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    本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。2021 年高考英语模拟试卷四 本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。第一局部听力一共两节,满分是 30 分 第一节一共 5 小题;每一小题 I.5 分,满分是 7.5 分 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项里面选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间是来回来有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What day is it today?A.Its Tuesday.B.Its Wednesday.C.Its Thursday.2.What did the woman ask Tom to do?A.Type the papers.B.Write the papers.C.Check the papers.3.Where does this conversation probably take place?A.At a wedding party.B.At a birthday party.C.At a get-together.4.What is the man doing probably?A.Mending the computer.B.Finding some information.C.Waiting for the woman.5.Whats the relationship between the speakers?A.Father and daughter.B.Teacher and student.C.Manager and worker.第二节一共 15 小题:每一小题 15 分,满分是 22.5 分 请听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给出的 A、B、C 三个选项种选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间是阅读各个小题。,每一小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的答题时间是。每段对话读两遍。听第 6 段材料,答复第 6、7 题。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。6.Who went on a package holiday?A.Tony and Betty.B.Tony and Julia.C.Julia and Betty.7.How did the man like the holiday?A.Comfortable.B.Disappointing.C.Wonderful.听第 7 段材料,答复第 8 至 10 题。8.Where was the boy playing?A.On the road.B.Near the road.C.In the car.9.At what time did the accident happen?A.4:15.B.5:15.C.6:15.10.What caused the accident?A.The traffic jam.B.The bad weather.C.The speeding car.听第 8 段材料,答复第 11 至 l3 题。11.Why does the man complain about his job?A.Because he gets bored with his job.B.Because he lacks a technician to help him.C.Because he works in different countries.12.What do we know about the man?A.He gets on well with his assistant.B.He doesnt like the project.C.He works with some foreigners.13.What will the man probably do?A.Keep doing his job.B.Find a better job.C.Ask for an assistant.听第 9 段材料,答复第 14 至 l6 题。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。14.What is the rent of the apartment near the park?A.$400.B.$350.C.$415.15.What is the cheapest two-bedroom apartment like?A.Its rather noisy.B.Its very quiet.C.Its not furnished.16.Which apartment do they prefer?A.The one next to the supermarket.B.The one near University Avenue.C.The one on Fifteenth Avenue.听第 10 段材料,答复第 17 至 20 题。17.Where can you most probably hear the talk?A.In an office.B.In a lab.C.At a conference.18.How many parts are there in each chapter?A.Three.B.One.C.Two.19.Are there any detailed instructions for the activities?A.Yes,there are.B.No,there arent.C.We dont know.20.Whats the main idea of the talk?A.An introduction of the workbook.B.Instructions for the experiments.C.Suggestions for the activities.第二局部:英语知识运用一共两节,满分是 45 分 第一节 单项填空一共 15 小题:每一小题 1 分,满分是 15 分 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项里面,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。21._a book on space science?We seldom see such one in other bookstores.本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。Sounds a good idea.Ill buy it.AWhy not buy BWhy buy C.Do you buy D.Did you buy 22.Couch potatoes will be able to enjoy TV dramas without interruption_ a new regulation comes into effect next year.A.before B.once C.now that D.even if 23.As a general rule,an openminded person is_ to people.Yes,such a man is easy to get on with,too.A.available B.reasonable C.accessible D.adjustable 24.Classified by subjects,the books can be easily found_ they are located in the library.A.in which B.at which C.where D.from where 25.The mobile device application Angry Birds_ more than 500 million times since its release in 2021.A.has downloaded B.has been downloaded C.have downloaded D.were downloaded 26.Anything_ philosophy interests me,and I dream of being a philosopher in the future.A.keeping B.taking C.touching D.putting 27.As for me,it is not when to do the task but how to do it_ is of great importance.A.which B.it C.this D.that 28.There is nothing worthy_ in todays newspaper.It must have disappointed you,I think.A.reading B.to read C.being read D.to be read 29.After_ seemed two hours,he remained_ at the computer.Ait;sit Bwhat;seated C.which;seating himself D.that;sat 本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。30.The winner of“journalist of the yearwas _the editors daughter.A.none other than B.other than C.more than D.no more than 31.Try your best to help the people when they are in trouble,you will feel pleased and happy.A.unless B.or C.and D.but 32.According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs,in the first three quarters of 2021,2.8 million couples_ for divorce in China.33.If you_ drink so much,of course youll feel sick.A.may B.must C.have to D.ought to 34.Miss Brown is very busy,isnt she?Yes,she is.She has _ greater responsibilities so far.A.taken off B.taken out C.taken in D.taken on 35._I explained on the phone,your request will be considered at the next meeting.A.As B.Which C.After D.Before 第二节 完形填空一共 20 小题;每一小题分,满分是 30 分 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、和 D中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When I was a little girl,every Sunday my family of six would put on their best clothes and go to Sunday School and then church.The kids in primary school would all 36 together to sing songs,and then later divide into 37 based on their ages.One Easter Sunday,all the kids 38 with big eyes and big stories about what the Easter Bunny had brought.39 all of the kids shared their stories with great 40,one young boy,whom 本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。