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    小升初全真模拟试题(一)一、单项选择。.()1. When you walk across the road, you must wait the pavementthe green man.A. for; atB. for; for C. on; for D. for; of()2. Dad, there9s only cheese in the fridge. We must buy some now.A. muchB. many C. a littleD. a few()3. There a music party in the park last Sunday. Jack and Max had agood time there.A. wasB. wereC. isD. will be()4.Your father looks sad. What's wrong with ?He has a . He can't eat anything. He must go to see the dentist.A. him; headacheB. him; toothacheC. he; toothacheD. he; headache()5. We will find Stonehenge in .A. the UKB. China C. Canada D. Australia()6. Suzy likes . She an interesting book last week.A. reading; reads B. read; reads C. read; read D. reading; read()7. are they going this weekend?My mother's fashion show.A. WhatB. WhyC. Where D. How()8.Li Ming is a good boy. He goes to school early and fallsasleep(睡着的)in class.A. always; often B. never; never C- always; never D. never; usually()9. Nancy wants to be a . She often dances every day.A. dancerB. artistC. policeman D. writer)10.Helen never eats sweet food. She often eats at a time.A. too many; a littleC. too much; a littleB. too many; a fewD. too much; a few二、词汇检测。A.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Tim usually (keep) his room clean and tidy.2. Lily, you look so (sad). What's the matter?1(lose) my new bike just now.3. Sam, you (drive). Don't talk on the phone!4. Please talk (quiet). My little brother (sleep) in the room now.5. (know) more about the city, Li Hai will look for some books about it.B.根据中文、首字母及句意,写出该单词的正确形式,每空,一词。6. She likes painting and wants to be an a in the future.7. Mr Smith comes from (澳大利亚).He teaches us English.8. Lily was not e at the party.9. There are many animal stories in Aeaop s Fables (如;像)The lion and the mouse.10. H up, Mrs Smith! Tina is crying loudly. She is hungry.三、从H中找出与I栏相对应的答句。IA. No, I didn't.B. I think it's Li Ming's.C. She's sixty.D. h's fifty yuan.E. Because Children's Day isF. He went to the cinema.G She is a doctor.H. He likes play football.( )1.What does your mother do?( )2.Where did Sam go last Monday?( )3. Whose schoolbag is that?( )4. How much is that red dress?( )5. What does your father like doing?coming.( )6. Can we eat or drink in the library?( )7. When will Mary go to Hong Kong?( )8. Why are the twins so excited?)9. How old is your grandma?I. She will go there in January.()10. Did you go to the Great Wall in Beijing? J. No, you can't.四、按要求完成句子。1. We will have some fruit afterlunch.(改为否定句)We have fruit after lunch.2. My brother likes winter because he likes skating.(对划线部分提问) Your brother like winter?3. There are some oranges on the table.(改为一般疑问句) there oranges on the table?4. Ben takes a bus to the school.(同义句转换)Ben to the school bus.5. The children brought some presents to the party last month.(用 tomorrow 替代 last month)The children some presents to the party tomorrow.五、根据中文,完成句子。1 .不要使用太多的塑料瓶子。Don't use plastic bottles.2 .芳芳昨天看了一场电影后,她开心的笑了。Yesterday, after Fangfang watched a film, she,3 .莉莉想将来成为一名舞蹈家,因为她认为跳舞让她美丽。Lily wants to be a in the future, because she thinks dancing her .4 .我们必须遵守交通规则。We the traffic rules.5 .上个星期日我们在公园里摘了些苹果和钓鱼。We some apples and in the park last Sunday.六、完形填空。Mrs Smith is my neighbour. She at a post office and she meets lots of people 2. She is 3 to everyone and likes helping others. She is overfifty years old,4 she looks very young. She is 5 and thin. She has long, curly, brown 6, She like to wear a red T-shirt and jeans. She 7like a movie star. She really likes 8 shopping at weekends and she always buys many beautiful clothes. She always 9,“Old people still want 10beautiful!”()l.A.workB.workingC. workedD. works()2.A.everythingB.every dayC.every nightD.everyone()3.A.badB.friendlyC.badD.friend()4.A.butB.alsoC.orD.and()5.A.fatB.smallC.strongD.tall()6.A.beardB.hairC.coatD.hand()7.A.lookB.looksC.lookedD.looking()8.A.goB.goesC.rwentD.going()9.A.saysB.tellsC.speakD. speaks()10.A.beB.beingC.to doD.to be七、阅读理解。A.阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Today is Nancy's birthday. She has a birthday party at home. All her friends come to the party to celebrate the birthday. They give her lots of presents. The doll is from Jack. The doll wears a red dress and red shoes. It can sing English and Chinese songs and dance. Nancy likes it very much. The toy bike is from Ben. There is a tiger on the bijce. The tiger wears a brown T-shirt and green shorts. It can say “Come on, come on., It's Nancy's favourite presents. The red pencil case is from Su Yang. Red is Nancy's favourite color. The children are very happy. They sing, dance and play games.()1.Nancy has a party in the park.()2.The doll can sing English and Chinese songs.