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    2020.2021学年广东省湛江市麻章区九年级(上)期末英语试卷Since niy mother moved to lived with us in the city, she had been much heavier than before.As time went by, her health got(l).So I had to take her to see a doctor.My mother (2) to lose weight by doing exercise every day.She had no choice but to follow what the doctor said.I told her that I would exercise with her every morning.On the first morning, she got up very early and ran with me in (3) neighborhood.! tried to run slowly so that she could follow me.After running for(4) minutes, I told her proper ways of exercise and the importance of eating healthy fbod.She listened to me care fully. 1( made me (5) that she (old me everything very patiently when I was a kid. (6) the second morning, I praised her for keeping running with me.But after two weeks, she wanted to £7) running because she thought (he two-week exercise didn't work at all.To encourage her, I taught her (8) to use the facilities (设施)for exercise in the gym (9) is not far away.She began to exercise again.With my help, it took her one month to develop a good habit of daily exercise. "Thank you, my dear daughter." Exercise bi ings(10)and happiness to me.I will never worry about my health." Her words touched my hear deeply.! felt happy to make a big difference to my mother's life.1.A. betterB. worstC. worseD. well2.A. tellB. tellingC. had toldD. was told3.A. weB. usC. ourD. ours4.A. fewB. someC. anyD. little5.A. to rememberB. rememberedC. rememberD. remembering6.A. InB. OnC. WithD. For7.A. give upB. keep onC. set upD. take up8.A. whereB. whenC. whatD. how9.A. whoseB. whereC. whoD. which10.A. healthB. healthyC. unhealthyD. healthilyLinda once didn't have any friends. She was a little(l Dand serious. She really wanted to have someone to( 12)secrets and laugh with, but she never got one.Linda was quite(13)when she went to university because she had to live with strangers. She had no idea how she would(14)them in this new environment.In the first English class, the teacher asked students to share something about themselves. When Linda gave a(15)she talked a liltle about herself. The teacher's last(16)was " What's your goal for this (erm? Most of the students said it was to get good scores or(17)the exams, but Linda said her goal was to make just one good(18).指:不远处的健身房.考查定语从句的关系代词。先行词是gym,指物,用关系代词which/ihat。 故选D。(10)考查名词。句意:运动给我带来健康和快乐。A. health健康B. heakhy健康的,原形 C. unhealthy 不健康的 D. heakhily 健康地。I will never worry about my heakh.(我永远不用 担心我的健康了。)可知是运动给我带来健康和快乐。故选A。本文是记叙文,讲述了作者为了改善妈妈的健康状况而每天早上和她一起跑步的事情。在作者的 督促下,妈妈养成了每天锻炼的好习惯。妈妈感谢作者对她的关心和督促作者也很高兴自己能够 对妈妈的生活产生好的影响。根据短文大意和语境选择合适的单词,并用其正确的形式填入空白处,使补全后的短文意思通顺, 语法正确,结构完整,注意单词的适当形式。1120.【答案】B、D、A、C、D、A、B、C、A、B【解析】(1)B.考查形容词.wild野生的.shy害羞的.active积极的.funny有趣的.句意"她 有点_和严肃.”根据上一句Linda once didn't have any friends琳达曾经没有朋友.可.知,应该是" 害羞的”.故选B.(2) D.考查动词.make做.get得到.give给.share分析.句意"她真的很想找个人_秘密和 欢笑."share with”与分享"固定搭配.故选D.(3) A.