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    序单词音标词性及意思例句1.account/a' kau nt/n.账户v.解释rd like to pay some money into my account. 我想在我的账户里存一些钱。2.achievement/s' tj i: vm snt/n.成就;实现It's an impressive achievement. 这是一项令人敬佩的成就。3.actually/' aektf usli/adv.实际上,事 实上Coal is actually cheaper than gas. 煤炭实际上比煤气廉价。4.addition/s' di f n/n.增加In addition,business news can appear in every other section. 此外,商业新闻可以出现在其他任何局部。5.admit/ad' ml t/V.成认;准许 进入They freely admit that they still have a lot to learn. 他们坦率成认,他们要学的东西还很多。6.adult/' aedA It/n.成年人 adj.成年的Each ticket admits one adult. 每张票只准许一位成人入场。7.affect/s' fekt/V.影响;(疾病 )侵袭,感染Your opinion will not affect my decision. 你的意见不会影响我的决定。8ahead/s' hed/adv.在前面,提前 ,预先;The party was planned weeks ahead 聚会提前几个星期就已筹划好了。9.aid/el d/n/v.帮助;援助They made a request for further aid 他们要求再给一些帮助。10.analyse /analyze/' asnslai z/V.分析,细察We haven*t had time to analyse those samples yet. 我们还没有时间化验分析那些样本。11.anxious/,到k as/adj.焦虑的,担忧 的,急切的;He was anxious to preserve his reputation. 他急于维护自己的名声。12.apart/a' pa: t/adv.分开,分 离adj.意见不一致的9It's difficult to tell them apart. 很难把他们区分开来。13.apartment/s' pa: tmsn t/n.公寓套房;He was given a new rent-free apartment. 他得到了一个新的免租金公寓。14.apologize/s' pD hdj a I z/V.抱歉,谢罪We apologize for the late arrival of this train. 我们为火车误点表示歉意。15.appearance/S pi orons/n.外表,外观; 露面,演出; 出庭,到场;He worries obsessively (过分地,着迷地) about his appearance.他过度烦恼自己的外表。16.apply/s' plai /V.申请;应用, 运用Students apply for admission to a particular college. 学生们申请某学院的入学许可。17.appreciate/S pri: f ieI t/感谢,感激; 欣赏,鉴赏; 理解,明白;Pd appreciate some feedback on my work. 如果有人对我的工作提出意见我将感激不尽。18.argue/' a: rgju: /V.争论,争辩; 主张,认为; 说服;They argue continually (不断地)about money. 他们没完没了地为钱争吵。156.familiar/fb' ml li9(r)/adj .熟悉的;They are already familiar faces on our TV screens. 他们已经是我们电视屏幕上熟悉的面孔了。157.fashion/' faef (s)n/n.时髦打扮寸 尚Carolyne is a fashion designer. 卡罗琳是位时装设计师。158.feature/' fi: tf s(r)/n.特点,特征;This feature is designed to aid inexperienced users. 这个特色是为帮助没有经验的用户而设计的。159.figure/' ft go(r)/n.数字,数目; 图、表He removed the figure from the board. 他从黑板上抹去了那个数字。序单词音标词性及意思例句160.financial/fai ' naenf (o )1/adj.财政的,金 融的;Tokyo is a major financial centre. 东京是主要的金融中心。161.flow/fl。/V.流动,流淌When the gate is raised, the water can flow freely. 闸门提起时水就可以畅流。162.focus/' fbu kss/n.重点,中心点V.集中,关注His comments provided a focus for debate. 他的评论提供了辩论的重点。163.fog/fog/n.雾;烟雾,The plane crashed in thick fog. 飞机在大雾中坠毁。164.forgive/fa' gi v/V.原谅,宽恕;I can't forgive that type of behaviour. 我不能宽恕那种行为。165.found/fau nd/V.创办,成立; 建造,兴建In fact, one could argue that the movement he founded has already failed.事实上,可以说他建立的这个组织已经失败了。166.freedom/' fri: dam/n.自由,自主She wrote poems in praise of freedom. 她写诗讴歌自由。