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    TOEFL iBT Speaking OverviewSectionSectionContentContentTimeTimeScoreScoreSpeaking6 speaking tasks2 independent tasks4 integrated tasksTotal time:20 minutesPrep time:1530 secondsResponse time:4560 seconds/302.Independent Tasks 1 and 2Questions are based on knowledge and experience.15 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds to speak.Task 1:Make a choice within a category.Describe a person,place,object,event,or activity.Example:Describe the person you admire most and explain why.Task 2:Make a choice between two options.Example:Do you prefer to study alone or in a group?Explain why.3.Integrated Tasks 3 and 4Read a passage,listen to a passage,and answer a question on the relationship between them.Task 3:Campus taskRead a university notice.Listen to two students discuss the notice.Question:Which student has a strong opinion and why?Task 4:Academic taskRead a short passage on academic topic.Listen to a lecture.Question:Show how examples from the lecture relate to a definition or concept from the reading.45 seconds to read,75 seconds to listen,30 seconds to prepare,and 60 seconds to speak4.Integrated Tasks 5 and 6Listen to a passage and answer a question about it.Task 5:Campus taskListen to a conversation about a student problem.Summarize the problem and suggestions made to resolve it.State which suggestion you prefer and why.Task 6:Academic taskListen to the lecture with general information and two main points.Summarize general information and how it relates to the main points.One to two minutes to listen,20 seconds to prepare,and 60 seconds to speak5.SpeakingNarrator will tell you to put on headphones and adjust microphone volume.Computer guides you through speaking tasks.no need to press NEXT or OK6.Independent Tasks:PreparingSee and hear the question.Begin to prepare after the beep.Youll see the clock count down.Prepare simple outline using key words only.7.Independent Tasks:RespondingNarrator:“Get ready to answer the question.”“Begin speaking after the beep.”You will hear the beep,then see the clock begin to count down.Answer the question according to outline.Speak clearly.8.Integrated TasksExample:Task 4Read and take notes on a short academic passage.Listen and take notes on a related lecture.9.Integrated Tasks:RespondingNarrator:“Get ready to answer the question.”“Begin preparing after the beep.”Make an outline using your notes.When answering,speak clearly.use familiar grammar and vocabulary.10.Top Score FeaturesDeliveryclear,fluid,and well-pacedunderstandable pronunciationnatural rhythm,stress,and intonation Language Useappropriate word choicecorrect grammar including basic and complex structures Topic Development11.Topic DevelopmentDevelop topic fully:Answer question completely.Make a topic statement and support it with two main points and added detail.Present facts in a logical order and use transitions to connect ideas.Integrated tasks:Integrate information from a reading and listening passage.Summarize and paraphrase.12.Who Scores Your Response?Between three and six certified ETS raters score your response.Response is scored from zero to four.Final score is out of 30.


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