l would call Bobby,sat unhappily.One of the teachers,41 this,said to him,“What did the Easter Bunny bring you?He replied with an innocent face,“My mom locked the door 42 so the Easter Bunny couldnt get 43.This sounded like a(n)44 idea to all of us kids,45 we kept on going with the stories.My mom,though,knew the 46 story.Bobbys mom was a single 47,and she guessed that they just couldnt 48 the Easter Bunny.After Sunday School was over,everyone went off to 49.When my dad came to meet us,my mom 50 that we were going home instead.At home,she 51 that to make Bobby feel better,we were going to 52 to be the Easter Bunny and make a basket of candies for him and 53 it at church.We all donated some candies to the basket,and headed back up to church.There,Mom unzipped拉开拉链his coat and hung the basket 54 the hanger衣架.Then she zipped the coat and attached a(n)55:Dear Bobby,Im sorry I missed your house last night.Happy Easter!Love,The Easter Bunny 36.A.live B.meet C.push D.crowd 37.A.groups B.classes C.families D.clubs 38.A.left B.waited C.arrived D.succeeded 39.A.After B.Since C.While D.Before 40.A.surprise B.sadness C.envy D.pleasure 41.A.noticing B.hearing C.warning D.following 42.A.on purpose B.by accident C.in time D.at last 本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。43.A.up B.back C.inside D.away 44.A.natural B.strange C.correct D.acceptable 45.A.because B.so C.but D.or 46.A.true B.final C.important D.funny 47.A.worker B.woman C.parent D.daughter 48.A.find B.afford C.provide D.choose 49.A.home B.shop C.church D.street 50.A.threatened B.realized C.announced D.remembered 51.A,explained B.argued C.insisted D.joked 52.A.appear B.pretend C.decide D.try 53.A.buy B.leave C.present D.lose 55.A.note B.article C.word D.book 第三局部:阅读理解一共 20 小题;每一小题 2 分,满分是 40 分 阅读以下短文,从每一小题所给的四个选项A、B、C 和 D中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A For a long time now,Ive been fascinated by common phrases and their origins-and just why we say what we say.I decided to consult the experts,sort through all the research and compile(编写)the answers.Here are a few of the standouts.Q:Why do we“tie the knot(结)when we get married?A:Knots have been a common metaphor in marriage ceremonies all over the world and through time.The expression means“to unite in manage.In the Hindu marriage ceremony,the groom 本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。ties a ribbon around the brides neck.In ancient Rome,the bride wore a belt that was tied in a knot.The groom would then unfasten it on their first night together as husband and wife.Q:Why do we say“Many happy returns?A:The phrase is short for“Many happy returns of the day,which is to say,“May this day return many timesor“May you have many more birthdays.Q:How about“Its not over till the fat lady sings?Where does that come from?A:This expression is usually phrased as“The opera isnt over till the fat lady sings.It got its start as a popular saying when it was used by the San Antonio Express-News sportswriter Dan Cook in 1976 to indicate that a sporting contest wouldnt end until time was called.Q:Whats the story of“under the weather,especially when the weathers just fine?A:Theres probably a nautical(航海的)explanation.In days gone by,when people felt seasick,they were told to go below-decks and find a spot in the middle of the ship where the motion would be less noticeable.In that way,they literally took themselves“under the weather.56.The phrase“Its not over till the fat lady singswas first used _.A.sport B.opera C.movie D.music 57.According to the passage,which of the following phrases is related to the sea?A.Tie the knot.B.Many happy returns.C.Its not over till the fat lady sings.D.Under the weather.58.What can we learn from the passage?A.“Tie the knothas different meanings in different cultures.B.“Many happy returnsis often used when people celebrate birthdays.C.“Its not over till the fat lady singsgot its start in 1976.本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。D.