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    2023年山东省济宁市中考模拟英语试题班级:,考号:学校:姓名:一、听录音选图片1. Which sign is on the wall?禁止吸烟NO SMOKINGl_l Lc.n m r2. Which is the right way to the hotel?JUL“A. J-JB. J Jin rnn r二、听短对话选答案4. Where is Mary from?A. Anhui.B. Guangdong.5. What is probably the man's job now?A. A teacher.B. A doctor.C. Zhejiang.C. A shop assistant.6. How often does the boy have music lessons?A. Once a week.B. Twice a week.C. Three times a week.7. Why is Ben unhappy?A. His best friend didn't lend him money.B. He can't go to his best friend's birthday party.C. He doesn't have enough money to buy his best friend a present.8. What did Helen do last night?A. She attended a housewarming party.B. She visited her uncle in the hospital.C. She practiced the piano.三、听长对话选答案听对话,完成以下各小题。9. Who is Mona's hero?A. Her father.B Her brother.C. Her uncle.10. How long has Mona's father been a doctor?C. For twenty years.C. His family.A. For four years.B. For sixteen years.11. Who does Mona's father often help?A. Mona.B. Sick kids.听对话,完成以下各小题。12. What was the weather like when they got to the Green Town?A. Rainy.B. Cloudy.C. Windy .13. Who saved the boy that fell into the river?A. Mr. Red.B. Tony.C. A policeman.14. Why was Mr. Red very angry?A. Because a boy fell into the river.B. Because no one followed the rules.C. Because two girls went away without telling him.15. What did they do there?A. They went to the river.B. They went to the town center.C. They did nothing but wait until the rain stopped.四、听短文填表请听一篇独白,完成下面表格中空缺的信息,每空一词。独白读两遍。Teachers9 Day all over the WorldCountriesWhen to celebrate Teachers' DayChinaIt was first celebrated on September 1 Oth,16.the USIt is known as "National Teacher Day”. It's on17during the first full week of May.IndiaIt is celebrated on September 5th to remember the second18 of India.RussiaIt was celebrated on the first Sunday of _ 1965 and 1994.19_ betweenVietnam (越南)It is celebrated in Vietnam on November _20五、阅读单选Opening Hours: 8: 30 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m., Monday to FridayResources:12,000 books; 6 net-worked computersNewspapers (Guardian, Stars, Times); Magazines (Focus, Digest, New Scientist)BorrowingStudents can borrow up to 2 books at a time. Students on the Learning List can borrow 5 books at a time.Students may renew books by bringing them to the Library.Teachers may borrow up to 20 books at a time.Using the library Teachers are welcome to book the library for classes. Book Boxes for topics for use in the classroom can be prepared if it is not convenient to visit the library.Small groups of students (at most 6) may be sent to the library during the lesson to borrow/retum books or to research a topic.Library RulesStudents must leave their schoolbags in the bag store in the library entrance.Food, sweets, drinks are not allowed in the library.Students are expected to behave nicely and respect other students who need to study quietly.Library ServicesThe Library has a photocopier for staff and student use.Costs are: 1 yuan fbr A4 sheet; 2 yuan for A3 sheetB. A piece of21. What's the type (类型)of the passage?A. An advertisement.news.C. An introduction. D. A short story.22. What can't you see in the library?A. Videos and CDs. B. Books and magazines.C. Newspapers.D. Online resources.23. Which sign may NOT be the rule of the library?24. How many books can teachers borrow at most at a time?A. 2.B. 3.C. 6.D. 20.Being a farmer is a lot of work. You spend all the day outdoors. Luckily, smart technology (技术)is making its way down to the farm. Drones (无人机),apps, driverless tractors (无人驾驶拖拉机)一how are these technologies changing one of the world's oldest jobs? Let's take a look.When we talk about drones, we may think of gathering intelligence (情报).These eyes in the sky can also help farmers. Farmers closely watch their crops (庄稼),find pests (害虫) and make sure that water is being used efficiently (有效地).Drones can also help humans do lots of work. In Xinjiang, for example, over 5,000 drones can look after 1.3 million hectares (公顷)of land. The drones can spread seeds (种子),fertilizer (化肥)and pesticides (农药)faster and more evenly than humans.The driverless car is an exciting new technology. The same technology can help farmers plant and harvest (收割)! There are now driverless tractors that can work in fields around the clock. The tractors have sensors (传感器),radar and GPS. The tractor can automatically (自 动地)receive grain (谷物)from a combine (收割机),and then unload (卸货)it. It is able to detect objects (识另U物体)and won't run over people or run into other equipment or crops.”One of the most important jobs of a farmer is to make sure that plants get water. A new smart phone app called Smart Irrigation (智能灌溉)can help. The app uses GPS technology to tell farmers when to water their crops. It connects with the closest weather station to learn about local rainfall, and then estimates (估计)how much water the plants need each day. It's not just for farmers, people at home can also use it to decide when to water their lawns (草 坪).25. What can drones help farmers do?A. Collect pests. B. Water crops. C. Spread seeds. D. Buy fertilizer. 