考查形容词.nervous紧张的.pleased开心的.excited兴奋的.mad疯狂的.句意"琳达 上大学时很_,因为她不得不和陌生人住在一起.”根据I空处She was a little shy她有点害羞.可 知,应该是“紧张的”.故选A.(4) C. make peace with 同。讲和.come up with 想出、提出.ge【along with 与。相处.catch up with 赶上.句意"她不知道在这种新环境下她会如何与他们根据上一句she had to live with strangers 她不得不和陌生人住在一起.可知,应该是"与相处”.故选C.(5) D.考查名词.concert音乐会.suggest建议.gift礼物.speech演讲.句意"当琳达_时,她 谈到了 自己."根据上一句 the teacher asked students to share something about themselves 老师让学生 们分享一些自己的东西.可知,应该是“演讲”.故选D.(6) A.考杳名词.question问题.task任务.answer答案.decision决定.句意"老师最后一个问 题是根据此句WhaTsyourgoal forihislerm?你这学期的目标是什么?可知,应该是"问题".故 选A.(7) B.考查动词.win赢得.pass通过.fail失败.attend出席.句意”大多数学生说它是为了取 得好成绩或考试”.可知,应该是"通过“.故选B.(8) C.考查名词.rest休息.meal饭.friend朋友.plan计划.句意"但琳达说她的目标是只交 一个好."make a friend"交朋友"固定搭配.故选C.(9) A.考杳动词.asked询问.answered回答.wanted想要.shouted喊叫.句意"他 是否他 能做她的朋友”.可知,应该是“问”.故选A.(10) B.考查动词.cried哭.smiled笑.shouted喊叫.talked交谈.句意,琳达羞涩地."根据卜一句Later, their friendship lasted all through the university.后来,她们的友谊贯穿整个大学.可 知,应该是“微笑”.故选B.短文主要介绍琳达曾经没有任何朋友.她有点害羞和严肃.直到上大学时,老师让学生们分享一 些关于自己的东西,琳达才说出了自己的事情,后来一个同学主动和她交朋友,她们的友谊贯穿 整个大学.完形填空题型,抓住文章的大意,根据上下文猜意思.结合语境,根据所给选项,判断合适的时 态,人称,句型,词性、单复数变化等.选择合适答案.2125.【答案】C、B、C、A、D【解析】(I)细节理解题。根据文中"Welcome to Made-in-China websitel'(欢迎访问中国制造网 站!)可知在网上可以买到这些商品,故选C。(2)推理判断题。根据文中"With a basket for children aged from 3 to 7"(带一个3至7岁儿童用的 篮子)可知这款自行车适合3-7岁的儿童,可推知5岁的孩子可以买这款自行车。故选B。(3)细节理解题。根据“Tea pot And Ihe best gift for your friends or your family"(茶壶是送给 朋友或家人的最好礼物)可知茶壶是送给爷爷最好的生口礼物,故选C。(4)细节理解题。根据"New Design Fashion Button"中"Delivery lime: 3 days after confirmation" (交货时间:确认后3天)的介绍可知,妈妈预定的时尚纽扣3天后可以拿到。故选A。(5)数字计算题。根据 Teapot价格:"Price: ¥120”及 Handbag价格:"Price: ¥280 (¥520for two on Women's Day) ”可知一个茶壶和一个手提包的价格是¥ 120+¥280= ¥400。故选D。本文是一篇网上的广告,文章介绍茶壶、手提包、儿童自行车及纽扣的颜色、价格、发货时间和 产品的特色。通读全文,理解文章大意,阅读题目后返回原文阅读并找出与题目相对应的内容,仔细核对,选 择符合原文原意的答案,完成后再次阅读并检查。2630.【答案】A、C、C、A、B【解析】(1) A词义猜测题,题目意为划线的单词"hospitable”的汉语意思是一,根据If foreigners visit a Chinese family, they would be surprised at the warmth that they would receive as g uests.可知中国人热情好客,因此判断划线单词的含义为好客的.故选A.(2) C细节理解题,题目意为作为中国家庭的一个客人,主人通常会为你提供,根据 When you visit a Chinese family, the host usually makes tea for you. Then he will serve you snacks (小 吃)like biscuits or candy.可知主人会为你泡茶,还会提供一些小吃.故选C.(3) C细节理解题,题目意为当主人为西方国家的客人夹菜时,客人会感到惊讶因为一,根据Perhaps one of the things that surprises a western guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food fo r visitors, which won't happen at western tables.可知这在西方国家是不会发生的.故选C.(4) A细节理解题,题目意为中国的主人为客人所做的是为了,根据The Chinese family go out of their way to make you feel at home.可知是为了 让客人感到在家里一 样.故选A.(5) B句意猜测题,题目问文章的最后孔夫子说的话是什么意思,根据Being warm and hospitable has long been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition. 可知中国 人热情好客是中国文化和传统的重要部分.因此判断孔夫子说的话与热情好客有关,即有朋自远 方来,不亦乐乎.故选B.本文主要讲了中国人的热情好客的文化习俗.阅读全文,理解文意,阅读题目后返回原文阅读并找出与题目相对应的内容,然后将题目和原文 一一核对,选择符合原文原意的答案,做完后阅读检查一遍.31.【答案】【小题1】D【小题2】A【小题3】F【小题4】E【小题5】C【小题6】略【解析】细节推理题。(1)根据"She wants her to be a musician when she grows up, so she is looking for a famous music school for her.''