167.freezing/' fri: zl g/adj .极冷的;We were forced to work outside in freezing conditions. 我们被迫在户外天寒地冻的环境下工作。168.frequently/' fri: kwantli /adv.经常地,频 繁地He frequently donates large sums to charity. 他经常向慈善机构大笔捐款。169.frightened/' fral tnd/adj.受惊的,害 怕的She was frightened that the plane would crash. 她害怕飞机会坠毁。170.full-time/ ful 1tai m/adj.专职的;全 日制的;All full-time staff get a 20 percent discount. 所有全职员工都可以享受8折优惠。171.function/' fA gkf (s)n/n.功能,职责;Breathing is an automatic function of the body. 呼吸是一种无意识的身体功能。172.further/, f3 : ds(r)/adv.更远地;进Let's consider this point further. 让我们更深入地考虑这一点。173.gain/gel n/V.获得,赢得;Regular exercise helps prevent weight gain. 经常锻炼有助于防止体重增加。174.galaxy/' gaelsksi/n.星系;银河The Galaxy consists of 100 billion stars. 银河系由1千亿颗恒星组成。175.gas/gaes/n.气体;气体燃 料This gas is highly poisonous. 这种气体有剧毒。176.generally/' dj enrali/adv.笼统地,大 概;普遍地It is generally acknowledged to be true. 普遍认为那是真的。177.generation/, d3 ens' reI f n/n.一代(人)Each generation passes through a similar parade of events. 每一代人都要经历一系列类似的事。178.generous/' d3 ensrss/adj.慷慨的,大 方的He was a generous self-sacrificing man. 他是一个慷慨大方、勇于自我牺牲的人。179.global/' glsu b(s)l/adj.全球的,全 世界的Rich industrialized countries have sown the seeds of global wa: 富裕的工业化国家已经播下了使全球变暖的种子。180.goal/gsu 1/n.球门;进球得 分;目标The goal was disallowed for offside. 因为越位,进球无效。181.goat/gsu t/n.山羊A goat was standing up against a tree on its hind legs, trying to at the leaves一只山羊后腿趴在一棵树上站起来,试图去够树叶。182.grand/graend/adj.壮丽的,堂 皇的The wedding was a very grand occasion. 婚礼场面非常隆重。183graph/gra: f/n.图表The graph shows how house prices have risen since the H 此图说明了自20世纪80年代以来房价上涨的情况。序单词音标词性及意思例句184.greet/gri: t/V.欢迎,迎接He rushed to greet her, sweeping his arms wide. 他张开双臂舞动着,冲过去迎接她。185.guidebook/' gai dbuk /n.旅行指南My guidebook didn*t mention the park. 我的旅行指南上可没有提到这个公园啊。186.heal/hi: 1/v.痊愈,康复As they heal, the bones will fuse together. 骨头愈合时将会连接在一起。187.helpline/' helplai n/n.热线服务 If you have a query about your insurance policy, contact our helpline.假设对保险单有疑问,请拨打我们的咨询热线。188.homestay/' hau msteI /n.在当地居民家 居住的时期Are you getting along well with your homestay family? 你和你的寄宿家庭相处的好吗?189.honey/' hA ni/n.蜂蜜,亲爱的Honey can help to detox the body. 蜂蜜有助于身体解毒。190.hopeless/' hsu plos/adj.无望的;( 感到)绝望的She felt lonely and hopeless. 她感到孤独绝望。191.honor/ honour*/' D na(r)/n.尊敬;荣幸;This award is considered (to be) a great honour. 这项奖被视为极大的荣誉。192.humour /humor/' hju: ma(r )/n.幽默,幽默感She smiled with a rare flash of humour. 她以少有的一丝诙谐微笑了。193.hunt/hA nt/V.打猎,猎取; n.搜索;狩猎As a child I learned to hunt and fish. 我孩提时代就学会了打猎和捕鱼。194.hurdle/' h3 : d(a)l/n.障碍,难关; 栏架,跨栏The next hurdle is to find a way of predicting earthquakes. 下一个障碍是找到一种预测地震的方法.195.identify/al ' denti f al /V.