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    英语新课标(RJ)英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一.单项填空单项填空()1.)1.We have a lovely room.Its one of _ in We have a lovely room.Its one of _ in the hotel.the hotel.A Anicenice B Bnicernicer C Cnicest nicest D Dthe nicestthe nicestD 解析解析 考查形容词比较级的用法。由考查形容词比较级的用法。由“in the in the hotelhotel”可知,需用最高级,且前面有冠词可知,需用最高级,且前面有冠词thethe,故,故选选D D。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一()2.)2.Of all the subjects,chemistry seems to be Of all the subjects,chemistry seems to be _ for me._ for me.A Adifficult difficult B Btoo difficulttoo difficult C Cmore difficult more difficult D Dthe most difficultthe most difficultD 解析解析 考查形容词比较等级。由比较范围考查形容词比较等级。由比较范围“of all of all the subjectsthe subjects”可知用最高级形式,故选可知用最高级形式,故选D D。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一()3.)3.Hi,Ella.Which is the_ street in your Hi,Ella.Which is the_ street in your city?city?High Street.Many people go shopping there.High Street.Many people go shopping there.A Abusier busier B Bquieter quieter C Cbusiest busiest D DquietestquietestC 解析解析 由由“in your cityin your city”可知应用最高级形式,可知应用最高级形式,故排除故排除A A、B B选项;由选项;由“many peoplemany people”可推知可推知 High High Street Street 非常繁华,故选非常繁华,故选C C。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一()4.)4.The_friends you have,the_ you The_friends you have,the_ you will be.will be.A Amore;happy more;happy B Bmany;happymany;happy C Cmore;happier more;happier D Dmany;happiermany;happierC 解析解析 句意为句意为“你的朋友越多,你就会越快乐你的朋友越多,你就会越快乐”。“thethe比较级,比较级,thethe比较级比较级”,表示,表示“越越,就,就越越”。故选。故选C C。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一()5.)5.What do you think of the dress?What do you think of the dress?Wonderful.I dont think I can find a_ Wonderful.I dont think I can find a_ one.one.A Agood good B Bbetterbetter C Cbad bad D DworstworstB 解析解析 考查形容词的比较级。由考查形容词的比较级。由“WonderfulWonderful”可可知对方在称赞衣服好。句意:我想我不会找到知对方在称赞衣服好。句意:我想我不会找到(比这件比这件)更好的衣服了。本题用比较级形式表示最高级的意义更好的衣服了。本题用比较级形式表示最高级的意义,故选,故选B B。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一()6.)6.Do you like the film?Do you like the film?Yes,I do.In fact,Ive never seen a _ Yes,I do.In fact,Ive never seen a _ one.one.A Agood good B Bbetterbetter C Cworse worse D DbadbadB 解析解析 考查形容词的比较级。句意:考查形容词的比较级。句意:“你喜欢这个你喜欢这个电影吗?电影吗?”“”“是的,我喜欢。实际上,我从未看过是的,我喜欢。实际上,我从未看过_的电影的电影”。根据句意可知这部电影比以前看。根据句意可知这部电影比以前看的要好,故用比较级,故选的要好,故用比较级,故选B B。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一()7.)7.Why dont you like winter in Beijing?Why dont you like winter in Beijing?Because it is_ that in Guangzhou.Because it is_ that in Guangzhou.A Aas cold asas cold as B Bmuch colder thanmuch colder than C Cnot as cold asnot as cold as D Dnot colder thannot colder thanB 解析解析 本题考查比较级,由答句句意本题考查比较级,由答句句意“因为北京的因为北京的冬天比广州的冬天冷多了冬天比广州的冬天冷多了”可知答案为可知答案为B B。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一()8.)8.Peter looks sporty.Peter looks sporty.Yes.He is the_ runner in my class.Yes.He is the_ runner in my class.A Aslower slower B Bslowestslowest C Cfaster faster D DfastestfastestD 解析解析 由由“in my classin my class”可知应用最高级形式,可知应用最高级形式,故排除故排除A A、C C选项。由句意可知应选选项。由句意可知应选D D项。项。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一()9.)9.Which province is the _ one in winter?Which province is the _ one in winter?It should be Hainan Province,I think.It should be Hainan Province,I think.A.coldestA.coldest B.hotterB.hotter C.warmestC.warmest D.coolerD.coolerC 解析解析 本题考查形容词最高级及常识。比较级形容本题考查形容词最高级及常识。比较级形容词前通常不加定冠词,由空格前的词前通常不加定冠词,由空格前的thethe可排除可排除B B、D D;根;根据常识,海南省靠近赤道,冬天最温暖,故答案选据常识,海南省靠近赤道,冬天最温暖,故答案选C C。