(她想长大后成为一名音乐家,所以她正在为她寻找一所著名的音乐学校。)可知说的 是音乐。结合选项,应说自1993年以来,英国成千上万的孩子在猴子的音乐中长大。我们精彩的 教学计划以一种他们可以轻松理解和享受的方式向孩子们介绍音乐。电话019382866。故选D。(2)根据"He said that he hoped to be a sailoi,in the future."(他说他希望将来成为一名水手。)可 知说的是成为水手,结合选项,应说让水变得安全又有趣。游泳课程适合所有年龄的人,从出生 开始。周一和周五下午,小群人在Rwigate的温暖的游泳池里。电话。故选A。(3)根据"Now she is a successful dancer. She wants her little daughter to follow her steps,"(现在 她是一个成功的舞者。她想让她的小女儿跟随她的脚步。)可知说的是舞蹈,结合选项,应说新 芭蕾舞班在圣约翰中心,19 Tilford路,Famham gu98 DJo电话。故选F。(4) 根据“who is poor at math and English at school, so she is looking for a training centre to help her daughter."(她在学校的数学和英语都很差,所以她正在寻找一个培训中心来帮助她的女儿。) 可知说的是数学和英语,结合选项,应说你希望你的孩子在学校取得成功吗?我们有很好的数学 和英语老师。我们是为6-16岁的孩子准备的。打电话给。故选E。(5)根据"He wishes to be a football star."(他希望成为一名足球明星。)可知说的是足球,结 合选项,应说如果你想让你的孩子成为足球明星,或者只是想让他们更快乐,为什么不来和我们 一起玩球呢?故选C。(1) Betty有一个六岁的女儿,她想长大后成为一名音乐家,所以她正在为她寻找一所著名的音 乐学校。一一自1993年以来,英国成千上万的孩子在猴子的音乐中长大。我们精彩的教学计划以 一种他们可以轻松理解和享受的方式向孩子们介绍音乐。电话019382866。(2) Sara的儿子10岁了,他对水上运动很感兴趣,他说他希望将来成为一名水手。一一让水变 得安全又有趣。游泳课程适合所有年龄的人,从出生开始。周一和周五下午,小群人在Rwigate 的温暖的游泳池里。电话。(3) Alice小时候学会了跳舞。现在她是一个成功的舞者。她想让她的小女儿跟随她的脚步。一一 新芭蕾舞班在圣约翰中心,19 Tilford路,Farnham gu98 DJo电话Mary总是担心她的女儿,她在学校数学和英语很差,所以她正在找一个培训中心来帮助她 的女儿。一一你希望你的孩子在学校取得成功吗?我们有很好的数学和英语老师。我们是为6-16 岁的孩子准备的。打电话给。(4) Gina的儿子是个足球迷,他几乎了解所有的知名足球运动员,他希望成为一名足球明星 如果你想让你的孩子成为足球明星,或者只是想让他们更快乐,为什么不来和我们一起玩球呢? 做题时结合原文和题FI有针对性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,保证上下文意思通顺,结合选项选 出正确答案。32.【答案】【小题I】suns【小题2】named【小题3 shoot【小题4】him【小题5】If【小题6】steal【小题7】so【小题8 some【小题9】Because【小题10 From【解析】(1)考查名词。句意:在过去,有十个太阳。sun太阳,len后面加名词复数,故填suns。(2)考查动词。句意:就在这时,一个名叫后羿的年轻人出现了。他尽力射下九个太阳。named 过去分词作后置定语,故填named。(3)考查动词。句意:就在这时,一个名叫后羿的年轻人出现了。他尽力射下九个太阳。,故填shoot o(4)考查代词。句意:为了表示感谢,一位女神给了他神奇的药。give动词,后面加代词宾格, 故填him。(5)考查连词。句意:如果一个人吃了这种药,他或她会长生不老。if如果,表示条件,故填乩(6)考查动词。句意:然而,一个叫蓬蒙的坏人想趁后羿不在家的时候偷药。steal头,to+名词 复数,故填steal。(7)考查连词。句意:她变得如此轻,以至于她飞到了月球上,再也不能回来了。so.that如此 以至于,故填so。(8)考查代词。句意:每个月满月的时候,他都会在花园里放一些嫦娥最喜欢的水果和甜点。some 一些,后面加可数名词复数,故填some。(9)考查连词。句意:因为他希望能再见到嫦娥。because因为,表示原因,故填Because。(10)考查介词。句意:从那时起,中国人开始庆祝中秋节。固定短语from then on从那时起, 故填From。短文主要介绍了有关中秋节的民间故事。根据所给信息填空,考生注意先通读全文,根据所给的信息,结合词组固定搭配和语境,填出适 当的单词。33 .【答案【小题 1 To help students learn about Chinese lea culture.【小题 2) Shen Nong discovered tea as a drink.【小题 3 A teahouse.【/卜题 4 h's about Chinese traditional instruments.【小题5】No.【解析】细节理解题。(1)根据文中提到"We've got a program to help students learn about Chinese tea culture/'(我们有一 个帮助学生了解中国茶文化的项目。),可知,第一个计划是”来帮助学生了解中国茶文化的项目 ",故填 To help students learn about Chinese tea culture.(2)根据文中提到"It is said that Shen Nong discovered it as a drink."(据说神农发现它可以作为一 种饮品O )可知,是神农,故填 Shen Nong discovered tea as a drink.(3) 根据文中提到"we will go to a tea house after dinner where we can watch a tea art performance." (晚饭后我们会去茶馆,在那里我们可以观看茶艺表演。)可知,会去茶馆,故填A teahouse.(4)根据文中提至Here we have a program aboulChinese traditional inslrumenls."(我们这里有一个 关于中国传统乐器的节目),故此节目是关于"中国传统乐器",故填It's about Chinese traditional instruments.