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    人教版七年级上册英语习题课件 Unit2 Period 3 Section B(1a-2e).ppt

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    人教版七年级上册英语习题课件 Unit2 Period 3 Section B(1a-2e).ppt

    人教河南专版 七年级上册 Period3 Section B(1a2c)Unit 2 This is my sister.习题链接12345sonauntcousinphotogirl小试牛刀基础练答 案 呈 现温馨提示:点击 进入讲评一12345cousinsuncledaughtersonnext二12345arecousinsarentarephotos三习题链接小试牛刀基础练答 案 呈 现12345my parentsin the first photoWhos the girlHere arefamily tree四12345cousinNo;she isntThose;brothersis a photoWho are they五习题链接答 案 呈 现融会贯通提升练12345whoNo,they arentyour brotherWho are theyfamilyBDBAD678910一12345CBACC二习题链接答 案 呈 现融会贯通提升练12345BDECAtooinwearsmeare678910三12345forphotoThoseparentsan四(一)12345offiveantheyears四(二)12345CDBCB五小试牛刀基础练一一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.My father is my grandfathers s .2.My a is my mothers sister.3.Is he your brother?No,he isnt.He is my_(表弟).onuntcousin小试牛刀基础练4.Look at this_(照片)of my family.5.Who is this_(女孩)?She is my daughter.photogirl小试牛刀基础练二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.Lily and Jane are my c .They are my aunts daughters.2.Toms fathers brother is his u .3.Mr.King is my father.I am not his son.I am his d .ousinsncleaughter小试牛刀基础练4.Peter is my father.I am Peters s .5.In the first photo are my parents.In the n photo are my sisters.onext小试牛刀基础练三、用所给词的适当形式填空三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.In the next bag _(be)two rulers and a pen.2.Jim and Tom are my uncles sons.They are my _(cousin).【点拨】1.主语two rulers and a pen是复数,所以be动词使用复数形式are。arecousins小试牛刀基础练3.These books _(be not)my sisters.They are my brothers.4.Here _(be)two nice pictures of my family.5.Look at these nice _(photo).They are Marys.【点拨】5.photo的复数形式是photos,易错写成photoes。arentarephotos小试牛刀基础练四、根据汉语提示完成句子四、根据汉语提示完成句子1.他们是我的父母。They are _ _.my parents小试牛刀基础练2.我的弟弟汤姆在第一张照片里。My brother Tom is _ _ _ _.in the first photo小试牛刀基础练3.这个女孩是谁?她是我的朋友。_ _ _?She is my friend.Whos the girl小试牛刀基础练4.这是两个好看的女孩。_ _ two beautiful girls.Here are小试牛刀基础练5.这是我的家谱。This is my _ _.family tree小试牛刀基础练五、根据要求完成句子五、根据要求完成句子1.The boy is my uncles son.(改成同义句)The boy is my _.cousin小试牛刀基础练2.Is Ms.Green your mother?(作否定回答)_,_ _.No she isnt小试牛刀基础练3.That is his brother.(改成复数句子)_ are his _.Those brothers小试牛刀基础练4.Here are photos of my family.(改成单数句子)Here _ _ _ of my family.is a photo小试牛刀基础练5.They are my aunts.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _?Who are they融会贯通提升练一一、补全对话、补全对话根据下面的对话情景,用适当的内容补全对话。A:Hi,Lily!B:Hi,Jane!Jane,_1are those?A:Oh,they are my friends,Lisa and Sally.【点拨】根据“Oh,they are my friends,Lisa and Sally.”可知,这里回答的是人,所以上句问的是谁。who融会贯通提升练B:And are these your friends,too?A:_2.They are my sisters.【点拨】根据问句可知,答语应该用以yes或no开头的句子,由“They are my sisters.”可知,前面应该是否定回答。当问句的主语是these时,答语时主语用they。No,they arent融会贯通提升练B:Is he _3?A:Yes,he is my brother.【点拨】根据“Yes,he is my brother.”可知,上句应该是一般疑问句,问的是“他是你的弟弟吗?”。your brother融会贯通提升练【点拨】根据“They are my grandparents.”可知,上句应该是问“他们是谁?”。B:_4?A:They are my grandparents.Who are they融会贯通提升练B:Wow,you have a big _5.A:Yes,youre right.【点拨】根据空格前的a big可知,这里提到的是大家庭。family融会贯通提升练二、完形填空二、完形填空Here is a_1 of my family._2 Frank.1.A.cup B.book C.photo D.school2.A.This is B.Im C.Its D.My name【点拨】1.由句意“这是我的一张全家福。”可知,答案为C。【点拨】2.由后句“我十二岁了。”可知,此处介绍自己的名字,故用Im.或My names.句型。CB融会贯通提升练I am twelve.I study at No.11 Middle School.This is my father._3 name is Dale Brown.He is a teacher_4 a middle school.3.A.His B.Hes C.Her D.This4.A.on B.out C.in D.for【点拨】3.His name is意为“他的名字是”。【点拨】4.in a middle school为固定短语,意为“在一个中学”。