26. What does the underlined phrase “around the clock" mean?A.Under the control of a clock.B.Within a limited time.C.Next to a clock.D.Both day and night.27. What do we know about driverless tractors?A.They help farmers make useful equipment.B.They can receive grain fromacombine.C.They can send grain to farmers' houses.D.They can be a danger to passersby.28. Who may find Smart Irrigation useful?A , Workers who build weather stations.B. People who need help to plant flowerseeds.C. Farmers who want to know the weather. D. People who want to water their lawns.The six-month stay for Chinese astronauts in the Tiangong space station has ended recently. Before returning, they face one last test returning home safely. What needs to be done before they leave the station?lb go home after a long journey, you have to pack up. Besides their personal belongings, astronauts also need to bring home experimental data and samples (样品)for further research on Earth.The three astronauts also need to clean “the house”. They must collect leftover food, sanitary waste and waste from experiments. The waste is put into the orbital module (轨道 舱),which burns up as it re-enters Earth's atmosphere.The astronauts must also put equipment back in place. It will be more than a month before the Shenzhou XIV astronauts enter Tiangong. They need to make sure that things like gym equipment are fixed to the walls for safety.Astronauts experience microgravity (微重力)for long periods of time. This affects their bodies. They lose fluids, their muscles atrophy and they lose bone strength. To ensure a safe return, the three astronauts do physical exercises to keep their muscles strong. Based on their physical examination data, experts have customized (定制)exercise plans for each of them to ensure a safe landing.Tiangong space station will be completed before the end of this year. Six astronauts will be sent there for the Shenzhou XIV and XV missions. The Shenzhou XV crew (全体成员) will fly to the station around the year's end to meet their Shenzhou XIV colleagues.29. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A. What astronauts do in the space station.B. What dangers astronauts may face on the return journey.C. What matters most during the astronauts? return.D. What astronauts need to bring back to Earth.30. How do astronauts deal with their waste?A. They bring it back to Earth.B. They leave it on the space station.C. The waste can be left in the orbital module.D. The waste can be thrown out of the space station.31. lb fight against the effects of living in space, astronauts.A. should follow special plans to build up their musclesB. should move as little as possible while in the space stationC. should finish their work ahead of timeD. should exercise hard before they set off for space32. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Tiangong welcomes astronauts from all over the world.B. Two groups of astronauts will be sent to Tiangong this year.C. Astronauts sent by Shenzhou XIV will return to Earth this year.D. Astronauts sent by Shenzhou XV will arrive at Tiangong first.On February 4, 2022, the Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, making it the first city to host (主办)both the Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. The venues (场 馆)for the Winter Games in 2022 have been divided into three areas: Beijing, Yanqing, andZhangjiakou. Lefs take a look at some competition stadiums.National StadiumIce CubeCapital Indoor StadiumAlso known as “The Bird's Nesf this stadium hosted the Opening and Closing Ceremonies (仪式)of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. And the Bird's Nest will once again be the place of Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Winter Olympic Games.For the Winter Olympics, the Water Cube has been changed into the "the Ice Cubefor the curling (冰壶) competition. Following the 2022 Games, the stadium will continue to be used for both winter and summer sports, changing between the two, depending on the season.Capital Indoor Stadium was built in 1968.It has held several important sporting events. During the Winter Olympics, Capital Indoor Stadium will host the figure skating (花样滑冰)and short track speed skating competitions.Wukesong Sports Center is very large. It can hold18,000 people. It will serve as the main indoor stadiumfor ice hockey (冰球)at the 2022 Winter GamesWukesong Sports Center together with the National Indoor Stadium.33. will host the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Winter Olympic Games.A. The Ice CubeB. Capital Indoor Stadium C. TheNational Stadium D. Wukesong Sports Center34. When was the Capital Indoor Stadium built?A. In 1968.B. In 2008.C. In 2018.D. In 2020.35. What competition will you see in Wukesong Sports Center?A. Curling.B. Skating.C. Skiing.D. Ice hockey.