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    为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能人教版英语人教版英语八八年级上册年级上册单元课件单元课件Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?1sectionA(1a-1c)2sectionA(2a-2d)3SectionA grammar focus-3c4SectionB(1a-1e)5.SectionB(2a-2e)6.SectionB(3a-self check)(单击上面课题进入对应幻灯片)为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section A(1a-1c)为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能Match the TV shows with the pictures a-g.1.talk show _ 2.soap opera _ 3.sports show _ 4.sitcom _ 5.game show _ 6.talent show _ 7.news _ aagfedcbfgcbde为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能1b.Listen and number the shows 1-4 in the order you hear them._ talent show _ talk show _ soccer game _ news1 14 43 32 2为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能PracticePracticelove like dont mind dont like cant standA:What do you want to watch?B:What do you think of talk show?A:Theyre OK.I dont mind them.B.Then lets watch a talk show.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能小结训练小结训练小结训练小结训练()1.-What do you think of _ and _?-I love _.A.sports show,sitcom,them B.sports shows,sitcoms,them C.sport shows,sitcom,it D.sports show,sitcom,it()2.What _ he _ of sports shows?A.do,think B.do,thinks C.does,think D.does,thinks()3.Her brother says he cant _ the wallet.A.think B.like C.stand D.standsCCB为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能mind mind 的用法的用法1)我不介意体育节目。)我不介意体育节目。I dont mind sports shows.2)你介意打开门吗?)你介意打开门吗?Do you mind opening the door?3)你介意我帮助你吗?)你介意我帮助你吗?Do you mind my helping you?mind 表示表示“介意,反对介意,反对”的意思时,通常用在否定句、的意思时,通常用在否定句、疑问句中。疑问句中。经常用到的句型:经常用到的句型:mind doing sth.介意做某事介意做某事mind ones doing sth.介意某人做某事介意某人做某事为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能stand 的用法的用法1)我不能忍受这部电影了,)我不能忍受这部电影了,它太无聊了。它太无聊了。I cant stand this movie,it is too boring.2)我不能忍受等候这么长时间。)我不能忍受等候这么长时间。I cant stand waiting for such a long time.stand“顺利接受,忍受顺利接受,忍受”,多用于否定句。多用于否定句。经常用到的句型经常用到的句型:cant stand doing sth.不能忍受做某事不能忍受做某事为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section A(2a-2d)为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能2a.Listen to Lin Hui and Sallys conversation.Number the TV shows 1-5 in the order you hear._ sitcoms _ news_ game shows _ talk shows_ soap operas 2b.Listen again.Complete the conversation.54231some great jokesnews or talk showsgame showssoap operastonight为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能PracticePracticeAsk and answer questions about the TV shows in 2a.Use information that is true for you.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能Read and answerRead and answerWhat did Sarah do in class today?Does Grace like soap operas?Why?What does Sarah think of soap operas?Why does Sarah like news and talk shows best?She had a discussion about TV shows.Yes.She likes to follow the story and see what happens next.She doesnt mind soap operas.Because she can expect to learn a lot from them.And she wants to be a reporter one day.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能Role-play the conversationRole-play the conversation为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能小结训练小结训练小结训练小结训练()1._ to him yesterday?A.What did happen B.Wahet did he happen C.What happened()2.The girl is not at school now.She _ at home.A.maybe B.mag is C.may be()3.My sisiter is not good at English,I hope _.A.you to help her B.you help she C.to help her()4.Can you learn _ from the man?A.a lot B.lots of C.a lot ofACCC为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能问题探究问题探究问题探究问题探究1.plan 的用法的用法 1)制定一个计划)制定一个计划 make a plan 2)我们计划参观长城。)我们计划参观长城。We plan to visit the Great Wall.plan 意为意为“计划,打算计划,打算”。既可以作为动词,又可以作为名词,。既可以作为动词,又可以作为名词,常用的句型为:常用的句型为:plan to do sth.计划做某事。计划做某事。2.hope 的用法的用法 1)我希望你能很快好起来。)我希望你能很快好起来。I hope you can get well soon.2)我希望能很快见到你。)我希望能很快见到你。I hope to see you soon.hope 意为意为“希望希望”,经常用到的句型为:,经常用到的句型为:hope to do sth.希望做某事;希望做某事;hope 后面还可以跟宾语从句,后面还可以跟宾语从句,但不能接双宾语但不能接双宾语。为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能问题探究问题探究问题探究问题探究3.expect 的用法的用法 1)我期待着明天去北京。)我期待着明天去北京。I expect to go to Beijing tomorrow.2)我期待你能和我一起去北京。)我期待你能和我一起去北京。I expect you to go to Beijing with me.3)我期待你能通过考试。)我期待你能通过考试。I expect that you can pass the test.expect 意为意为“期待,盼望,预期期待,盼望,预期”。其句型为:其句型为:expect to do sth.期待做某事;期待做某事;expect sb.to do sth.期待某人做某事;期待某人做某事;此外此外 expect 后面还可以跟宾语从句。后面还可以跟宾语从句。为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能问题探究问题探究问题探究问题探究4.happen 的用法的用法 1)这个故事发生在)这个故事发生在2003年。