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    Period 1课题Unitl Making friends课型NEW WORDS备课时间1 Period教学目标1.2.3.Students can master how to pronounce the new words andmaster the meanings of the words.Students can use the new words to make new senteces.Train the students ability of coperation教学重点The pronounciation and the usages of the new words教学难点German-Germany complete,yourself,dream engineer教学关键Let all the students can read the words and know the meaning ofthe new words教法与学法指导Use some pictures and games and PPT教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配一节习顾移基性,入题第环复回平的本质引课Step one:Warming up.Freely talk:Do you have afriend?Talk about theirfriends by answeringthe questionslike:Where is hefrom?Where does helive now?How old ishe?l.Show thequestions onPPT and guidethe stduents tocome into thetopic of theunit,makingfriendsl.Toarousetheinterest and leadthem to getinto the wordsof the newwords5二节察、索纳移作第环观操作探归平的法Step two:New words.Read the new words.Step three:Game time.Guess what it is2.Read after the tapeand pay attention tothe pronounciation ofthe new words.3.Play the game:Choose a number in anumber table andanswer the relatedquestions like:Tell2.Play theMP3 of the newwords for themand lead them toread in a properway.3 Prepare anumber game,and show it onppt and give2.Let thestudents reas thewords correctly.3.1b make themget familiar withthepronounciationaand the spelling20Step four:Key words learning.Step five:have a competitionthe Chinese meaningof the words,or Spellout the words,ormake a sentence withthe words4.Work in groups tolearn the usage of thekey words.German,friendly,hobby,sound,elder,yorself,etc.5.let five students as agroup and come to theblackboard to writedown the words whichare speak out by theother one studentdifferentsgroups marksaccording to thequestions theyanswer.4.Show the PPTof the meaningof the key wordsand let ss makemore sentenceswith the newwords5.check thewords and givethem marks forthe groupsof the newwords.4.Train thestudents7 abilityto cooperate.Letthe students indifferent levescan take part inthe activity.5.Pro vie thechances tosudents to showthemselves andpractice thespeaking ability.三节堂习第环课练Step six:exercise1.use the correct forms ofthe words to fill in theblanks like:He is a boy from_(German)2.choose the rightpronucication of thewords6.Finish the exercisegiven on the sheet.6.Collect themistakes in thestudents5exercise.6.To check theStudentslearning situation.10四节时结第环课小step SevenHow many words do youmaster?Write them down in yoursheet7.Remember thewords you learn andspell them out7.Give them apiece of paper towrite the words.7.To develop thestudents Abilityof self-checking.5五节后业第环课作1.Dictation2.use the new words tomake sentences onyour own or checkthem in a dictionaryRead after the tapeand then use thephonetic symbols toremember the words3.make sentences1.Dictation2.correct themistakesStrengthen theremembering ofthe words andsee if they canuse the wordscorrectly课堂教学流程Read the new words-Games and remember the new words learn the usages of the newwords-Exercisecheck how they master the new words效果评价与反思Period 2课题Unit 1 Making friends课 型Reading备 课 时 lid1 period教材分析教学目标4.The students can get the main idea of the passage.5.Their ability of reading and cooperation is trained.教学重点The comprehension of the passage教学难点Some difficult words and expressions教学关键Students can use their own words to describe the seasons教法与学法指导Reading competition,cooperation,self-study.教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时 间 分配一节习顾移基性,入题第环复回平的本质引课Step one:Free talk:Have you got a blog?what willyou put on your blog?1 .Look at the picturesin P3,and talk aboutyour own blog.1.Show thequestions:whatwill you showon your blog?Your personalinformation,your family,your friends,your school?your hobbies?1.1b arousethe interest andlead them toget into the topicabout seasons5二节察、索纳移作第环观操作探归平的法Step two:l.Fill the blank inPart Al,2.Reorder the pictures in PartA23.Remember the questions inPart B,Before listen to thetape.2.fill in the blank andanswer thequestion:what areyour hobbies?Talk with your friendsabout your hobbies,can choose the phrasesgiven on the ppt2.Show thequestion:Whatare yourhobbies?Andshow somephrases like:My hobbies arelistening tomusic,playingchess,goingswimming,show at least ten,2.Let thestudents get thegeneral idea ofthe text.25Step three:while-reading.Reading comprehension.3.Read after theMP3 and imitate theintonation of the MP34.answer thequestions according tothe text and find somedetailed informationabout Anna5.using the pictures3.play the Mp3of the text andlet studentsfollow thereading4.show thequestions on asheet like:a.Where is Annafrom?b.whatdoes she looklike?c.Howmany people arethere in herfamily?d.Howdoes she go toschool everyday?3.1b make themget familiar withthe details of thetext and traintheir ability ofreading4.Train thestudents9 abilityto get somedetailedinformationwhile reading apassage andmake studentsread the textcorrectly.5.Pro vie theStep four:Discussionand the key words totalk about Anna5.show thetext and the keywords for themto do itchances tostudents to showthemselves andpracticespeaking三节堂习第环课练Step five:exercise6.Finish the exercisein Part C and D6.Help them tofind the detailsin the text.6.To train thestudents9reading ability.5四节时结第环课小step Six:Sum up7 Sum up what youwant to know about anew friend.7.Show a PPTto sum up:country,age,hobby,family,school,dreametc7.Prepare fbrthe writing5五节后业第环课作Homework1.Read the textfluently2 write a passage tointroduce your friendHand out asheet whichcontain therequest ofwriting thepassageStrengthen thecomprehensionof the text.