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    外研版七上M3U2 (2).ppt

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    外研版七上M3U2 (2).ppt

    外研版七上M3U2Read the words and expressions loudly.1./tri:/3./h:l/4./get/5./labrri/8./sans/9./lb/tree树木树木gate大门大门hall大厅大厅office办公室办公室library图书馆图书馆science科学;科学课科学;科学课lab实验室实验室 2./bld/building建筑物建筑物 6./fs/10./bhad/behind在在-后面后面 7./plegrand/playground操场操场Words and expressions看音标写单词看音标写单词11./btwi:n/13./n/14./w/15./f:/between在在-之间之间with与与-在一起在一起near靠近;接近靠近;接近room房间;室;屋子房间;室;屋子for为;为了为;为了12./mdl/middle中间,中央中间,中央16./ru:m/Words and expressionsDining hall Building Sports hall1342gate 1.Label the pictures with the words and expressions from the box.building dining hall gate library office playground science lab sports hallScience labLibrary Office Playground 56788playground Read and remember!dining hallgatebuildingsports hallscience lab libraryofficeplayground饭厅,饭堂大门建筑物体育馆科学实验室图书馆办公室操场12345Li MinGao YanZhao FengDamingLingling2.Read Bettys words.and write her classmates names on their desks.Where is the classroom building?in front of 在之前behind 在之后betweenand 在和之间on the left of 在的左边on the right of 在的右边near 靠近,接近It is in front of science building.It is behind the office building.It is between the playground and the library.It is on the left of the library.It is on the right of the playground.It is near the office building.Millie sits _ me.Amy sits _ Millie _Simon.Kitty sits _ Sandy.Sandy sits _ Kitty _ me.Kitty sits _ Simon.in front ofbetweenandnext to/besidebetweenandbehindSimon sits _ Kitty.Amy sits _ Millie _ Simon.The chalk is _ the teachers desk.Amy sits _ Sandy.in front ofin front ofbetweenandon4 Dining hall5 Sports hall3.Read the passage again and label the map of the school.6 Science building3 Classroom building2 School office1 LibraryLibrary Office buildingDining hallSports hallScience buildingPlaygroundGate4.Read the passage and answer the questions.1.How many buildings are there in the school?2.Whats on the right of the library?3Whats in the library?There are six buildingsIts the playground.There are many books,maps and computers.4.How many classrooms are there in the classroom building?There are 24 classroomsLook at these sentences.The library is in front of the office building.Its in front of the office building.Is the science building behind the library?No,it isnt.Are the science labs and computer rooms in the same building?Yes,they are.1.Wheres the playground?_ in the middle of the school.2.Where are the science labs?_ in the science building.3.Is the library behind the sports hall?No,_.Now answer the questions.Use short forms.Its Theyre it isnt5.Wheres the playground?Its behind the sports hall.Now write answers to the questions.Answer the questions about your school in Activity 5.6.The playground is behind the sports hall.1.Between this building and the dining hall is the classroom building with twenty-four classrooms.在在这幢楼这幢楼和和餐厅餐厅之间之间是教学楼,里面有是教学楼,里面有24 间教室。间教室。between是一个介词是一个介词,常和常和and连用。表示连用。表示“在在之间之间”。I sit between Tony and Jim.我坐在托尼和吉姆之间。我坐在托尼和吉姆之间。Language pointsWhat is the difference between this one and that one?这个和那个之间的区别是什么?这个和那个之间的区别是什么?本句中的本句中的with是一个介词是一个介词,表示表示“带有带有”。My friend has a house with a big garden.我朋友有一个带大花园的房子。我朋友有一个带大花园的房子。I need a storybook with a lot of pictures.我需要一本有很多图片的故事书。我需要一本有很多图片的故事书。