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    什么是定语?什么是定语?定语是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用定语是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的单词、短语或句子,汉语中常用的单词、短语或句子,汉语中常用“的的”表示。表示。单词作定语一般前置单词作定语一般前置,句子或短语作定语则必须后置句子或短语作定语则必须后置.句子作定语句子作定语则叫定语从句则叫定语从句.a blue sea a handsome boy定语从句的位置定语从句的位置:1.紧跟在先行词的后面紧跟在先行词的后面:You must do everything that I do.I have found the book which I lost.I visited the school where I studied.2.2.定语从句后移定语从句后移/分隔式定语从句分隔式定语从句He laughs best who laughs last.He is the only one of the teachers who comes from Qingdao.3.as3.as引导的定语从句可前移引导的定语从句可前移As you all know,the earth is round.定语从句定语从句Join the following sentences:1.A plane is a machine.The machine can fly.A plane is can fly.A plane is can fly.a machinethe machinea machinethat/which关系代词实际上是先行词的复指关系代词实际上是先行词的复指,that/which代指先行词代指先行词machine。2.The girl is Mary.We saw her yesterday.The girl is Mary.The girl is Mary.we saw her yesterdaywho/that we saw yesterday关系代词实际上是先行词的复指,关系代词实际上是先行词的复指,who/that代指先行词代指先行词the girl。1.Thecarwhichmyunclehadjustboughtwasdestroyedintheearthquake.2.ThisisthecitywhereIwasborn.定义定义:修饰名词或代词的从句。:修饰名词或代词的从句。先行词先行词:被定语从句修饰的词。:被定语从句修饰的词。关系词关系词/连接词连接词:连接主句和定语从句的连词。:连接主句和定语从句的连词。引导定语从句的连接词,一定要在从句中充当成引导定语从句的连接词,一定要在从句中充当成分。分。定语从句:关系代词关系代词(作主语作主语/宾语宾语/表语表语):):1.who/whom(that)2.which(that)3.that不能放在介词的后面不能放在介词的后面4.whose=ofwhich或或ofwhom5.as关系副词关系副词(作状语作状语):1.where=介词介词+which2.when=介词介词+which3.why=for+which4.way的特殊用法的特殊用法 the wayhe lives.that he lives.in which he lives.关系词的作用关系词的作用:1)1)连接;连接;2)2)代替先行词;代替先行词;3)3)在定从中作成在定从中作成分。分。一、关系代词一、关系代词1.The number of people _ lost 1.The number of people _ lost homes reached as many as homes reached as many as 250,000.250,000.A.who B.which C.where D.whenA.who B.which C.where D.whenA1.who作定从的主语作定从的主语/宾语宾语指人指人作主语时不可省略作主语时不可省略指代先行词指代先行词2.The boy _ we saw yesterday 2.The boy _ we saw yesterday was Johns brother.was Johns brother.A.whom B./C.which D.whenA.whom B./C.which D.whenAB2.whom作定从的宾语作定从的宾语指人指人可省略可省略指代先行词指代先行词3.Spielberg won a prize for a short 3.Spielberg won a prize for a short film _ he made.film _ he made.A.which B.who C./D.whereA.which B.who C./D.whereAC3.which作定从的主语或宾语作定从的主语或宾语指物指物作宾语可省略作宾语可省略指代先行词指代先行词4.Its about a big shark_ attacks 4.Its about a big shark_ attacks swimmers _ are spending their swimmers _ are spending their holidays in a small village.holidays in a small village.A.where B.who C.that D.which E./A.where B.who C.that D.which E./4.that作定从的主语或宾语作定从的主语或宾语指物或人指物或人作宾语可省略作宾语可省略指代先行词指代先行词CDBC5.Spielberg,_ mother was a 5.Spielberg,_ mother was a music teacher,was born in 1946.music teacher,was born in 1946.A.who B.which C.whose D.thatA.who B.which C.whose D.thatC5.whose作定从的定语作定从的定语指物或人指物或人不可省略不可省略指代先行词指代先行词=sbs/sthsI once lived in a house _ was I once lived in a house _ was broken.broken.A.whose roof B.which roofA.whose roof B.which roofC.of which the roof C.of which the roof D.the roof of whichD.the roof of whichACD5.whosenofwhich/whomthe+n=the+n+ofwhich/whom她父母不想把女儿嫁给一个家境贫穷的男人。她父母不想把女儿嫁给一个家境贫穷的男人。