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    译林版英语九上Unit2 期中复习.docx

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    译林版英语九上Unit2 期中复习.docx

    Unit2期中复习一、根据句意及所给词的正确形式填空Do you lie(醒着的)at night, worrying about things?1. Thanks for your(有价值的)(建议).They are of great(重要)to us.2. The TV set has been(开着)for several hours. Would you please turn it off?3. I wonder(是否)he comes from the USA or not.4. It's much too in class. There's too much here. They are talking(吵闹).5. Blue brings(安宁)to our mind and body.6. - Do you consider yourself a rude person? -(必定的)not. I'm always polite.7. -Can you tell me who(发现)Radium (镭)? 一 Marie curie.8. Don't ask me, but(信任)your own judgment.9. When we chat on the Internet, we should be careful with our(私人的)information.10. We are all looking forward to (develop) our hobbies., but we have too much homework to do.11. Sam looks young and he is always full of(精力).12. His works have great (影响) on us.13. Do you know how many(选择)we have in the game?14. He should be here at nine. It is not worth( wait) for him any more.15. The weather is getting warmer and warmer, more and more students feel(昏昏 欲睡)in class.16. The sun gives off(热)and light.17. The(决定)you have made don't seem so good. You need to be more thoughtful.18. Children's action can be(影响)by their parents' behaviour.19. We all know green is the colour of(natural).20. We love(和平)but we are not afraid of war.21. You'd better forget all the(悲哀).Try to cheer yourself up.22. The famous writer(创造)lots of wonderful characters in his books.23. All the students are(要求)to wear school uniforms every Monday.24. It's very important to keep (冷静)when you meet with danger.25. The(庆祝活动)for National Day lasted for five hours.26. A good(关系)is built on trust.27. He(建议)that we should help the old man do house.28. This(温暖)over the telephone moved me a lot.29. Our monitor has become much more(organize) than before.30. Aunt Mary looked very pretty in her white dress on her(wed) day.31. After a day's hard work, his (strong) gave out.32. I said it in that way in order not to hurt his(feel).33. My cousin likes reading. He is thought to be a boy of(wise).34. The Internet has made it a lot(easy) for us to search for information.35. All the teachers in the school are trying to make their lesson(live) and interesting.36. My brother always complains when ifs his turn to do the(dish).37. The mistake grew out of her(careless).38. The little boy gave an(patient) reply and left in a hurry.39. The sun gives us (hot) and makes us feel warm and comfortable.40. You will feel (relax) when you hear his songs.41. White represents (pure), so many women like to wear it on their wedding days.42. Whether you like it or not depends on your (person) taste.43. A warm and comfortable feeling will be (create) if you use warm colours .44. Wearing red can make it (easy) to take action.45. The railway(connect) Qinghai to Tibet is very hard to build, but China has made it. 二、用所给动词的正确形式填空When drinking during a dinner, the best advice is never(drink) too much.1. We should work as hard as we can(help) the needy children around us.2. He can hardly imagine me(solve) the problem in such a short time.3. My father told me that practice( make) perfect.4. The exams none of us look forward to(come) after National Day.5. The flowers( not sell) well because they are not fresh.6. I'm sorry. I can't go to see the film with you because I( promise) Lucy to attend her wedding.7. Cities will be more and more beautiful if more flowers(plant).8. We are told not to make any noise during the whole visit, for the students(have) lesson.9. Tell Millie to speak more slowly, will you? She( speak) too fast, I can't follow her.10. I prefer(sell) the old house( buy) a new house.11. I prefer(sing) to(dance).12. It's polite to greet your teachers when(meet) them on the way.13. The project we pay attention to( decide) yet.14. Would you please( not laugh) the disabled boy?15. You'd better(not go) out at night. If s easy to get lost in such a big city.16. How many seasons one year (divide) into?17. The students didn't understand this sentence until it(explain) again.18. What do you think(talk) about at the meeting tomorrow?19. The sunlight we are used to(include) seven different colours.20. He said he(prefer) reading a book to watching TV.21. In the past few years, she(write) three popular books which are popular with teenagers.22. It's very cold in the room. Lefs make a fire(keep) us warm.23. A girl(wear) sunglasses is waiting for you at the gate.24. What a surprise! I(think) you would be back tomorrow.25. Don't stay in the wind, or you(catch) a cold.26. You will feel relaxed when you walk into a room(paint) blue.27. Fd rather(not drink) cola at all. What about you?