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    一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习 1 Hello,Im Weiwei.Im a boy.Im nine.Im a pupil.Look!This is a photo(照片)of my family(家庭).This is my father,hes a policeman.This is my mother,shes a doctor.This is my sister Lanlan,shes four.Doudou is my dog,its a yellow dog,and its my friend(朋友).31、How old is Weiwei?()A9 B8 C7 32、Which picture(哪张图片)is Weiwei?()A B C 33、Weiweis father is a _.()A B C 34、Is Weiweis mother a teacher?()AYes,she is.BNo,she isnt.CYes,he is.35、Doudou is _.()Aa yellow cat Ba yellow dog Ca yellow bird 2 This is my room(房间).A ball is under the bed.Two books are on the bed.A chair is under the desk.A toy boat is on the desk.A bag is in the desk.Look!Strawberries are on a plate.How many strawberries?One,two,three Ha!Fifteen strawberries!31、A ball is _ the bed.()Aon Bin Cunder 32、Two books are _ the bed.()Aon Bin Cunder 33、A _ is under the desk.()Aball Bbag Cchair 34、A toy _ is on the desk.()Aboat Bcar Cdog 35、How many strawberries?_.()A15 B16 C17 3 Hi,my name is Lily.Im from the USAThis is my friend,Cici.Its a cat.Its short and fat.It has a big body and a long tail.It likes fish.I like watermelons.I have a big toy box.Whats in it?13 balls,16 toy cars,17 crayons and 19 pencils.31、Lily is from the _.()AUK BUSA 32、Cici is a _.()Acat Bdog 33、Cici has a _ body.()Abig Bsmall 34、Lily likes _.()Afish Bwatermelons 35、Lily has _ toy cars.()Asixteen Bnineteen 4 Hi!Im Bob.I like animals.Look at my dog.Its black and white.It has big eyes.This is my bird,Polly.It is three years old.Its very beautiful.I have a small cat.Its white.She is Mimi.Mimi likes the fish.What about you?31、The dog is _.()Ablack Bwhite Cblack and white 32、How old is Polly?()AIts 2 years old.BIts 3 years old.CIts 4 years old.33、_ is very beautiful.()AThe bird BThe dog CThe giraffe 34、Bob has a _ cat.()Ashort Bsmall Cfat 35、Mimi likes _.()Afish Bgrapes CPolly 5 Lucy and Bob are students.Lucy is twelve years old.She is from the USAShe likes grapes and apples.She has a brown cat.Its small and fat.Bob is eleven years old.He is from the UK.He likes pears and strawberries.He has a toy car.Its on the box.31、Bob is _ years old.()A12 B11 C20 32、Lucy is from the _.()AUK BUSA CUN 33、Lucy has a brown cat.Its _.()Abig and fat Bsmall and thin Csmall and fat 34、Bob likes _.()Agrapes and apples Bgrapes and strawberries Cpears and strawberries 35、Bob has a toy car.Its _ the box.()Ain Bon Cunder 6 Wu Dong has a good friend.His name is Peter.He is from the USAWu Dong and Peter are in the same class.They go to school five days a week.They stay at home on Sundays and Saturdays.Peter likes China and Chinese food.He likes rice cakes very much.At school they play ping-pong ball after class.Wu Dong and Peter like making things.Now they are making a model plane.They like flying model planes on Sunday mornings.Peter speaks English and a little Chinese.Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English.They teach each other.31、Where does Wu Dongs friend come from?