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    仁爱英语八年级上册仁爱英语八年级上册UnitTopicSectionA公开课公开课 Wash your hands,have a bath.Open the window,take a fresh breath.Early to bed,early to rise.Having good habits,Makes a man healthy,Wealthy and wise.第1页/共54页1.学习并掌握新单词、词组:学习并掌握新单词、词组:question,prevent,finally,go ahead,build sb up,all the time 2.学会并运用情态动词学会并运用情态动词must征询意见征询意见-Must we exercise often?-Yes,we must./No,we neednt./No,we dont have to.3.能够用能够用should/must/had better给出建议给出建议 We should keep away from crowded places.4.逐步提高通过听,获取具体信息的能力逐步提高通过听,获取具体信息的能力 第2页/共54页illnesses感冒发烧咳嗽头痛牙痛背痛患流感have a coldhave a feverhave a coughhave a headachehave a toothachehave a backachehave the flu胃痛have a stomachache第3页/共54页What should we do to What should we do to preventprevent the the illnesses?illnesses?prevent 阻止,预防阻止,预防1.prevent sth 阻止阻止/预防某事预防某事2.prevent sb.from doing sth 阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事你必须阻止他玩电脑游戏。你必须阻止他玩电脑游戏。You must _him _ computer games.preventfrom playing第4页/共54页What should we do to What should we do to preventprevent the the illnesses?illnesses?We had better _.eat more vegetables and fruit.第5页/共54页What should we do to What should we do to preventprevent the the illnesses?illnesses?We should _often.open the window 第6页/共54页We mustnt _.What should we do to prevent the illnesses?keep fingernails long.第7页/共54页What should we do to What should we do to preventprevent the the illnesses?illnesses?We should do exercise to build us up.增强增强的体质;使增强体质的体质;使增强体质他说游泳可以使他增强体质。他说游泳可以使他增强体质。He says swimming can _.build him up第8页/共54页What should we do to What should we do to preventprevent the flu?the flu?第9页/共54页Listen to 1a and check Dr.Lis advice.录音录音1a-P431.exercise often2.keep the air fresh3.go to bed early4.wash hands and change clothes often 5.keep our rooms clean6.drink enough water7.take some medicine8.keep away from crowded places 第10页/共54页Watch the flash and write down Dr.Lis advice.视频视频1a-P43第11页/共54页Write down Dr.Lis advice.First,_Second,_Third,_Finally,_ We should exercise often to build us up.We should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh all the time.We should wash our hands and change our clothes often.We should keep away from crowded places.录音录音1a-P43第12页/共54页(Kangkangs father,Dr.Li,is talking with a journalist on TV.)J:May I ask you some_,Dr.Li?D:Sure,_.J:These days many people _.So_?D:Well,_,we should exercise often to _us_._,we should _our rooms clean and the air fresh_._,we should wash our hands and change our clothes often._,we should _ crowded places.J:_we go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu?D:_.J:Well _ your advice.Thank you.what should we do to prevent it?firstbuildupSecondkeepThirdall the timeFinallykeep away fromMustYes,we must.takequestionsgo aheadhave the flu第13页/共54页Must we go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu?肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes,we must.否定回答:否定回答:No,we neednt./No,we dont have to.注:此处不能用注:此处不能用 mustnt(禁止;不准禁止;不准)回答回答 Eg:Must I finish my homework now?Yes,we must.No,you neednt./No,you dont have to.第14页/共54页Example:A:Must we do exercise to prevent the flu?B:Yes,we must.A:Must we take some medicine to prevent the flu?B:No,we dont have to./No,we neednt.第15页/共54页Ask and answer as soon as possible.1.exercise often2.keep the air fresh3.go to bed early4.wash hands and change clothes often 5.keep our rooms clean6.drink enough water7.take some medicine8.keep away from crowded places 学以致用学以致用第16页/共54页20第17页/共54页19第18页/共54页18第19页/共54页17第20页/共54页16第21页/共54页15第22页/共54页14第23页/共54页13第24页/共54页12第25页/共54页11第26页/共54页10第27页/共54页9第28页/共54页8第29页/共54页7第30页/共54页6第31页/共54页5第32页/共54页4第33页/共54页3第34页/共54页2第35页/共54页1第36页/共54页0第37页/共54页Time is up!时间到了!第38页/共54页2.A.Listen to the passage and circle the symptoms(症状症状)that you hear.fevercoughheadachebackachetoothachestomachachesore throatsore eyes录音录音2-A-P44第39页/共54页B.Listen again and check the advice you hear.Should drink lots of boiled water take some cold pills lie down and take a good rest brush your teeth twice a dayShouldnt work on the Internet too long go to crowded places play sports too much eat hot food录音录音2-B-P44第40页/共54页Please have a try!第41页/共54页EasyEasy1 分分Medium2 分Challenging3分第42页/共54页单项选择 1.May I use your pen,Lily?Sure,_.A.come onB.go away C.go ahead D.come here返回第43页/共54页单项选择 2.Mr.Lee goes swimming twice a week.He says it can_.A.cheer on him B.cheer him on C.build him up D.build up him返回第44页/共54页单项选择 3.Dont worry.Take exercise often,and youll get well soon.Thank you.Ill_ your advice.A.take B.make C.give D.hear返回第45页/共54页单项选择 4.Must I finish my homework today?No,you_.A.mustnt B.neednt C.dont have to D.B or C返回第46页/共54页单项选择 5.What should we do_the flu?Do more exercise and have a healthy eating habit.A.to prevent B.preventing C.prevent D.prevents返回第47页/共54页根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1.Can I ask you a few q_?Certainly.2.We should often open the window and keep the air f_.返回estionsresh第48页/共54页按要求完成句子。按要求完成句子。1.Must we arrive there before 9 oclock in the evening?(做否定回做否定回答答)No,_ _./No._ _ _ _.2.You shouldnt go to crowded places.(同义句转换同义句转换)You should _ _ _ crowded places.返回you/we needntkeep away fromyou/we dont have to第49页/共54页A:Hello,Mike!_B:Hello,John!Im fine,thanks.Oh,John,you dont look well._A:I have a bad cold.Im afraid I cant go to work.B:_ But youd better see a doctor,and you should stay in bed and have a good rest.A:I think so.I get tired easily._B:Well,I think you should do more exercise.It can keep you fit.I keep running every morning._A:Yes,Id like to.See you tomorrow morning.B:See you.A.Would you like to join me?B.How are you doing?C.Im sorry to hear that.D.What should I do?E.Whats the matter?B EC DA返回第50页/共54页1.We know how to prevent the flu.2.We can use must to ask for advice.3.We can use must/had better/should to give advice.第51页/共54页1.仿照仿照1d编四组问答,写在作业本编四组问答,写在作业本上。上。2.Do the exercise book Section A.第52页/共54页为了快乐而为了快乐而学习学习第53页/共54页感谢您的观看!感谢您的观看!第54页/共54页


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