认出,;查明 ,确认证明She would only play a role if she could identify with the charac 她只愿扮演自己认同的人物角色。196.ignore/i g' no : (r)/V.佯装未见,不 理睬;忽视Tired drivers were found tobe particularly prone to ignore warning signs. 据调查,疲劳驾车时特别容易忽视警示标志。197.image/' I mi d3/n.形象,印象; 图像We have to expand the size of the image. 我们不得不扩大图像的尺寸。198.immediately/l ' mi: diat li/adv.立即,马上 *The pain immediately eased. 疼痛立刻减轻了。199.impression/i m' pref ( s)n/n.印象,感想; 影响,作用She made a good impression on the interviewer. 她给主持面试者留下了很好的印象。200.income/' I nkA m/n.收入,收益Income from sales tax went down. 来自销售税的收入下降了。201.indeed/I n' di: d/adv.确实;实际 上;真正地;It is indeed a remarkable achievement. 这确实是非凡的成就。202.independent/, I ndl p endsnt/adj.自治的,独 立的;The region was effectively independent. 该地区实际上是独立的。203.individual/ I ndl ' v1I d3 usl/adj ,单独的;个人 的;n.个人,个体;It's impossible to hold any individual responsible. 不可能让任何个人承当责任。204.infer/I n' f3 : (r) /V.推断,推论; 暗不,暗指What can we infer about the author from the text? 从文章中我们能推断出作者的什么信息?205.insist/i n' si st/.坚决要求,坚 持;坚称I insist on paying for the damage. 我坚持要赔偿损失。序单词音标词性及意思例句206.intelligent/I n' tell d3。 nt/adj.聪明的;智能 的She's even more intelligent than her sister. 她甚至比她姐姐还聪明。207.intend/i n' tend/V.打算,想要;They intend to sue for damages. 他们打算起诉,要求赔偿损失。208.item/' ai tom/n.工程,条款We carefully labelled each item with the contents and t he date.我们仔细地把每件物品用标签标明成分和日期。209.judge生 A d3 /n .法官V.判断,认为She's a good judge of character. 她很善于鉴定别人的性格。210.junior/' dj u: nia(r) /adj.年龄较小的; 地位)低的He dropped out of junior high school. 他初中辍学了。211.kangaroo/, kseggs' ru :/n.袋鼠The kangaroo is a native of Australia. 袋鼠是产于澳大利亚的动物。212.kindness/' kai ndnss/n.友好,仁慈,善 良;Her friend's kindness has restored her faith in human nature.她朋友的善意使她恢复了对人性的信心。213.labelC lei b(s)l/n.标签,标牌;V. 贴标签The washing instructions are on the label. 洗涤说明在标签上。214.labour/labor/' lei bs(r)/n万动;力工There is an abundant supply of cheap labour. 有丰富的廉价劳动力供应。215.lands/laendz/n.农土地, 平原;平面During the war their lands were occupied by the enemy.战争期间他们的土地被敌人占据了。216.latest/' lei ti st/adj.最近的,最新 的Could you fax me the latest version? 你可不可以把最新版本 给我?217.legal/1 n: g(9)i/adj.法律允许的, 合法的Its products met all legal requirements. 它的产品满足了所有法定的必备条件。218.length/legkG/n.长,长度The length of a paragraph depends on the information it conveys. 段落的长度取决于它传达的信息。219.likelyr lai kli/adj.可能发生的; 似乎合适的Rice flour makes the cake less likely to crumble. 这种糕饼用米粉做不那么容易碎。220.listener/' li son9(r)/n.听者,认真倾听 的人I'm a regular listener to her show. 我是她节目的一名固定听众。221.location/hu ' kei f n/n.地点,位置;What is the exact location of the ship? 那条船确实切位置在哪里?222.loss/Id s/n.失去,丧失We expressed our sympathy for her loss. 我们对她的损失表示了同情。223.magical/' maed3 I kl/adj.魔法的,魔术 的;迷人的Her words had a magical effect on us. 她的话对我们有一种魔力般的作用。224.major/' mei dj a(r) /adj.