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    外研版三年级起(陈琳主编)Module 7 Unit 2 Whafs that?教案一、教学目标1 .能听、说、读出新单词:ball book schoolbag2 .学会在实际情景中运用"What's this/that? ” “It's a.”来询问或介绍某物 是什么。3 .掌握 What's this?和 What's that?的区别。二、教学重点1 .掌握新单词:ball book schoolbag that2 .掌握句型:-Whafs this/that? -Its a.三、教学难点1 .单词that/6出t/的正确发音;2 . this和that的区别。四、教学准备PPT, word cards, schoolbag, pencil, pen, ball, book and candies.五、教学过程Greeting, Warming up and Revision(1) . Greetings.(问候)T:Good morning, boys and girls.Ss:Good morning, Ms Li.T:How are you?SsTm fine, and how are you?T:rm fine too. Thank you. Today, we are going to learn Module? Unit2 What's that?. At first, I w川 divide you into three groups. If you are the winner, you can get these candies. OK?Ss:OK. Let's begain.(2) . Warming up.(热身:以一首歌曲活跃课堂气氛。)T:Boys and girls, lets sing the song <Please Stand Up> and do the actions. Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:Good job. Sit down, please.(3) Revision1复习:带领学生复习上个单元知识,同学们根据老师提问回答正确 加一分并鼓励。)T:Now, let's review the sentences. Look at the picture. Who can tell me? Whafs this?S:lfs a window/door/desk/chair/blackboard/classroom.T:Good, one point.(1).Activity1 :Listen and chant.T:Look! Whafs this?(出示实物钢笔)Ss:lt's a pen.T: Good. And Whafs this?(出示实物铅笔)Ss:lfs a pencil.T:Yes. You are right. Now boys and girls, please take out your pen and pencil. Lefs chant. uPen and pencil. Pencil and pen. Pen and pencil, Say it again! ”T:Well done. One more time. Ten and pencil. Pencil and pen. Pen and pencil, Say it again! ”.New words.(新单词 schoolbag ball book 教学)a:单词schoolbag教学T:Look! What's this? Listen carefully! Schoolbag. Schoolbag.(播放音频)Ss:Schoolbag. Schoolbag.(学生跟读)T:What does it mean?Ss:书包.T:. Whafs this?(出示实物书包)Ss: Ifs a schoolbag.(随后并将单词卡贴到黑板上)b:单词ball教学T:Look! Whafs this? Listen carefully! Ball. Ball.(播放音频)Ss:BalL Ball.(学生跟读)T:What does it mean?Ss:球.T:. Whafs this?(出示实物球)Ss: It's a ball.(随后并将单词卡贴到黑板上)c:单词book教学T:Look! Whafs this? Listen carefully! Book. Book.(播放音频)Ss:Book. Book.(学生跟读)T:What does it mean?Ss:书.T:AII right. Look. Whafs this?(出示实物书)Ss: It's a book.(随后并将单词卡贴到黑板上)dPractise:(对新单词的巩固:根据指令来读单词,通过不同方式朗读,增加趣味性;老师领读,然后分男生女生朗读。)Now, let's read these words together. Boys/girls, please stand up. Go.(3) .讲解 Whafs this?和 Whafs that?的区别a:由一-幅图片吸引学生注意力,通过观察近处、远处的熊猫,引出this、that,让学生直观感 受区别,进而讲解其意思“这个”、“那个”。T:Look at the picture, boys and girls. Wow, there are lots of pandas. This one is big. That one is small.b:通过提问的方式让学生思考Whafs this和Whafs that的区别,然后讲解其区别:Whafs this? "这是什么? ”问距离比较近的,Whafsthat? “那是什么? ”问距离比较远的。T:So, whafs the difference between "What's this?" and "Whafs that?”?(回答正确加一分)c:Practise:通过练习题巩固Whafs this?和What's that?的区别。T:Look at the screen. Then fill in the blanks.(回答正确力口一分).Activity? Listen and say.(课文教学) a:由一幅图片引出故事,先介绍图中人物:Tom,根据图中的黑影提出问题:让学生带着问题观看动画并猜猜那是什么?T:Look here. Do you know who is he? Oh, this is Tom. He is Sam and Amy's little brother.And do you want to know whafs that? OK, lefs watch the video and guess whafs that?b:观看活动二视频,并请同学回答黑影是什么。T:Well, What's that?S:lt's a cat.(回答正确加一分)c:听课文音频,边听边圈出物品的单词。T:Now, take out your English book and pen. And turn to page 41. Look at activity2. Listenand circle the new words. Are you ready?d:带领学生巩固圈出的5个关键单词:schoolbag pencil ball book cat,掌握文章线索。e:教读遍课文。f:小组合作读课文,然后表演。注:老师先戴着Tom/Amy头饰示范,增加趣味性;每组请两个同学上台表演对话,鼓励并 加分。.(练习).Activity3 Listen and colour.(老师播放录音,学生根据听到的内容涂色。)T:OK. Look at activity3, lets listen and colour. One more time.(听两遍)Now, Let's check the answer. The first one, who wants to try?S:lfs a red pen.T:Perfect. You can get one point. Be hands for him. Sit down please.It's a green book. It's a blue desk. It's a yellow pencil. Ifs a blank chair.(依次答对者加一分)T:Now, read them together. Ifs a red pen. Ready go!(1) . Let's talk.(拓展:前后四个同学交谈,用句型Whafsthis/that?lfsa.说说身边 的事物。)T:lt's time to talk. Four students make a group and talk about something around us. And I'll ask two students come here and talk. OK?Ss:OK.(随后在教室墙上贴上五张单词卡片:cake bird cap dog panda,以便操练句型:What's that?It's a.)TOK. Stop. Lefs talk. Who can try?(表演者加一分)Wonderful! Be hands for them. Thank you. Go back to your seat. One point.(知识总结:根据板书复述今天学习的内容。)T: OK, let's make a summary. Look at the new words and sentences. Lefs read them together.schoolbag ball bookWhafs this? It's a .Whafs that? Ifs a .S. Summary.(组与组之间比赛总结)T: Now, let's count which group is the winner?Ss:One, two, three.T. So group2 is the winner. Congratulations! Clap your hands. And you can get these candies. OK. So much for the class. Goodbye!Ss:Goodbye!六、板书设计Module 7Unit 2 Whafs that?schoolbag ball bookWhafs this? Ifs a .Whafs that? Ifs a .七、教学反思.个别学生对that发音不够准确;1 .部分学生对this和that的区别掌握还不够,还需加强对比练习;.缺乏英语的语言环境,口语表达还不够流畅,应多鼓励学生课后用学过的知识加强练习。


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