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    Unit 1 Topic 3 Section A.ppt

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    Unit 1 Topic 3 Section A.ppt

    Section A平顶山市育才中学平顶山市育才中学平顶山市育才中学平顶山市育才中学 PingdingshanPingdingshanPingdingshanPingdingshan YucaiJuniorYucaiJuniorYucaiJuniorYucaiJunior High School High School High School High SchoolA:GrammarLearning aimsU 1 T 3Section Aexciting,relayrace,takepartin,be in,prepare forhave fun,theschoolsportsmeet,thelongjump,thehighjump1.Theschoolsportsmeetiscoming.2.Whichsportwillyoutakepartin?3.Illbeinthelongjumpandthehighjump.4.Ibelieveyouwillwin.5.Itsonesfirsttimetodosth.will+动词原形表示动词原形表示将来的事实或对未来将来的事实或对未来的预测的预测C:Words and phrasesB:SentencesOurschoolsportsmeetiscoming.Willyoutakepartinit?will:将要。:将要。用于一般将用于一般将来时。来时。Whichsportwillyoutakepartin?1aListen to 1a and answer the questions.录音录音1a-P171.Which sport will Li Ming take part in?2.Which sport will Yu Ting take part in?He will take part in the He will take part in the boys 800-meter race.boys 800-meter race.She will take part in the long She will take part in the long jump and the high jump.jump and the high jump.1bWatch the flash,read 1a and fill in the blanks.视频视频1a-P17 The school sports meet is coming.Both Yu Ting and Li Ming will _ _ _ it.Li Ming will be in the boys _ _ and Yu Ting is good at jumping and she will be in the _ _ and the high jump.Yu Tings friend,Steve,will go to _ her _.Both Yu Ting and Li Ming think the sports meet will be _.takepartin800-metreracelongjumpcheeronexcitingRead&find your questions(Yu Ting and Li Ming are talking about Yu Ting and Li Ming are talking about Yu Ting and Li Ming are talking about Yu Ting and Li Ming are talking about the school sports the school sports the school sports the school sports meetmeetmeetmeet on the playground.on the playground.on the playground.on the playground.)Yu Ting:Hi,Li MingYu Ting:Hi,Li MingYu Ting:Hi,Li MingYu Ting:Hi,Li Ming!The school sports meet is coming.The school sports meet is coming.The school sports meet is coming.The school sports meet is coming.Will you Will you Will you Will you take part in take part in take part in take part in it?it?it?it?Li Ming:Li Ming:Li Ming:Li Ming:Of courseOf courseOf courseOf course I will.I will.I will.I will.Yu Ting:Which sport will you take part in?Yu Ting:Which sport will you take part in?Yu Ting:Which sport will you take part in?Yu Ting:Which sport will you take part in?Li Ming:The boysLi Ming:The boysLi Ming:The boysLi Ming:The boys 800-meter race.And you?800-meter race.And you?800-meter race.And you?800-meter race.And you?Yu Ting:IYu Ting:IYu Ting:IYu Ting:I m good at jumping.Im good at jumping.Im good at jumping.Im good at jumping.I ll be in the long jump ll be in the long jump ll be in the long jump ll be in the long jump and the high jump.and the high jump.and the high jump.and the high jump.Li Ming:I believe you will win.Li Ming:I believe you will win.Li Ming:I believe you will win.Li Ming:I believe you will win.Yu Ting:I hope so.Steve,my best friend,will come to Yu Ting:I hope so.Steve,my best friend,will come to Yu Ting:I hope so.Steve,my best friend,will come to Yu Ting:I hope so.Steve,my best friend,will come to cheer me on.cheer me on.cheer me on.cheer me on.Li Ming:ThatLi Ming:ThatLi Ming:ThatLi Ming:That s great!Is great!Is great!Is great!I m sure the sports meet will be m sure the sports meet will be m sure the sports meet will be m sure the sports meet will be exciting.exciting.exciting.exciting.1.1.找出含有找出含有will will 的句子,探讨其规的句子,探讨其规律律1.Ill be in the long jump.2.I believe you will win.3.Will you take part in the school sports meet?4.The sports meet will be exciting.5.Which sport will you take part in?由由“will+动词原形动词原形”构成的一般将来时,表示构成的一般将来时,表示未来的事实或对将来的预测。未来的事实或对将来的预测。EgEg:我们明天会去野炊。我们明天会去野炊。