()AHe comes from the UK.BHe comes from the USA CHe comes from China.DHe comes from Canada.32、How many days a week are they at school?()ASix.BSeven.CFive.DFour.33、What do they do after class?()AThey play ping-pong ball at home.BThey play ping-pong ball at school.CThey make things at home.DThey make things at school.34、What do they teach each other?()AWu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese.BWu Dong teaches Peter Chinese and Peter teaches Wu Dong English CWu Dong teaches Peter to play tennis.DPeter teaches Wu Dong to make a model plane.35、Which one of the following is NOT true?()APeter doesnt like China and Chinese food.BPeter likes playing ping-pong ball and making things.CPeter speaks good English and Wu Dong speaks good Chinese.DPeter and Wu Dong dont go to school on Sundays or Saturdays.7 看图,选择正确的答案。31、Li Kuns sister is_.()ALi Hong BLi Mei CWang Lan 32、Li Gangs sister is _.()AWang Lan BLi Mei CLi Hong 33、Wang Lans brother is _.()AWang Dong BLi Gang CWang Rong 34、Li Meis mothers mother is _.()AZhou Xin BWang Dong CFang Hua 35、Li Hongs father is Li Kuns _.()Abrother Bfather Cgrandpa 8 A duck walks into a snack bar on Monday.“Are there any grapes?”The duck asks.“Sorry.There arent any grapes,”the waiter(服务员)answers.Then the duck goes away.On Tuesday,the duck comes back.Again,he asks,“Are there any grapes?”The waiter says no and the duck leaves(离开).The duck comes and asks the same question every day.On Friday,the waiter says angrily,“No.And if you ask that again,Ill nail(钉)your feet(脚)to the floor!”The next day,the duck comes again and asks,“Are there any nails?”“No.”“Are there any grapes?”31、The duck would like _.()Asome nails Bsome grapes Csome snacks Dsome drinks 32、The duck comes to the snack bar for _ times(次数)in total(总共).()Afour Bfive Csix Dseven 33、The word“angrily”means“_”.()A生气地 B热情地 C无精打采地 D开心地 34、The duck is very _.()Ahungry Bnaughty(淘气的)Chard-working(勤劳的)Dthirsty 35、Which of the following sentences is TRUE?()AThe duck asks two questions on Friday.BThe duck asks“Are there any nails?”because(因为)he wants nails that day.CThe waiter will nail the ducks feet to the floor on Saturday.DThe waiter doesnt like the duck.9 This is my room.Look at it.It is big.My desk is near(附近)the window.There are(有)many books on the desk.My bag is in the desk.My books,pens and rulers are in the bag.I have a toy car.It is under my bed.I like it very much.31、My room is _.()Abig Bsmall Cnot good 32、Many _ are on the desk.()Apens Brulers Cbooks 33、My bag is _ the desk.()Aon Bin Cunder 34、My toy _ is under the bed.()Ataxi Bcar Cbox 35、My _ is not in the bag.()Apencil Bruler Cpen 10 Hello,Im Jack.Im 10.I like football.Look at me.Im cool.Look at my football.Its black and white.Look at my T-shirt.Its yellow.Look at my shorts.They are blue.Look!This is my sister Alice.She is 12、And that is my brother Ben.Hes 8.31、The writers name is _.()AJack BAlice CBen 32、The writer is _ years old.()A12 B10 C8 33、The writers _ black and white.()AT-shirt is Bshorts are Cfootball is 34、The writers shorts are _.()Ared Byellow Cblue 35、Alice is the writers _.