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    RevisionRevision of of Units 7-8Units 7-8人教版人教版1 allow v允许;许可;承认允许;许可;承认allow sb to do sth 允允许许某人做某事某人做某事allow doing sth 允允许许做某事做某事be allowed to do sth 被允被允许许做某事做某事人教版人教版(1)Our teacher _us to go out for a walk.我们的老师准许我们到外面散步。我们的老师准许我们到外面散步。(2)He_smoking here.他允许在这儿吸烟。他允许在这儿吸烟。(3)The students_design their own uniforms.学生们被允许设计他们自己的校服。学生们被允许设计他们自己的校服。allowsallowsare allowed to人教版人教版2 annoy v使恼怒;使生气;打扰;骚扰使恼怒;使生气;打扰;骚扰annoy为动词为动词,其形容,其形容词词形式形式为为annoyed,常用搭配:,常用搭配:be annoyed with sb 对对某人生气或某人生气或烦恼烦恼be annoyed at/about sth 对对某事物生气或某事物生气或烦恼烦恼be annoyed that句子句子be annoyed to do sth 对对做某事感到生气或做某事感到生气或烦恼烦恼get annoyed 生气;生气;恼恼怒怒人教版人教版类类似的似的结结构构还还有:有:get mad;get nervous;get injured;get angry等。等。人教版人教版(1)She is _him.她她对对他很生气。他很生气。(2)She was _what he said.她她对对他他说说的的话话很生气。很生气。(3)Will she be _you forgot to phone?你忘你忘记记打打电话电话了,她会生气了,她会生气吗吗?(4)I was _find that they had left without telling me.他他们们撇下我走了,撇下我走了,这这使我很生气。使我很生气。annoyed withannoyed at/aboutannoyed thatannoyed to人教版人教版3 encourage v鼓励;激励鼓励;激励encourage的的反反义义词词是是discourage,意意为为“使使泄泄气气;使使灰心灰心”。encourage与与discourage分分别别构成固定搭配:构成固定搭配:encourage sb to do sth 激激励励某某人人去去干干某某事事;discourage sb from doing sth 劝劝阻某人不要干某事。阻某人不要干某事。人教版人教版活学活用活学活用(1)Our parents _us to study hard.我们的父母鼓励我们努力学习。我们的父母鼓励我们努力学习。(2)My uncle _me from going swimming last week.上周我叔叔劝阻我不要去游泳。上周我叔叔劝阻我不要去游泳。encouragediscouraged人教版人教版4 mind v介意介意mind doing sth 介意做某事介意做某事mind ones doing sth 介意某人做某事介意某人做某事mindif 从句介意从句介意Would you mind doing the dishes?Do you mind doing the dishes?Please do the dishes.请请把餐具洗了,好把餐具洗了,好吗吗?(表示表示请请求求别别人做某事人做某事)Would you mind my smoking here?Do you mind if I smoke here?你介意我在你介意我在这这里抽烟里抽烟吗吗?人教版人教版()Would you mind my closing the window?_.ACertainly notBYes,pleaseCSorry,I wontA人教版人教版5 instead adv.代替,而不是代替,而不是instead作副作副词词,在句中充当状,在句中充当状语语,放在句首或句末。,放在句首或句末。We have no dumplings.Would you like noodles instead?我我们们没有没有饺饺子了,改吃面条好子了,改吃面条好吗吗?instead of 是是介介词词短短语语,意意为为“代代替替,而而不不是是”,后后接接名名词词、代代词词或或动动名名词词、介、介词词短短语语作作宾语宾语,不能,不能单单独使用。独使用。Lets go swimming instead of staying at home.咱咱们们去游泳吧,去游泳吧,别别待在家里。待在家里。他他整理了床铺,而没有洗衣服。整理了床铺,而没有洗衣服。He made the bed _ clothes.instead of washing人教版人教版1 Dogs are too difficult to take care of.狗太难看管了。狗太难看管了。tooto“太太而而不不能能”,表表示示否否定定意意义义。too后后跟跟形容形容词词,to后跟后跟动词动词原形。原形。tooto结结构可以构可以转换转换成以下两种句型:成以下两种句型:(1)not形形容容词词enough to(其其中中形形容容词词应应该该是是tooto结结构中形容构中形容词词的反的反义词义词)。(2)sothat(此此时时that引引导导的的句句子子中中的的谓谓语语动动词词要要用用否否定定形形式式)。人教版人教版 The weather is _ bad _ go out.The weather is_ go out.The weather is _we cant go out.天气太糟糕,我天气太糟糕,我们们不能出去。不能出去。tootonot good enough toso bad that人教版人教版2 Why dont you get her a camera?你为什么不给她买一部照相机呢?你为什么不给她买一部照相机呢?Why dont you do sth?是是一一种种提提建建议议的的句句型型,表表示示“你你为为什什么么不不?”该该结结构构相相当当于于Why not do sth?或或How/What about doing sth?当当征求他人意征求他人意见见,向他人提建,向他人提建议时议时,还还可用下列句型:可用下列句型:(1)Youd better(not)do(2)You should/need(3)Would you like to do?(4)Could/Would you(please)do?人教版人教版_ you go out for a picnic?_go out for a picnic?_going out for a picnic?你们为什么不外出野餐呢?你们为什么不外出野餐呢?Why dontWhy notHow/What about人教版人教版3 In the USA,some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts.