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    Module 1 How to learn English Unit 2 You should smile at her-外研版英语八年级上册.pptx

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    Module 1 How to learn English Unit 2 You should smile at her-外研版英语八年级上册.pptx

    Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 2 You should smile at her!Learning goals:1.Master the new words and phrases.2.Talk about problems and how to solve them.3.Writing practice.A:I cant learn English well.B:Why not/Why dont you.?How/What about.?You should.Work in pairs.What should I do?QuestionsQuestionsDo you have Do you have anyany problems problems aboutabout learn learninging English?English?I have a problem with 1 understanding real English?2 speaking English?3 learning vocabulary?4 the grammar?5 the pronunciation?1Q1:How many basic questions are there?Q2:What are the basic questions about?1.The first question is about _.2.The second question is about _.3.The third question is about _.real Englishspeakingvocabulary Three.(主要的主要的)Fast reading.2.Match the persons with the questions.Wang FanLi HaoZhang LeiIm shy and cant speak to the foreign teacher.I forget new words quickly.I enjoy watching English films,but it is difficult to understand.Li Haos question:1.What is Language Doctors advice?Read Para3Watch and listen several times and guess the meaning of the new words.I advise you to talk about the films and songs with friends.Wang Fang s question:(Read Paragraph 4 and 5)1.You can use“how old are you”to start a conversation.2.Many people are shy when they speak English.3.Before you begin,you should smile at her.TFTCheck“T”or“F”What advice does Language Doctor give Zhanglei?Start a conversation with greetings or a question.Smile at her.Dont be shy.Just try.Zhang Lei s question:Read Para 6 and 71.Why does Zhang Lei forget his new words?2.What does Language Doctor advise Zhang Lei to do?1.Why does Zhang Lei forget his new words?2.What is Language Doctors advice?Because it is natural to forget new words.Do not worry.Write four or five words a day and place them in the room.Read the words and try to use them.3 Complete the table.Advice from DianaLi HaoWang FanZhang Leiwatch and listen several timesguess the meaning of the new wordstalk about the films and songs with friendsstart conversation with greetings or a questionsmile and dont be shy;just tryDont worry.Natural to forget new wordswrite four or five new words every day.read and try to use them.4 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.advise basic conversation improve meaning shy suggest Diana,the Language Doctor,gives some(1)advice about learning English.She(2)you to talk about films and songs,and guess the(3)of the new words.The second piece of advice is this:Start your(4)with greetings or a question.She(5)that you smile before you speak and do not feel(6).Finally,_ your vocabulary with four or five new words every day.basicadvisesmeaningconversationsuggestsshyimprove课文重点:课文重点:1.把把发送给发送给 2.问及有关问及有关的建议的建议3.喜欢看英文电影喜欢看英文电影5.谈论谈论 6.的意思的意思8.我该怎么办呢我该怎么办呢?9.开始会话开始会话,展开交谈展开交谈sendtoask for advice aboutlike watching English filmstalk aboutthe meaning ofWhat should I do?start a conversationGive somebody some advice How about doing sth.?=What about doing sth.?听听英语广播,怎么样?听听英语广播,怎么样?_ to the radio?How about listeningWhat about listening每天都读英语,怎么样?每天都读英语,怎么样?_ English every day?How about readingWhat about readingExamples:eat/more fruitgo to bed/at 9:00 pmtake/more exercisedrink/more waterHow about eating more fruit?How about going to bed at 9:00 pm?How about taking more exercise?How about drinking more water?Give somebody some advice Why dont you do sth.?=Why not do sth.?为什么不把它写下来呢?为什么不把它写下来呢?_ it down?