()3.The toy bike is from Su Yang.()4.Nancy likes the pencil case best.()5.The children plays games together.B.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。An old man wants to go to London to see his son. He gets up early and gets to the station at tern o'clock in the morning. When does the train come? He doesn't know the time.” So he stops a girl and asks her. The girl looks at the man and says *7tu:/tu:/ The old man thinks and thinks. Then he says,"Oh, I see.".()1.How will the old man go to London.A.By bus.B.By plane. C.By bike. D.By train.()2.Does the old man know when the train comes?A.Yes, he does.B.No, he doesn't.C.We don't know.D.Yes, he doesn't.()3.Who tells the old man the time?A.A woman.B.A man. C.A boy. D.A girl.()4.Does the old man knx)w the time at last(最终)?A.Yes.B.No.C.We don't know. D.It is not clear.()5.Why does the old man go to London?A. He wants to see a doctor.B.He wants to see his son.B. He wants to see the show.D.He wants to see the boy.八、作文。请你以"How to protect the Earth”为题写一篇小短文。How to protect the EarthTo protect the Earth, we should plant trees and grass in spring.We should use paper bags and grass bottles.答案一、1-5CCABA 6-10DCCAC二、A.1.keeps 2.sad; lost 3.are driving 4.quietly; is sleeping 5.To knowB.6.artist 7.Australia 8.excited 9.like lO.Hurry 三、1-5GFBDH 6-10JIECA四、1.won't; any 2.Why does 3.Are; any 4.goes; by 5.will bring五、l.too many 2.laughed happily 3.dancer; makes; beautiful 4.must follow 5.picked; went fishing六、1-5DBBAD 6-10BBDAD七.A.1-5 FTFFT 6-10DBDAB八.How to Protect the EarthTo protect the Earth, we should plant the trees and grass in spring. We shrOuld not little. We should save water and energy. We can go to school or go to work by bus, by bike or on foot. We should reuse paper. We should use paper bags and grass bottles.小升初全真模拟试题(二)一、单项选择。()1.请找出下面单词中划线部分的发音与其他三个不同的单词。B. armB. largeC. gardenD. warm()2.What will people do at the Double Ninth Festival?They will .B. Watch dragon bx>at racesB. climb mountainsC.watch a lion danceD. eat moon cakes()3. My little sister can't eat the sweet, so she feels .B. sadB. happy C.sadly,D. happily()4. is the weather like in autumn here?t's sometimes .B. What; rainyB. How; rains C. What; rains D.How; rainy()5. Nowadays more young people don't their health. They often go tobed very late.B. talk about about()6. Lily and her motherit.B. looked for; findC. found; looked forB. care aboutC. look fbrD.readtheir cat in the street. But they didn'tB. found; look fbrD. looked fbr; found()7.Too much plastic is bad our Earth.B. toB. atC. withD. fbr()8.You,ll find koalas and kangaroos in .B. the UKB. the US C. AustraliaD. Canada()9. Nancy was so and he laughed at the party.B. excited; excitingB. exciting; excitedC. excited; excitedlyD. exciting; excitedly()10.It,s today. What about fishing in the park together?B. sunny; goB. rainy; going C. sunny; going . D. cloudy; go二、根据句意及所给的中文、首字母或单词提示,将句子填写完整。1. (save) the energy, we should go to the restaurant by bike or on foot.2. Li Ming has many good (习惯).He always (完成)his homework before dinner.3. A diet is good fbr our (health).4. We hope your (dream) come true.5. My little brother wants to be a q just like Lang Lang.6. British and Canada are different c.7. The children (walk) to the museum tomorrow.8. Please don't talk 1 in the library.9. Liu Lao wants (buy) some things fbr his grandparents.10. Ben is going to visit Hong Kong next m.IIA. Hello, this is Ben speaking.B. I want to be a doctor in theC. Because I wanted to give youD. She lost her new pencil case.E. You can take the car.三、从n中找出与i栏相对应的答句。()1.What's your dream, Lily?()2.How do we get to the cinema?future.()3. Hello. May I speak to Ben?the fish.()4. Why did you call me yesterday?()5. Helen looks sad. What's the matter?四、情景运用。选择合适的内容补全下列对话,将序号填在横线上。A. Did you finish your homework? B.I want to be a storyteller in the future.C.Did they become good friends at last? D.Did you know where they lived?E.I hope your dream will come true. F.Oh, Jack, can you tell the story for us?T:Good morning, class. Yesterday we learned a story The lion and the mouse. NowFil ask you some questions about this story.Pl: They lived in the forest.T: That飞 right.P2: Yes, they did.T: Wonderful. How did they become friends, Helen?P3: Sorry, I don't know.T: I asked you to read the story for four times yesterday.P3: I'm so sorry, I didn't. I was ill yesterday.T: Who can help Helen?P4: Yes. Long long ago, there was a lion.T: Great. You're really good at telling stories.P4: Thank you, Miss Wang.T: That's a good dream.五、按要求完成句子。1 .They will stay in New York for two weeks.(对划线部分提问) will they stay in New York?2 .Lucy walks to school from Monday to Friday.(同义句转换)Lucy goes to school from Monday to Friday.3 .There were some trees in front of the house.