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    Unit4 SectionA(3a-3c).ppt

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    Unit4 SectionA(3a-3c).ppt

    Unit 4,Wheres my schoolbag?Section A (3a3c),2、Are those your books?(否定回答)_,_ _.,1、This is my dictionary.(变复数)_ _ my _,3、That's my ruler.(变否定句) That's _ my ruler.,5、给Tom 打电话6861151.(汉译英)_,4、一串钥匙(汉译英)_,按要求做题:,快速说出下列物品,table,bed,sofa,chair,schoolbag,bookcase,baseball,books,keys,head,Revision,bag,pencil box,新词呈现,hat 帽子,desk 书桌,room 房间,come on,快点儿,认为;思考;想,他(她、它)们的,是的;对,think,their,yeah,2d Role-play the conversation.,Mom: Come on, Jack!Jack: Oh, no! Wheres my bag?Mom: Hmmis it on your desk?Jack: No. And its not undet the chair.Mom: Oh! Its on the sofa.Jack: Thank you, Mom. Errwheres the map?Mom: I think its in your grandparents room.Jack: Yes, its on their bed! And my hat?Mom: Its on your head!Jack: Oh, yeah! Haha!,After reading,answer them!,1.Where is Jacks bag?2.Is Jacks hat on the chair?,2d.read the conversatoion and complete theexercises.1.translate the phrases and sentenses into Chinese or English.come on under the chair in your grandparents room on your head _ 我的书包在哪里?它在沙发上地图在哪里?我认为它在你祖父母的房间里。我的帽子在我的头上,2d.read the conversatoion and complete theexercises.1.translate the phrases and sentenses into Chinese or English.come on under the chair in your grandparents room on your head 我的书包在哪里?它在沙发上地图在哪里?我认为它在你祖父母的房间里。我的帽子在我的头上,快点儿,在椅子的下面,在你祖父母的房间里,在你的头上,Wheres my schoolbag?Its on the sofa.,Wheres the map?I think its in your grandparents room.,My hat is on my head.,Wheres Tom?,Its in the box.,Im Tom.,wheres = where is,Wheres Tom?,Its on the box.,Wheres Tom?,Its under the box.,Wheres your hat?Its my desk.,under,desk 书桌,Wheres your hat?Its my desk.,on,Wheres your hat?Its my desk.,in,on 在上面,under 在下面,in 在里面,Wheres Tom?,Its in the box.Its on the box.Its under the box.,Im Tom.,in,under,on,where 在哪里,wheres = where is,New teaching(新内容),A: Is the dog on the chair?,B: Yes, it is.,A: Are the books on the sofa?,B: Yes, they are.,A: Is the baseball on the table?,B: No, it isnt. Its under the sofa.,Wheres the _?Is it under the bed?No,it isnt.Its _ the _.,bed,schoolbag,on,Pair work:,Where _ the books ? I dont know. 我不知道Are they on the desk?_No,they arent. _ in the_,are,Theyre,bookcase,Where _ the schoolbag ? _ on the _.,Wheres the _ ? Its _ the sofa.,is,Its,chair,book,on,Where _ the keys ? _ _ the pencil box.,are,Theyre,under,A: Where is my schoolbag/?,B: Its _,schoolbag,baseball,under the table.,Its under the desk.,A: Where is his notebook?,B: Its _.,in the schoolbag,A: Where is/are the ?B: Its/Theyre in/on/under,Pairwork,are,on,desk,book,Is,under,are,Are,schoolbag,Finish 3a and check the answers.1.A:Where _ the keys?B:Theyre _ the_.2.A:Wheres the _?_ it on your desk?B:No,its _ the chair.3.A:Where_ the pencils?B:I dont know. _ they in the_?A:Yes,they are.,1. 以 where 开头的特殊疑问句。 用来询问人或物在什么地方。其结构为:Where is / are 主语(人或物)?回答时不能用 Yes 或 No,而应根据实际情况回答出物品所在的位置。例如: - Where are your keys? 你的钥匙在哪里? - Theyre in my room. 它们在我的房间里。,Grammar,1. 它在他的书包里。Its _ his _. 2. 你的尺子在哪里?_ your _?3. 它在椅子下面。Its _ the _.4. 他们的钥匙在哪里?_ are _ _?5. 它们在桌子上。 _ on the _.,Wheres ruler,in schoolbag,under chair,Where their keys,Theyre table,2. “Where is单数主语,Where are复数主语”,谓语动词用is还是are取决于主语的人称和数。如果主语是人,回答时用相应的人称代词主格作主语;如果主语是单数物品,回答时用“Its + 表示地点的词”;如果主语是复数物品,回答时用“Theyre + 表示地点的词”。,例如: - Where is your English teacher? 你的英语老师在哪里? - He is in the classroom. 他在教室里。 - Where are the pencils? 铅笔在哪里? - They are in the pencil box. 它们在铅笔盒里。,3. grandparents的所有格形式是grandparents,意思是“祖父母的”。是以-s结尾的复数名词,应在词尾加“ ”。如: the students baseball 学生们的棒球 the girls bedroom 女孩们的卧室 名词所有格表示所属关系,就是表示是某人的。,名词词尾加“s”,主要用于有生命的名词后。 Toms schoolbag 汤姆的书包 the students classroom 学生们的教室 of 加名词,主要用于无生命的名词。 例如: a photo of my family 我的家庭照片,3b. Ask and answer the things in the picture.,Practice,3c. 学生A看19页的图,学生B看21页的图,通过问答找出不同之处。,A: Wheres the schoolbag? Is it under the table?B: No, it isnt. Its on the table.,1. 认真查看19页及21页两张图画的不同之处,并用英语写五个句子2. Review the Grammar Focus.,Homework,一、根据图画提示,写出单词。1. - Where are the books? - Theyre _ the chair.2. My book is on the _. 3. Where is the cat? - Its on the _. 4. I think my schoolbag is in my grandparents _.5. Look! The hat is on your _.6. The _ is very nice.,under,table,sofa,room,head,bookcase,Exercises,二、单项选择 - _ my baseball? - Its under the chair. A. Where B. Wheres C. Wherere,2. - Is a book on the sofa? - _. A. Yes, I am B. No, it is C. Yes, it is 3. - _ under the table? - No, they arent. A. Where are B. What is C. Are they,4. - Where are your brothers? - _. A. He is in his room B. Yes, they are C. I dont know5. - Where are your notebooks?- _ are on the bed. A. It B. They C. We,三、 选词填空。,1. - _ is the computer game? - Its on the desk.2. - Whats her name? - Sorry, I dont _.3. - Are your keys in your parents room? - Yes, they are on _ bed.4. Look! The baseball is _ the dresser.5. My books are in the _.,Where,know,their,under,their, where, under, bookcase, know,bookcase,1. notebook, on, her, is, bed, the _.2. are, under, bookcase, they, the _.3. in, a, keys, of, is, the, set, drawer _.,四、 连词成句,Her/The notebook is on the/her bed,They are under the bookcase,A set of keys is in the drawer,Thank you!,


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