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    初中英语翻译专题训练100题含答案一、汉译英:整句I.吉尔(Jill)每个星期六都去看望她的朋友。2 .你有棒球拍吗?没有,但是迈克有。3 .我是李兰。(I).他喜欢听音乐,因为音乐总能让他开心。4 .我的姓是史密斯(Smith)。5 .在空闲时间,他喜欢在电视上观看篮球赛。(In one's free time).这些是我的好朋友。(翻译句子)6 .你的书包是什么颜色?7 .我的游戏机在我哥哥的房间里。(computer game).这个湖在公园的中心。8 .金门大桥有多长?9 .知道怎样有礼貌地求助很重要。译:.10 .你可以通过努力学习去实现你的梦想。11 .停止污染空气对我们来说是重要的。(slop doing slh.).当我们在读有趣的书籍时,时间似乎过得更快。121.第一节翻译语篇The Browns arc British people. They live in Shanghai now. Mr. Brown is an English teacher working in Pudong International School. 1 .他总是八点一刻到达地铁站。Then he takes the subway to work. He teaches English very well and is good with his students. His students also like his classes. 2. because ihey can learn a lol from him and feel relaxed in his class. Mrs. Brown is doctor. She works in a hospital not far from her home, so she often gets up early and then walks to the hospital. 3.她认为步行上班有益于身体健康。She works very hard and has no time fbr lunch, so she always eats very quickly.Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown have a son. His name is Tony. Now, Tony studies in a middle school. His school is not far from their house, so he usually walks to school. Sometimes he gets up late and he has to ride to school. 4. h only lakes him 10 minutes lo ride a bike. He is never late for school. 5.Tony is good al English and helpful, so his classmales are glad 2 make friends with him.Now the Browns have been China for 4 years, and they enjoy the unforgettable time in China. They think Chinese people arc friendly and they love the life here.122.123.124. 根据上下文内容,将文中画线局部译成汉语或者英语。Cindy is an English volleyball star. 1.她排球打得很好。She plays volleyball every day. She has good eating habits. For breakfast, she has eggs and milk. She usually reads books in (he morning. 2. She has a big lunch carols, fish and meal. After that, she plays volleyball in the afternoon. For dinner, she has chicken, apples and soup. After dinner, she listens to some music or plays chess (下棋)with her father. 3. She has a busy bul healihy life.Cindy's good friend Linda is a nice girl from Canada. 4. Her favourite subject is Chinese. Because she is very interested in Chinese culture (文化).5.她的生口 是 10 月 21 日。Cindy buys a nice hat for her.125.126.127. 阅读下面的短文,将划线局部译成英文或中文。The world is not hungry, but it is thirsty. I. It seems strange Ihal nearly3/4 of the earth is covered wilh waler while we say we are short of waler. Why? Because about 97% of water on the earth is sea water which we can't drink or use for watering plants directly. Man can only drink and use 3%the water that conies from rivers and lakes. 2.而且由于有一些水已经被 污染,我们甚至不能全部利用。Now more water is needed. The problem is:Can we avoid (防止)a serious waler shortage later on? Firstly, wc should ail learn how to save water. Secondly, wc should find out ways to reuse it. Scientists have always been making studies in the field. 