年。This story happened in 2003.2)你怎么了?)你怎么了?What haasppened to you?3)昨天我在街上碰巧遇到了我的一个朋友。)昨天我在街上碰巧遇到了我的一个朋友。I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday.表示表示“某地(某时)发生了什么事某地(某时)发生了什么事”,常用,常用“happen in/at +某地某地”这一结构来表达,这时主语应该是事情。这一结构来表达,这时主语应该是事情。表示表示“某人出了某事(常指不好的事)某人出了某事(常指不好的事)”,要用,要用“sth.+happen+to sb.”这一结构来表达。这一结构来表达。表示表示“某人碰巧做某事某人碰巧做某事”,要用,要用“sb.+happen+to do sth.”这一结构来表达。这一结构来表达。为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能Read and complete.Do you want _(watch)the news?Yes,I _./No,I _._(你认为访谈节目怎么样?)_(我不能忍受他们。)/_(我不介意他们。)What do you plan _(watch)tonight?I _ Days of Our past.What do you expect _(learn)from sitcoms?We can learn some great jokes._(你为什么喜欢看新闻?)_(因为我想弄清世界发生了什么。)to watchdodontWhat do you think of talk show?I cant stand them.I dont mind them.to watchplan to watchto learnWhy do you like watching the news?Because I hope to find out whats going on aroud the world.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能PrecticePrecticewatch soap operaswatch talk showslike to watch a game showwatch a game show为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能3b.Answer the questions.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能Do a surveyDo a surveyDo you want to watch a movie?Yes,I do.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能连词成句连词成句连词成句连词成句1)dont,I,mind,shows,really,talk(.)_2)your,of,sitcoms,what,sister,does,think(?)_3)what,expect,you,learn,news,do,from,to(?)_4)hope,world,I,the,to,around,find,on,out,going,whats(.)_I really dont mind talk shows.What does your sister think of sitcoms?What do you expect to learn from news?I hope to find out whats giong on around the world.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section B(1a-1d)为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能1a.What do you think of these TVshows and movies?Choose words from the box and write them under the pictures.Each picture can have more than one word.educational serious wonderful relaxting meaningless enjoyable exciting boring为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能1b.Listen and circle the description words you hear in the box in 1a.educational serious wonderful relaxting meaningless enjoyable exciting boring1c.Listen again.Write down the words John and Mary use to describe the Tv shows or movies.meaningless meaninglessexcitingrelaxingrelaxingboringboringenjoyablewonderful为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能1d.Tell your partner what John and Mary like to watch and Why.Then tell your partner what youlike to watch and why.John wants to watch talk showsbecause theyre enjoyable.I like to watch action movies because theyre exciting.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能1)The movie is _(education).2)Do you _ the _ movie(enjoy)?3)The movie is _(meaning),I dont like it.4)The boy often _ at the park.Its a _ place to go.(relax)5)We are all _ about the _ movie.(excite)educationalenjoyenjoyablemeaninglessrelaxesrelaxingexcitedexcitingComplete the sentences.Complete the sentences.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section B(2a-2e)为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能2a.Discuss the following questions with a partner.1.Do you like to watch cartoons?2.Whats your favorite cartoon?3.Why do you like it?为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能2b.Read the passage and complete the time line on the next page.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能2b.Read the passage and complete the time line on the next page.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能2b.Read the passage and complete the time line on the next page.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能2b.Read the passage and complete the time line on the next page.Steamboat Willie came out in New YorkNovember 18,19281930sNovember 18,1978Walt Disney made 87 cartoons with MickeyMickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能2c.Read the passage again and fill in the facts about Mickey.Mickey MouseWhat does he look like?Who created him?What was his first cartoon?Who is his girlfriend?Why is he popular?He is a black mouse with two large round ears.Steamboat WillieWalt DisneyBecause Mickey was like a common man,but he always tried to face any danger.Minnie为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能2d.Read the passage again and discuss the questions with a partner.1.What is Mickey Mouse a symbol of?What cartoon character is a symbol of Chinese culture?2.Do you think Walt Disney is a smart man?Why or why not?Do you want to be like him?3.Why did people want to be like Mickey?Do you want to be like Mickey?Why or why not?4.Can you think of another Cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey?Why is the character popular?Culture.Monkey King.Yes.He is very smart because he was always ready to try his best to face any danger.I want to be like him.I want to try my best to face any danger.Because Mickey was like a common man,but he always tried to face any danger.And he won at last.Snow White.She is beautiful and kind.