()Afriend Bsister Cbrother 11 My name is Jim.My favorite day is October 18th,because its my birthday.I am very happy on that day.I eat eggs for breakfast.Then my friends come to my home and play with me.We sing and dance.Someone plays the piano and someone plays the guitar.Lunch is very nice.After lunch,my parents take me to see a movie.My favorite movies are comedies and action movies.After supper,my parents,my sister and I watch TV.Then I go to bed at ten thirty.I dont do my homework on that day.I am very tired but happy on my birthday.31、Jims birthday is on _.()AOctober 8 BOctober 18 CDecember 8th DDecember 18th 32、Jims favorite movies are _.()AComedies Baction movies Cthrillers DA and B 33、Jim goes to bed at _.()A10:30 B10:13 C10:00 D3:10 34、Does Jim do his homework on his birthday?()AYes,he does.BNo,he doesnt.CNo,he isnt.DI dont know.35、How is Jim on his birthday?()ATired.BHappy but not tired.CTired but happy.DHappy.12 Hi!Im Amy.I am eight.Im a pupil.Look!This is my grandpa.He is a farmer.This is my father and that is my mother.My father is a driver.My mother is an English teacher.Heres my brother.His name is Sam.He is a pupil.Heres my sister.Her name is Kitty.Shes six.She is a pupil,too.31、I am _.()ASam BAmy CKitty 32、My grandpa is a _.()Ateacher Bfarmer Cdoctor 33、My mother is a _.()Adriver Bnurse Cteacher 34、My brother is a _ in a school.()Ateacher Bpupil Cdoctor 35、My sister is _.()Asix Bseven Cfive 13 This girl is Linlin.She is ten.Its her birthday today(今天).She has(有)two presents.Look!This present is from(来自)her mother.What is it?Oh!Its a book.Now it is on the desk.Her father gave(给)her a cat kite.It is blue.Linlin likes(喜欢)the presents.31、Linlin is _.()A9 B10 C12 32、Linlin has two _.()Apresents Bblackboards Cbirds 33、The book is from her _.()Ateacher Bgrandma Cmother 34、Now the book is _.()Aon the chair Bon the desk Cin the book 35、Her father gave her a _.()A B C 14 Hello!Im Liu Yang.Im a boy.Im nine.Im a pupil.My English teacher is Ms Zhang.She is a good teacher.I have a good family.My father is a doctor.My mother is nurse.My grandpa and Grandma are farmers.I have a cat.Its a yellow cat.Her name is Mimi.We all like it.31、Liu Yang is a _.()Agirl Bboy Cteacher 32、Liu Yang is _.()Aten Beight Cnine 33、Liu Yangs(刘洋的)father is a _.()Ateacher Bdoctor Cdriver 34、Liu Yangs grandpa is a _.()Afarmer Bteacher Cpoliceman 35、Liu Yangs cat is _.()Ablack Byellow Cwhite 15 There are(有)three pandas in the zoo.Look!That is Father Panda,he is fat(胖).That is Mother Panda,she is big(大的).This is Baby Panda,he is lovely(可爱的).They(他们)are very happy(开心).31、There are _ pandas in the zoo.()Atwo Bthree Cfour 32、_ is fat.()AMother Panda BBaby Panda CFather Panda 33、_ is big.()AMother Panda BBaby Panda CFather Panda 34、Baby Panda is _.()Agood Bfat Clovely(可爱的)35、They are _.()Afine Bhappy Cthin 16 Sarah:How old are you,John?John:Im 9 years old.Sarah:John,this is my brother,Sam.John:Hi,Sam.Happy birthday!How old are you?Sam:Im 7 years old.Look,I have a green pencil box.John:Wow!Its nice.Can I have some juice,please?Sarah:Here you are.31、John is _ years old.