3. Today, in most large cilies, water is used only once and then runso the sea or rivers. But it can be used again.4. Even if every large city reused its water, siill il would not be enough. Thirdly, there is a lot of water in the sea. What we should do is to separate the salt from the sea water. This is expensive, but it's already used in many parts of (he world.5.科学家们正在尽力找;Il 一个更 加廉价的方式来做这件事。So you see. if we can find a way out. we'll be in no danger of drying up.133.134 . 135 . 136 . 137 . 五、汉译英:单词/短语单词拼写138 .问问题.在底楼139 .其他的东西.互相给礼物140 .想要辆玩具火车.穿红色外套的女孩根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。141 .你妹妹有收音机吗?your sister a radio?142 .乒乓球运动对你们来说容易吗?ping-pong'.玩电脑游戏听起来很烦人。Playing computer games.143 .杰克没有棒球棒。Jack a baseball bat.144 .我和我的堂弟在同一所学校。My cousin and I are145 . 点餐146 .送给147 . 30分钟后148 .可以看一下菜单吗?短语速记149 .错误地;无意中一150 .足够大151 .足够酸152 .使得高兴153 .最后;终于154 .许多盐参考答案:1. Jill goes to see her friends every Saturday.【详解】吉尔Jill,人名,作主语;去看望她的朋友go to see her friends,陈述事实句子用 一般现在时在,主语是单数名词,动词用三单形式;每个星期六every Saturday,故填川1 goes to see her friends every Saturday.2. Do you have a baseball bat? No, but Mike docs.【详解】根据中文提示可知,此句是一般现在时的一般疑问句。由于句中有行为动词且主 语是you,因此句首用助动词Do;根据句意可知,前后是转折关系,用but连接,Mike是 第三人称单数,用助动词 does 来代替"has a baseball bat."。故填 Do you have a baseball bat? No, but Mike docs.3. I'm Li Lan.【详解】我:I;李兰:Li Lan.根据语境可知该句型为肯定句,时态为一般现在时Z主语 是第一人称单数“1”,放句首,be动词用am,m是I am的缩写。故填I'm Li Lan.4. He enjoys listening to music because music always makes him happy.【详解】他he,喜欢听音乐enjoy listening to music,因为because,音乐music,总 always,让他开心make him happy。本句时态是一般现在时,主语分别是he和music,动 词用三单。故填 He enjoys listening to music because music always makes him happy.5. My last/family name is Smith.【详解】我的姓:my last/family name;是:be;史密斯:Smith0结合语境可知,此题为一 般现在时;主语my last/famiiy name是单数,所以be动词应用is。故填My last/family name is Smith.6. In his free time, he likes watching basketball games on TV.【详解】in his free time"在空闲时间”;he“他”,作主语;like doing sth.“喜欢做某事”,like watching "喜欢看”,作谓语;篮球赛“basketball games”,作宾语;onTV“在电视上”。根据 句意可知时态为一股现在时,故填 In his free time, he likes watching basketball games on TV.7. These arc my good friends.【详解】这些:these,表示复数含义;是:be;我的:my;好朋友:agoodfriend/good friends;结合语境可知,此题为一般现在时,be动词要用are; these+复数名词;故填 These are my good friends.8. What color is your schoolbag?答案第1贝,共22页【详解】根据句意可知是特殊疑问句。what color“什么颜色";your“你的";schoolbag"书 包”。故填:What color is your schoolbag?9. My computer game is in my brother's room.【详解】根据给出中文可知句子用一般现在时。我的:my;游戏机:computer game; 在里:in;哥哥的房间:brother's roonio表示”在地方“常用句式“sth/sb + be +介词 + 地点“,"my computer game”是单数,be 动词用 is,故填 My computer game is in my brother's room.10. The lake is in the center of the park【详解】这个湖:the lake,作主语,首字母大写;在公园的中心:in the center of die park;根据中文提示可知,此句时态是一般现在时,因此The lake is in the center of the park 符合句意。故填 The lake is in the center of the park。11. How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?【详解】金门大桥有多长?根据how long多长;故答案是How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?12. It's important to know how to ask for help politely【详解】根据中文提示可知,此句时态用一般现在时;重要的:imporiant:知道:know; 怎样做某事:how to do sth.;求助:ask for help;礼貌地:polilely,修饰动词词组;再者根 据固定句型“It is adj. to do sth.”