Herparentsdontwanttomarrytheirdaughtertoaman_ispoor.whosefamily=thefamilyofwhom=ofwhomthefamilytheroofofthehouseI still remember the day.=when(1)(2)on the dayI came here=on which我仍然记得(我来到这里的)那天。我仍然记得(我来到这里的)那天。(1)我仍然记得这天。我仍然记得这天。(2)在这天我来到这里。在这天我来到这里。1.Do you know the date _ Lincoln 1.Do you know the date _ Lincoln was born?was born?A.which B.on whichA.which B.on which C.when D.where C.when D.where1.whenBC作定从的时间状语作定从的时间状语指时间指时间,在从句中表示在从句中表示在在.时时间间=in/on.+which先行词为时间名词先行词为时间名词 This is the house.last year.=in which=whereI lived in the house (1)(2)就是这所(我去年住过的)房子。就是这所(我去年住过的)房子。(1)就是这所房子。就是这所房子。(2)我去年在这所房子住过。我去年在这所房子住过。2.The farm _ we picked cotton 2.The farm _ we picked cotton was 90 kilometers away.was 90 kilometers away.A.when B.where C.why D.A.when B.where C.why D.o on n whichwhichBD2.where作定从的地点状语作定从的地点状语指地点指地点,在从句中表示在从句中表示在在.地地点点=in/on.+which先行词为地点名词先行词为地点名词(situation,business,case,point,surroundings,environment,scene等为地点概念的名词等为地点概念的名词)He gave a reason.=for which=why(1)(2)for the reason.people like music(1)他给了一个原因他给了一个原因(2)因为这个原因人们喜欢音乐。因为这个原因人们喜欢音乐。他给了一个(人们喜欢音乐的)原因。他给了一个(人们喜欢音乐的)原因。3.I dont know the reason _ he 3.I dont know the reason _ he looks unhappy.looks unhappy.A.that B.why C.for which D./A.that B.why C.for which D./BC3.why作定从的原因状语作定从的原因状语指原因指原因,在从句中表示在从句中表示因为因为.原因原因=forwhich先行词为先行词为reasonI disapprove the reasons _ he I disapprove the reasons _ he came up with.came up with.A.that B.why C.for which D./A.that B.why C.for which D./AD因此先行词虽然为因此先行词虽然为reason,但如果连接但如果连接词在从句中作主语或者宾语词在从句中作主语或者宾语,则只能用则只能用that/which4.4.以以wayway为先行词的定语从句问题。为先行词的定语从句问题。I dont like the way _ he talked to I dont like the way _ he talked to his mother.his mother.I dont like the way _ he chose to I dont like the way _ he chose to do it.do it.A.that B.in which C./D.howA.that B.in which C./D.howABCACway方式,方式,方法方法1.1.连接词如果在从句中作状语时连接词如果在从句中作状语时,用用thatthat或者或者in whichin which且可以略。且可以略。2.2.连接词如果在从句作主语或宾连接词如果在从句作主语或宾语,用语,用thatthat或或whichwhich 指人指人指物指物主语主语宾语宾语thatwhichwhowhom关系代词的用法关系代词的用法关系代词在从句中可以:关系代词在从句中可以:何时可以省略?何时可以省略?指人指人指物指物主语主语宾语宾语that whichwhowhom何时可以省略?何时可以省略?做做宾语宾语时可以省略时可以省略解题方法和技巧解题方法和技巧1.1.首先是确定关系代词和关系副词在定首先是确定关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中作什么成分。若是作主语、宾语从句中作什么成分。若是作主语、宾语,则在关系代词中选择。若是作状语,语,则在关系代词中选择。若是作状语,则在关系副词中选择。则在关系副词中选择。2.2.其次是看先行词是人还是物;是时间、其次是看先行词是人还是物;是时间、地点还是地点还是reason,wayreason,way。1.She looked at Jeff_ was waving 1.She looked at Jeff_ was waving his arms.his arms.2.The girl _ leg was broken in the 2.The girl _ leg was broken in the earthquake was taken to hospital.earthquake was taken to hospital.3.And there she saw a wall of water 3.And there she saw a wall of water _ was quickly advancing towards _ was quickly advancing towards her.her.A.who B.that C.whose D.whichA.who B.that C.whose D.which1 1、判断关系词在定从中的成分是关键;、判断关系词在定从中的成分是关键;2 2、再看先行词。、再看先行词。ABCBDI still remembered the park _ I lost my wallet.This is the park _ I visited yesterday.wherethat/定语从句使用中的特殊情况定语从句使用中的特殊情况一、只能用一、只能用thatthat的情况:的情况:1.1.先行词既有物又有人时。先行词既有物又有人时。He spoke of the persons and things that he had seen abroad.2.2.先行词是先行词是something,anything,all,something,anything,all,nothingnothing等不定代词时。等不定代词时。