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    外研版七年级下册英语 Module9 Period 3 Unit 2 A 习题课件.pptx

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    外研版七年级下册英语 Module9 Period 3 Unit 2 A 习题课件.pptx

    外研浙江专版 七年级下课题2 Unit 2 Period 3Unit 2 A He decided to be an actor.Module 9Life history习题链接12345richonworksworldbuild基础巩固过关练一答 案 呈 现温馨提示:点击 进入讲评678910marriedfirediedpoemssuccessful习题链接基础巩固过关练答 案 呈 现12345marriedwentwrotebegantook二678910came;gotboughtto visitreadactor习题链接12345marriedfirearound the worldlanguagerich三12345decided to be;around the worldbegin toin his lifeTwo of;famous plays四基础巩固过关练答 案 呈 现习题链接12345marriedaroundplayslanguagespoems一678910richsuccessfulfirebuiltdied综合能力提升练答 案 呈 现习题链接12345BADDB二12345BCBAD三678910CDBAC综合能力提升练答 案 呈 现1112131415ABCBA基础巩固基础巩固过关练过关练一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1.Mr Black is very r and he has a lot of money.2.That girl often reads books o the bed.3.Now many w of Mo Yan are very popular in the bookstore.4.Mrs Green wants to travel around the w .ichnorksorld基础巩固基础巩固过关练过关练5.Mr Li,when did you b the school dining hall?Two years ago.6.My aunt m in 2012 and had one child in 2013.7.The firemen saved a child in the big f .uildarriedire基础巩固基础巩固过关练过关练8.Tian Ya was very sad because her grandfather d this morning.9.My grandmother is 70 years old,but she still writes p .10.My uncle is very s and he has a big company.iedoemsuccessful基础巩固基础巩固过关练过关练二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.He _(marry)her two years later.2.They _(go)to school in different towns when they were young.3.Lucy _(write)a letter to her friend three days ago.4.Betty _(begin)work at the age of 12.marriedwentwrotebegan基础巩固基础巩固过关练过关练5.I _(take)a taxi to school yesterday.6.My family _(come)to this town in the summer of 1970 because my grandpa _(get)a job here.7.They _(buy)a house one year later.tookcame gotbought基础巩固基础巩固过关练过关练8.We decided _(visit)the new factory yesterday.9.When he was free at home,he always _(read)books.10.The boy wants to be an_(act)like Andy Lau.to visitreadactor基础巩固基础巩固过关练过关练三、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。三、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。1.Anna _ John two years ago.2.Yesterday there was a _ in the old library,but luckily,no one died.language,marry,fire,rich,around the world marriedfire基础巩固基础巩固过关练过关练3.Shakespeares poems are still popular _.4.We all think English is a very important _,we should learn it well.5.Nick has much money,so he is very _.language,marry,fire,rich,around the world around the worldlanguagerich基础巩固基础巩固过关练过关练四、根据汉语意思完成英文句子。四、根据汉语意思完成英文句子。1.二十岁时,她决定当一名老师。She _ _ _ a teacher when she was twenty.decided to be基础巩固基础巩固过关练过关练2.他想去世界各地旅游。He wants to travel _ _ _.around the world基础巩固基础巩固过关练过关练3.你什么时候开始打篮球的?When did you _ _ play basketball?begin to基础巩固基础巩固过关练过关练4.莎士比亚一生写了许多戏剧和诗歌。Shakespeare wrote many plays and poems _ _ _.in his life基础巩固基础巩固过关练过关练5.莎士比亚最著名的两部戏剧是哈姆雷特和罗密欧与朱丽叶。_ _ Shakespeares _ _ are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.Two of famous plays综合能力综合能力提升练提升练一、短文填空。一、短文填空。Shakespeare _ 1(结婚)in 1582 and had three children.He became famous _ 2(围绕)the world for his _ 3(戏剧;剧本)and you can see them in many different _ 4(语言).marriedaroundplayslanguages综合能力综合能力提升练提升练Shakespeare wrote _ 5(诗歌)as well.He was also a _6(富有的)and _ 7(成功的)actor.You can see his Globe Theatre in London today,but its not the same building.There was a _ 8(火灾)in the old theatre and they _ 9(建造)it again.He _ 10(去世)at the age of 52.poemsrichsuccessfulfirebuiltdied综合能力综合能力提升练提升练二、完形填空二、完形填空。The English writer,Richard Savage,once lived a _1 life in London.To make money for his everyday life,he wrote the story of his own life,but _2 readers were interested in his _3.()1.A.rich B.poor C.happy D.boring()2.A.few B.a few C.many D.a lot of()3.A.study B.job C.dream D.book BAD综合能力综合能力提升练提升练One day,he was very _4.His doctor _5 after him and soon he got to be well again.After a week or two,the doctor _6 a bill(账单)to Savage,but poor Savage didnt have any money and couldnt _7 for it.()4.A.tired B.bored C.excited D.ill()5.A.came B.looked C.ran D.took()6.A.got B.found C.posted D.bought()7.A.see B.buy C.make D.pay DBCD综合能力综合能力提升练提升练The doctor _ 8 for another month and posted the bill again,_ 9 still no money came.After several weeks,he posted it to Savage again _ 10 for his money.()8.A.saw B.waited C.followed D.felt()9.A.but B.so C.because D.for()10.A.looking B.calling C.asking D.showing BAC综合能力综合能力提升练提升练In the end,he came to Savages house,saying to Savage,“You know you owe(欠)your life to me and I expected some _11 from you.”“_12,”said Savage,()11.A.thanks B.words C.advice D.help()12.A.No B.Yes C.What D.Please AB综合能力综合能力提升练提升练“I owe my life to you,and I am really _13,so I will give my _14 to you.”_15 these words,he handed him two boxes of his book The Life of Richard Savage.()13.A.lucky B.helpful C.thankful D.careful()14.A.money B.life C.house D.box()15.A.With B.From C.By D.For CBA综合能力综合能力提升练提升练三、阅读理解。三、阅读理解。()1.Whats the blind mans name?A.Tom.B.John.C.Tony.D.Sorry,I dont know.请同学们看请同学们看典中点典中点本第本第45页页短文。短文。【点拨】细节理解题。根据there was a blind man called John sitting on the bench with a hat by his feet故选B。B综合能力综合能力提升练提升练()2.Who wrote a new message?A.The blind man.B.The teacher.C.The publicist.D.The farmer.【点拨】细节理解题。根据第二段及The publicist said,“I just wrote the message a little differently.”故选C。C综合能力综合能力提升练提升练()3.How did the blind man recognize the publicist?A.By his sign.B.By his footsteps.C.By his voice.D.By his coins.【点拨】细节理解题。根据The blind man recognized(识别)his footsteps故选B。B综合能力综合能力提升练提升练()4.When did the story happen?A.In spring.B.In summer.C.In autumn.D.In winter.【点拨】细节理解题。根据The new sign read:“Spring has come,but I cant see anything.”故选A。A综合能力综合能力提升练提升练()5.What can we learn from the passage?A.Publicists are always friendly and helpful.B.We can get more money by changing a sign.C.The blind man was very stupid,so he had little money.D.The power(力量)of the language is great.【点拨】主旨大意题。归纳法。文章介绍了一个广告员用一句话帮助了一个盲人的故事。故选D。D


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