可知,It's important to know how to ask for help politely 符合句 意。故填 It's important to know how to ask fbr help politely<.13. You can realize your dream by studying hard.【详解】你you;可以can,情态动词后接动词原形;通过by,后接动名词;努力学习 study hard;实现你的梦想realize your dream。句子开头首字母大写。故填You can realize your dream by studying hard.14. It is important fbr us to stop polluting (he air.【详解】根据句意可知,本句为一般现在时态的陈述句。使用固定句型“Itis+adj+forsbto do sth.",important形容词,重要的;for us对于我们;stop doing停止做某事;stop polluting the air 停止污染空气。所以答案为:It is important for us to stop polluting the air. 15. Time seems to go faster when wc arc reading interesting books.【详解】本句是when“当时”引导的时间状语从句;主句用一般现在时,从句用现在进 行时;我们we,作从句的主语,be动词用are;在读有趣的书时are reading interesting答案第2页,共22页 books;时间time,作主句的主语,谓语动词用三单形式;似乎做某事seem to do sth.;过 得更快 go fastero 故填 Time seeins to go faster when we are reading interesting books.16. The boy was careful enough to pay attention to every detail.【详解】根据汉语提示可知,句中时态为一般过去时;Ihe boy意为“这个男孩”,在句中作 主语,be careful enough to do sth.足够细心做某事,be 动词使用 was; pay attention to 意、:every detail 每一个细节。故填 The boy was careful enough to pay attention to everydetail.17. She doesn't like that long white swcatcr./She doesn't like the long white sweater.【详解】她:she;喜欢:like;那件白色的长毛衣:Ihat long white sweater/lhe long while sweater;句子陈述客观的事实,用一般现在时,主语she是单数第三人称,其否认助动词 为 doesn't,后接动词原形。故填 She doesn't like that long white sweater./She doesn't like the long white sweater.18. If you go to the party, you'll have a good/great time./If you go to the party, you'll have fun/enjoy yourselPplay happily./You,ll have a good/great time if you go to the party./YouMl have fun/enjoy yourself/play happily if you go to the party.【详解】if如果,是条件状语从句的连词,句中的时态遵循“主将从现''的原那么,you你,句 子主语;go to the party 参加聚会;have a good/great time/have fun/enjoy yourself/play happily 玩的愉快,主语要用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,故填If you go to the party, you'll have a good/great time./If you go to the party, you'll have fun/enjoy yourself/play happily./Youll have a good/great time if you go to the party./You511 have fun/enjoy yoursel(7play happily if you go to (he party.19. He helps Mom with housework so that she can have a rest.【详解】根据所给汉语意思可知,句子是soihai引导的H的状语从句,主句时态一般现在 时,主句主语he是第三人称单数,谓语用第三人称单数helps,动词短语help sb with sth“帮助某人做某事“,情态动词can意为“能”,后面接动词原形,动词短语have a rest意 为"休息一下",故填 He helps Mom with housework so that she can have a rest。20. It's a bad habit to waste fbod./It's not a good habit to waste food./Wasting food (To waste food) (Food wasting) (A waste of food) is a bad habit./Wasting food (To waste food) (Food wasting) (A waste of food) is not a good habit.【详解】浪费食物waslfood,用动名词作主语,其后接be动词"is”表示“是":一个坏习惯答案第3页,共22页a bad habito该句也可用"It”作形式主语,即It is +n.+ to do sth的句式。句子有多种表达方 式,意思对、语法正确且单词拼写正确即可。Ifs a bad habit to waste fbod./Ifs not a good habit to waste food./Wasting food (To waste food) (Food wasting) (A waste of food) is a bad habit./Wasting food (To waste food) (Food wasting) (A waste of food) is not a good habit.21. Was Mike chasing the school bus at eight this morning?