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    IntroductionThe United KingdomFocal Points1.1.GeographyGeography2.2.Constituent nationsConstituent nations3.3.HistoryHistory4.4.Modern Modern daysdaysBrief IntroductionThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(UK)England Scotland Wales Northern IrelandEnglandEnglandCapital:LondonCapital:LondonScotlandScotlandCapital:EdinburghCapital:EdinburghNorthern IrelandNorthern IrelandCapit pital:Belfast:BelfastWhat countries make up the UK?WalesWalesCapital:CardiffCapital:CardiffTHE BRITISH ISLESIrelandGreat BritainIs Great Britain the same as the UK?NO!Great BritainThe UKPeople in the UK are called British although they have different nationalities.Prehistoric culturesThe Celtic peoplesThe RomansGermanic peoplesThe Angles,Saxons and JutesThe Picts+Scots from Ireland Vikings from ScandinaviaThe Normans from FranceThe stone circles of Avebury and Stonehenge are over 4000 years old.They are the most visible surviving signs of an advanced early-British culture in Wessex in Southern England.Megalithic sites:Prehistoric culturesl A powerful culture originating in central Europe.l Before the first century AD inhabited Britain and established tribal kingdoms.The Celtic peoples The Welsh language is a Celtic tongue now still spoken by 20%of the population in Wales.It is regarded as a source of Welsh national identity.The Gaelic spoken in Scotland is also an old Celtic tongue.Around the 6th century AD,The Picts(original British Celts)Highland Scotland Extensive,unproductiveThe Scots(Celts from northern Ireland)Lowland ScotlandSouth-westBefore 12th century,people in Ireland were more purely Celtic than the rest of Britain.Hence Irish Gaelic in northern Ireland now.The Celtic peoples凯尔特人足球俱乐部(凯尔特人足球俱乐部(Celtic Football Club)是苏格兰足球超级联赛球队之一。为格)是苏格兰足球超级联赛球队之一。为格拉斯哥市两支苏超俱乐部之一,与同市宿敌流拉斯哥市两支苏超俱乐部之一,与同市宿敌流浪者合称浪者合称“老字号老字号”,垄断苏格兰足球超过,垄断苏格兰足球超过100年。主场位于容量六万的凯尔特人公园球年。主场位于容量六万的凯尔特人公园球场(亦称为乐园)。场(亦称为乐园)。Celtic Football Club is a Scottish football club based in the Parkhead area of Glasgow,which currently plays in the Scottish Premier League.The club was established in 1887,and played its first game in 1888.Celtics home stadium is Celtic Park,the biggest football stadium in Scotland,with a capacity of 60,832.Together with their Glasgow rivals,Rangers,they form the Old Firm,one of the most famous and fierce rivalries in sport.Invaded Britain in AD 43 and occupied for 300 years.England,Wales (with difficulty,as the Welsh chieftain Caradoc fought a long guerrilla campaign from the hills)Legacies include:large town and city sites like London and Chester ruler-straight roads and defensive walls Hadrians Wall(although ruined,length of it can still be seen and walked along)Christianity The RomansHadrians WallGermanic in the 3rd centuryEngland,Angle-landKing Arthur united the British and drove the Saxons back embellished by(e.g.filmmakers)And his round table indications:(democracy?)Wales did not fall to the Anglo-Saxon invaders of the 5th century.Nor did Ireland and most of Scotland,though an Angle kingdom was established in the south-east of Scotland,hence the Germanic name Edinburgh.Germanic peoples:The Angles,Saxons and JutesFrom 8th to 11th century Alfred the Great of Wessex reigned from 871 to 899 held vikings at bay present royal family trace part of their descent from the line of Wessex DynastyScottish kings also unified in the 9th centuryAnglo-Scottish conflict setting of Macbeth Williams Wallace uprising(in Brave Heart)Robert the Bruce and 300 years of full independence Vikings from ScandinaviaBrave heart PosterThe Norman Conquest William the Conqueror,The battle of Hastings,1066 The Tower of LondonLanguageNorman Aristocracy Robin Hood legend of a rebellion a clue to the English character:a richly unconventional interior life hidden by an