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    一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习 1 Hello,Im Lili.Im nine.I have a happy family.This is my grandpa.Hes a doctor.This is my grandma.Shes a nurse.This is my father.Hes a policeman.This is my mother,shes an English teacher.This is my little sister.Shes two.This is my brother.His name is Mike.Today is Mikes birthday.Look at the birthday cake.There are(有)many candles(蜡烛)on it.How many candles?One candle,two candles,three candles,four candles,five candles,six candles,seven candles,eight candles,nine candles,ten candles,eleven candles,twelve candles.The candles are red.Here is a present for my brother.Its a cat kite.Its yellow and blue.Were happy today.31、Lili is a _.()Ateacher Bnurse Cpupil 32、How old is Mike?()ANine.BTwelve.CTwo.33、Lilis father is a _.()Apoliceman Bdoctor Cdriver 34、Mikes present is a _.()Acat Bdog kite Ccat kite 35、The candles are _.()Ared Byellow Cblack 2 Hello!My name is Lisa.I am twelve years old.Im from Australia.I am a new student in China.In Australia,kangaroos are very popular(受欢迎的).The mother kangaroo is very tall.Where is the baby kangaroo(小袋鼠)?Its in her mothers pouch.Today I have a new toy animal.This animal is from China.Its black and white.Its fat and cute.It has two black eyes.It likes bamboo.I like it very much.What is it?Can you guess?31、Where is Lisa from?()AChina BAustralia CCanada 32、We see many _ in Australia.()Aelephants Bmonkeys Ckangaroos 33、Lisa is a new _.()Apupil Bteacher Canimal 34、The underlined word pouch means _.(文中划线词 pouch 是什么意思?)()A口袋 B嘴巴 C包 35、What is Lisas new toy animal?()AA toy tiger.BA toy panda.CA toy bear.3 Im a boy.My name is Li Ping.Im ten years old.Im tall.I have long arms and long legs.I like blue.I have twelve crayons.I like bananas.I like apples,too.Bananas and apples taste really good.I dont like pears.I dont like strawberries,either.假如你是 Li Ping,请替他做出选择。31、Im _.()A B 32、Im _.()A B 33、Im _.()A B 34、I have _.()A B 35、I like _.()A B 4 Hello,Im Sarah.Im from the USAIm eleven years old.This is my family.The man is my father.He likes apples.The woman is my mother.She likes bananas.This is my brother,Sam.He is nine years old.He likes oranges.But I dont like oranges.I like pears love my family.31、Sarah is from _.()A B C 32、Sarah is _ years old.()A9 B10 C11 33、Sarah is a _.()A B C 34、Sam likes _.()A B C 35、Sarahs mother likes _.()A B C 5 Kate:Lets go to the zoo!Mike:OK.Kate:Look at the giraffe.Mike:Wow!Its so tall.Its from Africa(非洲).Kate:Look at the panda.Its so cute.Mike:Yeah!It has a big body.Its black and white.Kate:Where is the panda from?Mike:Its from Sichuan,China.Kate:Look at the monkeys.How many monkeys do you see?Mike:I see thirteen.Kate:No,fourteen!Look!A little monkey is on the elephant.Mike:Ha-ha!Its so funny!31、Where is the giraffe from?()AIts from Africa.BIts from the UK.32、Is the panda from Sichuan?()ANo,it isnt.BYes,it is.33、How many monkeys?()AThirteen.BFourteen.34、What color is the panda?()AIts black.BIts black and white.35、Where is the little monkey?