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    2021年湖南省岳阳市小升初英语阅读理解专项复习含答案解析I.读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案.Welcome to my house. This is my living room. There are so many pictures on the wall. There is a plant beside the sofa. In front of the sofa» there is a TV. I often watch TV with my grandparents on the weekend. Look ! There is a bookshelf. You can see many books on it. My father often reads books in the evening. I like my living room very much.(1) This is my C .A , bedroom B. bathroom C. living room(2) There are so many A on the wall.A. pictures B. phones C. clocks(3) The plant is C the sofa.A. behind B. on C. beside(4) I often B on the weekend.A. play basketball B. watch TV C. dance(5) My father often A in the evening.A. reads books B. watches TV C. plays the pipa【解答】考查文中细节.(DC.由文中This is my living room.可知这是客厅.故选:C.(2) A.由文中There are so many pictures on the wall.可知在墙上有很多照片.故选:A.(3) C.由文中There is a plant beside the sofa.可知植物在沙发的旁边.故选:C.(4) B.由文中 I often watch TV with my grandparents on the weekend.可知作者经常在周 末和祖父母看电视,故选:B.(5) A.由文中My father often reads books in the evening.可知爸爸经常在晚上读书.故 选:A.2.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案.Hello! My name is Wang Xiao. I'm 11 years old. I live in a small village. My home is near a mountain. There are many trees behind my house. I'm very helpful at home. I can clean the room on the weekends. Sometimes, I feed the cows, chickens and ducks on our farm. There is a river in front of my house, and I often go fishing there. When you come to the village, you can play happily and have your favourite food. Welcome to my home!(1) The villige is A .A. smallB. bigC. old(2) Wang Xiao's house is B the trees.A. behindB. in front ofC. in(3) There are some C on the farm.A. cows, fish and duckB. sheep, chickens and ducksC. cows, chickens and ducks(4) Wang Xiao often A in the river.A. goes fishingB. goes swimmingC. goes skating(5) When you come to the village, what can you do*? CA. Sorry, I don't know.B. Nothing to do.C. Play and have favourite food【解答】考查细节理解,(1) A.由原文:"I live in a small village. ”可知村庄很小.A. small 小的;B. big 大的;C. old老旧的;故选:A.(2) B,由原文:" There are many trees behind my house. ”可知王晓家的后面有很多树, 即,房子在树木的前面.A. behind在后面;B. in front of在前面;C. in在里面;故选:B.(3) C.由原文:"I feed the cows, chickens and ducks on our farm. ”可知农场里有牛、 鸡和鸭子.A. cows, fish and duck 牛、鱼和鸭子;B. sheep, chickens and ducks 羊、鸡和鸭子;C. cows, chickens and ducks牛、鸡和鸭子;故选:C.(4) A,由原文:"There is a river in front of my house, and I often go fishing there. ”可知 王晓经常在小河里钓鱼.A. goes fishing去钓鱼;B. goes swimming去游泳;C. goes skating 去滑冰;故选:A.(5)C.由原文:“ When you come to the village, you can play happily and have your favourite food. ”可知当你来到村庄的时候,你可以玩得很开心并且吃你最喜欢的食物.A. Sorry, I don't know.抱歉,我不知道;B. Nothing to do.没有什么可以干的事情;C. Play and have favourite food玩耍并且吃最喜欢的食物;故选:C.3. My name is Tom. I'm from a small village. There are many houses and a lake. There are many fish in the lake. My favourite day is Wednesday. Because on that day we have a PE class in the morning and an art class in the afternoon. I have lunch at school. Mr Li is my favourite teacher. He is our art teacher. He's tall and funny.(1) Tom is from B .A. a big cityB. a small villageC. a big building(2) There are and in the village. CA. tall buildings a lakeB. many hills a riverC. many houses a lake(3) Tom has A on Wednesday afternoon.A. an art classB. a PE classC. a music class(4) Mr. Li is B .A. short and strictB. tall and funnyC. tall and kind(5) Tom has lunch at C.B. restaurantC. school【解答】考查细节理解.(1 )B.由原文:" My name is Tom. I'm from a small village. ”可知汤姆来自一个小村庄.A. a big city 一个大城市;B. a small village 个小村庄;C. a big building一座大楼;故选: B.