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    Unit6 Topic3 Section c.ppt

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    Unit6 Topic3 Section c.ppt

    佛冈县大陂中学佛冈县大陂中学 范春晖范春晖1.talk about how to ask the way1.talk about how to ask the way2.talk about how to give directionSay the meaning of each traffic sign.Turn leftTurn rightNo right turnNo left turnSay the meaning of each traffic sign.No parkingParkingCrosswalkDanger=Dont park here.traffic lightred-stopyellow-waitgreen-goPre-readingcross the street 过街过街look left/right 向左向左/右看右看 Pre-readinga traffic accident 交通事故交通事故 get hurt 受伤受伤 lose ones life 丧生丧生 Pre-reading Keeping Safe on the StreetTask 1 Look at the title of the passage and guess what the passage is about.can we keep safe when we are walking on the street?1a.Read and understand While-readingHow First,First,Second,Second,Third,Third,Last,Last,The words,first,second,third,and last,are useful.They will help you understand the passage better.While-readingTask 2 Go through the passage and find out how many rules there are.4 Task 3 Read 1a and fill in the blanks.P47 1b.How can we keep safe when we are walking on the street?FirstWe must _ the traffic rules.We can cross the street when we see the _“walk”sign.SecondWe must _ and _ both ways.ThirdWe must never _ on the street.LastWe should help _ and _ _ cross the street.All of us should be very careful when we are walking on the street.obeygreenstoplookplaychildrenoldpeople While-readingObey the traffic rules.Cross the street when the light is green.Stop and look both ways before crossing the street.Never play on the street Help children and old people cross the street.Watch the flash of 1a and check the answers.Retell the passage.Post-reading First,cross Second,look Third,playLast,helpMatch the following sentences with the pictures.A.Dont drive too fast.B.Stop when the light is red.C.Turn right.D.Dont park here.E.Be careful!F.Dont play on the street.P48 3 Post-readingA.Dont drive too fast.B.Stop when the light is red.C.Turn right.D.Dont park here.E.Be careful!F.Dont play on the street.祈祈使使句句表表示示请请求求、命命令令、建建议议,句句子子通通常常不不带带主主语语,谓谓语语动动词词用用原原形形。肯肯定定形形式式一一般般以以动动词词原原形形开开头头,其其否否定定形形式式是是在在谓语动词前加谓语动词前加do notdo not或或dondont t。Work in groups.Discuss and write more traffic rules.P48 4Dont drive after drinking.Dont ride on the sidewalk.Cross.1.You must never pay in the street.(改为同义句 _ _ in the street.2.Do your homework after school.(改为否定句 _ _ your homework after school.3.How can I get to the Zhongshan Park?(改为否定句)Can you tell me the _ _ the Zhongshan Park?4.Every year many people _ _ _(失去生命)in the traffic.5.If you drive too fast,youll get _ _ _ _(超速罚单).Dont playDont doway to lose their livesaticketforspeeding 1.some words:safe,hurt,lose,sign,both,first,second,third,last 2.some phrases:traffic accident,get hurt,lose ones life 3.traffic rules First,we must obey the traffic rules.Second,before we cross the street Third,we must never play on the street.Last,Its good to1.1.牢记本课新单词和短语。牢记本课新单词和短语。2.2.写出尽量多的交通规则。写出尽量多的交通规则。3.3.预习预习Section DSection D


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