一般疑问句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:肯定回答:否定回答:否定回答:Wewillgoforapicnictomorrow.Willyougoforapicnictomorrow?Yes,wewill.No,wewont.2.I will take part in the boys 800-metre race.e.g:我们明天会参加你的生日晚会。我们明天会参加你的生日晚会。Wewilltakepartin/bein/joininyourbirthdaypartytomorrow.3.The school sports meet is coming.表位置移动的动词表位置移动的动词 go,come,leave等可以用现在进等可以用现在进行时表将要发生的事情。行时表将要发生的事情。Mom,Im coming.be in=take part in=join in+活动活动参加某种活动参加某种活动Imsurethesportsmeetwillbeexciting.exciting&excitedexciting&excitedexciting adj.exciting adj.令人激动的令人激动的 形容事物本身形容事物本身 excited adj.excited adj.激动的激动的 形容人的感受形容人的感受e.g.Thebasketballgameisveryexciting.Weareveryexcitedbecauseourclasswinsthegame.the high jumpthe long jumprelay racecheer on2aRead the school interviews and match them with the pictures.()()()()A C B D A.Itsmyfirsttimetotakepartinthehighjump.IthinkIllhavelotsoffun.B.Impreparingforthelongjump.Illdomybest.Iwontlose.C.Ienjoyrunning.Iwanttobeintherelayrace.MaybeIllmakemanyfriendsduringthesportsmeet.D.Iboughtapairofrunningshoeslastweek.Illruntheteachersrelayrace.A.Itsmyfirsttimetotakepartinthehighjump.IthinkIllhavelotsoffun.B.Itsonesfirsttimetodosth.某人第一次某人第一次做某事做某事C.e.g.Itsherfirsttimetovisitthemuseum.D.havefun玩得愉快玩得愉快E.B.Impreparingforthelongjump.Illdomybest.Iwontlose.F.preparefor为为做准备做准备G.G.C.C.Ienjoyrunning.Iwanttobeintherelayrace.MaybeIllmakemanyfriendsduringthesportsmeet.H.enjoydoingsth.喜欢做某事喜欢做某事I.makefriends交朋友交朋友2b.Work in pairs and make up conversations based on the information in 2a.The following expressions may help you.1.Ihearyouwilltakepartin2.Willyoutakepartin?3.Whatwillyoudointhesportsmeet?4./Whichsportwillyoutakepartin?5.4.Illbeinthelongjump.6./Iwanttobeinthelongjump.7.5.Illcometocheeryouon.A:Willyoutakepartintheschoolsportsmeet?B:Yes,Iwill.A:Whichsportwillyoutakepartin?B:IwilltakepartinHowaboutyou?A:IwillbeinB:Why?A:BecauseB:Keeptrying.Ibelieveyoullwin.3 AListentotheconversationandchoosethecorrectanswers.录音录音3-A-P18()1.Li Ming will take part in _.A the boys relay race B the boys 800-metre race C the long jump()2._ doesnt like jumping.A Li Ming B Yu Ting C Kangkang()3.Which of the following is true?A Li Ming is practicing for a long time.B Li Ming will cheer Kangkang on.C Kangkang is Li Mings fan.3 BListenagainandcompletethepassage.录音录音3-B-P18 Kangkang and Li Ming are talking about the coming school _ _.Both of them will _ _ _ the sports meet.Kangkang doesnt like _,but he is good at running.So he will be in the boys _ _.Li Ming does well in _ and he will take part in the boys _ race.Li Ming is Kangkangs _ and he will go to cheer him on.Kangkang will _ his _ to win.sportsmeettakepartinjumpingrelayracerunning800-meterfantrybestdowellin=begoodat擅长于擅长于e.g.Sheisgoodat/doeswellindrawingpictures.do/tryonesbesttodosth.尽最大努力尽最大努力做某事做某事e.g.Hetries/doeshisbesttolearnEnglishwell.()1.I bought a pair of running shoes because I want to _ the teachers relay race.A.join B.have part in C.take part D.join in ()2.Hi,Im Xiao Li,Im very glad to _ friends _ you.Me too.Im Xiao Wang.A.get;likeB.make;withC.get;withD.make;to()3.Li Ming will take part in the boys _.A.800-meter raceB.800-meter racesC.800 meter raceD.800-meter-races()4.All the Chinese were _ when they heard Liu Xiang won the first.It was really _.A.exciting,excitedB.excited,excitingC.exciting,excitingD.excited,excited()5.Itshisfirsttime_Pingdingshan.A.comeB.comingC.tocome D.cameDBABC1.Learn1.Learnsomesomenewnewwordswordsandandphraphrases:ses:exciting relay race the school sports meet take part in=join in=be in the long jump the high jump make friends have fun prepare for cheer on do well in=be good at do/try ones best to do sth.2.2.LearnLearnthethefuturefuturetensetensewithwithwilwill.l.3.Talk3.Talkaboutaboutschoolschoolsportssportsmeet.meet.Suppose there will be a school sports meet in our school.Interview one of your classmates about what he/she will do.Then write it down in your exercise book.


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