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    一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习 1 Hello!Im Liu Yang.Im a boy.Im nine.Im a pupil.My English teacher is Ms Zhang.She is a good teacher.I have a good family.My father is a doctor.My mother is nurse.My grandpa and Grandma are farmers.I have a cat.Its a yellow cat.Her name is Mimi.We all like it.31、Liu Yang is a _.()Agirl Bboy Cteacher 32、Liu Yang is _.()Aten Beight Cnine 33、Liu Yangs(刘洋的)father is a _.()Ateacher Bdoctor Cdriver 34、Liu Yangs grandpa is a _.()Afarmer Bteacher Cpoliceman 35、Liu Yangs cat is _.()Ablack Byellow Cwhite 2 Look at the elephant.Its so big.It has a long nose and a short tail.Look at the giraffe.Its so tall.It has a long neck.Look at the bear.Its short and fat.Look at the monkey.Its funny.It has a long tail and a big mouth.Look at the panda.It is big and fat.31、The elephant has a _ tail.()Along Bshort 32、The monkey has a _ mouth.()Abig Bshort 33、The bear is _.()Abig and short Bshort and fat 34、The panda is _.()Abig Bsmall 35、The giraffe is _.()Asmall Btall 3 I have a sister.Her name is Nini.She is five years old.She has many toys.She has 6 toy babies,11 colourful balls(球),10 boats and 6 toy pandas.The colourful balls are in the ball box.The toy babies are on her bed.The boats are under the chair.31、I have a _.()Abrother Bsister Cuncle 32、Nini has many _.()Apens Bbooks Ctoys 33、How many colourful balls does Nini have?()ATen.BEleven.CFifteen.34、The toy babies are _.()Aon her bed Bunder her bed Con the chair 35、_ are under the chair.()AThe toy pandas BThe boats CThe colourful balls 4 Hello!My name is Nancy.I am eleven years old.Im polite and hard working.Salad is my favourite food,because its healthy for me.My favourite day is Monday.We have Chinese.maths,English and computer class on that day.But we dont have English on Wednesdays or Fridays.I like English very much.Miss Sun is my English teacher.Shes clever and funny.Sometimes shes strict.She has black glasses for short sight.She can sing English songs well.After school I can swim with my good friend,Sam.Hes a shy boy.He likes sweet food.And I can draw very well.I often draw cartoons on Saturdays.31、Nancy is _.()Aclever and funny Bstrict and shy Cpolite and hard-working 32、Nancy likes salad,because its _.()Asweet Bfresh Chealthy 33、Nancy has English class _.()AWednesdays BThursdays CFridays 34、She has black glasses for short sight.Here,short sight means(意思是)_.()A近视 B矮个子 C目光短浅 35、Nancy often _ on Saturdays.