Is there anything that I can do for you?3.3.当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时或者被或者被,all,theall,the very,thevery,the only,theonly,the just just修饰时。修饰时。This is the best film that I have ever seen.二、不用二、不用thatthat的情况:的情况:1.1.介词后禁用关系词介词后禁用关系词thatthat。I heard of the man,about whom he talked.2.非限制性定语从句。非限制性定语从句。She was late again,which made me unhappy.定语从句使用中的特殊情况定语从句使用中的特殊情况about that(X)that(X)三三,介词关系代词的问题。介词关系代词的问题。介词介词+关系代词的情况关系代词的情况 1The man who/whom you spoke was a scientist.The city that/which she lives is far away.toinAre these two sentences right?介词介词+关系代词的情况关系代词的情况 1The man who/whom you spoke was a scientist.The city that/which she lives is far away.toinAre these two sentences right?介词介词+关系代词的情况关系代词的情况 1The man who/whom you spoke was a scientist.The city that/which she lives is far away.toinAre these two sentences right?介词介词+关系代词的情况关系代词的情况 1The man who/whom you spoke was a scientist.The city that/which she lives is far away.toinAre these two sentences right?介词介词+关系代词的情况关系代词的情况 1The man who/whom you spoke was a scientist.The city that/which she lives is far away.toinAre these two sentences right?介词介词+关系代词的情况关系代词的情况 1The man who/whom you spoke was a scientist.The city that/which she lives is far away.toin Are these two sentences right?可见可见,who、that 不能用与介词之后不能用与介词之后 介词介词+关系代词的情况关系代词的情况 2The man whom you spoke was a scientist.The city which she lives is far away.toin介词介词+关系代词的情况关系代词的情况 3He lives in a lonely village.At the back of it is a hill.He lives in a lovely village,at the back of _ is a hill.He has three sisters.All of them are abroad.He has three sisters,all of _ are abroad.whichwhomJoin the following sentences:介词介词+关系代词的情况关系代词的情况 Is this the watch that you are looking for?The old man whom I am looking after is better.在固定短语中介词不能提前在固定短语中介词不能提前下面两句中的介词能提前吗下面两句中的介词能提前吗?3.3.固定动词或介词短语搭配固定动词或介词短语搭配1.Doyoulikethebookshespent$10?2.Doyoulikethebookshepaid$10?3.Doyoulikethebookshelearnedalot?4.Doyoulikethebooksheoftentalks?5.Hebuiltatelescopehecouldstudytheskies.6.Thereisatalltreeoutside,standsourteacher.7.Chinahasalotofrivers,thesecondlongest_istheYellowRiver.8.Thetower_peoplecanhaveagoodviewisonthehill.9.Theman_Ispokeonthephonelastnightisverygoodatwrestling.10.Hepaidtheboy$10forwashingtenwindows,most_hadntbeencleanedforatleastayear.onwhichforwhichfromwhichaboutwhichthroughwhichunderwhichofwhichfromwhichtowhomofwhich介词介词+关系代词的情况关系代词的情况 练习练习I still remember the day when I came here.This is the house where I lived last year.There are many reasons why people like traveling.I dont like the way that you speak.on the day=on which=whenin the house=in which=wherefor the reasons=for which=whyin the way=that=in which关系副词实际上是介词先行词关系副词实际上是介词先行词介词关系代词的问题。介词关系代词的问题。1.of which/whom 1.of which/whom 结构很多时候表示结构很多时候表示“其中其中Class 14 has 75 students,of whom 35 students are girls.=35 students of whom are girls.2.when/why/where很多时候可转换为介很多时候可转换为介词词+关系代词。关系代词。