()AIts on the elephant.BIts on the giraffe.6 Its cold in winter.Ben and I make a snowman.Look,its eyes are big.They are two apples.Its nose is long.Its a banana.Its mouth is big.The snowman is not tall.It is short and fat.31、Ben and I make a snowman in _.()Aspring Bautumn Cwinter 32、Its nose is _.()Asmall Blong Cbig 33、Its mouth is _.()Abig Bshort Clong 34、Its _ is a banana.()Amouth Beye Cnose 35、The snowman is _.()Ashort Bthin Ctall 7 Peter is an old man.He has a big house.He likes cats very much.He has three cats.One cat is from England.Her name is Coco.One cat is from America.His name is Dodo.One cat is from China.Her name is Mimi.Peter loves his cats very much.He has many toys for his cats.Coco has a red toy mouse.It is small and funny.Dodo has a blue toy mouse.It can jump and run.Mimi has a green toy mouse.It has big ears.The cats like their toys and they like Peter too.They like playing with Peter.根据短文内容,选择正确答案.31、Peter has _ cats.()Atwo Bthree Cfour 32、Dodo is from _.()AEngland BAmerica CChina 33、_ can jump and run.()ACocos toy mouse BMimis toy mouse CDodos toy mouse 34、Mimis toy mouse is _.()Agreen Bblue Cred 35、Peter is from _.()AEngland BAmerica CWe dont know 8 Hello,Im Li Hua.Im Chinese.Im 10 years old(岁).Lily is an English girl(女孩).She is my friend.Is she 10 years old too?Yes,she is.We often go to school together.She has a cat(猫).Its name is Kitty.31、Lily is from(来自)_.()A B C 32、Lily has a _.()A B C 33、We often _together.()A B C 34、Lily is _years old.()A9 B10 C11 35、Kitty is a _.()Agirl Bcat Ctoy(玩具)9 Hi!Im Bob.I like animals.Look at my dog.Its black and white.It has big eyes.This is my bird,Polly.It is three years old.Its very beautiful.I have a small cat.Its white.She is Mimi.Mimi likes the fish.What about you?31、The dog is _.()Ablack Bwhite Cblack and white 32、How old is Polly?()AIts 2 years old.BIts 3 years old.CIts 4 years old.33、_ is very beautiful.()AThe bird BThe dog CThe giraffe 34、Bob has a _ cat.()Ashort Bsmall Cfat 35、Mimi likes _.()Afish Bgrapes CPolly 10 A:Good morning,Miss Li.B:Good morning,Yang Ling.C:Hello,Yang Ling.A:Hello,Mike.D:Hi,Yang Ling.A:Hi,Su Hai.(上课铃声响起)B:Good morning,class.Class:Good morning,Miss Li.31、Whos“A”?()AYang Ling.BMiss Li.32、Whos“B”?()AYang Ling.BMiss Li.33、Whos“C”?()AYang Ling.BMike.34、They are _ now.()Aat school Bat home 35、当 Yang Ling 见到 Miss Li 时,她说“_”向 Miss Li 问候。()AGoodbye.BGood morning.11 (Mrs Bear 为此次迎新年派对采购了很多礼物,让我们一起来看一看吧!)Hello,I am Mrs Bear.We will have a party.Here are many gifts(礼物)for my friends.One green bag,three red rulers,four yellow erasers,two black pencils and ten books.How many crayons?Six.Look!Whats this?Oh,its a toy tiger.Its so cool.Its for my friend,Mr Elephant.31、The bag is _.()Ared Bgreen Cyellow 32、Mrs Bear has six _.()Apencils Bcrayon Cerasers 33、The toy tiger is _.()Acool Bnice Cfunny 34、How many gifts?()A25、B26.C27.35、The toy tiger is for _.()AMrs Bear BMr Tiger CMr Elephant 12 Hello,Im Sue.Im a girl.Now I am six years old.Its my birthday.Whats that on the desk?Oh,it is my mothers present.Its a good cake.Thats my brothers present-a bag.I like it very much.31、My name is _.