六、根据首字母填空36. So far great changes have t place in the western part of China.37. Since you will g from middle school soon, why not plant some trees in theschool garden as a memory?38. He did a good job and his teacher p him for it.39. How many students are a today? None. Everyone is here.七、根据汉语提示填空40. Mary has the ability to be an excellent leader because she is wise and(仔细 的).41. Nothing was(提供)fbr them at first, so they didn't know how to start.42. The general manager always thinks twice before(回复)to the customers.43. Mike's grandma has been(死的)for two years. He misses her very much. 八、语法填空On a Sunday morning, some parents and their special-needs children enjoyed a time of dancing. Although they didn't dance well, everyone 44 (wear) a big smile. These families are part of Family of Luck. It's a support group fbr families with special-needs children.Family of Luck started in 2000 in Taiwan, China. It 45 (give) help to more than 150 families since then. When parents look after their special-needs children, they'll meet a lot of difficulties and they may feel sad sometimes. The group helps them a lot.Family of Luck doesn't just help parents. It has classes to teach children living skills.Family of Luck wants families with special-needs children to connect with common life.46 (make) that possible, it holds different kinds of activities, like walking at the park and music festivals. It tries to call on more people to love special-needs children.Life is not easy for both special-needs children and their parents, 47 they gethelp and support from Family of Luck. That makes them keep 48 (walk) happily.CODA, a simple yet powerful (有力量的)film, won the best picture at this year's Oscars ceremony(奥斯卡颁奖典礼).It49 (hold) on March 27 in Los Angeles. It's alwaysone of films'50 (big) nights.CODA focuses (聚焦)on a deaf family. The 17-year-old girl, Ruby, is the only hearing person in her family in a small town in the United States. She is called a CODA, short for “child of deaf adults”. Ruby51(face) a dilemma (两难).She wants to be a52 (music), but as the only inteq5reter (翻译)for her family, she worries that following her dream 53 (influence) her family.It's a simple and sincere film. The deaf characters are performed by real-life deaf actors. Most movies traditionally would have non-deaf actors in such roles.九、短文选词填空阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的词语填空。方框中有两个词语为多余选项。meaning, death, kept, get, offer, oneself, across, traditions, dead,Zhou Jiangtao passed away at only 17 years old. He got bone cancer when he was 13. Four days before his 54. he asked to donate his organs (器官).“I do know the painof suffering from disease and the helplessness of having no cure (治愈方法).Tve seen so much sadness and regret and I want to 55 help/'On the day he two patients who had been waiting for cornea transplants (角膜移植)were told they would get donations. Zhou's body was moved to Zhejiang University School of Medicine on the same day.In recent years, organ donation and transplantation have gotten more public support56 China. As of April 2, more than 4.62 million people had signed up (登记)for organ donation, said the center. As many as 75 people can benefit from a single donor (捐献 者).There's no age limit (限制)to donation, while people under 18 need a guardian's consent(监护人同意).In China, there are some deeply rooted 57 about the bodies of dead people. For example, many believe the body is a gift from one's parents. So, they think dead bodies must be 58 complete.But many others have changed their beliefs. Donating organs is a way to help others and extend (延展)the59 of one's life. Increased willingness (意愿)has been seenamong young and middle-aged people. Dedication (奉献)makes life more precious (宝贵 的)than 60 J Zhou once said. 十、多任务混合阅读 阅读短文,根据要求完成文后的题目。Jia Wei, a 14-year-old from Jilin, is feeling down these days. "From the Ukraine crisis (乌克兰危机)to the crash (坠机)of flight MU5735 to another rise in COVID-19 cases, pieces of bad news come on the heels of one another,* Jia said. "I feel confused, sad and scared.”Jia's reaction (反应)shows how people can be affected (受影响)by traumatic (不幸的) events, even when events didn't directly happen to them.The situation can get worse if they often see media reports about traumatic events. A 2016 study showed that teenagers who often saw information on the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (地震)were 1.45 times more likely to have stress symptoms (症状)than those who seldom saw the information. If teenagers often saw pictures and videos of the damage (破坏),they were 1.84 times more likely to have stress symptoms.How can we deal with stress after upsetting news? TEENS talked with psychologist (心' 理学家)Li Songwei, who got his


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