()Asings English songs Bdraws cartoons Cswims 5 A:Hello,this is my new friend David.B:Hello,David.Nice to meet you.Im Wang Bing.C:Nice to meet you too,Wang Bing.B:Look at this new cap.C:Its nice.B:Thanks.Its for my sister Wang Hong.Tomorrow(明天)is her birthday.A&C:Oh,thats great.31、_ is B()AWang Bing BDavid CWang Hong 32、David is As _.()Asister Bbrother Cnew friend 33、The cap is new and _.()Ared Bnice Cbig 34、Wang Hong is _ sister.()AAs BWang Bings CDavids 35、Tomorrow is _ birthday.()AWang Bings BDavids CWang Hongs 6 A:Good morning,Miss Li.B:Good morning,Yang Ling.C:Hello,Yang Ling.A:Hello,Mike.D:Hi,Yang Ling.A:Hi,Su Hai.(上课铃声响起)B:Good morning,class.Class:Good morning,Miss Li.31、Whos“A”?()AYang Ling.BMiss Li.32、Whos“B”?()AYang Ling.BMiss Li.33、Whos“C”?()AYang Ling.BMike.34、They are _ now.()Aat school Bat home 35、当 Yang Ling 见到 Miss Li 时,她说“_”向 Miss Li 问候。()AGoodbye.BGood morning.7 Hello,Im Joe.Im a boy.Im 7 years old.Let me tell you about my family.Lucy is my mum.She is a maths teacher.Ben is my dad.He is a doctor.John is my little brother.He is only 2 years old.We live with our grandpa.And there is a cat is my family.Its Kitty.31、Who is the maths teacher in Joes family?()ALucy.BBen.CJohn.32、Joe is Johns _.()Afather Bsister Cbrother 33、Whats Bens job?()AA teacher.BA student.CA doctor.34、How old is Joes brother?()A7.B5、C2、35、How many people are there in Joes family?()A4、B5、C6.8 Hello,Im Liu Wei.Look!This is my family photo.I have a brother and a sister.My brothers name is Liu Chen.Liu Xian is my sister.We are students.Liu Xiaomin is my father.He is tall.Zhao Fan is my mother.She is beautiful.My father has a brother.Liu Xiaojun is my fathers brother.So he is my uncle.My grandpas name is Liu Guoqing.Chen Jie is my grandma.We all live together.And we all love one another.31、There are _ people in Liu Weis family.()A7 B8 C9 32、Liu Wei is _ brother.()ALiu Xiaojuns BLiu Xiana CLiu Xiaomins 33、Liu Chens mother is _.()AChen Jie BZhao Fan CLiu Xian 34、Liu Guoqing is Liu Weis _.()Afather Bgrandma Cgrandpa 35、画线单词“uncle”的中文意思是“_”。()A叔父 B姨母 C堂哥 9 This is my room.Look at it.It is big.My desk is near(附近)the window.There are(有)many books on the desk.My bag is in the desk.My books,pens and rulers are in the bag.I have a toy car.It is under my bed.I like it very much.31、My room is _.()Abig Bsmall Cnot good 32、Many _ are on the desk.()Apens Brulers Cbooks 33、My bag is _ the desk.()Aon Bin Cunder 34、My toy _ is under the bed.()Ataxi Bcar Cbox 35、My _ is not in the bag.()Apencil Bruler Cpen 10 Hello,Im Daming,I m a boy.My father is a driver.My mother is a farmer.31、Daming is a _.