This is the house where I live.Everyone knows the reason why he succeeded.I remember the day when I visited the temple.in whichfor whichon whichOn her birthday,she received from her parents a nice present _a note was attached,_“We love you so much”.A.that,saying B.to which,saying C.to which,said D.in which,said Alec asked the policeman _he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident.A.With him B.who B.C.with whom D.whom1.Illneverforgetthedays_weworkedtogether.2.Illneverforgetthedays_wespenttogether.3.IwenttotheplaceIworkedtenyearsago.4.Iwenttotheplace_Ivisitedtenyearsago.5.Thisisthereason_hewaslate.6.Thisisthereason_hegave.when(which/that)where(which/that)why(that/which)几种易混的情况几种易混的情况及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词inwhichinwhichforwhich非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句1。which引导的非限制性定语从句:引导的非限制性定语从句:此时无论它在从句中充当什么成分它都不能省约,此时无论它在从句中充当什么成分它都不能省约,也不能换为也不能换为that1)和主句之间的关系不密切,只起附加说明作用和主句之间的关系不密切,只起附加说明作用:We all like the book,which was written by LuXun.2)用来代替整个先行分句的内容。这时它所引导的定用来代替整个先行分句的内容。这时它所引导的定语从句只能放在主句之后语从句只能放在主句之后:Bush was elected president again,which made Jim very sad.一一.引导非限制性定语从句的连接词引导非限制性定语从句的连接词who/whom/whose/which/where/when who/whom/whose/which/where/when/why/as/why/as 来引导来引导,不能用不能用thatthat二二.as 引导的非限制性定语从句引导的非限制性定语从句1.as 具有正如之意,与之搭配的动词是固具有正如之意,与之搭配的动词是固定的定的,如:如:as you know/see/planned/as we expected/understand/think/believe也可以将它们用于被动结构中也可以将它们用于被动结构中:as is known/seen/planned/expectedThe earth is round._ is known to all.The earth is round,_ is known to all._ is known to all,the earth is round._ is known to all _the earth is round._ is known to all is _the earth is round.Itwhich/as AsIt定语从句在句首时只能用定语从句在句首时只能用as,it为形式主语为形式主语,that引导主语从句引导主语从句thatWhatthatwhat引导主语从句引导主语从句,that引导表语从句引导表语从句2.as 引导的非限制性定语从句引导的非限制性定语从句,用于下列固用于下列固定句型中定句型中1).This is such an interesting book _ we all like.2).This is so interesting a book _ we all like.This is such an interesting book _we all like it.This is so interesting a book _we all like it.asthatasthat这是大家都喜欢的如此有趣的一本书。这是大家都喜欢的如此有趣的一本书。(定语从句定语从句)这本书如此有趣,大家都喜欢。这本书如此有趣,大家都喜欢。(结果状语从句结果状语从句)as3)This is the same book _ _ I have.3.as3.as和和whichwhich引导非限制性定语从句的引导非限制性定语从句的区别:区别:1.which1.which引导的从句只能放于逗号后面。引导的从句只能放于逗号后面。2.as2.as引导的从句可前可后,常用于引导的从句可前可后,常用于as is as is said abovesaid above(如上所述(如上所述),as we know),as we know(我们都知道(我们都知道),as is well known,as),as is well known,as is often the caseis often the case(正如往常一样),(正如往常一样),as is reported,as we expectas is reported,as we expect等结构等结构中,中,asas含有含有“正如,正像正如,正像”之意。之意。四四.限限定定性性定定语语从从句句和和非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句的的区区别别:限限定定性性定定语语从从句句用用于于修修饰饰和和限限定定先先行行词词,与与先先行行词词之之间间的的关关系系非非常常密密切切。它它所所修修饰饰的的词词代代表表一一个个(些些)或或一一类类特特定定的的人人或或东东西西。如如果果删删去去,则则剩剩下下的的部部分分意意思思就就会会含含糊糊不不清清。如:如:This This is is the the man man who who gave gave me me the the moneymoney这就是给我钱的那个人。这就是给我钱的那个人。上上句句如如删删去去从从句句who who gave gave me me the the moneymoney,则则成成了了This This is is the the manman(这这是是那那个个人人。)完完全失去了整个句子的意思,因而不能删掉全失去了整个句子的意思,因而不能删掉 非限定性定语从句,在意义上,它是先行非限定性定语从句,在意义上,它是先行词的一个附加修饰语,是对先行词的进一步词的一个附加修饰语,是对先行词的进一步说明。如果删去它,不影响整个句子的基本说明。如果删去它,不影响整个句子的基本意思。如:意思。如:Wang DongWang Dong,who is in the roomwho is in the room,wants to wants to ask you some questionsask you some questions 王东,他在房间里,想问你几个问题。