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    八年级unit8词汇:独特的adjunique麦克风;话筒nmicrophone假定;认为vsuppose节目;程序;方案; 计戈U nprogram我们自己pronourselves自信的adjconfident人nperson嗓音nvoice才智;天赋ntalent优秀的;杰出的。好极了;棒极了 adjexcellent个人的adjpersonal舞台nstage长处;力量nstrength心;心脏nheart意义;感觉nsense跳动;敲打(声) nvbeatbeatbeaten希腊(地名)Greece慢慢地advslowly没有人pronnobody她自己pronherself返回;回应vnreturn输者,败者nloser希腊(人)的;希 腊人adjnGreek墨西哥(地名)Mexico初级(的);儿童 (的)adjnjunior拼错的adjmisspelled继续;延续Vcontinue接受;承认Vaccept一般的;平均的; 平均;一般水平 adjnaverage奖状;奖品naward愚蠢的;傻的adjstupid学院;大学ncollege聪敏的adjsmart弱的;无气力的adjweak不可能的adjimpossible镜子nmirror短语:1. Whats up?你怎么了?What's happened to you?你怎么了?(口语)怎么了?有 什么事吗?近来怎么 样?What's up?感到自豪feel proud of应该;被期望be supposed to相信自己believe in yourself有道理;有意义make sense熟能生巧practice makes perfect乐意效劳It's my pleasure单独;独自by oneself继续做continue doing/to do进步最快学生奖most_improved student award优点;强项strong points因为because of弱点;弱项weak points单独;独自by oneself梦想成为dream of being.去了某地have gone to.去过have been to.仔细考虑;重新考虑think over七年半seven and a half years七年半seven years and a halfWhat's wrong with you?你怎么了? What*s the matter/trouble with you?你怎么 了?2 .be supposed to do sth=should do sth ”应该,认为应该,被期望”They were supposed to be here an hour ago.他们应该在一小时以前到达这里。I am supposed to meet him at the station.我应该去车站接他。Suppose (v) “假设,假定,认为,猜想,推测”Suppse he isn't out. What can I do?假定他不在,我能做什么?I suppose he'll come back now.我认为他现在即将返回来。3 .be talented at=have talent for "在有天贝武”He is talented at music.二He has talent for music.他在音乐方面很有天赋。A man of many talents多才多艺的男子A talent show 才艺演出4 .make sb +adj " 使某人”He's caught the unique opportunity.他抓住了那唯的机会。It's a unique work of art.这是件独一无二的艺术作品。5 .be proud of sb/sth “为(因) 而感到自豪和骄傲”I am proud of myself.我为自己感到自豪。She is proud of her new car.他为自己的新车而感到自豪。6 .make sense “有意义,有道理”I guess that makes sense.我想这有道理。It makes sense to care for our health.保重身体是明智的。7.else放在不定代词,疑问动词,疑问副词之后表示“另外,其他”Nobody else knows the secret.=No other people know the secret.没有另ll人矢口道这个秘 密。Did you see anybody else?你见到其他人 了吗?Ask somebody else to help you.请别人帮帮你吧。Do you have anything else to do?你还有别的事要做吗?Who else wants to sing the English song?还有谁想唱这首英文歌吗?8.one and a half years二a year and a half 一年半Two and a half hours=two hours and a half,两个半小时9.return (vi) “回;返回”(常和介词to连用)He has returned to Paris from London.他已经从伦敦回到巴黎。She returned home to get her umbrella.他回家取雨伞。Return (vt) “归还;放回;送回”She returned the bird to its cage.她把鸟放回笼子里。Please return me my five dollars.=please return my five dollars to me.请把我的 5 美元还 给我。Return(归还)=give backreturn(返 回,回来)=come/get back.play against "和比赛”Your school team will play against us this afternoon.7尔们校队今天下午和我们比赛。At the end of the season the two top teams play against each other.赛季末,有两个最强队 之间进行比赛。Play for ”为比赛,为效力”My brother plays for the national football team.我弟弟为国家足球队效力。10 .almost (adv) =nearly " 几乎,差不多”Its almost time to go.差不多是该走的时候了。Dinner is almost ready.饭差不多好啦!11 .continue doing sth继续做某事(强调继续做同一件事(还没完成)Continue to do sth继续做某事(强调继续做另一件事,(已经完成一件工作)After a rest, he continues his reading.稍事休息后,他继续看书。After he finished reading a novel, he continued to play games with his fHends.他读完1、 说后跟朋友们继续玩游戏。13except “除了”(常用于肯定句)But “除了” (常用于否定句)Everyone is here except Jenny.除 了 詹妮都来 了。There is nothing but a card,除了 卡片什么也没有。14.make mistakes make a mistake “犯错误”No one likes to make mistakes.没有人喜欢犯错误。15. be bad/weak at/in sth be good at/inHe was weak in math, but good at English.他数学差,但英语好。16.learn fromlearn sth from " 向学习;从中学到”You can learn French from him.你可以向他学习法语。We should learn lessons from mistakes.我们应该从错误中吸取教训。17.smileat "对微笑”Everyone stopped to look and smile at us.大家都停下来,微笑地看着我们。18 . be sure of对 有把握,确信e.g He is sure of himself.be sure that(从句)“肯定,一定要做”I am sure that he is right.19 . be confident of= have confidence in “ 对有信 心“Pm confident of myself. Pm sure I can win.我对自己充满信心。我相信我能赢。Do you have confidence in the hard work?你对这个艰巨的工作有信心吗?20 .dream of doing sth “梦想做某事"=dream to do sthI always dream to be a teacher.=1 always dream of being a teacher.我,总是梦想着成为一 名教危21 .teach oneself=learn/study by oneself.“自学”I taught myself English when I was in the country many years ago.彳艮多年前当我在农村 的时候我自学英语。22 .believe in sb =trust sb ”相信;信任;信仰”We do not believe in ghosts.我们不相信鬼。=We don not trust ghosts.23 .notice sb do sth ”注意到某人走了某事”Notice sb doing sth “注意到某人正在做某事”He noticed the thief steal a book from the library.他注意到一个贼从图书馆偷了一本 书。I noticed her standing behind me.我注意到她正站在我的身后。24 .fail to do sth=fail in doing sth ”未能(做到);失败;未履行"succeed in doing sth “成功,达到目的”I tried to fix the equipment but I failed.我想把机器修理好,但是失败了。I fail to see why you find it so amusing.我不明白为什么你们感觉这事如此好笑。If you don't work hard, you may fail.如果你不努力,你就会失败。25 .by oneself=alone "独自一人"二without help.He used to travel by himself.他从前常常独自旅行。He finished it by himself.他独立完成了那项工作。26 .present sb with sth=present sth to sb ”把某物赠送给某人”They presented the heroes with many flowers.他们向英雄们梦敬献了很多鲜花。27 . Be nervous about “因而紧张“I am nervous about seeing her every time.每次我见至U她就紧张。I am a little nervous about the English test next week.我对下周的英语测试有一点紧张。He gives us confidence to speak English.他给了我们说英语的信心。


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