()Agirl Bboy Ccat 32、His mother is a _.()Ateacher Bfarmer Cnurse 33、His father is a _.()Apupil Bdriver Cboy 34、A pencil is _.()Ain my hand Bin his ear Cin his mouth 35、His schoolbag is _.()Ain his classroom Bin the bag Cin the desk 11 (Mrs Bear 为此次迎新年派对采购了很多礼物,让我们一起来看一看吧!)Hello,I am Mrs Bear.We will have a party.Here are many gifts(礼物)for my friends.One green bag,three red rulers,four yellow erasers,two black pencils and ten books.How many crayons?Six.Look!Whats this?Oh,its a toy tiger.Its so cool.Its for my friend,Mr Elephant.31、The bag is _.()Ared Bgreen Cyellow 32、Mrs Bear has six _.()Apencils Bcrayon Cerasers 33、The toy tiger is _.()Acool Bnice Cfunny 34、How many gifts?()A25、B26.C27.35、The toy tiger is for _.()AMrs Bear BMr Tiger CMr Elephant 12 Sarah:How old are you,John?John:Im 9 years old.Sarah:John,this is my brother,Sam.John:Hi,Sam.Happy birthday!How old are you?Sam:Im 7 years old.Look,I have a green pencil box.John:Wow!Its nice.Can I have some juice,please?Sarah:Here you are.31、John is _ years old.()Afive Beight Cnine 32、Sarahs brother is _.()AJohn BSam CMike 33、Sam is _ years old.()Aseven Bten Csix 34、Sam has a _ pencil box.()Ared Borange Cgreen 35、John would like some _.()Amilk Bjuice Cwater 13 Today we are in the zoo.Wow,its very big.Look at the monkey.Its in the truck.Its funny.Look at the tiger.Its drinking water.Look at the panada.Its black and white.Its cute.I see many pigs.How many pigs?Lets count.1,2,39!I see 9 pigs.They are fat.They are eating.I like them.31、They are in the _.()A B C 32、The _ is drinking water.()A B C 33、The _ is black and white.()A B C 34、How many pigs?()ATwo BThree CNine 35、Its in the truck.Its funny.()A有趣的 B可爱的 C奇怪的 14 Hello,my names Kate.Im nine years old.I like red and white.I like juice and bread.Look,this is my friend(朋友)Lily.Lily is red and blue.She is lovely(可爱的).Haha,she is a bird.I like her very much.31、Kate is _ years old.()A8 B9 C10 32、Kate likes _.()Amilk and bread Bjuice and rice Cjuice and bread 33、Kates friend is _.()ALily Bblack Ca cat 34、Lily is _.()Ared and white Bblue and black Cred and blue 35、Lily is a _.()Adog Bbird Cpanda 15 Hello,Im Polly.Im a bird.My eyes are black.My mouth is red.My head is yellow.My body is green.Today is my birthday.Im two years old.Kitty is my friend.Its a cat.Its brown.Its three years old.We are happy.31、Im _ years old.()A2 B3 C4 32、My mouth is _.()Ablack Bred Cblue 33、My _ is green.()Ahead Beyes Cbody 34、Kitty is _.()Ayellow Bbrown Cgreen 35、Kitty is a _.