在在美美国国,一一些些人人要要求求家家人人和和朋朋友友把把钱钱捐捐给给慈慈善善机机构构而而不不是给他们买礼物。是给他们买礼物。rather than 是一个并列是一个并列连词连词,其用法如下:,其用法如下:(1)rather than与与would连连用用时时,构成句型:,构成句型:would rather do sth than do sthwould do sth rather than do sth意意为为“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”,表示主,表示主观观愿望。愿望。人教版人教版意意为为“是是而而不不是是,与与其其不不如如”。它它连连接接的的并并列列成成分分可可以以是是名名词词、代代词词、形形容容词词、介介词词(短短语语),动动词词(常常用用不不带带to的不定式或的不定式或动动名名词词)等。等。He wants to be a teacher rather than a reporter.他想当一名老他想当一名老师师而不是而不是记记者。者。I feel like flying kites rather than playing tennis.我想要放我想要放风风筝而不是打网球。筝而不是打网球。人教版人教版()The old man would _in the village rather than _back to the city.Alive;to goBto live;goClive;go Dto live;to goC人教版人教版()1.Would you mind cleaning your room?_.Ill do it right away.ACertainlyBOf courseCYes,please DNot at all()2._buy a scarf?Thats too boring.AWhy dont BWhy notCWhat about DWould you like()3.We_to smoke in public.Adont allow Barent allowedCwill allow Dwont allowDBBnotnotat allat all与与not at all not at all(1)not(1)notat allat all意为意为“根本不根本不”,用在句子中,用在句子中,notnot和和bebe动词或助动词构成否定句。动词或助动词构成否定句。(2)not at all(2)not at all 常用在口语中,它常用在下列场合:常用在口语中,它常用在下列场合:当别人向你表示感谢,此时当别人向你表示感谢,此时Not at all.Not at all.相当于相当于Youre Youre welcome./Its a pleasure./Thats all right.welcome./Its a pleasure./Thats all right.等。等。当别人问你对某事介意不介意时,此时当别人问你对某事介意不介意时,此时Not at all.Not at all.相当相当于于Of course not./Certainly not./No,please.Of course not./Certainly not./No,please.等。等。当别人因打扰你而向你致歉时,此时当别人因打扰你而向你致歉时,此时Not at all.Not at all.相当于相当于It doesnt matter./Thats all right.It doesnt matter./Thats all right.等。等。人教版人教版.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.I want to get my sister something special for 1.I want to get my sister something special for her birthday.Can you give me some her birthday.Can you give me some _ (suggest)?(suggest)?2.It is 2.It is _(polite)to take away others(polite)to take away others things without asking.things without asking.3.Even if you are with your friends3.Even if you are with your friends,it is it is _(good)to keep your voice down in(good)to keep your voice down in public places.public places.人教版人教版 suggestions suggestions impoliteimpolite better better 4.Im feeling 4.Im feeling _(comfortable).I need(comfortable).I need to see a doctor.to see a doctor.5.We should try 5.We should try _(not be)late for school.(not be)late for school.6.I have something 6.I have something _(person)to trouble(person)to trouble you.you.7.Are there any 7.Are there any _(mouse)in your house?(mouse)in your house?8.Who is the 8.Who is the _(win)of Mens 110m Hurdles(win)of Mens 110m Hurdles in the 29th Olympic Games?in the 29th Olympic Games?人教版人教版uncomfortableuncomfortablenot to be not to be personal personal mice mice winnerwinner.句型转换句型转换1.Would you mind not following me?(1.Would you mind not following me?(改为同义句改为同义句)_ you _ not follow me?_ you _ not follow me?2.2.Spending too much time waiting in lineSpending too much time waiting in line annoyed annoyed him.(him.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_ _ _?