was nothing special.What he meant was that he wanted to be treated like everybody else.And he was.From that day on,he was just Ben,one of the players on the team.()41.A.first B.next C.later D.last()42.A.help B.see C.know D.teach()43.A.number B.class C.story D.name()44.A.sat B.played C.lay D.studied()45.A.opened B.hidden C.waved D.raised()46.A.finger B.hand C.foot D.leg()47.A.stopped B.pointed C.met D.joined()48.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything()49.A.offer B.give C.show D.ask()50.A.style B.manner C.nature D.way 第三部分阅读理解(共20 小题,满分 35 分)A Have you ever heard about the periodic table(元素周期表)lately?Well,there is some good news about this special table,but first,remember that the periodic table is used to organize all the elements,or things that make up our world.Elements are all around us.Iron is one of the most common elements found within the Earth.You probably know the element oxygen(氧),which is the element that we breathe in all the time.And elements can combine(结合)to make new things like H2O.This is hydrogen(氢)and oxygen put together,also known as water!Learning about these things helps us better understand the world we live in.But have you ever noticed something missing in the periodic table?There were already 114 elements.But the seventh row of the table was not finished,until now!In December,scientists from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry(IUPAC,国际纯粹与运用化学联合会)found the four elements that were missing.They are elements 113,115,117 and 118.第页7“To scientists,this is of greater value than an Olympic gold medal,”Royoji Noyori,a Nobel honored chemist,told the Guardian.The new elements are heavy metals and were made in laboratories.These kinds of elements cant be found in nature.Scientists are still looking for ways to use these elements,and other elements in the eighth row,in our daily lives.Scientists have been working on this for 10 years,but the work is not done.Now they will prepare to look for“element 119 and beyond”.But for now,be mindful when you read your science books because the periodic table might be outdated.根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的用“T”,错误的用“F”.(共 5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)()51.The periodic table is a special table which is used to organize all the elements,or things that make up our world.()52.Elements are around us.Oxygen is one of the most common elements found on the earth.()53.We know examples of some common elements from Paragraph 2.()54.The newly found elements are elements 113,114,117 and 118.()55.The new elements are widely used in our daily lives.B Dragons are not real animals,but look like a combination(结合体)of many animals such as snakes,fish,and deer.They have two horns and a long mustache(胡子).With fantastic power,they fly in the sky or swim in the sea.They can make rain,too.The Chinese dragon is a symbol of strength and good luck.The emperors of ancient China loved dragons.Their clothes were covered with pictures of dragons.We are proud to call ourselves the“descendants(传人)of the dragons”.In China,“excellent”people are often called“dragons”.A number of Chinese sayings and idioms talk about dragons,for example,“Hoping ones child will become a dragon”,which means hoping ones child will be successful.It is said that people born in the Year of the Dragon have certain characteristics.They are creative,confident,brave and quick-tempered.There are some famous“dragons”who have done excellent things,for example,the great man Deng Xiaoping who was born on August 22nd in 第页8 1904,the famous businessman Li Jiacheng and the movie star Zhao Wei.They are all successful.There are also some traditional festivals in China,such as Dragon Head-Raising Day and Dragon Boat Festival.We have different kinds of activities to celebrate them.These two festivals come every year,but the year of the Dragon comes every twelve years.The dragon is very important in Chinese culture.As the“descendants of the dragons”,it is necessary for us to know the views on dragons in our culture.It can help us understand why our parents always want us to be“dragons”.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案.(共 5 小题;每小题2分,满分 10 分)()56.What does the Chinese dragon symbolize?A.A combination of many animals.B.Chinese sayings and idioms.C.Traditional festivals.D.Strength and good luck.()57.In the passage,the underlined sentence“Hoping ones child will become a dragon”means“”in Chinese.A.龙马精神B.龙飞凤舞C.望子成龙D.龙腾虎跃()58.What characteristics may the people born in the Year of Dragon have?A.They may be creative,confident,brave and powerful.B.They may be creative,confident,brave and quick-tempered.C.They may be lovely,confident,brave and quick-tempered.D.They may be lucky,confident,creative and successful.