()A B C 16 Im Kate.Im seven years old.I like blue.I like milk and bread.I like dogs and bears.Today is my birthday.I have a gift.Its a Teddy bear.It is cool.I like it.31、Kate is _.()A B C 32、Kate likes _.()Ablue Byellow Corange 33、Kate likes _.()A B C 34、Kate likes _.()A B C 35、Kate has a gift.Its a _.()A B C 17 Hi!My name is Mike.I am a boy.I have a blue bag,a green pencil box and a yellow ruler.I have a good friend and her name is Sarah.She has big eyes and a small mouth.She is very beautiful(漂亮的).She has a red bag.31、The boy is _.()AJohn BMike CSarah 32、I have a _ bag.()Ayellow Bgreen Cblue 33、The _ is green.()Abag Bpencil box Cruler 34、_ is my good friend.()ASarah BMike CJohn 35、Sarah has big _ and a small _.()Amouth;eyes Beyes;mouth Cmouth;head 18 Hello,I am Mrs Bear.We will have a party.Here are many gifts(礼物)for my friends.One green bag,three red rulers,four yellow erasers,two black pencils and ten books.How many crayons?Six.Look!Whats this?Oh,its a toy tiger.Its so cool.Its for my friend,Mr Elephant.31、The bag is _.()Ared Bgreen Cyellow 32、Mrs Bear has six _.()Apencils Bcrayons Cerasers 33、The toy tiger is _.()Acool Bnice Cfunny 34、How many gifts?()_.A25、B26.C27.35、The toy tiger is for _.()AMrs Bear BMr Tiger CMr Elephant 19 Hello!I am Mike.I am seven years old.I am a student.I have two big eyes and a small nose.I have a red bag.Whats in my bag?Oh,three pens,a ruler,a pencil box and three books.I like blue very much.31、I am _ years old.()A7 B8 C9 32、I have big _.()Aeyes Bnose Cmouth 33、My bag is _.()Ablue Bred Cyellow 34、I have _ books.()A2 B3 C6 35、I like _ very much.()Ared Bwhite Cblue 20 Hello,Im Peter.Amy is my sister.And Ben is my brother.We are in a clothes shop now.Amy would like a red skirt.She likes red.Ben would like a blue cap.Wang Bing is in the clothes shop too.He is my friend.He would like a black jacket.Its cool!What would I like?I would like an orange T-shirt and a black cap.31、Who is Bens brother?()AAmy.BPeter.CWang Bing.32、Wang Bing is _.()ABens friend BAmys brother CPeters friend 33、Ben would like _.()Aa black cap Ban orange T-shirt Ca blue cap 34、The _ jacket is cool.()Ablue Borange Cblack 35、Which sentence is RIGHT?()APeter,Amy and Ben are in a clothes shop now,but Wang Bing isnt.BAmy would like a red skirt.CPeter would like a black T-shirt and an orange cap.【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除 一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习 1B 解析:31、B 32、C 33、B 34、A 35、B【导语】本文刘洋介绍了他的个人信息,喜欢的老师,家人的职业及他的宠物猫。31、句意:刘洋是一个_。A 女孩,B 男孩,C 老师。根据 Im Liu Yang.Im a boy.我是刘洋。我是一个男孩。可知 B 选项符合题意,故选 B。