_ _ _?3.Why dont you go shopping with me?(3.Why dont you go shopping with me?(改为同义句改为同义句)_ _ _ shopping with me?_ _ _ shopping with me?4.You should get your mother 4.You should get your mother a new dressa new dress on her on her birthday.(birthday.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_ _ I get my mother on her _ _ I get my mother on her birthday?birthday?人教版人教版 please please CouldCouldhimhim WhatWhatannoyedannoyedgogo Why Why notnotshouldshouldWhatWhat人教版人教版考点突破人教版人教版词汇点睛词汇点睛1 exchange n&v.交换;互换交换;互换搭配搭配 exchange sth for sth 用某物用某物换换某物某物exchange sth with sb 和某人交和某人交换换某物某物May I exchange my seat with you?我能跟你互我能跟你互换换座位座位吗吗?Lets have an exchange of the ideas on the matter.我我们对这们对这个事件交个事件交换换一下意一下意见见吧。吧。人教版人教版活学活用活学活用(1)He _ a blue sweater _ared one.他把蓝毛衣换成了红色的。他把蓝毛衣换成了红色的。(2)Ali _ seats _Ben.阿里与本交换了座位。阿里与本交换了座位。exchangedforexchangedwith人教版人教版2 whether conj.是否是否点点拨拨 既既可可用用whether 也也可可用用if来来引引导导宾宾语语从从句句。if和和whether表表示示“是是否否”之之意意时时,常常可可换换用用,但但在在下下列列情情况况下下只只能能用用whether:(1)在在不不定定式式前前;(2)在在介介词词之之后后;(3)后后面面直直接接跟跟or not。Ill see whether/if shes at home.我来看看她在不在家。我来看看她在不在家。人教版人教版活学活用活学活用(1)He is not sure _to watch TV or go to bed.他拿不准是看电视还是上床睡觉。他拿不准是看电视还是上床睡觉。(2)Mike is thinking of _his parents will see him today.麦克正在考虑他的父母今天是否会来看他。麦克正在考虑他的父母今天是否会来看他。(3)I dont know _hell come or not.我不知道他是否会来。我不知道他是否会来。whetherwhetherwhether人教版人教版3 neither adj.pron.&adv.两者都不两者都不(的的);也不;也不点点拨拨(1)“neither 单单数数名名词词”表表示示“既既不不是是(二二者者之之中中的的)这这一个,也不是另一个一个,也不是另一个”。(2)“neither of名名词词或或代代词词”,名名词词或或代代词词为为复复数数,后后面面的的动动词词一一般般用用单单数数,名名词词之之前前必必须须有有限限定定词词,如如my,the,any,these等。等。(3)neither用用于于句句首首,后后面面用用倒倒装装语语序序,neither也也可可用用nor替替换换,即:,即:neither/nor助助动动词词/be/情情态态动动词词主主语语,表表示示与与前前面面所述的否定情况相同。所述的否定情况相同。人教版人教版注注意意 so助助动动词词/be/情情态态动动词词主主语语,表表示示与与前前面面所所述的肯定情况相同。述的肯定情况相同。(4)neithernor用用来来连连接接两两个个词词或或词词组组,表表示示否否定定概概念,是念,是bothand的反的反义词组义词组。拓拓展展 当当neithernor连连接接主主语语时时,谓谓语语动动词词遵遵循循“就近原就近原则则”。Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?Im afraid neither day is possible.“你周一或周二能来你周一或周二能来吗吗?”“恐怕哪天都不行。恐怕哪天都不行。”人教版人教版Neither of my brothers has a car.我的两个兄弟都没有汽我的两个兄弟都没有汽车车。I cant dance.Neither can I.“我不会跳舞。我不会跳舞。”“我也不会。我也不会。”They have been to the zoo.So have we.“他他们们去去过动过动物园。物园。”“我我们们也去也去过过。”He neither smokes nor drinks.他既不抽烟也不喝酒。他既不抽烟也不喝酒。人教版人教版活学活用活学活用(1)Neither my parents nor I _at home yesterday.昨天我父母和我都不在家。昨天我父母和我都不在家。(2)I have never been to England._ _I.“我从没去过英国我从没去过英国”。“我也没去过我也没去过”。was/stayedNeitherhave人教版人教版4 least adj.最少的最少的点点拨拨 (1)least是是little的的最最高高级级形形式式,其其相相对对的的词词是是most。the least作作为为限定限定词词用在不可数名用在不可数名词词之前表示数量。之前表示数量。(2)at least(至少至少)相相对对的的词组词组是是at most。She does the least work in this factory.她在她在这这个厂子干最少的活。个厂子干最少的活。She may be slow but at least she is honest.她也她也许许有些有些迟钝迟钝,但至少她,但至少她诚实诚实。人教版人教版5 population n人口人口点点拨拨 指指人人口口“多多”时时用用large/big,“少少”时时用用small;表表示示某某国国、某某地地有有多多少少人人口口时时,一一般般说说the population ofis或或has a population of;提提问问“有有多多少少人人口口”用用what或或how large,不用,不用how many或或how much。The population of this city is getting larger and larger,but the population of my village is getting smaller and smaller.My village has a population of 200.