AC融会贯通提升练And this is my mother.She is a_5,too._6 that woman near my father?Oh,she is my aunt.She is a nurse.5.A.nurse B.student C.teacher D.worker6.A.Whats B.Whos C.Is D.Are【点拨】5.由此句中的too可知,答案为C。【点拨】6.由后句“噢,她是我的姑姑。”可知,上句是对人物的身份提问,故用疑问词who。BC融会贯通提升练My grandpa-rents arent in the photo._7 are in the USA.I_8 a dog.7.A.We B.You C.He D.They8.A.love B.have C.teach D.look【点拨】7.此处用人称代词they代指上句中的my grandpa-rents。【点拨】8.由句意“我有一条狗。”可知,答案为B。DB融会贯通提升练_9 name is Dick.I love my_10 and I love my dog,too.9.A.Its B.Its C.Hes D.Shes10.A.friends B.mother C.father D.family【点拨】9.句意“它的名字叫Dick”。此处用形容词性物主代词its。【点拨】10.由句意“我爱我的家人,我也爱我的狗。”可知,family意为“家庭;家人”符合句意。AD融会贯通提升练三、阅读还原三、阅读还原根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。Hi,I am Mark._1 These are my grandparentsJim and Anna.请同学们请同学们看看典中点典中点第第14页页短文。短文。A.He is my fathers brother.B.This is a photo of my family.C.They and my parents are in the photo.D.Theyre my dads parents.E.I have a sister and a brother.B融会贯通提升练_2 My dad is Leo Smith and my mom is Lily Smith._3 My sister is Sue,and my brother is Eric.DEA.He is my fathers brother.B.This is a photo of my family.C.They and my parents are in the photo.D.Theyre my dads parents.E.I have a sister and a brother.融会贯通提升练_4 This is my uncle Jerry._5 And Mary is his wife.Thats their dog Peter.Where am I?Ha!I am not in the photo.CAA.He is my fathers brother.B.This is a photo of my family.C.They and my parents are in the photo.D.Theyre my dads parents.E.I have a sister and a brother.融会贯通提升练四、语篇填空四、语篇填空第一节 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。Hi,Grace!Thank you _1 the photo of your family.Im Helen.Here is my family _2.forphotobe,parent,a,too,for,that,photo,in,wear,I融会贯通提升练_3 are my grandparents Leo and Sue.These are my _4.My fathers name is John.He is _5 English teacher.He is 40.My mother is Linda.She is a doctor.She is 40,_6.They are _7 China now.This boy is my brother Mark.tooinThoseparentsanbe,parent,a,too,for,that,photo,in,wear,I融会贯通提升练He likes yellow very much.He _8 a yellow jacket in the photo.He is 13.And this is _9.Im 15.I like blue and I have a blue cup.Mark and I _10 in Yingshan Jinhua Hope School.wearsmearebe,parent,a,too,for,that,photo,in,wear,I融会贯通提升练第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。Look!This is a photo _1 Mr.Whites family.There are _2 people in his family.They are Mr.White,Mrs.White,Jack,Henry and Sally.Mr.White is a math teacher and Mrs.offive融会贯通提升练White is _3 English teacher.Jack and Sally are middle school students.They are in _4 same school.They make many friends at school.Henry is only five _5 old.He is happy with his family in China.antheyears融会贯通提升练五、阅读理解五、阅读理解1.How many people are there in the photo?_ A.3.B.4.C.5.D.6.【点拨】推理判断题。通读全文可知照片上有姥姥(奶奶)、妈妈、爸爸、舅舅和Eve共五个人。故选择C项。C融会贯通提升练2.Who is next to Eves mother?_ A.Eves brother.B.Eves father.C.Eves grandfather.D.Eves uncle.【点拨】细节理解题。根据文中句子“This tall man is He is next to my mother.”可知,Eve的舅舅紧挨着Eve的妈妈。故选择D项。D融会贯通提升练3.Eves last name is _.A.Harry B.Smith C.Jack D.Miller【点拨】细节理解题。根据文中的句子“The man in black is my father Harry Smith.”可知Eve的姓是Smith。故选择B项。B融会贯通提升练4.Who is in red?_A.Eve.B.Eves grandma.C.Eves mother.D.Eves father.【点拨】细节理解题。根据文中“The woman in red is my mother.”可知答案选C。C融会贯通提升练5.Which is NOT true according to the passage?_ A.This is a photo of Eves family.B.The tall man is Harrys brother.C.Eves grandma is old.D.Eves father works(工作)at a school.【点拨】推理判断题。通读全文可知,这是Eve的一张全家福,Eve的姥姥(奶奶)年老了;Eve的爸爸是一名老师;那个高个子男士是Eve的妈妈的弟弟,而不是Eve的爸爸的弟弟。故B项是错误的。B


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