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    九年级英语全册 Unit 11单元综合测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版 试题.doc

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    九年级英语全册 Unit 11单元综合测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版 试题.doc

    Unit 11单元综合测试题一、补全对话。 ALiu Wei is studying English at a college in London this term. He is new there. And today is Sunday, he wants to go to Haide Park. But he doesnt know how to get there.Liu Wei: Excuse me. Can you 1. _ me the way to Haide Park?Visitor: 2._, Im new here. I think youd better ask the policeman. He must know the way very 3._.Liu Wei: Excuse me, can you tell me4. _ Haide Park is?Policeman: Sure. Go 5. _ this street and take the third 6. _ on the right, and then turn left on the fourth crossing, youll see a high building, its Blue Sky Hotel, Haide Park is 7. _ to it.Liu Wei: Is it far 8._ here?Policeman: Yes, its about 4 kilometers 9. _. Youd better take a number 1 bus. It can 10._ you there.BP-Policeman V-VisitorP: Can I help you? Are you looking for something?V: No, I havent lost anything. Im not sure of the way.P: 1._.V: Im going to Zhongshan Park. Am I going to the right way?P: 2._.This way takes you to the railway station. 3. _.V:I hope Im not making you late.P: Oh, no. Im not busy. 4. _?V: No. Its the first time. I havent been here before.P: Now go down this road for about twenty minutes and 5._.V: Thank you. P: Youre welcome.二、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.Could you go to the d_ to buy some drugs for me?2.The street is c_ with people during the holiday.3.Open the window and let the f_ air in.4.What kind of s_ do you use to wash your hair?5.The magician(魔术师) used m_ to produce a rabbit from his hat.6.Mr Li makes the best dumplings in town. They are d_.7.Its not s_ for children to swim in the river.8.Mary lives next to a mall. Its very c_ for her to buy things.9.The headmaster and the school s_ have devoted a lot of energy to the students.10.Im going to buy some vegetables. Do you want to go to the m_ with me?11.-Could you please l_ me your bike?-Sure, here is the car.12.Dont p_ the car on his street.13.We _(惊奇) that the little boy is a university student.14.Could I t_ you to open the window?15.We learnt about the _ (构造) of the brain today.16.These vegetables are very f_ . I pick them this morning.17.He was very ill, but the doctor says he is s_ now.18.Well have a surprise party and Ill dress up as a c_.19.Walk about one b_ and youll find the hotel.20.Be careful. Take the e_ to the second floor.21.I dont want to e_ an egg for an apple.三、汉译英。1.对于他们来说学好英语很重要。2.我和朋友花了一整天时间在商店闲逛。3.孩子们在晚会上玩得多么快乐。4.在附近有一个吃饭的好地方。5.在商场总有一些事发生。6.打扰了,请问附近有银行吗?7.他想要去动物园,因为他喜爱看动物。8.我想知道他是否能帮助我。9.我告诉你不要把钱借给他。10.乘电梯到第三层楼然后左拐。11.那个女孩既美丽又聪明。12.实际上,美语和英语有许多不同点。13.你能借给我你的自行车用一下吗?14.对不起,打扰了。15.另一方面,你不应该迟到。 ask the policeman. _ me the way to


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