这这个个城城市市的的人人口口数数量量越越来来越越多多,但我但我们们村的人口数量越来越少。我村的人口数量越来越少。我们们村有两百人。村有两百人。What is the population of Canada?加拿大的人口是多少?加拿大的人口是多少?人教版人教版6 wake v醒来;唤醒醒来;唤醒点拨点拨 wake up意意为为“睡醒,醒来,睡醒,醒来,唤唤醒醒”。wake up 后的后的宾语宾语是代是代词时词时,必,必须须放在放在wake和和up中中间间。She usually wakes(up)at six in the morning.她通常早上六点醒来。她通常早上六点醒来。Dont wake him up.Hes too tired.别别吵醒他,他太累了。吵醒他,他太累了。拓拓展展 awake作作形形容容词词,意意为为“醒醒着着的的”,常常放放在在系系动动词词后后,用作表用作表语语,其反,其反义词为义词为asleep。Dont make so much noise.The tiger will probably be awake.别这别这么吵,老虎可能会醒来。么吵,老虎可能会醒来。人教版人教版7 note n笔记;短信;便条笔记;短信;便条 v注意;观察注意;观察搭配搭配 take/make notes of 记录记录;做;做的笔的笔记记take note of 注意到;将注意到;将铭记铭记在心在心notes to the text 课课文注文注释释Please take notes of the lecture.请请做做讲讲座笔座笔记记。Ill have to leave a note for Mary.我得我得为玛丽为玛丽留留张张便条。便条。Note my new name and how to spell it.记记下我的新名字及它的拼法。下我的新名字及它的拼法。人教版人教版句型透视句型透视1 Have you ever been to Disneyland?你曾经去过迪斯尼乐园吗?你曾经去过迪斯尼乐园吗?点拨点拨(1)have/has been to意思是意思是“到到过过,去,去过过”,表示曾,表示曾经经到到过过某地,而此某地,而此时时人已不在那儿了。人已不在那儿了。(2)have/has gone to意思是意思是“去了某地去了某地”,现现在人可能在去的途在人可能在去的途中或已在那个地方了,而不在中或已在那个地方了,而不在说话说话者者处处。(3)have/has been in/at意思是意思是“曾曾经经待在某地待在某地”,常和持,常和持续续性的性的时间时间状状语连语连用。用。Have you ever been to Hong Kong?你曾你曾经经去去过过香港香港吗吗?Where is Lily?Has she gone to the library?莉莉在哪儿?她去莉莉在哪儿?她去图书馆图书馆了了吗吗?人教版人教版I have been in Harbin for three years.我已我已经经在哈在哈尔尔滨滨待了三年了。待了三年了。活学活用活学活用()(1)2010自自贡贡 Where are the Greens,may I ask?Well,they _ England.They have been there for nearly a week now.Ahave been toBare going toChave gone toC人教版人教版()(2)Tom _ the USA.He _ back in two months.Ahas gone to;comesBhas gone to;will beChas been to;comesDhas been to;will beB人教版人教版2 This is great weather,isnt it?今天是个好天气,不是吗?今天是个好天气,不是吗?点点拨拨 这这是是一一个个反反意意疑疑问问句句,由由前前后后两两部部分分构构成成,其其结结构构为为:“肯肯定定陈陈述述句句简简略略否否定定问问句句”或或“否否定定陈陈述述句句简简略略肯肯定定问问句句”。若若陈陈述述句句中中含含有有hardly,never,few,little,nothing,nobody等否定意等否定意义义的的词时词时,简简略略问问句要用肯定式。句要用肯定式。Tom gets up very early every day,doesnt he?汤汤姆每天起床很早,是不是?姆每天起床很早,是不是?They didnt go for a walk,did they?他他们们没去散步,没去散步,对吗对吗?There are few people in the shop,are there?这这家商店几乎没人,是家商店几乎没人,是吗吗?人教版人教版活学活用活学活用完成下列反意疑问句完成下列反意疑问句(1)The girl speaks English well,_ _?(2)Linda can drive a car,_ _?(3)They are never late for school,_ _?(4)There is little food in the fridge,_ _?doesntshe cantsheare theyisthere人教版人教版高频考点高频考点()1.Have you _the film yet?Yes,I _it last Sunday.Asaw;sawBsaw;seenCseen;saw Dseen;see()2.2011福福州州 Li Mei usually helps others,_?Yes,she is kindhearted.Adoes she Bis sheCdoesnt she()3.My parents enjoy traveling.They _many interesting places.Ahave gone to Bhave been toChave been in Dhave gone outCCB基础过关词汇专练.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.Mike is very b1.Mike is very b_ and he isnt afraid of tigers.and he isnt afraid of tigers.2.The t2.The t_ of tomorrow will be above 10.of tomorrow will be above 10.3.Dont f3.Dont f_.We will be safe.We will be safe.4.I arrived at school at a q4.I arrived at school at a q_ past seven today.past seven today.