王东,他在房间里,想问你几个问题。上述主句是上述主句是Wang Dong wants to ask you Wang Dong wants to ask you some questionssome questions,如果删去从句(如果删去从句(who is in who is in the roomthe room),),并不影响整个句子基本意思的并不影响整个句子基本意思的表达。表达。另外,在意思上,有时限定性和非限定性另外,在意思上,有时限定性和非限定性定语从句的区别还是较大的。如:定语从句的区别还是较大的。如:In their classIn their class,there are fifteen there are fifteen students who can speak English wellstudents who can speak English well在他们班上有十五位英语说得好的学生。在他们班上有十五位英语说得好的学生。(可以看出他们班学生要多于十五位)(可以看出他们班学生要多于十五位)In their classIn their class,there are fifteen there are fifteen studentsstudents,who can speak English well who can speak English well他们班上有十五位学生他们班上有十五位学生,他们英语说得很好。他们英语说得很好。(可以看出他们班上共有十五名学生,他们(可以看出他们班上共有十五名学生,他们英语口语都好。)英语口语都好。)(限定性定语从句)限定性定语从句)(非限定性定语从句)非限定性定语从句)形式形式作用作用翻译翻译限制性定限制性定语从句语从句非限制性非限制性定语从句定语从句插入成分插入成分修饰限定修饰限定补充解释补充解释能能不能不能.的的能否省略能否省略解题方法和技巧解题方法和技巧1.1.首先是确定关系代词和关系副词在定首先是确定关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中作什么成分。若是作主语、宾语从句中作什么成分。若是作主语、宾语,则在关系代词中选择。若是作状语,语,则在关系代词中选择。若是作状语,则在关系副词中选择。则在关系副词中选择。2.2.其次是看先行词是人还是物;是时间、其次是看先行词是人还是物;是时间、地点还是地点还是reason,wayreason,way。三三.非限制性定语从句和单句的比较非限制性定语从句和单句的比较2.He failed in the exam._ made his parents angry.3.He failed in the exam,_made his parents angry.4.He has two sons.Both of _ are teachers.5.He has two sons,both of _ are teachers.This/Itwhichthemwhomthemthat1.I am reading Harry Porter,_is an interesting book.which whom引导非限制性定语从句的连接词,一律不能省略引导非限制性定语从句的连接词,一律不能省略2.He failed in the exam;_ made his parents angry.this/it1.Is this the factory _ his father 1.Is this the factory _ his father visited last year?visited last year?2.Is this the factory _ his father 2.Is this the factory _ his father worked last year?worked last year?A.which B.that C./A.which B.that C./D.where E.in whichD.where E.in which对比训练对比训练ABCDE1.I will never forget the time _ I 1.I will never forget the time _ I spent with the villagers.spent with the villagers.2.I will never forget the time _ I 2.I will never forget the time _ I stayed with the villagers.stayed with the villagers.A.which B.that C./D.whenA.which B.that C./D.when对比训练对比训练ABCD1.I dont believe the reason _ he 1.I dont believe the reason _ he gave for his absence.gave for his absence.2.I dont believe the reason _ he 2.I dont believe the reason _ he was absent.was absent.A.which B.that C./A.which B.that C./D.why E.for whichD.why E.for which对比训练对比训练ABCDE1.It is this shop _ I bought all 1.It is this shop _ I bought all these things.these things.2.It is in this shop _ I bought all 2.It is in this shop _ I bought all these things.these things.A.that B.where C.in which D./A.that B.where C.in which D./对比训练对比训练BCA1.It was 1949 _ PRC was founded.1.It was 1949 _ PRC was founded.2.It was in 1949_ PRC was 2.It was in 1949_ PRC was founded.founded.A.when B.in which C.that D.whereA.when B.in which C.that D.where对比训练对比训练AC1.All _ I do is for you.1.All _ I do is for you.2._ I do is for you.2._ I do is for you.A.that B.what C./D.whichA.that B.what C./D.which对比训练对比训练ACBwhatwhat引导主语从句引导主语从句,在从句中作主语在从句中作主语.whatwhat不能引导定语从句不能引导定语从句.对比训练对比训练1.It is so d


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