【详解】根据标点符号可知,本句是疑问句语序。且根据句意,要用过去进行时态,其构 成是 was/were + doing。追赶 chase; the school bus 校车;at eight this morning 今天早上八 点。主语Mike是单数,因此系动词是was; 一般疑问句把助动词was提前。故填Was Mike chasing ihe school bus al eight (his morning?22. Is he going to be an artist when he grows up?【详解】他he,人称代词主格作主语;长大grow up,打算做be going to be;名画家an artist;此处可以用when引导时间状语从句,时态遵循“主将从现”的原那么,主句用一般将来 时,从句用一般现在时,主句要用一般疑问句的形式,主语是he, be动词用is,故填Is he going to be an artist when he grows up?23. The book is so useful that it is worth reading.【详解】so+形容词+that表示“如此 以致于 ";book“书",the book”这本书”,作 主语,是第三人称单数形式,谓语用第三人称单数形式;useful“有用的”,是形容词;be worth doing"值得做某事“;read“阅读”,故填 The book is so useful (hat it is worth reading.24. If you spend too much time playing games, your future will be hopeless.【详解】如果:if;花费时间做某事:spend time doing sth;太多的:too much;玩游戏: play games;未来:future;没有希望的:hopeless;此句是由if引导的条件状语从句,要 遵从主将从现的原那么,主句应该用一般现在时,从句用一股将来时。故填If you spend to。 much (ime playing games, your future will be hopeless.25. In fact, he needs time to think about this question.【详解】事实上:in fact,是固定短语;时间:lime;这个问题:Ihis question,需要: need,需要时间做某事need time to do slh,本句用一般现在时,主语是he,所以谓语动词 用第三人称单数形式needs,思考:think about,此处是动词不定式结构to think about。故 填 In fact, he needs time to think about this question.26. More action should be taken to protect the environment.答案第4页,共22页【详解】more action"更多的行动";take“采取";should"应该”,此句是含有情态动词的被 动语态,结构为should be done的结构;protect the environment“保护环境”,动词不定式做 目的状语,故填 More action should be taken to protect the environment.27. There were loo much traffic on the way and the journey was a little boring【详解】there be句型,表示“有”,traffic不可数名词,意为“车辆,交通”,too much 太多,修饰不可数名词,on the way介词短语可作状语,意为“在路上”;journey是名词, 可作主语,意为“旅途”,boring令人无聊的,可作表语,放在be动词之后,a little有些, 一点,可修饰形容词。根据汉语提示,句子使用一般过去时;and并列连词,可并列两个 简 单句。故填 There were too much traffic on the way and the journey was a little boringo 28. He began to leani English at the age of 4.【详解】他he,在4岁时at the age of 4,开始学英语begin to learn English;根据句意,时 态是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故填He began to learn English at the age of 4.29. How long have you studied English?【详解】根据中文提示可知,该句为特殊疑问句,句中时态为一般现在时;how long多 久,提问时间,置于句首;you你,现在完成时结构have done,变为疑问句时,have置于 主语you之前;study学习,过去分词为studied, English英语。故填How long have you studied English?30. Physics is as simple as English【详解】physics物理,作主语,居句首需大写首字母;simple简单的。本句是asas结 构,中间用形容词或副词原级,表示同级比拟,as simple as English和英语一样简单;结合 主语physical是单数第三人称,系词需用is,故填Physics is as simple as EnglishoI was looking through the magazines on the table at ten o'clock last night.【详解】根据句意可知,本句为过去进行时,结构为was/weredoing,主语I为第一人称单 数,故用 be 动词 was;浏览:look through:桌 I:的杂志:the magazines on the lable,介词 短语作后置定语:昨晚10.点::at ten o'clock last night,具体时刻前加介词at。故填I was looking through the magazines on the table at ten o'clock last night.31. Whoops! The books couldn't stay there because one end of the shelf was much higher than the other.【详解】表示“哎呀”用“whoops”。句子是一般过去时态。