重大的,主要 的n.主修科目,专 业Unemployment is a major cause of poverty. 失业是贫困的主要原因。225.man-made/ maen 1'mei d/adj.人造的;人工 的;合成的He decided to do something about reforesting manmade wastes of western Australia.他决定了在澳大利亚西部的人造垃圾地带重新造林226.manner/, m2eno(r)/n.态度,举止;礼 貌;方式;Her manner immediately set everyone at their ease. 她的态度立刻使大家感到轻松了。227.Mars/ma: z/n.火星The atmosphere of Mars could not support life. 生命无法在火星的大气环境下生存。228material/m。' ti oriol/n.材料,原料She cut the dress out of some old material. 她用一些旧布料裁剪出了那件连衣裙。序单词音标词性及意思例句229.measure/' mej a(r)/n.措施,方法v. 测量;We cannot measure pain directly. It can only be estimated. 我们无法直接测量疼痛的程度,只能估计。230.media/' mi: di。/.新闻媒体,传 媒he claimed her problems were down to the media. 她声称她的问题是媒体造成的。231.medium/' mi: di9m/n.媒介,媒体; adj .中等的,The bacteria were growing in a sugar medium. 细菌在糖基中生长。232.metal/' metl/n.金属adj .金属制的The metal felt smooth and cold. 这种金属摸上去光滑而冰冷。233.military/' mi Istri/n.军人,军方He was recalled to military duty. 他被召回执行军事任务。234.minus/' mai nos/prep,减,减去 ;零下The temperature dropped to minus ten degrees centigrade. 温度降到摄氏零下十度。235.module/' mD dju: 1/n.组件,模件; 单元,模块Switch from one module to another. 从一个模块转换到另一个模块。236.mood/mu: d/n.心境,情绪My mood gradually lightened. 我的心情渐渐好起来。237.moved/mu: vd/adj.感动的Those who listened to him were deeply moved. 听他讲话的人都被深深地感动了。238.musical/' mju: zl k( 9)1/adj.音乐的Almost everyone has some musical ability. 几乎人人都有一些音乐才能。239.nation/' nei f (s)n/n.国家,民族To force this agreement on the nation is wrong. 把这项协议强加于这个国家是错误的。240.nationality/, naej s' nael sti/n.族,民族;国 籍All applicantswill be considered regardless of age, sex, religion or nationality. 所有申请者,不管其年龄、性别、宗教信仰及国籍,都可考 虑。241.native/' nei ti v/adj.土著的,土 著人的n.本地人Australians are justly proud of their native wildlife. 澳大利亚人理应为他们本土的野生动植物而自豪。242.negative/' negsti v/adj.否认的,悲 观的,消极的They received a negative reply. 他们得到一个否认的答复。243.normally/' no : moli/adv.通常,平常 ;正常地;The child is developing normally. 这孩子发育正常。244.northeast/, no : 0' i: s t/n.东北方, adj.东北的The northeast has been particularly hard hit. 东北部受影响尤其严重。245.northwest/,no : O'west/n.西北方;西北 部The northwest became the country's breadbasket. 西北地区成为了该国的粮仓。246.nowadays/' nau odei z/adv.如今,现在Nobody gets rich from writing nowadays. 如今没有人能靠写作致富。247.obvious/' D bviss/adj.明显的,显 然的The officer saw no obvious signs of a break-in. 那个警察没看到任何闯入的明显痕迹。248.occasion/o' kei 3(9)n /ri.时刻,时候He was improperly dressed for the occasion. 他的衣着不大适合这个场合。249.occur/a' k3 : (r)/V.(发生;出现 ;产生When exactly did the incident occur? 这一事件究竟是什么时候发生的?250.ocean/' ouf (o)n/n.v美,海洋,大海Hundreds of tons of oil spilled into the ocean. 数百吨石油溢出流入大海。序单词音标词性及意思例句251.official/s' fl 1/adj,正式的,官方 的n.官员,高级职员They ignored the official party line. 他们忽略了政党的官方路线。252.onto'Dntu/prep.