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    Unit 6 Topic 2Unit 6 Topic 2 How about exploring the Ming How about exploring the Ming Tombs?Tombs?Section ASection A获嘉县第一初级中学获嘉县第一初级中学 张忆江张忆江ReviewWhich place do you want to go?Whats the best time to go there?Which is the best way to go there?How much does it cost to go there?climb/haveDarren was having a class while Michael was climbing a mountain./While Michael was climbing a mountain,Darren was having a class.2.Work aloneMichael/Darrencook/playKangkang was playing computer games while his mother was cooking.While Kangkangs mother was cooking,he was playing computer games.Kangkangs mother/Kangkangrun/swimMaria was swimming while Jane was running.While Jane was running,Maria was swimming.Jane/Mariadance/singMichael was singing while Maria and Sally were dancing.While Maria and sally were dancing,Michael was singing.Maria and sally/Michaelread/come inDarren was reading Renai English Post when Michael came in.Michael came in when/while Darren was reading Renai English Post.Darren/Michaelring/watchwas watching TV when the telephone rang.When the telephone rang,Kangkang was watching TV.telephone/Kangkang knock at/writewere writing when Michael knocked at the door.When Michael knocked at the door,Kangkang and Jane were writing.While Kangkang and Jane were writing,Michael knocked at the door.Michael/Kangkang and Jane rain/arriveIt was raining when Darren arrived at the airport.When Darren arrived at the airport,it was raining.it/Darren(1)while”当当时候时候“,引导的时间状语从句要用延,引导的时间状语从句要用延续性动词,从句要用进行时。续性动词,从句要用进行时。(2).when”当当时候时候“,从句中的谓语动词既可以是延,从句中的谓语动词既可以是延续性动词,又可以是瞬间动词。表示时间段时从句谓语动续性动词,又可以是瞬间动词。表示时间段时从句谓语动词用进行时态,表示时间点时从句谓语动词用一般现在时词用进行时态,表示时间点时从句谓语动词用一般现在时或一般过去时或一般过去时,此时此时when可以取代可以取代while。3.时间状语从句:时间状语从句:(3).引导时间状语从句的连接词:引导时间状语从句的连接词:when(当(当时候),时候),while(当(当时候),时候),as(当(当时候),时候),before(在(在以前),以前),after(在(在之后),之后),until(直到(直到为止),为止),till(直到(直到为止)为止),as soon as(一(一就)就)4.Iisten to 1a and answer the questions1)What did Darren receive?2)Would Darren like to come to China for his vacation?3)What places would Michael take Darren to?2.postcard n.3.bet v.you bet 4.explore v.explorer n.5.dialog n.6.perfect adj.7.camp v.n.New words:1.receive v.收到,得到收到,得到明信片明信片下赌注(于);用下赌注(于);用打赌打赌当然,的确当然,的确考察;探险;勘察考察;探险;勘察探险家探险家对话对话完美的,极好的完美的,极好的野营,宿营野营,宿营(夏令)营(夏令)营Useful expressions:1.receive sth.receive sth.from sb.e.g.I received a letter from my friend yesterday.2.be busy doing sth.e.g.Jane is busy raising the money.3.be on vacation e.g.Now my parents are on vacation.4.on ones bicycle=by bike e.g.Kangkang usually goes to school on his bicycle.=Kangkang usually goes to school by bike.5.make a plan to do sth.e.g.Lets make a plan to go on spring field trip.Darren:Hello!Id like to speak to Michael.Michael:This is Michael speaking.Oh,Darren!How are you?Darren:Fine.Glad to receive your postcard.While you were enjoying your trip,I was busy preparing for my exams.But now Im on vacation.Michael:Would you like to come to China for your vacation?Darren:You bet!And what shall we do?Michael:Why not explore Beijing on our bicycles?It would be great fun.Darren:Good idea!See you.(Forty minutes later,at Kangkangs)Michael:Hey,Kangkang.My friend,Darren,from San Francisco,is coming to visit me.When he arrives,Id like you to meet him.Kangkang:Great!Im looking forward to meeting him.Michael:Before he comes,would you help me make a plan to explore Beijing?Kangkang:Yes,of course.How about exploring the Ming Tombs?Michael:That would be very interesting.1b Read and match1.Would/Will you help me plan a trip?2.Could/Can you come along with us?3.Should we take him there?a.All right.No,lets not.b.You bet!Yes,of course!Sorry,I have no time.c.Yes,I can.Yes,Id love to.Sorry,Im too busy.1.-b 2.-c 3.-aThe Ming TombsA:It is.I want to visit it.Would/Will you help me plan a trip?B:Yes,of course./You bet.A:Could/Can you come along with us?B:Yes,I love to.How about That would be very intereting.A:Good idea.See you.Pairwork:The summer palaceThe great wall6.Work alone Listen and choose the best answer.1)There are _ people in the dialog.A.two B.three C.four2)Lilys favorite holiday place is _.A.Dalian B.Daqing C.Lianyungang3)Dianas perfect holiday is _ in the forest.A.riding B.camping C.hiking 4)Dianas family always enjoys it in _.A.February B.March C.September5)First well need to work the _ out carefully.A.cost B.time C.number录音原文录音原文Diana:Hi,Lily.Our holidays are coming soon.We should start to make plans.Lily:Thats right.We need to find a good place to go for the holiday.Diana:Which place do you want to visit?Lily:I like the seaside.I think Dalian is a good place to visit.There are lovely beaches,and you can swim in the sea.Diana:Oh,but my perfect holiday is camping in the forest.My family and I always go camping in September in the United States.We stay in the national park with trees,animals and fresh air.Thats my perfect holiday.Lily:That would be nice.But first we should work out the cost carefully because we dont have much money.Diana:I agree.7.请根据句意用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。请根据句意用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Jane was glad _(receive)my present on her birthday.2.Im looking forward to _(explore)Beijing.3.When the telephone _(ring),I was sleeping.4.While my mother _(clean)the room yesterday,I _(wash)some clothes.5.When I _(watch)TV,someone _(knock)at the doorto receiveexploringrangwas cleaningwas watchingknockedwas washingHomework:Make a plan for Jane,and invite her to your hometown.You need to use adverbial clauses of time.eg.My Plan My friend Jane will come to XinXiang tomorrow.I will meet her at the railway station when she arrives


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