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    人教版七年级下册英语 Unit8 Period 4 Section B (1a-1d) 习题课件.ppt

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    人教版七年级下册英语 Unit8 Period 4 Section B (1a-1d) 习题课件.ppt

    人教浙江 七年级下Period 4Section B(1a1d)Unit 8Is there a post office near here?习题链接12345crossingalongrightleftturn基础巩固过关练一12345ismeTakecrossingleft二温馨提示:点击 进入讲评答 案 呈 现12345Is thereNo;there isntbetween;andin front ofWhere is三习题链接12345so/andonto readto visitto get一12345CDDBC二678910ABCAD678910along/downWhenareto findcall综合能力提升练答 案 呈 现基础巩固过关练一一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.Take the third c_,and then you can see a post office.2.Just go a_ Center Street to the end,and you will see a park.3.Show me your r_ hand,Mike.rossinglongight基础巩固过关练4.The post office is on the l_ of the police station.5.Please t_ to Page 30,boys and girls.efturn基础巩固过关练二、根据句意或用所给词的适当形式填空二、根据句意或用所给词的适当形式填空1.There _ some milk and apples in the fridge.2.Excuse _.Can you tell me the way to the post office?Sorry,Im new here.You can ask the policeman.isme基础巩固过关练3._(take)a bus from Sixth Avenue and go down Bridge Street.4.Walk down New Street and turn left at the first _(cross).5.When we see the sign on the road,we should turn _.Takecrossingleft基础巩固过关练三、按要求完成句子三、按要求完成句子1.There is a post office on New Street.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ a post office on New Street?Is there基础巩固过关练2.Is there a clothes store near here?(作否定回答)_,_ _.No there isnt基础巩固过关练3.Lucy sits on Susans left and Georges right.(改为同义句)Lucy sits _ Susan _ George.between and基础巩固过关练4.My bag is behind the chair.(改为同义句)The chair is _ _ _ my bag.in front of基础巩固过关练5.The library is near her house.(就画线部分提问)_ _ the library?Where is综合能力提升练一、语法填空一、语法填空Dear Peter,School is going well.I am busy _1 I have little time to go anywhere and play _2 the weekend.I always go to the library _3(read)newspapers or to study English.so/andonto read综合能力提升练If youre free,you can come _4(visit)me.Now Ill tell you how _5(get)to my house.You can go _6 Center Street._7 you see Blue Bar,just turn left.The name of my apartment(公寓)is Victor.to visitto getalong/downWhen综合能力提升练There _8 some big shops around my neighborhood(社区).Its easy _9(find)them.You can give me a _10(call)before you come.Yours,Lindaareto findcall综合能力提升练二、完形填空二、完形填空Dear Lucy,My fifteenth birthday is coming.I am going to have a birthday party in _1 house.Its on Friday afternoon.()1.A.his B.your C.my D.her C综合能力提升练I sincerely _2 you,but Im sorry I cant go to the _3 to meet you.()2.A.hope B.wish C.know D.invite()3.A.park B.bank C.bus station D.airport【点拨】2.请别人来参加自己的生日聚会应用invite。【点拨】3.考查地点名词。用联系上下文法做此题。由下文中提到的机场可知,这里指的是“不能到机场去接你”。DD综合能力提升练Here is a map and it can help you _4 my house.()4.A.pass B.find C.show D.enjoyB综合能力提升练Look at the map!After you get out of the airport,_5 down Yanshan Street and then walk _6 Sixth Avenue.()5.A.run B.turn C.walk D.arrive()6.A.across B.in C.with D.fromCA综合能力提升练Then you can _7 a bus stop on your right.()7.A.look B.see C.watch D.pass B综合能力提升练_8 the No.19 bus there and get off(下车)at the third stop.()8.A.Buy B.Bring C.Take D.Visit C综合能力提升练Then you are _9 Center Street.()9.A.on B.from C.to D.ofA综合能力提升练Go along the street and you will see a _10 on your left.My house is behind the supermarket.Tom()10.A.library B.park C.pay phone D.supermarket【点拨】考查地点名词。用联系上下文法做此题。由下文中的超市可知,此处意为“你将在你的左边看见一个超市”。D


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