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    6Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them.Animals in the zoo.elephantsmonkeysgiraffespandabearliontigersnakeGuessing Game:Who am I?1 Look at the pictures and do the quiz.Use the words in the box.bear elephant giraffe lion snake 1 I am tall and I have a long neck._ 2 I am the tigers cousin._ 3 I am long and thin._ 4 I am big and I have a very long nose._ 5 I am brown and I live in the forest._I am tall and I have a long neck._giraffeI am the tigers cousin._lionI am long and thin._snakeI am big and I have a very long nose._elephantbearI am brown and I live in the forest._1 Look at the pictures and do the quiz.Use the words in the box.bear elephant giraffe lion snake 1 I am tall and I have a long neck._ 2 I am the tigers cousin._ 3 I am long and thin._ 4 I am big and I have a very long nose._ 5 I am brown and I live in the forest._giraffelionsnakeelephantbear2 Listen and answer the questions.1 What is this weeks Animal World about?2 What animals are in danger?This weeks Animal World is about snakes.Animals such as pandas,lions,elephantsand bears are in danger.Everyday English at last!Help!What can we do?Then listen and read(Lingling and Betty are leaving the zoo.)L:Did you like the zoo?B:Yes!I saw the pandas at last!But I am more interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve,because it allows people to get closer to them.L:Its sad to think of the pandas and other animas in danger.B:We need to protect them better.L:Yes.Many wild animals dont have a safe place to live,because villages and farms are growing bigger and are taking away their land and forests.B:Also,often there isnt enough clean water.I think we all need to help animals live in peace.Look,theres a notice.L:It says,”Help!We want to save animals in danger,and we need your help.”B:But what can we do?L:It says,“Your money pays to look after the animals.”That means we can give money to help protect the animals.B:Maybe we can raise some money at school.Lets find out what else we can do to save as many animas as possible.Now complete the table.Why many animals are in dangerWhat we can do to helpWork in pairs.Discuss and add more information to the table.1.Many animals dont have a safe place to live,because villages and farms are growing bigger and are taking away their land and forests.2.Often there isnt enough clean water.1.Raise some money at school.2.Find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible.Why many animals are in dangerWhat we can do to helpWork in pairs.Discuss and add more information to the table.Protect the earth,be kind to the animals!4 Complete the passage with the words and expression in the box.allows danger enough in peace protect raise Many wild animals,such as pandas,are in(1)_.We need to(2)_ them!Often there is not(3)_water or forests,so the animals do not have a safe place to live.dangerprotectenoughThe Wolong Panda Reserve(4)_ people to get closer to pandas.And the pandas live(5)_there.We can help(6)_ money to protect pandas and other wild animals.allowsin peaceraise1.I saw the pandas at last!at last=in the end 最后、终于最后、终于 他终于取得了好成绩。他终于取得了好成绩。He got good marks _.我们昨天终于吃了烤鸭子我们昨天终于吃了烤鸭子.Yesterday we ate roast duck _.at lastat lastLanguage Points2.But I am more interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve,because it allows people to get closer to them.interested 是是 interest 的形容的形容词词形式,一般形式,一般 用来修用来修饰饰人。常用句型人。常用句型为为:be interested in sth.对对.感感兴兴趣。趣。拓展:拓展:take interest in 对对 感感兴兴趣趣 place of interest 名名胜胜古迹古迹 I dont know whether he is interested in this subject.我不知道他是否我不知道他是否对这对这一主一主题题感感兴兴趣。趣。3.Its sad to think of the pandas and other animas in danger.想起熊猫和其他想起熊猫和其他濒临灭绝濒临灭绝的的动动物来,真物来,真让让人人伤伤心。心。in danger 表示表示“处处于于险险境,境,处处于危于危险险中中”例如:例如:The girl is very ill and her life is in danger.那个女孩病得很重,生命垂危。那个女孩病得很重,生命垂危。My friend drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.我朋友开我朋友开车车太快,我太快,我觉觉得自己有性命之危。得自己有性命之危。Its+adj.+(for sb)+to do sth.做某事对某人来说怎样做某事对某人来说怎样1)看英语电影对我们来说是有趣的。看英语电影对我们来说是有趣的。_ English films.2)弹好钢琴对他来说是不容易的。弹好钢琴对他来说是不容易的。_the piano well.Its interesting(for us)to seeIts not easy(for him)to play4.Because villages and farms are growing bigger and are taking away their land and forests.因因为为村庄和村庄和农场农场越来越大,侵占了他越来越大,侵占了他们们的土的土 和森林。和森林。take away“把把带带走或拿走;减去走或拿走;减去”。例如:例如:Please take these chairs away.请请把把这这些椅子拿走。些椅子拿走。If you take four away from twelve,you get eight.12 减减4等于等于8。Pronunciation and speaking5 Listen and mark when the speaker pauses.1 It allows people to/get closer to them.2 We want to/save animals in danger,/and we need your help.3 We can give money/to help protect the animals.Now listen again and repeat.6 Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.1 Why do you visit the zoo?2 Do you think animas are happy in the zoo?3 Where do most animas live?4 What can we do to help the animals?To protect we should We need to to protect Now share your ideas with the rest of the class.What do they think?7 Talk with your partner about what we can do to protect animals in danger.HomeworkLearn the useful words and expressions of this unit by yourself.


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