is the classroom building with twenty-four classrooms.2.In front of the dining hall is the sports hall 在餐厅前面是体育馆在餐厅前面是体育馆 in front of 和和 in the front of 都有都有“在在 前面前面”的意思的意思,它们的区别是它们的区别是:in front of 强调在范围之外,强调在范围之外,in the front of 强调在范围之内强调在范围之内。There is a bike in front of the classroom.在教室的前面有一辆自行车。在教室的前面有一辆自行车。(教室外)教室外)There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.在教室的前面有一块黑板。(教室内)在教室的前面有一块黑板。(教室内)Quiz一、根据所给词组完成句子。一、根据所给词组完成句子。between behind next to on the left of in front of1.Our school gate is _(在在之间之间)the office building and the sports hall.2.The dinning hall is _(在在后面后面)the science building.between behind3.The library is _(在在左边左边)the playground.4.The classroom building is _(紧挨着紧挨着)the playground.5.The office building is _(在前面在前面)the classroom building.between behind next to on the left of in front ofon the left of next to in front of二、根据汉语完成句子。二、根据汉语完成句子。1.教室在办公室的后面。教室在办公室的后面。The classrooms are _ _ _.2.图书馆挨着科技实验室吗?图书馆挨着科技实验室吗?Is the library _ _ the _ _?3.我家房子前面有一棵大树。我家房子前面有一棵大树。There is a big tree _ _ _ my house.behind the officesnext toscience labin front of4.教室的前面有黑板吗?教室的前面有黑板吗?Is there a blackboard _ _ _ _ the classroom?5.办公室在哪里?办公室在哪里?_ _ the offices?in the front of Where are1.We play basketball in the _(体育体育馆馆)?2.The science _(实验室实验室)is next to the classrooms.3.There are _(一些一些)flowers in the garden.4.Is there a lab?Yes,there is.Its a big _(建筑物建筑物).5.Are there _(一些一些)students in the classroom?三、根据汉语提示完成单词。三、根据汉语提示完成单词。sports halllabsomebuildingany四、短语四、短语1.餐厅餐厅3.在我们学校在我们学校4.一座办公楼一座办公楼5.一座教学楼一座教学楼 8.一个大操场一个大操场dining hallan office buildingin our schoolscience labsa classroom buildinga big playground2.我们学校的地图我们学校的地图a map of our school6.科学实验室科学实验室7.在学校中央在学校中央in the middle of the school9.在操场的左边在操场的左边on the left of the playground10.在学校门口附近在学校门口附近near the school gate1.许多书许多书3.在在A和和B之间之间4.24个教室个教室5.在教学楼的右边在教学楼的右边8.微机室微机室many bookstwenty-four classroomsbetween A and Bscience labson the right of the classroom buildingcomputer rooms2.在图书馆后面在图书馆后面behind the library6.科学实验室科学实验室7.在餐厅的前面在餐厅的前面in front of the dining hall9.在实验楼里在实验楼里in the science buildings10.为了科学为了科学for science五、单选单选:1.Where my book?A.is B.are C.can D.do2.Where are the pens?are on the desk.A.It B.I C.Them D.They3.Where is the baseball?in the backpack.A.it B.Its C.Its D.Its4.The football is the door.So you cant see it.A.next to B.behind C.in front of D.in5.There is a dictionary Li Leis desk and his books are his bag.A.on;on B.in;in C.in;on D.on;inADBBD6.Are the offices next to ClassOne?.They are in front of it.A.No,t hey arent B.yes,they are.C.Yes,it is.D.No,it isnt.六、就划线部分提问1.The classrooms are next to the science lab.(就划线部分提问)_the classrooms?2.The science lab is in the Science Lab Building.(就划线部分提问)the science labs?A Where areWhere is1.我们学校有六座大楼。我们学校有六座大楼。2.图书馆在餐厅的前面。图书馆在餐厅的前面。3.我们的教室在办公室的后面。我们的教室在办公室的后面。4.学校中间是操场。学校中间是操场。There are six buildings in our school.The library is in front of the dining hall.Our classroom is behind the office.In the middle of the school is a playground.5.餐厅紧挨着科学实验室。餐厅紧挨着科学实验室。The dining hall is next to the science lab.1.Try to describe your school.You can use the following expressions:in the middle of,on the left of,on the right/left,in front of,next to.(About 30-50 words)2.Remember the passage in Module 3 Unit 2.教学反思:通过本节的学习,使多数学生掌握了本节所学的知识,但个别学生没有掌握以where引导的特殊疑问句及其答语和方位词的应用 人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。


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