()ASue BLucy CTim 32、Sue is _ now.()Anine Bfive Csix 33、Mothers present is a _.()Acake Bkite Cbag 34、The cake is on the _.()Achair Bdesk Cbook 35、My brothers present is a _.()Abag Bpen Cpencil 13 Hi!Look at me.I have two small(小的)eyes.I use(用)them(它们)to see.I have two big(大的)ears.I use them to hear(听).I have a nose.I use it to smell(闻).I have two hands.I use them to catch(抓)the mouse(老鼠).I like to eat(吃)fish(鱼).I use my mouth to eat it.31、I use my _ to hear.()Aears Beyes Cnose 32、I use my nose to _.()Asmell Beat Chear 33、I use my hands to _.()Acatch mouse Bsee Chear 34、My eyes are _.()Abig Blong Csmall 35、Who am I?()A B C 14 Hi!My name is Mike.Im nine years old.I like orange.I like cake and juice.I have a blue bag.I have a brown pencil box,seven books,two rulers,three erasers and eight crayons.I have a black cat.Its small.Its funny.I like it.31、Im _ years old.()A7 B8 C9 32、I like _.()Ayellow Bcake Cmilk 33、I have a _ bag.()Ablue Bred Corange 34、I have _ erasers.()Atwo Bthree Cseven 35、The cat is _.()Anot funny Bwhite Cblack and small 15 Hello,Im Wu Yifan.Im nine years old.Im fat.My head is big.Look!This is my bag.Its red.That is my pencil box.Its green.I have two pencils and three pens.I like cake and juice.Look!I have a cat.Its brown.I like it.31、Wu Yifan is _ years old.()A9 B6 32、Wu Yifans bag is _.()Agreen Bred 33、Wu Yifan has(有)_ pencils.()Atwo Bthree 34、Wu Yifan likes _.()Abread and juice Bcake and juice 35、Wu Yifan has(有)a _ cat.()Abrown Bblack 16 Hello,Im Li Ling.Today is my birthday.Im seven years old now.I have three gifts.Look!A big birthday cake,a school bag,and a doll(洋娃娃)are here.The school bag is yellow and white.The doll is very lovely(可爱的).She has two big eyes and a red mouth.I like to play with my doll.Im hungry,Id like some cake.I like cake and milk!31、Li Ling is _ years old.()A5 B6 C7 32、Li Lings school bag is _.()Ayellow and white Bblack and white Cred and white 33、Li Lings doll is _.()Abig Bfat Clovely 34、Li Ling likes to play with the _.()Adog Bdoll Cduck 35、Li Ling likes _.()Acake and milk Bcake and water Cbread and milk 17 Hello,Im Polly.Im a bird.My eyes are black.My mouth is red.My head is yellow.My body is green.Today is my birthday.Im two years old.Kitty is my friend.Its a cat.Its brown.Its three years old.We are happy.31、Im _ years old.()A2 B3 C4 32、My mouth is _.()Ablack Bred Cblue 33、My _ is green.()Ahead Beyes Cbody 34、Kitty is _.()Ayellow Bbrown Cgreen 35、Kitty is a _.()A B C 18 Mum:Dinners ready(开饭了)!Lily:Mum,Im hungry.Id like some cake and juice.Mum:Here you are.Would you like(你想要)some cake,Lucy?Lucy:No,thanks,mum.Id like some eggs and water.Tom:Can I have some rice and beef,mum?Mum:Sure,here you are.What about you(你呢),Jim?Jim:A cake and some milk,please.Thank you,mum.Mum:Youre welcome.And Id like a cake and some milk,too.31、How many children?()AThree.BFive.CFour.32、Lily is hungry.She wants some _.()Acake and rice Bcake and juice Ccake and water 33、Lucy doesnt like eating(不想吃)some _.