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    Unit 8 Section B (2a-2e) -人教版八年级英语下册.pptx

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    Unit 8 Section B (2a-2e) -人教版八年级英语下册.pptx

    A Country Music Song Changed Her Life ForeverSectionB(2a-2e)Unit 8Unit 8Enjoy a songFive Hundred MileFive Hundred MileIf you miss the train Im onIf you miss the train Im onYou will know that I am goneYou will know that I am goneYou can hear the whistle blow a hundred You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.miles.A hundred miles,a hundred miles,A hundred miles,a hundred miles,A hundred miles,a hundred miles,A hundred miles,a hundred miles,You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles.You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles.Warm upEnjoy a songFive Hundred MileFive Hundred Mile Lord Lord,Im one,Lord,Im two,Im one,Lord,Im two,Lord,Im Lord,Im three,Lord,Im four,three,Lord,Im four,Lord,Im Lord,Im five hundred miles away from home.five hundred miles away from home.Away from home,away from home,Away from home,away from home,away from home,away from home,away from home,away from home,Warm upEnjoy a songFive Hundred MileFive Hundred Mile If you miss the train Im on,If you miss the train Im on,You will know that I am gone,You will know that I am gone,You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles.You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles.A hundred miles.A hundred miles.A hundred miles.A hundred miles.A hundred miles.A hundred miles.A hundred miles.A hundred miles.You can hear the whistle blow a hundred milesYou can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles,MusicMusicDo you like music?Do you like music?What kind of music do you know?What kind of music do you know?ElectronicRock&RoLLJazzRapCountryPopClassicalMusicMusicDo you have a favorite song/singer or band?Why do you like music?Do you think music can change ones life?PredictingWhat can we know from thetitle and the picture?1What kind of music does the passage talk about?2How does a country music songchange her life forever?A country music song?country musicCountry Music Fact SheetCountry Music Fact Sheet the southern states of America,such as Nashville,TennesseeWhere it is from:_ _What kind of music it is:_ _a traditional kind of musicabout belonging to a group,people being kind to each other and trusting one another A famous country music place in Nashville:_A famous country music singer:_The number of records he has sold:_Country Music Hall of Fame MuseumGarth Brooksmore than 120 millionSkimming?ScanningRead para 1 and complete the mind-map.Read para 1 and complete the mind-map.Sarah was_ a teenagerIn the pastLater she used to_ almost everything with her family fight over She came to _how much she actually _ all of them.realize missed_ in Englandwhen&wherewhen&wherea song _feelings about _ studying abroad full of returning homea song full of feelings about returning homeshe used to fight overalmost everything with her familyShe came to realizehow muchshe actually missed all of them.In the pastIn the past later later she has been a fan of American country music.What are the features of country music?the changes of Sarahthe changes of SarahScanningRead para 2 and complete the table.Read para 2 and complete the table.the main themefor exampleMany songs these dayscountry musicabout modern life in the US“good old days”the importance of money and successlaughter,friends,family,the beauty of nature ang the countryScanningRead para 3 and answer the questions.Read para 3 and answer the questions.What is Sarahsdream?Why?Who isGarthBrooks?Close your book and fill in the blanks.Country is a _ kind of music from the southern states of America.Nashville,Tennessee is the _ of country music.Many songs these days are just _ modern life in the US,such as the _ of money and success,but not about belonging _ a group.traditionalhomeaboutimportancetoHowever,country music _ us back to the“good old days”when people were _ to each other and trusted _ _.It _ us that the best things in life are _ laughter,friends,family,and the beauty of nature and the countryside.bringskindoneremindsfreeanotherClose your book and fill in the blanks.P1P2P3Sarah heard a song full of feelingsSarah changed her attitudetowards her family and friendsIn the pastLaterthe introdution of country musiccountry music VS.modern musicSarahs dreamgo to Nashvillesee Garth BrookslikeThis was how a country music song changed Sarahs life 1.When Sarah was a teenager,she used to fight over almost everything with her family.