()Afive Beight Cnine 32、Sarahs brother is _.()AJohn BSam CMike 33、Sam is _ years old.()Aseven Bten Csix 34、Sam has a _ pencil box.()Ared Borange Cgreen 35、John would like some _.()Amilk Bjuice Cwater 17 Hello,my names Kate.Im nine years old.I like red and white.I like juice and bread.Look,this is my friend(朋友)Lily.Lily is red and blue.She is lovely(可爱的).Haha,she is a bird.I like her very much.31、Kate is _ years old.()A8 B9 C10 32、Kate likes _.()Amilk and bread Bjuice and rice Cjuice and bread 33、Kates friend is _.()ALily Bblack Ca cat 34、Lily is _.()Ared and white Bblue and black Cred and blue 35、Lily is a _.()Adog Bbird Cpanda 18 I have a pencil box.Its black.There are lots of things(东西)in it.I have a pen.Its red and long(长的).I like it.I have three pencils.They(它们)are short(短的).I have a ruler.Its big(大的).I have an eraser.Its small(小的).31、The pencil box is _.()Ablack Bred 32、The pen is _.()Ayellow Bred 33、I have _pencils.()A4 B3 34、The pencils are _.()Along Bshort 35、The eraser is _.()Abig Bsmall 19 Hello,kids!Here are many gifts(礼物)for you.Theyre in the red bag.Look!Three white erasers,two yellow pens and a green pencil.The pens are for Sarah and John.The pencil is for Sam.How many books?Six.Whats this?Oh,its a toy tiger.Its brown and funny.Its for Sam.31、The bag is _.()A B C 32、Here are three white _ and _ yellow pens.()Aerasers;3 Bpencils;2 Cerasers;2 33、How many books?()A B C 34、The toy tiger is _.()Ayellow and funny Bbrown and cool Cbrown and funny 35、The pencil is for _.()ASam BSarah CJohn 20 A:Good morning,Miss Li.B:Good morning,Yang Ling.C:Hello,Yang Ling.A:Hello,Mike.D:Hi,Yang Ling.A:Hi,Su Hai.(上课铃声响起)B:Good morning,class.Class:Good morning,Miss Li.31、Whos“A”?()AYang Ling.BMiss Li.32、Whos“B”?()AYang Ling.BMiss Li.33、Whos“C”?()AYang Ling.BMike.34、They are _ now.()Aat school Bat home 35、当 Yang Ling 见到 Miss Li 时,她说“_”向 Miss Li 问候。()AGoodbye.BGood morning.【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除 一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习 1A 解析:31、A 32、B 33、C 34、B 35、B【分析】短文大意:介绍伟伟及家庭成员,包括他们的职业、年龄。31、句意:伟伟多大了?根据 Hello,Im Weiwei.Im a boy.Im nine.可知伟伟九岁了。故选A。32、句意:哪张照片是伟伟?根据 Hello,Im Weiwei.Im a boy.可知伟伟是个男孩。故选B。33、句意:伟伟的爸爸是一名_。A 农民,B 医生,C 警察,根据 This is my father,hes a policeman.可知伟伟的爸爸是一名警察。故选 C。34、句意:伟伟的妈妈是老师吗?根据 This is my mother,shes a doctor.可知伟伟的妈妈是医生,不是老师,可知是否定回答,故选 B。35、句意:豆豆是_。A 一只黄色的猫。B 一只黄色的狗。C 一只黄色的鸟。根据 Doudou is my dog,its a yellow dog.可知豆豆是一只黄色的狗。故选 B。【点睛】2C 解析:31、C 32、A 33、C 34、A 35、A【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了我房间里面的物品。31、句意:一个球在床_。A 在上面;B 在里面;C 在下面;根据短文中的 A ball is under the bed.可知球在床下面,故选 C。32、句意:两本书在床_。A 在上面;B 在里面;C 在下面;根据短文中的 Two books are on the bed.可知两本书在床上面,故选 A。33、句意:一个_在书桌下面。A 球;B 包;C 椅子;根据短文中的 A chair is under the desk.可知一把椅子在书桌下面,故选 C。34、句意:一个玩具_在书桌上面。A 小船;B 小汽车;C 狗;根据短文中的 A toy boat is on the desk.可知一个玩具小船在书桌上面,故选 A。35、句意:有多少草莓?_根据短文中的 Fifteen strawberries!可知有十五个草莓,故选 A。【点睛】3B 解析:31、B 32、A 33、A 34、B 35、A【导语】本文介绍了莉莉的猫及玩具。31、句意:莉莉来自_。A 英国,B 美国,根据 Hi,my name is Lily.Im from the USA.,可知莉莉来自美国,故选 B。