(2)C.由原文:” There are many houses and a lake."可知那里有很多房子和一个湖.A. tall buildings; a lake 高楼;个湖;B. many hills; a river 很多山;一条河;C. many houses; a lake很多房子和一个湖;故选:C.(3)A.由原文:” Because on that day we have a PE class in the morning and an art class in the afternoon."可知汤姆在周三下午有一节美术课.A. an art class 一节美术课;B. a PE class 节体育课;C. a music class节音乐课;故选:A.(4) B.由原文:”Mr Li is my favourite teacher. He is our art teacher. He*s tall and funny. M 可知李老师个子高,人有趣.A. short and strict个子矮且为人严肃;B. tall and funny个 子高且人有趣;C. tall and kind个子高且善良;故选:B.(5)C.由原文:”I have lunch at school. ”可知汤姆在学校吃午饭.A. home 家;B. restaurant 饭店;C. school学校;故选:C.4.阅读对话,从题中所给的A、B两个选项中选出最佳答案,并将序号填入题前括号内. Baby: Mum! Is it a fish?Mum: No, it's not. It's a frog. It's green.Baby; Look! What's that?Mum; It's a yellow chick.Baby: Is this a hen?Mum: No, it's a fat bird.Baby: What's this?Mum: It's a dog. It's big. It's white.(1) What colour is the frog? AA. Green.B. Yellow.(2) It is a B chick.(3) It is a B bird.A. bigB. fat(4) What colour is the dog? AA. White.B. Yellow.(5) The dog is B .A. fatB. big【解答】本题主要考查文中细节理解.(1) A.由文中关键句It's a frog. It's green,可知,青蛙是绿色的.故选:A.(2) B,由文中关键句It's a yellow chick.可知小鸡是黄色的.故选:B.(3) B,由文中关键句No, it's a fat bird.可知,鸟是肥的.故选:B.(4) A.由文中关键句It's a dog. It's big. It's white.可知,狗是白色的.故选:A.(5) B,由文中关键句It's a dog.It's big.It's white,可知,狗是大的.故选:B.5.阅读短文,选择最佳答案.It was seven o'clock in the morning. Billy sat at the breakfast table, drinking his orange juice. "Are you going to eat some bread <? " asked his mother, Ms Black."No. I am not hungry. I felt ill" said Billy. "Do you have a fever? "asked Ms Black."Yes. I think I should stay at home today. " said Billy. "Why not go to see a doctor in hospital? " said Ms Black."No. I stay at home and take a good rest. That will help. " said Billy.When he said this, his mother knew what the matter was. Billy's class was going to have a maths test that day. She took his temperature. It was 37. "It was normal."You don't have a fever. I think your should go to school now, " she said "I am sure you will feel better after the maths test."(1) It was B in the morning.A. 6: 00B. 7: 00C. 8: 00(2) Billy said that C .A. he was hungry.B. he had a toothache.C. he had a fever.(3) Billy's class was going to have_that day. CA. an English testB. a Chinese testC. a maths test(4) What does "normal" mean in Chinese? AA,正常的B. 难受的C,有病的(5) Which sentence is true from this passage? BA. Billy had a fever.B. Billy didn't want to have maths test.C. Billy would go to the hospital and see a doctor.【解答】考查文中细节.(1) B.根据文中"It was seven o'clock in the morning."可知那是早上 7 点.故选:B.(2) C.根据文中""Do you have a fever? ”asked Ms Black. "Yes. I think I should stay at home today, "said Billy."可知 Billy 说他发烧 了.故选:C.(3) C.根据文中"Billy's class was going to have a maths test that day."可知 Billy 的班级 那天要进行一次数学测验.故选:C.(4) A.根据文中"She took his temperature. It was 37. "It was normal."可知 Billy 的体温是37度,是正常体温,所以Black女士说的意思是"它正常",因此normal是"正 常的"意思.故选:A.(5) B,根据文章的描写,可知Billy没有发烧,不用去看医生,他是不想去参加数学测 验,B句是真实的.故选:B.6. Hello, I'm Zhang Peng. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and me. My father is in the living room. My mother is in the kitchen. My brother is in the study. We would like some fish, vegetables, chicken, soup and rice for dinner. Oh! What a big dinner!(1) How many people are there in Zhang Peng's family? B .(2) Who are they? AA. His parents, his brother and him.B. His father, his brother and him.C. His father, his mother and him.(3) His father is in the C .A. study B. kitchenC. living room(4) They would like some C for dinner.A. vegetables, soup, rice, fish, and beefB. fish, beef, chicken, soup and riceC. chicken, vegetables, fish, rice and soup(5) They have a big C .A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner【解答】考查文中细节.