在萨拉还是一个十几岁的孩子时,她常常几乎在萨拉还是一个十几岁的孩子时,她常常几乎 每件事都要和家人争吵。每件事都要和家人争吵。Language pointsfight with sb.over/about sth.意为意为“为某事与某人争吵为某事与某人争吵”。fightfight against“为反对为反对而斗而斗争争”fight with和和斗争斗争/打打斗斗fight for“为为.而斗争而斗争”介词填空。介词填空。1.We must fight _ peace and development.2.Did you fight _ your brother again?3.We will fight _ the enemy.4.They are fighting _ each other _ who should do the cleaning.forwithagainstwithover/about 2.She came to realize how much she actually missed all of them.她逐渐意识到事实上她是多么想念他们所有人。她逐渐意识到事实上她是多么想念他们所有人。come to 此处意为此处意为“(事情)逐渐(事情)逐渐;终于;终于”,表示达到某种状态,常与,表示达到某种状态,常与know,understand,realize,be,love,like等静态动词连用,强调渐变过程。等静态动词连用,强调渐变过程。例:你是怎么认识他的?例:你是怎么认识他的?How did you come to know him?how much在此表达一种程度,意为在此表达一种程度,意为“多么多么”,后面常接从句。后面常接从句。You dont know _ I want to see you again.Its a year since I last saw you.A.how soon B.how longC.how often D.how muchD3.Ever since then,she has been a fan of American country music.自从那时起,她就成了一个美国乡村音乐迷。自从那时起,她就成了一个美国乡村音乐迷。ever since意为意为“自从自从”,后接表示过去的时间,后接表示过去的时间状语或时间状语从句,而状语或时间状语从句,而主句用现在完成时主句用现在完成时。ever since也可单独放在句末,表示也可单独放在句末,表示“自从那以后自从那以后”。例例:他从他从18岁开始就有汽车了。岁开始就有汽车了。He has had a car ever since he was 18.4.Many songs these days are just about modern life in the US,such as the importance of money and success,but not about belonging to a group.such as用来列举整体之中的部分同类人或事物,such as之前一般用逗号和主句隔开,之后没有逗号,直接加名词或名词性短语。for example列举整体之中的一个,在句子中多用作插入语,位置可以在句首、句中或句末,用逗号与主句隔开,之后也有逗号。030102belong to0102(2)belong to 意为意为“属于,为属于,为所拥有所拥有”。belong to没有被动语态没有被动语态,也不能用于进行时态。也不能用于进行时态。belong to+名名/代,代,不加物主代词不加物主代词/名名词所有格。词所有格。5.However,country music brings us back to the“good old days”when people were kind to each other and trusted one another.each other和和one another是相互代词,意为是相互代词,意为“互相;互相;彼此彼此”。一般认为。一般认为each other指两者,指两者,one another指三指三者或三者以上。但在实际运用中,两者常可互换。者或三者以上。但在实际运用中,两者常可互换。然而,乡村音乐把我们带回到然而,乡村音乐把我们带回到“过去的好时光过去的好时光”中,中,那时人们彼此之间友好相处,互相信任。那时人们彼此之间友好相处,互相信任。6.Sarah hasnt been to Nashville yet,but it is her dream to go there one day.(1)It is+n.(+for sb.)+to do sth.意为意为“(对某人而言)做某事是(对某人而言)做某事是”。例:对于我们来说,诚实是必须的。例:对于我们来说,诚实是必须的。Its a must for us to be honest.(2)“have been to+地点地点”表示表示“曾经去过某地曾经去过某地”,说话时人已回来说话时人已回来,不能与表示一段时间,不能与表示一段时间 的状语连用。的状语连用。意义意义用法与搭配用法与搭配have/has been to have/has gone to have/has been in 某人曾经去过某地,某人曾经去过某地,人已经回来了人已经回来了,侧重指侧重指经历经历。不能与不能与since或或for引导引导的时间状语连用的时间状语连用可与可与since或或for引导的引导的 时间状语连用时间状语连用后面可接次数,如后面可接次数,如once,twice等时,表示等时,表示“去过某去过某地几次地几次”;也可以与;也可以与just,never等连用。等连用。某人去了某地,某人去了某地,可能在可能在途中,也可能已达到目途中,也可能已达到目的地。的地。强调强调主语已离开主语已离开说话时的地点说话时的地点。某人待在某地(一段时间)某人待在某地(一段时间),强调,强调人已在某地人已在某地,表示,表示的是延续性动作。的是延续性动作。翻译翻译He isnt at home.He has gone to Hainan for a holiday.He has been in Australia for two weeks.1.1.他不在家,他去海南度假了。他不在家,他去海南度假了。2.2.他已经在澳大利亚待了两周了。他已经在澳大利亚待了两周了。例:例:Ben and Sue arent home,are they?No.They _ to London on business.A.have gone B.go C.have been D.will go7.Hes sold more than 120 million records.他已售出了超过他已售出了超过1.21.2亿张的唱片。亿张的唱片。million数词,意为数词,意为“百万百万”。用法:。用法:(1 1)与具体数字连用时,用单数。)与具体数字连用时,用单数。He was prepared to pay two million.(2 2)当表示泛指数目时,要用复数形式,且后当表示泛指数目时,要用复数形式,且后 接介词接介词of,才能接名词。,才能接名词。millions of 数以百万计的;上百万的数以百万计的;上百万的Summary1.常常做某事常常做某事2.与与.争吵争吵3.在国外在国外学习学习4.一首有一首有.情感的歌情感的歌5.使某人做某事使某人做某事6.开开始意识到始意识到7.自从那自从那时起时起8.美国的南部美国的南部地区地区the southern states of America ever since then make sb.do sth.a song full of feelings about.study abroad fight overused to do e to realize 9.的家乡的家乡10.属于属于11.善待彼此善待彼此12.互互相信任相信任13.大自然的大自然的美美14.去过某地去过某地15.对对做研究做研究16.希希望做某事望做某事17.看到某看到某人做某事人做某事Summary see sb.do sth.the home ofhope to do sth.do some research on sth.have been to sp.the beauty of nature trust one another be kind to each other belong to Exercise 1.Where is John?He _ the science lab.A.has gone to B.has been to C.went to2.Where is my sister,mum?She _ to the library.She will be back soon.A.has been B.is going C.has gone D.will go3.Id like you to tell me something about Shennongjia.Im sorry,but neither Jack nor I _ there.A.have been B.had been C.have gone D.has gone4.Who does this T-shirt belong _?A.in B.on C.to D.of5.Jims name is on the book,so it must belong to _.A.his B.him C.he D.himself6.Although he hasnt _ to America,he knows a lot about it.A.been B.gone C.went D.be7.They keep pouring out _ trucks every year.A.two millions B.million of C.two millions of D.millions ofHomeworkHomework


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