32、句意:西西是一只_。A 猫,B 狗,根据 This is my friend,Cici.Its a cat.,可知西西是一只猫,故选 A。33、句意:西西有一个_身体。A 大的,B 小的,根据 It has a big body and a long tail.,可知西西有一个大身体,故选 A。34、句意:莉莉喜欢_。A 鱼,B 西瓜,根据 I like watermelons.,可知莉莉喜欢西瓜,故选 B。35、句意:莉莉有_辆玩具汽车。A 十六,B 十九,根据 13 balls,16 toy cars,17 crayons and 19 pencils.,可知莉莉有 16 辆玩具汽车,故选 A。4C 解析:31、C 32、B 33、A 34、B 35、A【导语】本文介绍了鲍勃的动物。31、句意:狗是_。A 黑色的,B 白色的,C 黑白相间的,根据“Look at my dog.Its black and white.”,可知狗是黑白相间的,故选 C。32、句意:波莉多大了?A 它 2 岁。B 它 3 岁。C 它 4 岁。根据“This is my bird,Polly.It is three years old.”,可知波莉 3 岁了,故选 B。33、句意:_非常漂亮。A 鸟,B 狗,C 长颈鹿,根据“This is my bird,Polly.It is three years old.Its very beautiful.”,可知鸟非常漂亮,故选 A。34、句意:鲍勃有一只_猫。A 矮的,B 小的,C 胖的,根据“I have a small cat.”,可知鲍勃有一只小猫,故选 B。35、句意:咪咪喜欢_。A 鱼,B 葡萄,C 波莉,根据“Mimi likes the fish.”,可知咪咪喜欢鱼,故选 A。5B 解析:31、B 32、B 33、C 34、C 35、B【导语】本文主要介绍了露西和鲍勃的具体情况,包括他们的年龄国籍及喜好。31、句意:鲍勃_岁。根据文中句子“Bob is eleven years old.”可知鲍勃 11 岁,故选B。32、句意:露西来自_。A 英国,B 美国,C 联合国。根据文中句子“Lucy is twelve years old.She is from the USA.”可知露西来自美国,故选 B。33、句意:露西有一只棕色的猫。它是_。A 又大又胖,B 又小又瘦,C 又小又胖。根据文中句子“She has a brown cat.Its small and fat.”可知她的猫是又小又胖的,故选C。34、句意:鲍勃喜欢_。A 葡萄和苹果,B 葡萄和草莓,C 梨和草莓。根据文中句子“He likes pears and strawberries.”可知鲍勃喜欢梨和草莓,故选 C。35、句意:鲍勃有一个玩具汽车。它在盒子_。A 在里面,B 在上面,C在下面。根据文中句子“He has a toy car.Its on the box.”可知玩具汽车在盒子上面,故选B。6B 解析:31、B 32、C 33、B 34、B 35、A【解析】31、细节理解题。从文中第三句可知彼得来自美国。32、细节理解题。从文中第一段的第五句和第六句可知他们每周去上五天的学,周六和周日在家里。33、细节理解题。从文中第一段最后一句可知下课后他们在学校打乒乓球。34、推理判断题。从文中第二段中“彼得说英语和一点儿汉语,吴东说汉语和一点儿英语”可推出吴东教彼得汉语而彼得教吴东英语。35、细节理解题。从文中第一段倒数第三句可知彼得喜欢中国和中国的食物,故 A 项不正确。7B 解析:31、B 32、C 33、C 34、A 35、C 8B 解析:31、B 32、C 33、A 34、B 35、D【分析】短文大意:一只鸭子去零食店要葡萄的故事。31、句意:那只鸭子想要_。根据 A duck walks into a snack bar on Monday.“Are there any grapes?”The duck asks.可知它想要葡萄,故选 B。32、句意:那只鸭子总共来小吃吧_次了。根据文章第第五段和最后一段可判断它来了六次,故选 C。33、句意:单词“angrily”的意思是_。angrily 意思是生气地,故选 A。34、句意:那只鸭子非常_。hungry 饿的;thirsty 口渴的;根据短文内容可判断它很淘气,故选 B。35、句意:一下哪个句子正确?A 选项在星期五,那只鸭子问了两个问题。B 选项鸭子问“有钉子吗?”因为那天它想要钉子。C 选项那个服务员在星期六想要鸭子的脚钉在地板上。D 选项那个服务员不喜欢那只鸭子。根据短文内容可知 D 选项符合,故选 D。【点睛】9A 解析:31、A 32、C 33、B 34、B 35、A【导语】本文介绍了作者的房间。31、句意:我的房间是_。A 大的,B 小的,C 不好,根据“It is big.”,可知作者的房间是大的,故选 A。32、句意:很多_在桌子上。A 钢笔,B 尺子,C 书,根据“There are(有)many books on the desk.”,可知很多书在桌子上,故选 C。33、句意:我的书包在桌子_。A 在上面,B 在里面,C 在下面,根据“My bags is in the desk.”,可知作者的书包在桌子里,故选 B。34、句意:我的玩具_在床下。A 出租车,B 汽车,C 箱子,根据“I have a toy car.It is under my bed.”,可知作者的玩具汽车在床下,故选 B。35、句意:我的_不在包里。A 铅笔,B 尺子,C 钢笔,根据“My books,pens and rulers are in the bag.”,可知作者的铅笔不在包里,故选 A。10A 解析:31、A 32、B 33、C 34、C 35、B【导语】本文主要介绍了杰克的具体情况,包括爱好,服装以及他的姐姐和弟弟。31、句意:作者的名字是_。A 杰克,B 爱丽丝,C 本。根据文中句子“Hello,Im Jack.”可知作者是杰克,故选 A。32、句意:作者是_岁。根据文中句子“Im 10.”可知他是 10 岁,故选 B。33、句意:作者的_黑色和白色的。A 选项 T 恤衫是,B 短裤是,C 足球是,根据文中句子“Look at my football.Its black and white.”可知足球是黑色和白色的,故选 C。34、句意:作者的短裤是_。A 红色的,B 黄色的,C 蓝色的,根据文中句子“Look at my shorts.They are blue.”可知短裤是蓝色的,故选 C。35、句意:爱丽丝是作者的_。A 朋友,B 姐姐/妹妹,C 哥哥/弟弟。根据文中句子“This is my sister Alice.She is 12、”可知爱丽丝是杰克的姐姐,故选 B。11B 解析:31、B 32、D 33、A 34、B 35、C【导语】本文主要写了吉姆生日那天他是怎样度过的。31、句意:吉姆的生日在_。A 十月八日,B 十月十八


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