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    Unit 1 Art Period 4 Reading for writing A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING Write an art exhibition announcement 1.To know the writing type of the passage and analyse the passage.2.To learn to write an art exhibition announcement,using the words,phrases and sentence patterns in Unit 1.3.To be proud of Chinese arts.Reading for structuresExposition(introduction to an exhibition)highlightssignificance/benefitspoints for attentiongeneral informationIntroductionIntroductionBodyBodySummarySummaryRead the text again and complete the advertising leaflet below.NEW EXHIBITION “_”_ More than _ of wonderful art from China on display.THERICHFIELDTHERICHFIELDMUSEUMMUSEUMOFFINEARTOFFINEART From Shang to Qing:Chinese Art Through the Ages.3000 yearsReading for detailsHighlights:The painting Clearing After Snow on a Mountain Pass,by _.A collection of nearly 100 _.Many fine examples of _.Tang Yinbronze objectsTang Dynasty sculptures You will _.be transported to another time with its amazing collection of worksDate:Now until _.Opening hours:_ a.m.to _ p.m.Museum is closed on _.Tickets:Adults$_,Students$_.Children under 12$5,Children under 5 freeNo photos or food and drink allowed in museum.November 259:005:00Mondays108 A new exhibition,“From Shang to Qing:Chinese Art Through the Ages”will be on in the Richfield Museum of Fine Art.The items include bronze bowls,ceramic _(vase),jade sculptures and ink wash paintings.The goal is(display)the Chinese artistic genius from ancient times.The highlight of this exhibition is the painting(call)Clearing After Snow on a Mountain Pass,one of the great works of Tang Yin gained recognition as one of the (great)artists China has ever known.A collection of nearly 100 bronze objects from the Shang Dynasty is eye-catching as well,some of which are thought (come)from the collection of Emperor Qianlong,great admirer of Shang Dynasty bronze.Many fine examples of Tang Dynasty sculptures will be display,too.These works were intended (spread)Buddhism and they are of exceptional beauty and quality.The exhibition will transport you to another time with(it)amazing collection of works.vases to display called who greatest to have come a onto spread its What an advertising leaflet should be like?What is on displayshow?The goalpurpose to displayThe highlights of the show:Advertise for the showNotes:Time+Place+Admission+RulesWritingWrite an announcement about a trip to see a Chinese painting exhibition in city museum.points for attentiongeneral information(theme/place/goal)highlightsignificance假如你是李华,你校将组织校内留学生参观中国画展,请写一则通知发布在校园网上。内容包括:1.展览的时间和地点;2.展览内容;3.参观时的注意事项。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。be organized pay a visit to be located in the highlights are be on display gain recognition/reputation as(for)be representative of guarantee that be worthy ofUseful ExpressionsUseful Expressions WritingWrite an art exhibition announcementPart I 介绍此次展览的主题和目介绍此次展览的主题和目的的为弘扬中国优秀地传统文化,我们学校将于下周四组织学生参观为弘扬中国优秀地传统文化,我们学校将于下周四组织学生参观中国画展。Our school is going to organize the exchange students to visitthe Chinese Painting Exhibition.1.Aiming to promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture,a visit to the Chinese Painting Exhibition will be organized for the students in our school next Tuesday.2.Aiming to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and enrich the students school life,a visit to the Chinese Painting Exhibition will be organized for the students in our school next Tuesday.in order to do/be intended to do/be aimed at/to do Part II 引导观众关注展览的主要亮点引导观众关注展览的主要亮点Write an art exhibition announcementThe Richfield Museum of Fine Art is proud to present our new exhibition.From bronze bowls to ceramic vases,and jade sculptures to ink wash painting,our goal is to display the Chinese artistic genius from ancient times.The highlight of this exhibition is the painting.,one of the great works of Tang Yin.This painting,showing high mountains,trees,and houses covered in snow,was made with extraordinary skill.Though it is over 500 years old,it looks as fresh and full of life as the day it was created.Also of primary note is a collection of.Some of the items on display are thought to have.Finally,we have many fine examples of Tang Dynasty sculptures.They are of exceptional beauty and quality._这次的展览主要展示的是宋朝的水墨画。这些画作精美绝伦,栩栩如生。The highlight of the exhibition is the ink wash paintings from Song Dynasty,which are of exceptional beauty and full of life.这次的展览呈现的是中国画的历史以及来自名家的丰富的作品,有水墨画,山水画等。The exhibition presents the history of traditional Chinese paintings as well as various vivid works from Chinese artistic geniuses,ranging from ink wash paintings to landscape paintings.Write an art exhibition announcement这次展览中特别值得关注的是宋朝的水墨画,这些作品都被认为是最值得一看的。Of primary note is the ink wash paintings from Song Dynasty,which are thought to be the most excellent works worthy to be enjoyed.这次的展览以中国国画的发展历史为中心,展示来自各个朝代的名家名画,从中,你能对中国文化的发展有更深入的了解。The exhibition centers on the history of the traditional Chinese paintings and displays various famous paintings of exceptional beauty from different dynasties,through which you are expected to have a deep insight into the development of Chinese culture.Write an art exhibition announcementPart III 提供实用信息(包括展览时间、售票信息以及观展注意事项等提供实用信息(包括展览时间、售票信息以及观展注意事项等Write an art exhibition announcementThe exhibition will run from Feb.20 to March.20 in the Wenzhou Museum,which is located in the centre of our city.1.1.开馆时间为上午开馆时间为上午8 8点至下午点至下午5 5点,下午点,下午4:304:30后停止入馆。后停止入馆。Opening hours are from 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.No one will be admitted into the exhibition after 4:30 p.m.2.2.不允许携带相机、食物和饮料进入馆内。不允许携带相机、食物和饮料进入馆内。No photos or food and drink are allowed in the museum.3.3.进展览馆是免费的。进展览馆是免费的。Admission/Entry to the exhibition is free.We are to gather at the school gate at 2:00 pm on Feb.25 and the school bus will take us there.Dont be late.Bring your student cards with you.Keep in mind that.Other AttentionsOther AttentionsWrite an art exhibition announcementNotice Aimed to promote traditional Chinese culture,our school is to arrange for the exchange students to pay a visit to the Chinese Painting Exhibition.The exhibition will run from Feb.20 to March.20 in the Wenzhou Museum,which is located in the centre of our city.It centers on the history of the traditional Chinese paintings and displays various famous paintings of exceptional beauty from different dynasties,from which you are expected to have a deep insight into the development of Chinese culture.We are to gather at the school gate at 2:00 pm Feb.25 and the school bus will take us there.Keep in mind that no photos or food and drink are allowed in the museum.the Student Union(120 words)Sample1Notice To promote traditional Chinese culture,our school is to arrange for the exchange students to visit the Chinese Painting Exhibition in the Wenzhou Museum.Running from Feb.20 to March.20,the exhibition centers on the history of the traditional Chinese paintings and displays various famous paintings of exceptional beauty from different dynasties,from which you are expected to have a deep insight into the development of Chinese culture.We are to gather at the school gate at 2:00 pm,Feb.25.Keep in mind that no photos or food and drink are allowed in the museum.the Student Union(96 words)Sample2


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