主语是书,翻译为“the books”, 表示“无法搜在上面”是否认句,谓语动词用couldn飞表示“不能“,后面接动词原形stay,地 答案第5页,共22页点副词是there。表示“因为“用because引导原因状语从句,从句主语是单数名词“架子的一端”,谓语用be动词的过去式“was”,表示“架子的一端另一端”用“one end of theshelf.the other”,表示“比高得多”用比拟级结构“much higher than”。故填 Whoops! Thebooks couldn't stay there because one end of the shelf was much higher than the other.32. Everything is covered with thick white snow.【详解】be covered with被 覆盖,是一个固定短语。everything每件事,万物,在句 中作主语,谓语动词用单数;thick厚的;white snow白雪。故填Everything is covered with thick white snow.33. Linda can not only sing but also dance.【详解】不仅而且:not only.but also.:会:can,表示能力,其后加动词原形;唱歌:sing;跳舞:danceoLinda can not only sing but also dance.34. How long did it take you to write to your pen pal yesterday?/How long did you spend writing to your pen friend yesterday?详解)花费某人多长时间干某事:it takes sb some time to do sth/sb spend some time doing sth;多长时间:how long;给某人写信:write to sbo结合语境可知,此题为一般过去时的 特殊疑问句。故填 How long did it take you to write to your pen pal yesterday?/How long did you spend writing to your pen friend yesterday?35. My father enjoyed his stay in Hong Kong.【详解】句子是一般过去时。主语是“我父亲”,翻译为“my血her”。表达“过得开心”,动词 用过去式“enjoyed”。表达“待”,用“his stay”作宾语。根据“在香港”,用短语“in Hong Kong”。故填 My father enjoyed his stay in Hong Kong.36. Call the police at 11() quickly!【详解】“拨打给某人"call sb. at .;根据“报警”可知call后用the police表示“警察”; 副词quickly修饰动词,置于句末。此处是祈使句,以动词原形开头。故填Call the police at 110 quickly!37. While I was walking along/by/ncar the river, I heard some birds singing in the tree.【详解】当时候:while;我:I;在河边散步:walk along/by/ncar the river;听见鸟儿在唱歌:hear some birds singing;在树上:in ihe tree。根据句意,此句为while引导的时间 状语从句;结合语境可知,从句用过去进行时,构成形式为:was/were doing,主句用一般答案第6页,共22页16 .这个男孩够细心,注意到了每一个细节。17 .她不喜欢那件白色的长毛衣。18 .如果你去参加聚会,你会玩的愉快。19 .他帮助妈妈做家务以便于她能够休息一下。(so that)20 .浪费食物是一个坏习惯。(汉译英)21 .今天早上八点的时候,Mike正在追赶校车吗?22 .他长大后打算做一名画家吗?23 .这本书很有用,值得看。24 .如果你花太多时间玩游戏,你的未来将是没有希望的。25 .事实上,他需要时间去思考这个问题。26 .更多的行动应该被采取来保护环境。27 .路上车太多,旅途有些无聊。(toomuch)28 .他在4岁时开始学英语。29 .你英语说得真好。你学英语多久了?Your spoken English is so good.30 .物理和英语一样简单。31 .昨晚10点,我正在浏览桌上的杂志。过去时,动词用过去式。故填 While 1 was walking along/by/ncar the river, I heard some birds singing in the tree.38. If you don't get up early, you will be late fbr school.【详解】"如果"if,表条件;"你"you:"早起"get up early; “上学迟到"be late for school。根 据句意可知是if条件句,遵循主将从现;主语you是第二人称,助动词需用do和will;结 合汉语提示,从句是否认句,故填 If you don't get up early, you will be late for school oIf you have problems with your/in learning English, I can help you.【详解】“如果"if,引导条件状语从句,用“主将从现''时态规那么;“在某方面有问题“have problems with sih.或 have problems in doing sth.;“英语"English; “我可以帮你"I can help youo 故填 If you have problems with your/in learning English, I can help you.39. How long are you going to stay (here?【详解】how long“多长时间”,用be going to do sth表示即将要做的事情,stay there”呆在 那里“,主语 you 是第二人称,be 动词用 are,故填 How long are you going to stay there?40. He likes listening to music in his spare time.【详解】本句描述规律性动作,故为一般现在时,主语he为第三人称单数,故谓语动词用 其三单形式;like doing slh.“喜欢做某事":listen to music”听音乐”;in his s


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