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    Unit 8 Our Clothes Section A重庆市彭水县高谷中学 熊小煜Listen to 1a and answer the questions.1.Who watched the fashion show last month?Kangkang.2.How was the fashion show?It was wonderful.3.When will another fashion show start?It will start at 7:30 p.m.tomorrow.Listen,look and say.1aKangkang said he watched it.And he said the fashion show was wonderful.Do you know when itll start?The poster says it starts at 7:30 p.m.I know Michael likes fashion shows very much.Underline the object clauses.Pay attention to the tense.1.And he said the fashion show was wonderful.并且他说时装表演很精彩。此句结构:主句为he said,宾语从句为the fashion show was wonderful,中间省略了引导词that。在这个句子中,我们重点注意宾语宾语从句的从句的时态时态必必须须与主句呼与主句呼应应。(1)当主句中当主句中谓语动词谓语动词是一般是一般现现在在时时或一般将来或一般将来时时,从句中的,从句中的谓语动词谓语动词不受主句不受主句谓语时谓语时态态的影响,可以按需要使用任何的影响,可以按需要使用任何时态时态。如:。如:她说她要在他的桌子上留个便条。She says(that)she will leave a message on his desk.(2)若主句是若主句是过过去去时时,从句的,从句的谓语动词谓语动词的的时态时态要要变变成相成相应应的的过过去去时态时态,即一般,即一般现现在在时变时变为为一般一般过过去去时时;一般将来;一般将来时变为过时变为过去将来去将来时时;现现在在进进行行时变为过时变为过去去进进行行时时等。如:等。如:吉姆说他喜欢听音乐。Jim said(that)he liked listening to music.玛丽告诉我她正在努力学习汉语。Maria told me(that)she was working hard on her Chinese.他问他们什么时候去参观农场。He asked when they would visit the farm.2.There will be another one there tomorrow.明天那儿将举行另一场时装表演。There will be.=There is/are going to be.是是there be句型的一般将来句型的一般将来时结时结构构Listen to 1a and complete the sentences.Pay attention to the tense.1.Kangkang said he _ a fashion show in Xidan Shopping Center last month.2.Jane told Sarah there _ another one in Xidan Shopping Center.3.The poster said it _ at 7:30 p.m.on June 8th.4.Sarah said they _ Michael to watch the show.watchedwould bewould startwould invite1b宾语从句的时态必须与主句呼应。宾语从句的时态必须与主句呼应。(Jane and Sarah are talking about the fashion show.)Jane:Hi,Sarah!Did you watch the fashion show in Xidan Shopping Center last month?Sarah:No,but Kangkang said he watched it.And he said the fashion show was wonderful.Jane:There will be another one there tomorrow.Many famous models will be there to model the clothes.Would you like to go with me?Sarah:Sure.Do you know when itll start?Jane:The poster says it starts at 7:30 p.m.Sarah:Oh,I know Michael likes fashion shows very much.Shall we invite him?Jane:Good idea!Listen and follow.Fashion Show Charming Modes Beautiful Clothes Amazing Show Dont miss it!Date:June 8thTime:7:30p.mPlace:Xidan Shopping Center(Jane and Sarah are talking about the fashion show.)Jane:Hi,Sarah!Did you _?Sarah:No,but Kangkang said _.And he said _.Jane:There _tomorrow.Many famous models _._?Sarah:Sure._start?Jane:The poster says _.Sarah:Oh,I know_.Shall we _ him?Jane:Good idea!Retell the dialog with your partner.The following information may help you.Fashion Show Charming Modes Beautiful Clothes Amazing Show Dont miss it!Date:June 8thTime:7:30p.mPlace:Xidan Shopping CenterRead and number the sentences to make a conversation.Then practice in pairs.Sure.It will start at 7:30 p.m.tomorrow in Xidan Shopping Center.Hi,Michael!We are going to watch a fashion show tomorrow.Would you like to go with us?How do you know that?I read the poster.It also says many famous models will be there to model the clothes.A fashion show?Sounds interesting.Could you tell me when and where?Great!Ill go with you.1234561cLook at the pictures.Ask and answer in pairs by following the example.What are you doing?Im designing our school uniforms.Example:A:What did Kangkangs mother ask?B:She asked Kangkang what he was doing.A:What did Kangkang say?B:He said he was designing their school uniforms.2How do you like the dress?I dont like it at all.A:What did Sally ask?B:She asked Helen how she liked the dress.A:What did Helen say?B:She said(that)she didnt like it at all.1You should wash your clothes first.Can I watch TV?A:What did Maria ask?B:She asked her father if/whether she could watch TV.A:What did her father say?B:He said(that)she should wash her clothes first.2You can find it on thesecond floor.Where can I find sportswear?A:What did the girl ask?B:She asked the saleswoman where she could find sportswear.A:What did the saleswoman say?B:She said(that)she could find it on the second floor.3A.Listen to the description of the fashion show and match the models with their names.Susan Lisa Ann Amy Sally3ABCDEB.Listen again and fill in the blanks.1.Ann was wearing a silk _ and a _ dress.2.Amy was wearing a _ _,blue jeans and white _.3.Lisa was wearing a _ blouse and _ pants.4.Sally was wearing a leather _ and a white _.5.Susan was wearing a black _ with a _ _ in her hand.hatwoolenwhite T-shirtsockscottonbrownovercoatscarfjacketpink handbagABCDE单项选择单项选择()1.What did Li Xiang say just now?He said he _ his homework in the classroom at that time.A.did B.is doing C.was doing D.does()2.There _ a talk show on CCTV-4 at nine this evening.A.will have B.is going to be C.is going to have D.is having()3.Could you let me know _ yesterday?Because the traffic was heavy.A.why did you come late B.why you came late C.why do you come late D.why do come late()4.“Have _ try,you are so close to the answer.”the teacher said to Amy.A.the other B.one another C.other D.anotherCBBD句型转换句型转换1.There will be a flower show in the park.(同同义义句句转换转换)There _ _ _ _ a flower show in the park.2.Chinese fashion is different from that in the West.(用用He said 连连成一句成一句)He said that _.3.Can I play basketball after school?Michael asked his teacher.(合并成一句合并成一句)Michael asked his teacher_ _ _ play basketball after school.4.He says there will be a football match in the afternoon.(改成主改成主句句谓语动词为谓语动词为一般一般过过去去时时的的宾语宾语从句从句)_.isgoingtobeChinese fashion was different from that in the westif/whetherhecouldHe said there would be a football match in the afternoonObject clauses:Kangkang said he watched it.He said the fashion show was wonderful.Do you know when itll start?The poster says it starts at 7:30 p.m.I know Michael likes fashion shows very much.She asked Kangkang what he was doing.He said he was designing their school uniforms.Talk about fashion show:There will be another fashion show there tomorrow.Many famous models will be there to model the clothes.The poster says it starts at 7:30 p.m.Could you tell me when and where?v1.Read 1a aloud and try to repeat.v2.Finish Section A in your workbook.v3.Preview Section B.Thank you一引导一引导二语序二语序三时态三时态(与主句呼应)四人称四人称陈述句that 引导(可省略)一般疑问句if/whether引导特殊疑问句wh-引导陈述语序主语+谓语+其他主句为一般现在时从句不受影响主句为一般过去时从句变为相对应的过去时态一般现在时 一般过去时一般将来时 过去将来时现在进行时 过去进行时一随主二随宾三不变原句为第一人称代词时,随主句的主语一致变化;原句为第二人称代词时,随主句的宾语一致变化;原句为第三人称代词时,保持不变。宾语从句构成四步法宾语从句构成四步法


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