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能2e.Write your own sentences or questions using the phrases.think of _come out _one of main reasons_such as _was ready to_try his best_When I heard the song,I thought of my beat friend.Han Hans new book will come out next month.One of the main reasons why I like Snow White best is that she is the most brautiful girl I know.He was ready to face any danger.Areal friend is a man who will try his best to help you when you need.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能小结训练小结训练小结训练小结训练()1.Two years ago,she _ famous and successful.A.become B.became C.becomes D.becoming()2.Though he ran slowly and fell behind others,he still tried his best _ up with them.A.to catch B.catching C.catches D.catch()3.He is a kind man,and he is always ready _ others.A.help B.helps C.helping D.to help()4.Do you know the girl _ two big eyes over there?A.with B.has C.for D.about()5.The Yellow River is one of _ in China.A.long rivers B.the longest river C.longest rivers D.the longest rivers()6.I always think _ my grandparents when I hear the song.A.of B.over C.up D.withDDAAAB为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section B(3a-self check)为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能3a.Fill in the blanks in the movie review.Use the words in the box to help you.fantastic shows action want comes from played about like exciting planaboutplayedlikeshowswantplancomes fromexciting actionfantastic为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能3b.Write notes for your own movie review.The name of the movie:_The kind of movie:_What the movie is about:_What you think of the movie/stars:_Lost on JourneyComedy Its about a boss,Li Chenggong and a young worker out of home,Niu Geng.I like the movie very nuch.The actor plays Niu Gengs role very well.The other actors also play very wonderfully.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能_3c.Write your movie review using the notes in 3b.Lost on Journey is my favorite movie.Its a comedy movie,there are two important person.They are the boss,Li Chenggong and the young worker out of home,Niu Geng.Li Chenggong wants to go to Wuhan to spend the Spring Festival with his family.But Niu Geng wants to go to Wuhan to ask his boss for his money.They meet on the way.The journey to Wuhan is full of hardships.They come across many unexpected hardships.But they get them over and they get to Wuhan at last.The movie is very funny.It always makes me laugh.The actor plays Niu Gengs role very well.The other actors also play very wonderfully.I like the movie very nuch.The movie shows that Niu Gengs kind and lovely.If you want to watch a movie and plan to watch something funny,choose Lost on Journey.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能4.Ask and answer.What do you think of soap operas?I think they are boring.boringinterestingmeaninglessenjoyableeducationaleducationalmeaninglessboringinterestingenjoyableexciting relaxingexciting relaxing为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能1.Write queations and answers using the words in the brackets.What do you think of soap operas?I cant stand them.What show do you want to watch tonight?I want to watch talent show.What do you expect to learn from the game show?Some interesting information.What do you hope to watch tomorrow?I hope to watch news.Do you plan to watch an action movie?No.I plan to watch a comedy.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻全国教育大会精神,充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能Which of these statements do you agree with()or disagree with()?Give at least one reason.We can learn knowledges from them.Though they are the symbol of Chinese culture,I think theyre too boring.They can make people laugh.I think they are meaningless.They are enjoyable and relaxing.


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