()59.Which of the following years is the Year of the Dragon?A.2012.B.2016.C.2008.D.2018.()60.According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Dragons are real animals.B.There are many Chinese sayings and idioms about dragons.C.People born in the Year of the Dragon must be successful.D.The“descendants of the dragons”are often called“dragons”.C What is your impression of Denmark?Many of you may know it as a country of fairy tales 第页9 because it is the home place of Heinz Christian Andersen.But now Denmark has a new title:the happiest country in the world,according to the 2016 World Happiness Report.The report chose countries considering the following six factors:GDP per capita(人均生产总值),healthy life expectancy(平均寿命),low government corruption(腐败),a sense of social support,freedom to make life choices and a culture of generosity(慷慨).Denmark is neither the richest nor the biggest country.So why do the 5.7 million people of Denmark smile so much?“We have no worries.And if we do worry,it s about the weather.Will it rain today,remain grey or get cold?”Knud Christensen,a-39-year-old social worker from Copenhagen,explained to the Independent.Denmark has a series of policies that benefit its people.For example,the country supports parents if they want to be with their children,especially newborn babies.Danish families receive a total of 52 weeks of parental leave(育婴假).While American women only have an average of 10.3 weeks.Besides,women in Denmark don t need to worry about whether they are treated unfairly by their male workmates.In Denmark,gender equality(性别平等)is the priority(优先).In 1915,the country gave women the right to vote(选举).You also see women in the political world.The country now has its first female prime minister,Helle Thorning-Schmidt.The Nordic country is also famous for its biking culture.In Denmark s capital Copenhagen,bikes are used for about 50 percent of its people s trips to school or work.Biking is not only good for reducing environmental pollution,but also good for peoples health.Just 30 minutes of biking a day adds an average of one to two years to a persons life expectancy,The Huffington Post reported.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案.(共 5 小题;每小题2分,满分 10 分)()61.The report chose the happiest country according to the following factors EXCEPT.A.GDP per capita B.a culture of generosity C.their peoples life expectancy D.their people s looks()62.What does the weather example want to show?A.Danish people don t like rain.第页10 B.Danish people hate cold weather.C.Denmark often has bad weather.D.Danish people don t worry much.()63.In Denmark,.A.women don t like to work B.people enjoy some good policies C.men and women are treated unfairly D.women don t have the right to vote()64.What does the last paragraph talk about?A.Denmark s big biking culture.B.Biking,the best transportation.C.Why Danish people live a long life.D.How Denmark protects its environment.()65.Whats the best title of the passage?A.A country of fairy tales.B.The happiest country.C.A country which has a series of policies to enrich people.D.Neither the richest nor the biggest country.D Anger is a kind of feeling.66 When your teacher gives you too much homework,when your team loses an important game,when a friend borrows your favorite thing and then breaks it,you may get angry.67 For example,you breathe faster,your face turns red,and you may want to break something or hit someone,but sometimes you hide your anger.For example,you may hide it in your heart.The problem is that if you do this,you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt.In fact,it s normal for you to get angry sometimes,but it s not good to hide your anger.68 When you get angry,you can talk about it with adults,such as parents,teachers,etc.69 Here are some other things you can do when you start to feel angry:count from 1 to 100;give someone a hug;go for a bike ride;think about good things,etc.第页11 Remember that when you are angry,how you act can make things better or worse.70 根据短文内容,从下面的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.其中有两项为多余选项.(共 5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)A.So anger must be let out in the right way,without hurting others or yourself.B.Don t let your anger control you.C.Anger can cause many serious diseases.D.Usually,your body will tell you when you are angry.E.After doing that,you will find those bad feelings can start to go away.F.Many things can make you angry.G.As soon as you find your problems,you may cry to relax.第卷


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