三、句子翻译.黄色是古代中国统治者的颜色吗?Was yellow?1 .我们承诺无效退款。We.2 .这个男孩没有到独立处理这样难题的年龄。The boy isn't.3 .是否去旅游取决于明天的天气。4 .红和白是一种很好的搭配,因为强有力的红色平衡了宁静的白色。Red and white.5 .我学跳舞挺费劲。I dancing.6 .我的新自行车出了点问题。my new bike.7 .洗个热水澡后你会感到浑身轻松。You you take a hot bath.8 .现在我们正希望能从中东得到大批订单。Now a big order from the Middle East.9 .你能想出一个令他精神振奋的好方法吗?Can you?10 .穿红色也更容易采取行动。Wearing red can also.11 . Daniel想知道他是否应该呆在家而不和他的同学去购物。Daniel wonders with his classmates.12 .蓝色带给我们身心安宁。Blue.13 .在寒冷地区的人在家里更喜欢暖色来创造成一种温暖舒适的感觉。People in cold areas prefer warm colours in their homes.14 .我不能确信白色穿在你身上是否好看。Pm not sure.15 .当我们做决定犹豫不决的时候最好穿红色。We'd better wear red when we are.16 .颜色可以影响我们的心情,使我们感到快乐或者悲伤。Colours can influence people's moods and .17 .网络在很多方面改善了人们的日常生活。The Internet has improved people's . 一、单项选择题。(20分)()1. Kitty looks in red while green clothes are nice Helen.A. good; on B. well; inC. good; at D. well; for()2. -What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?-Ed like to sick kids in hospital.A. find outB. look upC. cheer up D. hand out()3. This photo reminds me the days when I worked the farm with my classmates.A. about; in B. about; on C. of; inD. of; on()4. We all know that learning a foreign language time and effort.A. requires B. reducesC. removes D. repeats()5. In the bookshop, a reader asked the shopkeeper Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book.A. thatB. howC. whatD. if()6.1 wonder if he tonight. If he, Til let you know.A. will come; comes B. comes; will come C. comes; comes D. will come; will come()7. Tm not sure Linda likes the red coat.A. /B. thatC. whether D. what()8. You can never imagine what great difficulty I have your house.A. found B. findingC. to findD. for finding()9. She has spent on her study, but the result of her study isn't.A. enough time; enough goodB. time enough; good enoughC. time enough; enough goodD. enough time; good enough()10. He often feels lonely. He often complains that he has no friends.A. play B. play with C. to playD. to play with()11. A lazy men can't make money.A. much too; too much B. much too; much too C. much too; too many D. too much; too much ()12. What do you think of Mr Read's speech?一He for nearly two hours but didn't anything important.A. spoke; speak B. said; say C. spoke; say D. said; speak()13. Aunt Zhou reminded us the danger of in that river.A. of; swim B. with; swim C. of; swimming D. with; swimming()14. This educational CD-Rom makes it easier for you English. After using it fora month, you'll have no difficulty with foreigners.A. to learn; to talk B. learning; talking C. to learn; talking D. learning; to talk)15. 一Have you heard of about Jeremy Lin (林书豪)?一Yes. He did quite well in the last NBA basketball match.A. anything exciting B. something interesting C. anything humorous D. something important)16. Some people prefer selling the old house a new one.A. buyingB. buy C. to buy D. has bought)17. Cross the road carefully,you'll keep yourself safe.A. soB. orC. butD. and)18. He would not mind the windows.you agree me?A. to close; Do; to B. close; Are; with C. close; Are; to D. closing; Do; with)19. The color is fit for her. She looks lovely blue.-That's right. Blue looks lovely her.A. in; onB. in; inC. on; onD. on; in)20.is clever Tom to make Christmas cards.A. That; of B. He; for C. This; for D. It; of)21. I don't know? - Why not wear that pink dress?A. Where to go B. what to wear C. where I should go D. what should I wear)22. At present, lots of people would rather in the country because there is pollution in the city.A. live; moreB. to live; less C. live; less D. to live; more)23. You have kept my book for three days. Now I'm here toA. give it back B. get back it C. get it back D. return it)24. -Which program do you, Man and Nature or Sports News? . I like Music.A. prefer; either B. prefer; neither C. want; both D. would rather; neither)25. The traffic rulers say drivers mustn't drive if they are drunk, they will be punished.A. and B. soC. butD. or)26. At weekends Millie prefers at home to out.A. stay; going B. stay ; go C. staying; going D. staying; go)27. Li Lei's words made her.A. feel angryB. feel angrily C. crying D. to feel angry)28. People pale skin look good yellow and pink.A. have; in B. with; inC. have; on D. with; on)29. My radio doesn't work. It requires.A. repair B. to repair C. to be repaired D. be repairing)30. Could you tell me? Sorry, I don't know.A. if light travelled faster than soundB. what did she buyC. when the museum was builtD. how far is it from your home to your school


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