32、句意:刘洋是_。A 十岁,B 八岁,C 九岁。根据 Im nine.我九岁。可知 C 选项符合题意,故选 C。33、句意:刘洋的爸爸是一名_。A 老师,B 医生,C 司机。根据 My father is a doctor.我的爸爸是一名医生。可知 B 选项符合题意,故选 B。34、句意:刘洋的爷爷是一名_。A 农民,B 老师,C 警察。根据 My grandpa and grandma are farmers.我的爷爷和奶奶是农民。可知 A 选项符合题意,故选 A。35、句意:刘洋的猫是_。A 黑色的,B 黄色的,C 白色的。根据 Its a yellow cat.它是一只黄色的猫。可知 B 选项符合题意,故选 B。2B 解析:31、B 32、A 33、B 34、A 35、B【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了一些动物。31、句意:大象有_尾巴。A 长的;B 短的;根据短文中的 It has a long nose and a short tail.它有长鼻子和短尾巴。可知大象有短尾巴,故选 B。32、句意:猴子有_嘴。A 大的;B 短的;根据短文中的 It has a long tail and a big mouth.它有长尾巴和大嘴。可知猴子有大嘴,故选 A。33、句意:熊是_。A 又大又矮;B 又矮又胖;根据短文中的 Its short and fat.它又矮又胖。可知熊是又矮又胖,故选 B。34、句意:熊猫是_。A 大的;B 小的;根据短文中的 It is big and fat.它又大又胖。可知熊猫是大的,故选 A。35、句意:长颈鹿是_。A 小的;B 高的;根据短文中的 Its so tall.它那么高。可知长颈鹿是高的,故选 B。【点睛】3B 解析:31、B 32、C 33、B 34、A 35、B【分析】本文主要讲了妮妮有很多玩具。31、句意:我有一个_。A 弟弟,B 妹妹,C 叔叔,根据 I have a sister.Her name is Nini.She is five years old.,可知有一个妹妹,故选 B。32、句意:妮妮有很多_。A 钢笔,B 书,C 玩具,根据 She has many toys.,可知妮妮有很多玩具,故选 C。33、句意:妮妮有多少个彩色的球?A 十个。B 十一个。C 十五个。根据 She has 6 toy babies,11 colourful balls(球),10 boats and 6 toy pandas.,可知妮妮有十一个彩色的球,故选B。34、句意:玩具娃娃_。A 在她的床上,B 在她的床下,C 在椅子上,根据 The toy babies are on her bed.,可知玩具娃娃在她的床上,故选 A。35、句意:_在椅子下面。A 玩具熊猫,B 船,C 彩色的球,根据 The boats are under the chair.,可知船在椅子下面,故选 B。【点睛】4C 解析:31、C 32、C 33、B 34、A 35、B【详解】大意:短文讲述了南希的爱好和在学校的日常生活。1、句意:南希很_。A 聪明的和有趣的,B 严厉的和害羞的,C 有礼貌的和努力的,根据 My name is Nancy.Im polite and hard working.可知南希很有礼貌,工作也很努力。故选C。2、句意:南希喜欢沙拉,因为它很_。A 甜的,B 新鲜的,C 健康的,根据 Salad is my favourite food,because its healthy for me.可知沙拉是我最喜欢的食物,它很健康。故选 C。3、句意:南希在_有英语课。A 星期三,B 星期四,C 星期五,根据 But we dont have English on Wednesdays or Fridays.可知星期三或星期五没有英语课,排除 AC。故选 B。4、句意:她戴着黑色的近视眼镜。在这,short sight 意思是_。根据 She has black glasses for short sight.可知译为近视,故选 A。5、句意:南希经常在星期六_。A 唱英文歌,B 画卡通画,C 游泳,根据 I often draw cartoons on Saturdays 可知南希在星期六画卡通画。故选 B。5A 解析:31、A 32、C 33、B 34、B 35、C【导语】本文主要讲了新朋友和新帽子。31、句意:_是 B。根据 B:Hello,David.Nice to meet you.Im Wang Bing.,可知 B 是王兵,故选 A。32、句意:大卫是 A 的_。A 姐姐/妹妹,B 哥哥/弟弟,C 新朋友,根据 A:Hello,this is my new friend David.,可知大卫是 A 的新朋友,故选 C。33、句意:帽子是新的和_。A 红色的,B 漂亮的,C 大的,根据 B:Look at this new cap.C:Its nice.,可知帽子是新的和漂亮的,故选 B。34、句意:王红是_妹妹。根据 B:Thanks.Its for my sister Wang Hong.,可知王红是王兵的妹妹,故选 B。35、句意:明天是_生日。A 王兵的,B 大卫的,C 王红的,根据 Its for my sister Wang Hong.Tomorrow(明天)is her birthday.,可知明天是王红的生日,故选 C。6A 解析:31、A 32、B 33、B 34、A 35、B【导语】本文讲了学生和老师,学生和学生之间互相问候。31、句意:谁是“A”?A 杨玲。B 李老师。根据“A:Good morning,Miss Li.B:Good morning,Yang Ling.”,可知 A 是杨玲,故选 A。32、句意:谁是“B”?A 杨玲。B 李老师。根据“A:Good morning,Miss Li.B:Good morning,Yang Ling.”,可知 B 是李老师,故选 B。