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    Gullivers TravelsJonathan Swift(1667-1745)by第1页/共34页Can you guess who the big man was and where he was?格利佛游记clip.mp4第2页/共34页His ship crashed against the rocks.genst The ship couldnt continue moving.kntinju:hitkeep第3页/共34页He swam to the beach.He was tired out and he went to sleep soon.When he woke up,he found his arms,legs and hair were tied to the ground.hold things together with ropes very tired第4页/共34页Then he felt something on his leg.It moved up over his stomach and neck.He looked down and saw a very small man.He was the same size as his little finger!Who was this tiny person?very small第5页/共34页He shouted at them,but they couldnt understand each other.Gulliver managed to break the ropes.When he lifted his left hand into the air,the small men began to shout.He looked down and saw a huge army of tiny person?put up somethingfinish what you have tried to doa large number of第6页/共34页againstbe tired outtiestomach finger tiny fall over continue either manage lift army unableprep.紧靠,碰,撞筋疲力尽vt.捆,绑n.腹部,胃n.手指adj.极小的摔倒vt&vi.继续adv.也vt&vi.设法完成;管理vt.举起,抬高;提高n.大批,大群adj.不能的,不会的New words and phrasesPre-reading第7页/共34页B1:1.against2.tired out3.tie4.tiny5.continue6.managea.keep doing somethingb.very smallc.finish what you have tried to dod.very tirede.hitting somethingf.hold things together with ropesedfbac第8页/共34页Gulliver in LilliputWhat happened?第9页/共34页 What did Gulliver do after their ship crashed against the rocks?He swam as far as he could.Why did Gulliver fall down on the beach?Because he was tired out after swimming for a long time.ReadandanswerReadandanswerPara.1第10页/共34页 When Gulliver woke up,it was almost evening.morning Someone tied Gullivers arms,legs,and hair to the ground.Para.2第11页/共34页 Can you read Para.2 with emotion(情感)?If you are Gulliver,how will you feel and what will you do?第12页/共34页How big was the small man?He was the same size as Gullivers little finger.Para.3第13页/共34页 Who can read Para.3 with surprise for us?what will you say to him?If you see such a small man,第14页/共34页(A)Make readers want to read the story.(B)Make readers feel Gullivers feeling.(C)Make the story vivid(生动的)(生动的)and interesting.Where was I?Who was this tiny person?Can you choose the functions of the two questions?(多多选选)第15页/共34页Why did the tiny men all fall over?Because Gulliver shouted at them.Para.4第16页/共34页1.Why did Gulliver shout at them?2.Did they care about Gullivers shout?3.Why didnt they care?4.What do you think of the tiny men?第17页/共34页If you are tiny men,what will you do?If you are Gulliver,what will you do?第18页/共34页Gulliversmall menbegan _;could not _;didnt know _;tried to _;managed to _;_ his left hand;began to _were coming straight towards himlooked down 1.talking to him2.understand3.what to say4.pull one hand free5.break the ropes6.lifted7.shoutPara.5第19页/共34页 Could Gulliver run away at last?Why?Yes,he could,becauseNo,he couldnt,because第20页/共34页Today a good reader,tomorrow a great leader.Margaret Fuller 第21页/共34页1.Write a short passage about your idea.(If Gulliver could run away,how could he do it?If Gulliver couldnt run away,What would happen next?)2.Try to read the book of Gullivers Travels.第22页/共34页第23页/共34页第24页/共34页Fill in the blanksFill in the blanks Gulliver sets off on a ship to the South Seas,but they ran into bad weather soon.The ship c_1_ against the rocks.Gulliver lands on a b_2_.When he woke up,he found himself t_3_ to the ground.He looked down and saw a t_4_ person on his body.Soon more small men started c_5_ all over him.Gulliver s_6_ at them.The noise was so l_7_ that they all fell over.However,they c_8_ moving across his body.Gulliver finally m_9_ to break the ropes.When he lifted his left hand,the small men began to shout.He looked down and saw a huge a_10_ of tiny people coming straight towards him.How could he do to get away from them?Post-readingcrashedbeachshoutedtinyclimbingtiedloudcontinuedmanagedarmy Task 2第25页/共34页After Gullivers ship swam tired out fell down went to sleepwoke up could not move be tiedfelt-looked down-saw-shoutedPara.1Para.1Para.2Para.2Para.3-4Para.3-4couldnt understand-managed to-lifted-looked downPara.5Para.5move up-started climbing-fall over-continue movingbegan talking第26页/共34页I think Gulliver was because he kind friendly brave(勇敢的).calm镇静的第27页/共34页第28页/共34页第29页/共34页1.His parents _ their dog to a tree just now.2.She will _ studying for another year.3.If you dont go there,I wont go _.4.I have no money to buy a rose for my mother,but I _ to make one with red paper.5.-Whats wrong with you?Ive got a pain in my _.6.We were _ after a long walk.7.He _ and hurt his leg this morning.8.He can hear the waves crashing _ the rocks.Choose the correct word or phrase to fill in the blanks.against tired out continue tie manage fall overeither stomachTask tiedcontinueeithermanagestomachtired outfell overagainst第30页/共34页If Gulliver couldnt run away,what would happen?Could Gulliver run away at last?Yes,he could,becauseNo,he couldnt,becauseIf Gulliver could run away,how did he do it?第31页/共34页Gullivers Travels was written by the famous British writer Jonathan Swift(乔纳森斯威夫特).This novel tells us Gullivers amazing adventures(冒险)in some countries,including Lilliput(小人国),Brobdingnag(大人国),Laputa(飞岛国)and Houyhnhnms(智马国).第32页/共34页Watch the video and answer the questions.1.Which adventure(冒险)(冒险)does this extract(摘录)(摘录)belong to?A.Lilliput(小人国)(小人国).B.Brobdingnag(大人国)大人国).C.Laputa(飞岛国)飞岛国).2.In this extract,Who am“I”?A.Jonathan Swift.B.Gulliver.C.Sandy.3.How many tiny people did“I”meet in the end?A.One.B.A few C.A large number 第33页/共34页感谢您的观赏!第34页/共34页


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