=_ it down?Why dont you writeWhy not write为什么不把正确的拼写和语法写在错误旁边呢?为什么不把正确的拼写和语法写在错误旁边呢?_ down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes?Why dont you writeWhy not writeGive somebody some advice It is a good/great idea to do sth.It isnt a good/great idea to do sth.每天检查自己的词汇笔记是一个好主意。每天检查自己的词汇笔记是一个好主意。_ your vocabulary notebook every day.It is a good idea to check互相用英语发邮件是一个好主意。互相用英语发邮件是一个好主意。_ emails to each other.It is a good idea to sendspeak English more in classlisten to China Radio Internationalread aloud in the morningwrite new words in groupsread English newspapersIts a good idea to speak English more in class.Its a good idea to listen to China Radio International.Its a good idea to read aloud in the morning.Its a good idea to write new words in groups.Its a good idea to read English newspapers.Examples:Give somebody some advice Try to do sth./Try not to do sth.尝试不要逐个词翻译。尝试不要逐个词翻译。_ every word.Try not to translate试一下每天记八到十个单词。试一下每天记八到十个单词。_ eight or ten words a day.Try to remember每个人都应该有个笔友。每个人都应该有个笔友。Everyone _ a pen friend.should have为什么不给我一点你的建议呢?为什么不给我一点你的建议呢?_ me your idea?Why not give/Why dont you give为什么不听英语歌呢?为什么不听英语歌呢?Why not listen/Why dont you listen_ to English songs?一起踢足球,怎么样?一起踢足球,怎么样?_football together?What about playing/How about playing你应该记下正确的拼写。你应该记下正确的拼写。You _ down the correct spelling.should write去英语沙龙是个好主意。去英语沙龙是个好主意。_ to the English Salon.It is a good idea to go每天看一份英语报纸是一个好主意。每天看一份英语报纸是一个好主意。It is a good idea to read an_ English newspaper every day.说出这些水果的英语名称,怎么样?说出这些水果的英语名称,怎么样?_the English names for the fruit?What about saying/How about saying5 Check()what you are good at or not good at in English.What I am good atWhat I am not good atListeningSpeakingReadingWriting6 Write a letter to Diana asking for advice.Use the letter below to help you.Dear Diana,I understand English in the classroom,but it is sometimes hard to understand American and British people.Can youhelp me?Thanks,LinglingList all the things you are good at in learning English.Try to use what you are good at to help you learn what you are not good at.Dear Lingling,You should watch films and TV programmersin English7 Work in pairs.Read your partners letter.Write your advice.假如你叫李明,你的笔友张磊写信给你,告诉你他在假如你叫李明,你的笔友张磊写信给你,告诉你他在用英语进行交流和英语写作方面遇到了困难,希望得到你用英语进行交流和英语写作方面遇到了困难,希望得到你的帮助。的帮助。要求:要求:1.80词左右词左右 2.信的开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数信的开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数 3.信中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。信中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。参考关联词:参考关联词:first of all,next,then,finallyWhats more,however,as you/we know,as a result,on the other hand,for example,above all,写作:(A+B)Dear Zhang Lei,Im looking forward to hearing from you.Im very glad to write to you.LimingStarting:Body:Ending:How to communicate with others in English.How to improve your writing.Yours,Lets practiceHe often gets up late.He _ _ up early.should getI watch TV all the time.You _ _ TV all the time.shouldnt watch(一直一直)Bshould/speak English/in class 1.You _.Try toshould speak English in class.2._.Try to speak English in class.3._speak Chinese in class.Try not toI cant get any fish._ go to the market?Why notWhy dont you go to the market?Im not feeling well._ see a doctor?Why not see a doctor?How about seeing a doctor?Its a good idea to see a doctor.Why dont youWhy dont we watch a film?Thats a good idea.表示表示提建议提建议的句型有:的句型有:1.How/What about?2.Dont forget?3.Try(not)4.Lets 5.Why dont you/we?6.Why not?7.You should/shouldnt 8.Its a good idea to do.doing sth.to do sth.do sth.常用的回答是:常用的回答是:Thats a good/great idea.OK./All right/Excellent.to do sth.


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