(1) B,由文中There are four people in my family.可知张鹏家有四口人.故选:B.(2) A,由文中 They are my father, my mother, my brother and me.可知张鹏家四口人 为他的父母、他哥哥和他.故选:A.(3) C.由文中My father is in the living room.可知张鹏的爸爸在客厅,故选:C.(4) C.由文中 We would like some 行sh, vegetables, chicken, soup and rice for dinner.可 知张鹏家的晩餐并未提到bee牛肉",A、B选项均不符,C选项符合.故选:C.(5) C.由文中Oh!What a big dinner!可知此处是在描述张鹏家的晚餐.故选:C.7.阅读下列信件,回答相关问题.Dear Miss White,I am sorry that I can't come to school today. I had a bad cold yesterday. I felt terrible. Yesterday I had a football match with my friends and I was wet all over. Then I took off my clothes and went home. I felt ill and got a fever. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to have a good rest. I hope you can give me a leave.Yours,Tom选择最佳选项回答问题.(1) What is the Chinese meaning of "leave" ? CA.出发去B.留下C.请假(2) Who wrote the note? CA. Miss WhiteB. Tom's friendC. Tom(3) What is the passage about? BA. A healthy plan.B. A note for sick leave.C. Changes of hometown.回答下列问题,把答案写在答题卡相应的位置.(4) What did Tom do with his friends yesterday? Tom had a football match with his friends yesterday.(5) Did doctor ask Tom to take some medicine? Yes, he did.【解答】考查细节理解和阅读表达.(1 )C.由原文:“I hope you can give me a leave."可知汤姆希望老师给他请假.所以“ leave” 是“请假”之意.C.请假;故选:C.(2) C,由原文:” Yours, Tom. ”可知是汤姆写了这个请假条.A. Miss White怀特老师;B. Tom's friend汤姆的朋友;C. Tom汤姆;故选:C.(3) B.由原文:”1 had a bad cold yesterday. I felt terrible. ”可知这篇文章是个病假 条.A. A healthy plan. 个健康计划;B. A note for sick leave. 个病假条;C. Changes of hometown家乡的变化;故选:B.(4) Tom had a football match with his friends yesterday.由原文:"Yesterday I had a football match with my friends. ”可知汤姆昨天和他的朋友有一场足球比赛.故答案为: Tom had a football match with his friends yesterday.(5) Yes, he did. 由原文:"The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to have a good rest. ”可知医生让汤姆吃药故答案为:Yes, he did.8 .读读,选选.I'm Tina. I live in Australia with my parents and my sister. My father is a coach. He goesto work by car. He likes playing sports and watching football matches(足球赛). My motheris a nurse. She often goes to work by bike. She likes singing and dancing. My sister and I are students. We have the same hobbies. We go to school by school bus. We like flying kites and riding bikes. Tomorrow is Saturday. We will ride bikes.(1) Tina lives in B .A. China B. Australia C. Canada(2) Tina's father is a A .A. coach B. nurse C. doctor(3) Tina's mother likes C .A. doing kung fii B. flying kites C. singing and dancing(4) Tina's sister goes to school C.A. by car B. by bike C. by bus(5) Tina and her sister have B hobbies.A. different B. the same C. no【解答】考查文中细节.(1) B.根据文中“I'm Tina. I live in Australia with my parents and my sister."可知 Tina 住在澳大利亚.故选:B.(2) A.根据文中"My father is a coach."可知Tina的父亲是一名教练.故选:A.(3) C.根据文中"She likes singing and dancing."可知Tina的妈妈喜欢唱歌和跳舞.故 选:C.(4) C.根据文中"We go to school by school bus."可知Tina的姐姐坐校车上学.即,公 交车.故选:C.(5) B.根据文中"My sister and I are students. We have the same hobbies."可知 Tina 和 她的姐姐有相同的爱好.故选:B.9 .阅读,选择最佳答案,并将其序号填入括号内.2019 Yongzhou Theatre Festival The Frog PrinceTime: Dec 17, 2019 6: 30 p. m.8: Time: 00 p. m.2019 Yongzhou Theatre FestivalThe Ugly DucklingDec 17, 2019 8: 30 p. m.10: 00 p. m.Where : The Sport Centre of YongzhouSeat:No.41 Row 16Price:¥30®Where :The Sport Centre of YongzhouSeat:No.32 Row 20Price:¥25TDTips:(1) It,s 8 : 00 p. m. Which play shall we watch? CA.Snow WhileB.The Frog PrinceC.The Ugly Duckling(2) Can Dongdong take his pet to see the play? BA. Yes, he can.B. No, he can't.C. It doesn't say.