(改为否定句)There trees in front of the house.4 .The story is interesting.(改为感叹句)story!5 .Mike often plays the guitar at home.(改为般将来时)Mike the guitar at home.六、根据中文,完成句子。6 .假期后我给你看看我的照片,莉莉。Lily, Fil show you my after the .7 .在马路上玩手机是不安全的。It's not to the mobile phone on the road.8 .上海是一座美丽的城市。Shanghai is a .9 .我的梦想是成为一名医生。My dream is a .10 .李梅想在将来环游世界。Li Mei wants to around in the future.七、完形填空。In England, people often talk about the because they can experience(经历)four seasons in 2 day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring.3 an hour, black clouds come and then it 4 hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be clear, the 5 will begin to shine and it will be summer at this time of a day.In England, you can also have summer in winter,6 have winter in summer. So in 7 you can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes you tShould wear warm clothes.When you go to 8, you will see that some English people usually take anumbrella or a raincoat with them in the 9 morning, but you shouldn't laugh at them. If you10 take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret(后'悔)later inthe day.()l.A.timeB.foodC.clothesD.weather()2.A.everyB.aC./D.the()3.A.AfterB.BesidesC.BeforeD.Ago()4.A.rainsB.rainedC.rainingD.rainy()5.A.weatherB.sunC.earthD.air()6.A.withB.orC.butD.when()7.A.springB.summerC.winterD.autumn()8.A.EnglandB.LondonC.the USD.Canada()9.A.rainyB.cloudyC.sunnyD.storm()10.A.can,tB.don'tC.doesn5tD.didn't八、阅读理解。C.阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Do you have a bike? Many children like to ride bikes. But where did the bike come from?The first bike was ijivented about 200 years ago. A man in Germany made a thing with two wheels. People called it “bicycle”. The wheels were made of wood. The bike was though to ride. Many people couldn't ride it well. Later, a man made a thing with three wheels. It was called a tricycle. It was easy to ride and safe. But it went every slowly. From then on, bikes changed a lot. Today we have many kinds of bikes. People can ride bikes to many places.()1.Many children don't like to ride bikes.()2.The first bike was invented about 200 years ago.()3.Tricycle has two wood wheels.()4.A tricycle was easy to ride and safe.()5.The passage is about wheels.D.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。It was sunny last Saturday. Li Ming visited Mike's grandparents. He went there with Mike, Ben , Jack, Nancy and Su Hai. Mike's grandparents showed them lots of stamps from different countries. His grandma cooked them a nice lunch. They liked the food very much.In the morning, the children cleaned the house for Mike's grandparents. In the afternoon, they worked in the garden. Jack and Su Hai watered the trees and flowers. Mike and Ben picked oranges. Li Ming and Nancy planted the trees. They worked for about three hours. They really had a good time.()1.It was last Saturday.A.sunnyB .cloudyC.windyD.rainy()2.Mike's grandma cooked a nice for them.A.breakfastB .dinnerC.lunchD.fbod()3.The children cleaned the house .A.after dinnerB.after lunchC.in the morningD.intheafternoon()4. planted the trees.A.Jack and Su Hai B.Mike and Ben C.Li Ming and Mike D.Li Ming and Nancy()5.The children were very last Saturday.C. sadB. happyC,.sadlyD.happily九、作文。每个人都有自己的梦想,请以“My dream”为题写一篇小短文。提示:doctor, teacher, policeman. come true, in the future.My dream答案一、1-5DBAAB 6-1 ODD ACC二、1.To save 2,habits; finishes 3.healthy; health 4.dream 5.pianist6,countries 7.will walk 8.loudly 9.to buy lO.month三、1-5BEACD四、DCAFBE五、1.How long 2.on foot 3.weren't any 4.What an interesting 5.will play六、1.photos; holiday 2.safe; play with 3.beautiful city 4.to be; doctor 5.travel; the world七、1-5DBAAB 6-10BCACB八、A.1-5 FTFTF 6-10ACCDB九、My dreamEveryone has a dream. My dream is to be an English teacher in the future, because I like English and I also like the children. I want to teach them the knowledge and play with the children. I think teaching makes me happy. I must study hard now. I hope my dream will come true some day.小升初全真模拟试题(三)一、观察每组单词画线部分发音,相同的打y”,不同的打“x”。()1. applecake()2.reachhealthy()3.doctor race()4.1oudly country()5.cool rzoo()6.cookgood()7.hair chair()8.bird girl()9.shortsport()10.partyhard二、单项选择。()1.It's time us to school Lefs go, Lily.A Ao; to goB. for; goC. for; to goD. to; go()2.Ben is good at his study, but he's not very careful.A .sometimes B. always C. often D. usually()3. your brother at home last Sunday?No, she went to the shopping mall with my mother.A. DidB. DoesC. WasD. Were()4.My little brother walk now, because he is only one year old.A .mustB. canC. can'tD. mustn't()5.My grandma is ill. I need to her today.A .look afterB. look forC. look aroundD. look at)6.Tim is good at


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