到之上,向之上She stepped gracefully onto the stage. 她步态冼雅地走上舞台。253.opportunity/, D pa' tju: nsti 1/n.时机,机会I grasped the opportunity to work abroad. 我毫不犹豫地抓住了去国外工作的机会。254.ordinary/' : rd(o)neri/adj.普通的,平常 的Some application forms can be incomprehensible to ordinary people. 有些申请表格一般人可能看不懂。255.organization/, : rgona' zeI f n/n.组织,机构They may apply to join the organization. 他们可能申请加入该组织。256.original/o' ri d3 0n(0)1/adj.起初的,原先 的The thieves replaced the original painting with a copy. 盗贼们用摹本换走了原画。257.package/' paeki dj /n.包裹V.把打包We package our products in recyclable materials. 我们用可回收的材料包装我们的产品。258.paragraph/' prsgraef/n.(文章的)段, 段落This paragraph refers to the events of last year. 这一段说的是去年发生的事。259.particular/pa' ti kjsl9(r)/adj.特定的,某一 的He loves science fiction in particular. 他特别喜爱科幻小说。260.part-time/, pa: t ' tai m/adj.兼职的;局部 时间的Part-time work is generally hard to find. 兼职工作一般很难找。261.pattern/' p«t(s)n/n.模式,方式;图 案,花样;Economic activity often follows a cyclical pattern. 经济活动常常遵循周期性模式。262.percent/ps' sent/n.百分之;部分95 percent of these diets do not work. 这些节食方法中的95%都不奏效。263.perform/pa' fo : m/V.演出,表演;执 行,履行They felt continual pressure to perform well. 他们感受到持续不断的、要表演得好的压力。264.personality/, p3 : so' naeht ,i/n.个性,性格;魅 力,品格She had a sweet, lively personality. 她有着可爱活泼的性格。265.persuade*/pa' swei d/V.说服,劝服;使 相信,使信服How did you manage to persuade him? 你是怎么说服他的?266.philosophy/fs' la: ssfi/n.哲学;哲学体系The government played a major role in promoting Confuci an philosophy.该政府在推行儒家哲学上担当了一个重要角色。267.phrase/frei z/n.短语,词组We bought a Danish phrase book. 我买了一本丹麦常用语手册。268.physical/' fl zi kl/adj.身体的;物质 的;物理的Physical activity promotes good health. 身体运动促进健康。269.pirate/' pal rat/n.海盗v.盗印Ed played at being a pirate. 埃德假扮海盗。270.pleasant/' plez(s)nt/adj.令人愉快的, 惬意的Floating can be a very pleasant sensation. 漂浮会给人一种非常喻快的感觉。271.poetr psu 11/n.诗人He was determined to reinvent himself as a poet and writer.他下决心把自己重塑成一个诗人兼作家。272.political/ps' 11 ti k(s)l/adj.政治(上)的 ,政府的The play makes a strong political statement. 这出戏说明一种鲜明的政治立场。序单词音标词性及意思例句273.position/p。' zl f n/n.位置,地点;观 点,立场My position is quite different. 我的立场完全不同。274.positive/' pa: zotl v/adj.乐观的;积 极的Overseas investment has had a positive effect on exports. 海外投资对出口有积极影响。275.precious/' prej ss/adj,珍贵的;重 要的Her family's support is particularly precious to Josie. 家人的支持对乔茜尤为珍贵。276.presenter/pn ' zentsr/n.主持人,主播They're trying out a new presenter for the show. 他们正在为这个节目试用一名新的主持人。277.press/pres/V.压,挤,推, 贴Press Exit to return to your document. 按“退出”键返回到你的文档。278.pressure/' prej a(r)/n.压力,挤压;心 理压力,紧张I admire her coolness under pressure. 我佩服她在压力下能保持冷静。279.pretend*/pri ' tend/V.伪装,假装;Lefs pretend (that) we*re astron


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