人教版人教版rave rave emperature emperature ear ear uarter uarter 5.5.Oh,Sonia,you are late again.Oh,Sonia,you are late again.Im sorry,but the t_ is really busy Im sorry,but the t_ is really busy this morning.this morning.6.I forgot to say g_ when I left.6.I forgot to say g_ when I left.7.I think you should write a thank7.I think you should write a thank you n_ to you n_ to the boy.the boy.8.The b_ is only six months old.Hes very 8.The b_ is only six months old.Hes very lovely lovely,isnt he?isnt he?人教版人教版rafficrafficoodbye oodbye ote ote aby aby.根据汉语提示完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子1.A lot of animals only 1.A lot of animals only _(醒来醒来)at night.)at night.2.We 2.We _(发现发现)this beach while we were)this beach while we were sailing around the island.sailing around the island.3.I want to 3.I want to _(成为一名导游成为一名导游)after school.)after school.4.Id like to watch animals in the 4.Id like to watch animals in the _ (自然环境自然环境)人教版人教版 wake up wake up discovered discovered be a guidebe a guidenatural environment natural environment 5.There are _(5.There are _(四季四季)in a year.)in a year.6.Hundreds of _(6.Hundreds of _(歌迷歌迷)showed their love to)showed their love to Jay Chou.Jay Chou.7.I can hardly wait.The line is too _ 7.I can hardly wait.The line is too _ (慢的慢的)8.We eat lunch _(8.We eat lunch _(在中午在中午)人教版人教版four seasonsfour seasons fans fans slowslow at noonat noon.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.He 1.He _ ever ever _(be)to the History Museum (be)to the History Museum several times.several times.2.Lets go to a 2.Lets go to a _(sand)beach to take photos.(sand)beach to take photos.3.The best way3.The best way_(work)out the problem is (work)out the problem is to ask the teacher for help.to ask the teacher for help.4.Noise is very unpleasant4.Noise is very unpleasant,_(especial)(especial)when youre trying to sleep.when youre trying to sleep.5.There are two people 5.There are two people _(wait)in line to(wait)in line to buy ice cream in the picture.buy ice cream in the picture.6.There are two 6.There are two _(fox)in the picture.(fox)in the picture.人教版人教版 been been hashas sandy sandy to work to work especiallyespeciallywaitingwaiting foxes foxes.根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词1.1.昨天我们的英语课以一首歌结束。昨天我们的英语课以一首歌结束。Our English class _ _ with a song Our English class _ _ with a song yesterday.yesterday.2.2.这座山终年覆盖着厚厚的雪。这座山终年覆盖着厚厚的雪。The mountain is covered with thick snow _ The mountain is covered with thick snow _ _ _._ _.3.3.无论是夏天还是冬天,海南岛是放松自己最好的地方。无论是夏天还是冬天,海南岛是放松自己最好的地方。_ it is in summer _in winter_ it is in summer _in winter,Hainan Hainan Island is the best place to relax yourself.Island is the best place to relax yourself.人教版人教版句型句型专练专练up up ended ended round round allallyearyearWhether Whether oror4.4.他们来加拿大已经有五年了。他们来加拿大已经有五年了。They have_ _ Canada for five They have_ _ Canada for five years.years.5.5.每支队至少应该募捐每支队至少应该募捐6,0006,000港币。港币。Each team should raise_ _ 6,000 Each team should raise_ _ 6,000 HK dollars.HK dollars.6.6.昨天小李和我们一起来的。昨天小李和我们一起来的。Xiao Li_ _ _ us yesterday.Xiao Li_ _ _ us yesterday.人教版人教版 been been ininleast least atatwith with camecamealongalong7.7.另一方面,我们都不了解这座城市。另一方面,


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