33、句意:谁是“C”?A 杨玲。B 迈克。根据“C:Hello,Yang Ling.A:Hello,Mike.”,可知 C 是迈克,故选 B。34、句意:他们现在_。A 在学校,B 在家,根据“(上课铃声响起)”,可知他们现在在学校,故选 A。35、句意:当杨玲见到李老师时,她说“_”向李老师问候。A 再见。B 早上好。应该说早上好向李老师问候,故选 B。7A 解析:31、A 32、C 33、C 34、C 35、B【导语】本文介绍了乔的家人和猫。31、句意:在乔家,谁是数学老师?A 露西。B 本。C 约翰。根据“Lucy is my mum.She is a maths teacher.”,可知露西是数学老师,故选 A。32、句意:乔是约翰的_。A 爸爸,B 姐姐,C 哥哥,根据“John is my little brother.He is only 2 years old.”,可知乔是约翰的哥哥,故选 C。33、句意:本的工作是什么?A 一名老师。B 一名学生。C 一名医生。根据“Ben is my dad.He is a doctor.”,可知本是一名医生,故选 C。34、句意:乔的弟弟多大了?根据“John is my little brother.He is only 2 years old.”,可知乔的弟弟 2 岁,故选 C。35、句意:乔家有几口人?根据全文可知乔家有 5 口人,分别是乔,乔的爸爸妈妈,乔的弟弟,乔的爷爷,故选 B。8B 解析:31、B 32、B 33、B 34、C 35、A【导语】本文刘伟介绍了自己的全家福。31、题干句意:刘伟家有_人。根据文章内容可知有 Liu Wei,a brother,a sister,father,mother,uncle,grandpa,grandma 共 8 人,故选 B。32、题干句意:刘伟是_兄弟。A 刘晓军的,B 刘贤的,C 刘晓敏的,根据“Liu Xian is my sister.”可知是刘贤的,故选 B。33、题干句意:刘晨的母亲是_。A 陈杰,B 赵帆,C 刘贤,根据“Zhao Fan is my mother.”可知是赵帆,故选 B。34、题干句意:刘国庆是刘伟的_。A 爸爸,B 奶奶,C 爷爷,根据“My grandpas name is Liu Guoqing.”可知是爷爷,故选 C。35、题干句意:画线单词“uncle”的中文意思是_。根据“Liu Xiaojun is my fathers brother.So he is my uncle.”可知 uncle 的意思是爸爸的兄弟,也就是叔父,故选 A。9A 解析:31、A 32、C 33、B 34、B 35、A【导语】本文介绍了作者的房间。31、句意:我的房间是_。A 大的,B 小的,C 不好,根据“It is big.”,可知作者的房间是大的,故选 A。32、句意:很多_在桌子上。A 钢笔,B 尺子,C 书,根据“There are(有)many books on the desk.”,可知很多书在桌子上,故选 C。33、句意:我的书包在桌子_。A 在上面,B 在里面,C 在下面,根据“My bags is in the desk.”,可知作者的书包在桌子里,故选 B。34、句意:我的玩具_在床下。A 出租车,B 汽车,C 箱子,根据“I have a toy car.It is under my bed.”,可知作者的玩具汽车在床下,故选 B。35、句意:我的_不在包里。A 铅笔,B 尺子,C 钢笔,根据“My books,pens and rulers are in the bag.”,可知作者的铅笔不在包里,故选 A。10B 解析:31、B 32、B 33、B 34、C 35、A【分析】本文主要介绍了大明的爸爸妈妈是做什么的。31、句意:大明是一个_。A 女孩,B 男孩,C 猫,根据 Hello,Im Daming,I m a boy.,可知大明是一个男孩,故选 B。32、句意:他的妈妈是一名_。A 老师,B 农民,C 护士,根据 My mother is a farmer.,可知大明的妈妈是一名农民,故选 B。33、句意:他的爸爸是一名_。A 学生,B 司机,C 男孩,根据 My father is a driver.,可知大明的爸爸是一名司机,故选 B。34、句意:铅笔_。A 在我的手里,B 在他的耳朵里,C 在他的嘴里,根据图片可知铅笔在他的嘴里,故选 C。35、句意:他的书包_。A 在他的教室里,B 在包里,C 在桌子里,根据图片可知书包在教室里,故选 A。【点睛】11B 解析:31、B 32、B 33、A 34、C 35、C【导语】本文主要写了熊夫人为派对上的朋友准备的礼物。31、句意:书包是_。A 红色的,B 绿色的,C 黄色的。根据文中句子“One green bag,three red rulers,four yellow erasers,two black pencils and ten books.”可知书包是绿色的书包,故选 B。32、句意:熊夫人有六个_。A 铅笔,B 蜡笔,C 橡皮。根据文中句子“How many crayons?Six.”可知熊夫人有六支蜡笔,故选 B。33、句意:玩具老虎是_。A 酷的,B 美好的,C 有趣的。根据文中句子“Oh,its a toy tiger.Its so cool.”可知玩具虎是酷酷的,故选 A。34、句意:多少个礼物?根据文中句子“One green bag,three red rulers,four yellow erasers,two black pencils and ten books.How many crayons?Six.Oh,its a toy tiger.”可知有 1 个绿色书包,3 个红色尺子,4 个黄色橡皮,2


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