external conformity gardening:outdoor life can go on out of the public gazeNorman barons set up castles and estates in Wales Llewelyn ap Gruffud,Prince of Wales Stone castles Development of ParliamentThe Normans from FranceConflict between barons and kingMagna Carta(Great Charter)大宪章 in 1215 limit the power of king adopted basic form of Lords and CommonsConflict between king and Catholic Church Church of England Acts of Union in 1536 Wales was brought legally,administratively,and politically into the UK and had representation in Parliament.Conflict between Parliament and the CrownThe Bill of Rights in 1689 established the supremacy of ParliamentThe Normans from FranceThinking,Discussing and ResearchingThinking,Discussing and Researching British history has been a history of invasions.(ET3)How did such a history change its course and become a history of overseas expansion later on?Quick Facts and Figures:Official Name:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国),Union JackCapital City:London(11.2 million)Languages:English,Welsh,and the Scottish form of Gaelic(盖尔语)Population:59,247,000.00Religions:Anglican(英国国教),Catholicism,Christianism,&others.Landforms:The island is mostly rugged hills with low,granite mountains.Land Divisions(UK administrative divisions):England:39 counties and 7 metropolitan countiesScotland:9 regions,3 islands areasWales:9 countiesNorthern Ireland:6 counties ENGLANDENGLAND Quick Facts and Figures:Official Name:England Capital City:London(11.2 million)Official Currency:Pound Sterling Population:49,300,000 Religions:Anglican,Catholic,Christian,others Land Area:130,423 sq km(50,356 sq miles)The city of LondonThe city of WestminsterWest EndTower of LondonTower of LondonTower of London-Interior viewBuckingham PalaceWestminster BridgeTower BridgeSCOTLAND Official Name:Scotland Capital City:Edinburgh 爱丁堡爱丁堡(population,450,000)Major Cities:Aberdeen,Dundee,Edinburgh,Glasgow(格拉格拉 斯哥斯哥)and Inverness Languages:Scots,Gaelic,Scots and English Official Currency:Pound Sterling Population:5,200,000 Religions:Protestant(新教新教),Catholic Land Area:78,772 sq km (30,418 sq miles)Landforms:Scotland includes numerous islands,and three(3)distinct regions.The Northern Highlands(nearly two-thirds of the land)includes the Grampian Mountains and many smaller ranges(山脉山脉)The Northern Highlands(nearly two-thirds of the land)includes the Grampian Mountains and many smaller ranges(山脉山脉)The Central Lowlands divide the southern farming region from the highlands of the north.Most of Scotlands population lives here.Its the flattest,lowest lying part of Scotland.The Southern Uplands,the bordering land(mostly farmland)between England and Central Scotland,is so called because its the most southern part of Scotland,and is hillier than the Central.Castles in ScotlandCastle in EdinburghBraveheart PosterBraveheart The StoryWilliam Wallace is a Scottish rebel who leads an uprising against the cruel English ruler Edward the Longshanks,who wishes to inherit the crown of Scotland for himself.When he was a young boy,William Wallaces father and brother,along with many others,lost their lives trying to free Scotland.Once he loses another of his loved ones,William Wallace begins his long quest(追求追求)to make Scotland free once and for all,along with the assistance of Robert the Bruce.WALESOfficial Name:Wales Capital City:Cardiff(315,000)Languages:Welsh and English,with a small percentage(an estimated 30,000)that speak Welsh exclusivelyPopulation:3,005,000 Religions:Anglican,Catholic,othersLand Area:20,761 sq km(8,019 sq miles)Landforms:Wales is a hilly,mountainous country,and 25%of the land is above 1,000 ft.(305 m).The coastline stretches for 732 miles(1,180 km),consisting of numerous bays,sandy beaches,peninsulas(半岛半岛)and cliffs.Cardiff in Wales


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