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一()10.)10.What a hot day!What a hot day!The weather report says it will be even The weather report says it will be even _ tomorrow._ tomorrow.A.cooler A.cooler B.hotterB.hotter C.wetter C.wetter D.colderD.colderB 解析解析 根据根据“今天天气真热啊!今天天气真热啊!”可判断出,天气可判断出,天气预报说的是明天天气会更热,故答案选预报说的是明天天气会更热,故答案选B B。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一.写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级1 1finefine_ _ _2 2bigbig_ _ _3 3trendytrendy_ _ _4 4relaxingrelaxing_ _ _5 5curlycurly_ _ _6 6littlelittle_ _ _7 7farfar_ _ _8 8funnyfunny_ _ _finerfinestbiggerbiggesttrendiertrendiestmore relaxingmost relaxingcurliercurliestlessleastfarthestfartherfunnierfunniest英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一9 9richrich_ _ _1010unusualunusual_ _ _1111friendlyfriendly_ _ _1212badbad_ _ _1313calmcalm_ _ _1414creativecreative_ _ _richer richestmore unusualmost unusualfriendlierfriendliestworsecalmercalmestmore creativemost creativeworst英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一1515goodgood_ _ _1616illill_ _ _1717fatfat_ _ _1818importantimportant_ _ _1919cleverclever_ _ _2020thirstythirsty_ _ _betterbestworseworstfatterfattestmore importantcleverer cleverestthirstierthirstiestmost important英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一.所给形容词或副词的适当形式填空所给形容词或副词的适当形式填空1 1Who hasWho has _ _(many)books,Zhang Li or Li Ying?(many)books,Zhang Li or Li Ying?2.2.Do you think you areDo you think you are _ _(outgoing)than(outgoing)than your father?your father?3 3It was cold yesterday,but it is muchIt was cold yesterday,but it is much _ _ (cold)today.(cold)today.4 4Take the medicine twice a day.Take the medicine twice a day.You will be You will be _ (well)tomorrow.(well)tomorrow.5 5China is one ofChina is one of _ _(large)countries in(large)countries in the world.the world.moremore outgoingcolderthe largestbetter英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一6 6I have many foreign friends.I have many foreign friends.Vera isVera is _ _ (tall)of them.(tall)of them.7 7Who hasWho has _ _(heavy)backpack(heavy)backpack,Li WeiweiLi Weiwei,Zhang YinZhang Yin,Zhou Xinyu or Zhao Yuchang?Zhou Xinyu or Zhao Yuchang?8 8Who do you think isWho do you think is _ _(funny)actor(funny)actor,Pan Pan ChangjiangChangjiang,Zhao Benshan or Chen Peisi?Zhao Benshan or Chen Peisi?9 9The school hasThe school has _ _(many)students in Kunming.(many)students in Kunming.There are more than eight thousand students in the There are more than eight thousand students in the school.school.1010Which girl speaks EnglishWhich girl speaks English _ _(well),Liu Fang(well),Liu Fang or Cheng Yao?or Cheng Yao?the tallestthe heaviestthe funniestbetterthe most英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习一专题归类复习一1111Do you think math isDo you think math is _ _(difficult)(difficult)than English?than English?1212The doctor isnt asThe doctor isnt as _ _(serious)as Mr Wu.(serious)as Mr Wu.Mr Mr Wu is more serious.Wu is more serious.1313Mr Bean is theMr Bean is the _ _(funny)of all the comedies(funny)of all the comedies that I have ever seen.that I have ever seen.1414The doctor told me not to drink too much but I The doctor told me not to drink too much but I find it difficult.find it difficult.The doctor is right.The less you drink,The doctor is right.The less you drink,_ _(healthy)you will be.(healthy)you will be.1515Of all the books,this one isOf all the books,this one is _ _ (expensive)(expensive)more difficultseriousfunniestthe most expensivethe healthier


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