()Acake Beggs and water Ceggs and milk 34、Tom wants some _.()Arice and beef Bjuice and beef Cbeef and noodles 35、_ and mum both like(都喜欢吃)some cake and milk.()AJim BTom CLucy 19 Hello!I am Mike.I am seven years old.I am a student.I have two big eyes and a small nose.I have a red bag.Whats in my bag?Oh,three pens,a ruler,a pencil box and three books.I like blue very much.31、I am _ years old.()A7 B8 C9 32、I have big _.()Aeyes Bnose Cmouth 33、My bag is _.()Ablue Bred Cyellow 34、I have _ books.()A2 B3 C6 35、I like _ very much.()Ared Bwhite Cblue 20 A:Hello,this is my new friend David.B:Hello,David.Nice to meet you.Im Wang Bing.C:Nice to meet you too,Wang Bing.B:Look at this new cap.C:Its nice.B:Thanks.Its for my sister Wang Hong.Tomorrow(明天)is her birthday.A&C:Oh,thats great.31、_ is B()AWang Bing BDavid CWang Hong 32、David is As _.()Asister Bbrother Cnew friend 33、The cap is new and _.()Ared Bnice Cbig 34、Wang Hong is _ sister.()AAs BWang Bings CDavids 35、Tomorrow is _ birthday.()AWang Bings BDavids CWang Hongs 【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除 一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习 1C 解析:31、C 32、B 33、A 34、C 35、A【分析】本文主要介绍了莉莉的家人及迈克的生日活动。31、句意:莉莉是一名_。A 老师,B 护士,C 学生,根据 Hello,Im Lili.Im nine.,可知莉莉是学生,故选 C。32、句意:迈克多大?A 九岁。B 十二岁。C 二岁。根据 One candle,two candles,three candles,four candles,five candles,six candles,seven candles,eight candles,nine candles,ten candles,eleven candles,twelve candles.,可知迈克十二岁,故选 B。33、句意:莉莉的爸爸是一名_。A 警察,B 医生,C 司机,根据 This is my father.Hes a policeman.,可知莉莉的爸爸是一名警察,故选 A。34、句意:迈克的礼物是一只_。A 猫,B 狗风筝,C 猫风筝,根据 Here is a present for my brother.Its a cat kite.,可知迈克的礼物是一只猫风筝,故选 C。35、句意:蜡烛是_。A 红色的,B 黄色的,C 黑色的,根据 The candles are red.,可知蜡烛是红色的,故选 A。【点睛】2B 解析:31、B 32、C 33、A 34、A 35、B【导语】本文 Lisa 介绍了自己的基本情况,澳大利亚受欢迎的动物和自己有的一个新的玩具动物。31、题干句意:丽莎是哪里人?A 中国,B 澳大利亚,C 加拿大,根据“Im from Australia.”可知是澳大利亚的,故选 B。32、题干句意:我们在澳大利亚看到很多_。A 大象,B 猴子,C 袋鼠,根据“In Australia,kangaroos are very popular(受欢迎的).”可知是袋鼠,故选 C。33、题干句意:丽莎是新来的_。A 学生,B 教师,C 动物,根据“I am a new student in China.”可知是学生,故选 A。34、题干句意:带下划线的单词 pouch 表示_。根据“Where is the baby kangaroo(小袋鼠)?Its in her mothers pouch.”可知是口袋,故选 A。35、题干句意:丽莎的新玩具动物是什么?A 玩具老虎。B 一只玩具熊猫。C 玩具熊。根据“Today I have a new toy animal.This animal is from China.Its black and white.Its fat and cute.It has two black eyes.It likes bamboo.”可知是熊猫,故选 B。3A 解析:31、A 32、B 33、A 34、B 35、A【导语】本文介绍了李平的个人信息及喜好。31、句意:我是_。根据“Im a boy.”,可知李平是个男孩,故选 A。32、句意:我_岁。根据“Im ten years old.”,可知李平 10 岁,故选 B。33、句意:我_。根据“Im tall.”,可知李平很高,故选 A。34、句意:我有_。根据“I have twelve crayons.”,可知李平有 12 支蜡笔,故选 B。35、句意:我喜欢_。根据“I like apples,too.”,可知李平喜欢苹果,故选 A。4A 解析:31、A 32、C 33、B 34、A 35、B【导语】本文讲了萨拉的家人及家人喜欢的水果。31、句意:萨拉来自_。根据“Hello,Im Sarah.Im from the USA.”,可知萨拉来自美国,选项 A 是美国的国旗,故选 A。32、句意:萨拉_岁。根据“Im eleven years old.”,可知萨拉 11 岁,故选 C。33、句意:萨拉是一名_。根据“Hello,Im Sarah.Im from the USA.Im eleven years old.”,可知萨拉是一名学生,故选 B。34、句意:萨姆喜欢_。根据“This is my brother,Sam.He is nine years old.He likes oranges.”,可知萨姆喜欢橙子,故选 A。35、句意:萨拉的妈妈喜欢_。根据“The woman is my mother.She likes bananas.”,可知萨拉的妈妈喜欢香蕉,故选 B。