“Under the weathermeans the weather is bad.59.The purpose of the passage is to_.A.tell us some funny stories B.tell us the origins of some phrases C.tell us some interesting experiences D.tell us the history of the English language B In 1900,English archaeologist Arthur Evans discovered the ruins of a royal palace at Knossos on the north coast of Crete.He linked the palace to the ancient Cretan King Minos,from whose name he invented the term“Minoan.We dont know what these people called themselves.We know of the Minoans only through their ruins.What we know of Minoan history is nothing more than a good guess,and good guesses are,I should warn,likely to be wrong.The archaeological evidence points to only a few reasonable facts about Minoan civilization.Around 3,000 BC,Crete was settled by a people who probably came from Asia Minor(小亚细亚),who,by 2,000 BC,was already living in cities,trading with other nations around the Mediterranean and using pictographs.They built magnificent palace centers at Knossos,Phaistos and Kato Zakros.We have no idea what language they spoke exactly,but they certainly spoke a non-Hellenic language(that is a language not closely related to Greek)and probably spoke a non-Indo-European language.The Minoans were a great commercial people and their trade was widespread.The Egyptians were highly familiar with the Cretans,who even appeared in Egyptian art.Cretan artifacts,the objects that were made in the past and are historically important,turned up all over Asia Minor,and they seemed to have been involved in trade with the tribes living on the Greek mainland.本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。All of these trade activities produced great wealth for the Cretans,which went into magnificent building projects and technological development.The Cretans seemed to be the only people in the ancient world that would make multi-room buildings.The Cretans were the first to build plumbing system(管路系统)in their buildings.And Cretan society seems to be the first“leisure(休闲)society in existence,in which a large part of human activities focused on leisure activities,such as sports.The most popular sports were boxing and bull-jumping.Women actively took part in both of these sports.60.According to the passage,the Minoans _.A.came to Crete around 2,000 BC B.didnt trade with other tribes C.led a city life about 4,000 years ago D.spoke a language similar to Creek 61.The last paragraph is developed by _.A.space B.example C.time D.comparison 62.We can infer from the passage that _.A.Minoan culture borrowed much from Egyptian culture B.the knowledge we have about the Minoans is very limited C.the Minoans werent good at building pipes D.women werent allowed to take part in bull-jumping 63.The passage aims to_.A.introduce Cretan civilization to us B.tell us the trade activities of the Cretans C.show how the Minoans ruins were discovered D.discuss the importance of Cretan culture C 本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。I was stopped at a red light only a mile or so from my goal of my brothers house.I was planning to drive down to North Carolina to be with my father who was badly ill.As I waited at the stop light,I noticed Sharpers Florist where I had experienced many things-floods of memories went through my mind.I noticed the wine store straight ahead where my father and I had been many times before,picking out the beer of the week.We both liked German beer.The light finally turned green and I made a left turn and drove through the poor section of our hometown.I remembered how each Thanksgiving my family would be together.I also remembered how my father would take sometime out of each Thanksgiving to make sure there was no one hungry in the neighborhood.As a young boy,I went with him to deliver some food.I was scared.I had never been into this part of town deeply before.My father seemed calm and went about his business.The people we went to seemed to know him and gratefully accepted what he came to offer.My father seemed able to give away the food in a way that honored the people he was giving it to.This was not an arrogant act.He would stop at each place and talk a little.He wanted to be sure that everyone had food.If he found people who didnt have food,he would take the time to go back and get more.Thats the kind of man he was.64.After the father became ill,he _.A.stayed with the authors brother B.helped the poor in North Carolina C.picked out the fresh beer with the author D.gave away food to the poor in the town 65.The author was afraid of giving away food to the poor when he was young because.本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰 O 贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。A.he was not familiar with the surroundings B.he had never met so many poor people before C.his father did not stay with him then D.his father didnt take good care of him 66.The underlined word“arrogantin the last paragraph means“_.A.having an effect B.feeling or showing love C.full of meaning D.behaving in a proud and impolite manner 67.We can infer from the passage that the father is _.A.careful B.active C.generous D.brave D Elderly people who are physically active appear to be at lower risk of developing Alzheimers disease,as are those who eat a heart-healthy diet,rich in fruits and vegetables and low in red meat.Now,a new study has found that the effects of the two lifestyle behaviors are independent-and the benefits add up.The Columbia University study followed a diverse group of l,880 old New Yorkers,assessing their diets and levels of physical activity,and screening them periodically fo


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