(3) Where are the plays on? AA. The Sport Centre of Yongzhou.B. The Shopping Centre of Yongzhou.C. The Star Theatre of Yongzhou.(4) Dongdong and I want to see the playThe Frog Prince. How much are the tickets? BA. ¥30B. ¥60C. ¥50(5) I am going to see the playThe Ugly Ducklingk Where is my seat? CA. No.41 Row 16B. No.41 Row 20C. No.32 Row 20【解答】考查细节理解.(DC.根据文中”The Ugly DucklingTime: Dec 17, 2019 8: 30 p. m.10: 00 p. m.",可知在晚上8点,我们接下来可以看丑小鸭这部戏.故选:C.(2) B.根据文中的图示提示,可知看戏剧时不能带宠物,做否定回答No, he can't.故选:B.(3) A.根据文中"Where: The Sport Centre of Yongzhou".可知戏剧在永州体育中心上 演.故选:A.(4) B,根据文中"The Frog Prince,Price: ¥30",可知青蛙王子的票价是30 元一张,我和东东两个人去看,票价要60.故选:B.(5) C.根据文中"The Ugly Duckling,Seat: No.32 Row 20",可知我要去看丑小 鸭,我的座位是第20排第32座.故选:C.10 .读短文,根据问题选择正确答案,将其标号填写在答题横线上.My father is a doctor. He likes fishing and driving. He doesn't like playingbasketball. Every day he drives to work, but today he is going to work on foot. My motheris a teacher. She likes children. She likes reading and cooking good food fbr us. But she doesn*t like watching TV. My brother is a student. He likes cola and hamburgers. He likes playing basketball but he doesn't like singing. I'm a student ,too. My name's Peter. I like drawing and singing. I don't like basketball. I've got a blue bike. 1 go to school by bikeevery day. Jack is my best friend. We often play football together.(1) How many people are there in Peter's family4? A.A. 4B.5C(2) How does Peter's father go to work today?A. ByMke.B. By car.(3) Where does Peter's mother work? AA. In a school. B. In a hospital.(4) What does Peter like doing? BA. Playing basketball.B. Drawing(5) What is Peter talking about? BA. His school.B. His family.【解答】考査文中细节.(DA.由文中可知,提到了 Peter的爸爸、 家有四口人.故选:A.3CC. On foot.C. At a restaurant.C. Swimming.C. His friend Jack.妈妈、哥哥和Peter共四个人,可知Peteron foot.可知Peter的爸爸今天将走路去上(6) C.由文中 but today he is going to work 班.故选:C.(7) A,由文中My mother is a teacher.可知Peter的妈妈是一名老师,按照逻辑她在 所学校工作.故选:A.(8) B,由文中 My name's Peter. I like drawing and singing.可知 Peter 喜欢画画和唱歌, B选项“画画”符合.故选:B.(9) B.由文中可知,Peter在介绍家庭成员情况,故此处Peter是在谈论他的家庭,故 选:B.11 .阅读短文,选择合适的项,将答案序号填到题前括号内.Today is Sunday. Darning is doing his homework. Lingling is watching TV. Amy is going to the park. She asks them, "Are you going to the park<? ""Yes, of course. "Darning and Lingling say. The park is near their house. They can go there on foot (步彳亍). Now it*s 9 o'clock, they are in the park. Look ! Two girls are drinking soya milk. Two men are playing chess. Two boys are flying kites. MCan I fly a kite? " Sam asks. "Sorry, you can't. We don't take our kite. We can see lots of interesting things. "Amy says.(1) Today is B .A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday (2) Where is the park ? B .A. Next to their house.B. Near their house.C. Beside the station.(3) Two girls are A .A. drinking soya milkB. drinking juiceC. drinking water(4) What are two men doing? CA. They are doing taijiquan.B. They are rowing a boat.C. They are playing chess.(5) Can they fly kites? AA. No, they can't.B. Yes, they can.C. No, they aren't.【解答】本题主要考查细节理解.(1) B,由文中关键句Today is Sunday.可知,今天是星期天.故选:B.(2) B.由文中关键句The park is near their house.可知,公园在他们家附近.故选:B.(3) A.由文中关键句Two girls are drinking soya milk.可知,两个女孩在喝豆奶.故选: A.(4) C.由文中关键句Two men are playing chess.可知,两个男人在下象棋.故选:C.(5) A.由文中关键句"Caul fly a kite? ” Sam asks. "Sorry, you can't.可知,他们不能 放风筝,can提问,cant回答.故选:A.12.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案.Hello, my name's Kate. I'm ten years old. I like red and white. I like juice and bread. Look, this is my friend (朋友)Lily. Lily is red and blue. She is lovely (可 爱的).Haha, she is a dog. I l


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