5A 解析:31、A 32、B 33、B 34、B 35、A【导语】本文是凯特和迈克之间的对话,两人在谈论动物园里的动物。31、句意:长颈鹿来自哪里?A 它来自非洲。B 它来自英国。根据“Mike:Wow!Its so tall.Its from Africa(非洲).”可知是非洲。故选 A。32、句意:熊猫来自四川吗?根据“Mike:Its from Sichuan,China.”可知是四川,是肯定回答。故选 B。33、句意:有多少只猴子?A 十三。B 十四。根据“Kate:Look at the monkeys.How many monkeys do you see?Mike:I see thirteen.Kate:No,fourteen!Look!A little monkey is on the elephant.”可知是十四只。故选 B。34、句意:熊猫是什么颜色的?A 它是黑色的。B 它是黑白相间的。根据“Kate:Look at the panda.Its so cute.Mike:Yeah!It has a big body.Its black and white.”可知是黑白相间的。故选B。35、句意:小猴子在哪里?A 它在大象的身上。B 它在长颈鹿的身上。根据“Kate:No,fourteen!Look!A little monkey is on the elephant.”可知它在大象的身上。故选 A。6C 解析:31、C 32、B 33、A 34、C 35、A【导语】本文介绍了冬天堆的雪人的样子,各个部位是什么做的。31、题干句意:本和我在_堆雪人。A 春天,B 秋天,C 冬天,根据 Its cold in winter.Ben and I make a snowman.可知是冬天 winter,故选 C。32、题干句意:它的鼻子是_。A 小的,B 长的,C 大的,根据 Its nose is long.可知是长的,故选 B。33、题干句意:它的嘴巴是_。A 大的,B 矮的,C 长的,根据 Its mouth is big.可知是大的,故选 A。34、题干句意:它的_是香蕉。A 嘴,B 眼睛,C 鼻子,根据 Its nose is long.Its a banana.可知是鼻子,故选 C。35、题干句意:雪人是_。A 短的,B 瘦的,C 高的,根据 The snowman is not tall.It is short and fat.可知雪人不高,又矮又胖,故选 A。7B 解析:31、B 32、B 33、C 34、A 35、C 8B 解析:31、B 32、A 33、C 34、B 35、B【分析】短文大意:介绍李华及她的朋友莉莉。31、句意:莉莉来自_。根据 Lily is an English girl(女孩).可知她来自英国。故选 B。32、句意:莉莉有一个_。根据 She has a cat(猫).可知她有一只猫。故选 A。33、句意:我们经常一起_。根据 We often go to school together.可知是去上学。故选C。34、句意:莉莉_岁了。根据 Is she 10 years old too?Yes,she is.可知她 10 岁了。故选B。35、句意:Kitty 是一_。根据 She has a cat(猫).Its name is Kitty.可知是一只猫。故选B。【点睛】9C 解析:31、C 32、B 33、A 34、B 35、A【导语】本文介绍了鲍勃的动物。31、句意:狗是_。A 黑色的,B 白色的,C 黑白相间的,根据“Look at my dog.Its black and white.”,可知狗是黑白相间的,故选 C。32、句意:波莉多大了?A 它 2 岁。B 它 3 岁。C 它 4 岁。根据“This is my bird,Polly.It is three years old.”,可知波莉 3 岁了,故选 B。33、句意:_非常漂亮。A 鸟,B 狗,C 长颈鹿,根据“This is my bird,Polly.It is three years old.Its very beautiful.”,可知鸟非常漂亮,故选 A。34、句意:鲍勃有一只_猫。A 矮的,B 小的,C 胖的,根据“I have a small cat.”,可知鲍勃有一只小猫,故选 B。35、句意:咪咪喜欢_。A 鱼,B 葡萄,C 波莉,根据“Mimi likes the fish.”,可知咪咪喜欢鱼,故选 A。10A 解析:31、A 32、B 33、B 34、A 35、B【导语】本文讲了学生和老师,学生和学生之间互相问候。31、句意:谁是“A”?A 杨玲。B 李老师。根据“A:Good morning,Miss Li.B:Good morning,Yang Ling.”,可知 A 是杨玲,故选 A。32、句意:谁是“B”?A 杨玲。B 李老师。根据“A:Good morning,Miss Li.B:Good morning,Yang Ling.”,可知 B 是李老师,故选 B。33、句意:谁是“C”?A 杨玲。B 迈克。根据“C:Hello,Yang Ling.A:Hello,Mike.”,可知 C 是迈克,故选 B。34、句意:他们现在_。A 在学校,B 在家,根据“(上课铃声响起)”,可知他们现在在学校,故选 A。35、句意:当杨玲见到李老师时,她说“_”向李老师问候。A 再见。B 早上好。应该说早上好向李老师问候,故选 B。11B 解析:31、B 32、B 33、A 34、C 35、C【导语】本文主要写了熊夫人为派对上的朋友准备的礼物。31、句意:书包是_。A 红色的,B 绿色的,C 黄色的。根据文中句子“One green bag,three red rulers,four yellow erasers,two black pencils and ten books.”可知书包是绿色的书包,故选 B。32、句意:熊夫人有六个_。A 铅笔,B 蜡笔,C 橡皮。根据文中句子“How many crayons?Six.”可知熊夫人有六支蜡笔,故选 B。33、句意:玩具老虎是_。A 酷的,B 美好的,C 有趣的。根据文中句子“Oh,its a toy tiger.Its so cool.”可知玩具虎是酷酷的,故选 A。34、句意:多少个礼物?根据文中句子“One green bag,three red rulers,four yellow erasers,two black pencils and ten books.How many crayons?Six.Oh,its a toy tiger.”可知有 1 个绿色书包,3 个红色尺子,4 个黄色橡皮,2 个黑色铅笔,10 本书,6 支蜡笔,1 个玩具虎,一共是 27 个礼物,故选 C。35、句意:玩具虎是给_。A 熊夫人。B 老虎先生。C 大象先生。根据文中句子“Its for my friend,Mr Elephant.”可知玩具虎是给大象先生的,故选 C。12A 解析:31、A 32、C 33、A 34、B


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