(5)根据文中提到"On Saturday we can attend a folk music concert in the school hall."(星期六我们 可以在学校礼堂听一场民间音乐会。),故星期天我们可以在学校礼堂听一场民间音乐会,故观 点错误,故填No.本文讲述了两个弘扬中国传统文化的项目的细节。本题主要考查学生的阅读理解能力及知识运用能力。答题时根据文中细节得出答案。34 .【答案】I'm glad to see the posts.I want to take part in the Chinese Tea Culture.I like drinking tea and I'm interested in the tea culture.So I would like to learn more about it.(想参加的理由)As we know tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world,especially in China.It's said that Shen Nong was the first to discovertea as a drink and it was first drunk about 5, 000 years ago.【高分句型一 Many places are famous for the tea.(简单介绍这种传统文化)As middle students, I think we should read more books about Chinese history.We are supposed to tell foreigners Chinese slories.And we should try our best to spread Chinese traditional culture.【高分句型二】(作为中学生,该如何了解和宣传好 我们国家的传统文化)【解析】【高分句型一】It's said that Shen Nong was the first to discovertea as a drink and it was first drunk about 5, 000 years ago. 据说,神农是第一个发现茶这种饮料的人,大约在5000年前,人们第一次喝到茶。It's said (hat 据说【高分句型二】And we should try our best to spread Chinese traditional culture.我们应该尽最大努力传播中国传统文 化。try one's best to do sth尽某人最大的努力做某事。能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连 贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务。After class, one student came to Linda and introduced himself. He(19)whether he could be herfriend. Linda(20)shyly. Later, their friendship lasted all through the university.11.A. wildB. shyC. activeD. funny12.A. makeB. getC. giveD. share13.A. nervousB. pleasedC. excitedD. mad14. A. make peace with catch up withB. come up withC. get along withD.15.A. concertB. suggestC. giftD. speech16.A. questionB. taskC. answerD. decision17.A. winB. passC. failD. attend18.A. restB. mealC. friendD. plan19.A. askedB. answeredC. wantedD. shouted20.A. criedB. smiledC. shoutedcD. talkedWelcome to Made-in-China Website!TeapotColor: WhitePrice: ¥120Delivery (递送)time: 10 work days after received 30% paymentTeapots with good quality.And the best gift for your friends or your family.HandbagColor: Black and whitePrice: ¥280 (¥520 for two on Women'sDay)Delivery time: 7 days after confirmation(确认)We have our own designers.Our new styles may give you a new surprise.2021 Newly Children BicycleColor: BluePrice: ¥240 (20% off on Children's Day) Delivery time: 5 days after confirmation.With a basket for children aged from 3 to 7.New Design Fashion Button Color: All kinds of colors Price: ¥1 (¥9 for ten)Delivery time: 3 days after confirmation New and popular designs, you can dye them into different colors if you like.21. You can buy these things according to the advertisement (广告).A. in a shopB. in a mallC. on the InternetD. in a supermarket22. You can buy the children bicycle with a basket for a child of years old.A. 2B. 5C. 8D. 10The best birthday gift for your grandpa is.A. a buttonB. a handbagC. a teapotD. a children bicycle23. If your mom ordered some fashion buttons, she can get them days later.A. threeB. fiveC. sevenD. tenIf you have ¥400, you can buy.A. two handbagsB. 500 buttonsC. a handbag and a bicycleD. a teapot and a handbagDChina is a nation of etiquette (. Chinese people are among the most people in the world. If foreigners visit a Chinese family, they would be surprised at (he warmth that ihey would receive as guests.When you visit a Chinese family, the host usually makes tea for you. Then he will serve you snacks (小吃)like biscuits or candy. Someone in the family will also chat with you, never letting you feel lonely.At the same time, other family members will prepare a meal for you. Chinese people treat (款待) their guests with a big meal. They always present more food than the guest can eat. On the table, the guests must be the first to eat. Perhaps one of the (hings that surprises a western guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food for visitors, which won't happen at western tables. The Chinese family go out of their way to make you feel at home. As you are done eating, the host usually says, "It seems that you didn't eat much. Please have more. Although you (ell them you are full, they still put more food in your bowl.Being warm and hospitable has long been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition. As Confucius (孑L子) said thousands of years ago:To meet friends from afar How happy we are!24. The underlined word "hospitable" means "" in Chinese.A.好客的. B.勤劳的. C.朴实的. D.节俭的.25. As a guest in a Chinese family, you arc usually offered by the host.A. coffee and snacksB. juice and snacksC. tea and snacksD. coffee and cakes26. A western visitor feels surprised when the host picks food for him because.A. he thinks it's not politehe thinks it's not necessaryB. it won't happen in western countrieshe doesn't like the food27. What the Chinese family do for the guests is to.A. make them feci at homeB. show their wealthC. make them feel uncomfortableD. make them hungry28. Whafs the meaning of the words by Confucius at the end of the passage? A.学而时习之,不亦说乎?B.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?C.人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎? D.温故而知新,可以为师矣.29. 配对阅读。左栏是五位母亲打算为各自的孩子所选的学校,右栏是七个机构或学校。请 为左栏的每位母亲选择适合她们孩子的机构或学校。(1) Betty has a six-year-old daughter.She wants her to be a musician when she grows up, so she is looking for a famous music school for her. Sara's son is 10 years old.He is interested in water sports.He said that he hoped to be a sailor in the future.(3) Alice learned to dance when she was young.Now she is a successful dancer.She wants her little daughter to follow her steps.(4) Marv is always worried about her daughter, who is poor at math and English at school, so she is looking for a training center to help her daughter.(5) Gina has a son who is a football fan.He knows about almost all the well-known football players.He wishes to be a football star.A.Making water safe a


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