课堂教学流程Free talk-Preparation-Reading competition-DiscussionHomework.效果评价与反思Period 3课题Unit 1 Making friends课型Reading(II)备课时间1 period教材分析教学目标1.The students can use the expressions and the useful sentencestructures freely.2.To master some usages of some useful expressions and develop anability of how to get a further understanding of the text.教学重点The mastering of the useful sentence structure and useful phrases.What are your hobbies?My hobby is playing football,be from etc.教学难点Learn the structure“My dream is to be an engineer教学关键Try to drill the structure“My hobby is doing,my dream is todo“one by one教法与学法指导Competition,Self-study,Partner work教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配一节习顾移基性,入题第环复回平的本质引课Step I:Warming up1 .Free talk2.Recite the text1 Talk about theirparents lobbies2.Recite the text toyour group leaderl.Askquestions,Whatare your parents5hobbies?1 .Reviewthe text as wellas train thestudents9 abilityof speaking5二节察、索纳移作第环观操作探归平的法Step II:Detailed reading.Filling the blanks.2.Fill the blanks aboutthe text and find outthe useful expressionsand structures in thetext like Germany,close to,elder,byschool bus,friendlyetc.Then check theanswer according tothe text.2.desing theblank fillingexerciseaccording to thetext,and missthe importantphrases anddifficult point inthe blank fillingexercise2.Let them topay attention tothe details andcultivate theirability ofthinking.StepIILlmportant phrasesand Sentence structureslearning.3.Take notes about theusages of theimportant phrases andplay a game like this:Pass the sentences tothe other people inyour group,the lastone will speak outloudly and the firstone will check if it isright or not4.Group work to showthe structure andinvite one to makesimilar sentences.3.Show somepictures by PPT,and explain theusage of theimportantphrases and themain languagepoints,the basicstructures of thetext.Thenprepare severalpaper whichcontain thesentence madewith theimportantphrases4.Choose theactive groups tocompete.3.To develop thestudents9 abilityof cooperationand to makeevery surestudent take partin the work.4.To cultivatetheir spirit ofcompetition andstrengthen theirlearning fruit.第二 J-环节课堂练习StepVI:More practice5.Use the right formsof the expressions tofinish the sentences.6.Translate theChinese sentences intoEnglish by using theimportant phrases inthe text,like be from,close to,be friendlyto,be good at ect.5.Give them anexample to dothe exercise.6.work in groupto check theanswers.5.To provide thechances foreveryone tocheck theirlearning effects.四节时结第环课小Step VI:sum up7.write down andremember theimportant points ofthis class.6.Show a PPTand sum up themain points ofthe text and leadstudents to readit6.to cultivatethe ability oftaking notes.五节后业第环课作Step V:Homework1.remember theimportant points andprepare for thedictation2.Make sentenceswith the importantpoints and structureslearned in this class课堂教学流程Free talk Reciting Get the important points and play games U sefii 1-structure*Exercise效果评价与反思Period 4课题Unitl Making friends课型Listening andSpeaking备课时间1 period教材分析教学目标l.Let students master how to collect a persons personal information2.can talk freely with his friends about how to introduce a friend教学难点To catch the missing words when listening教学关键Learn to take note quickly when listening教法与学法指导Group work.Self-study教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配二节察、索纳移作第环观操作探归平的法Step I:Prepare for thelistening and speakingStep II:Do the listeningStepIII.Speaking1.know the meaningof the following wordsor phrases:country,age,hobby,dream2.listen and reorderthe pictures and listenfor the second time tofill in the blank3.Talk about e-friendsby making a dialoguelike this:What is youre-firiends name?Where is she or hefrom?How old is she or he?What does she or helook like?What is his or her1 .show a ppt andlet students toknow the whquestions,2.play thelisteningmaterials,stopwhen necessaryAnd then checkthe answers3.give a sampledialogue tostudents and askthem to imitateitTo move theobstacles of thelistening andspeakingTo train thestudents9 abilityof catching theinformation ofthe listeningmaterials3.To develop thestudents abilityof listening andspeaking.dream?ect4.Discuss with yourclassmates about yourfamily4.Talk aboutyour family byasking thequestions like:Where do youlive?Howmany people arethere in yourfamily?4.To provide achance fbr thepartner tocooperate andcreate.第二7 J-环节课堂练习Step V:Make notes aboutthe listening.5.Write down the keywords you get in thelistening part.5.Tell them tofind the keywords.5.To help thestudents developsome ways oflistening.四节时结第环课小StepVI Sum up6.Know how to takenotes when doing thelistening and knowhow to introduceyourself and yourfamily6.Use ppt tohelp them sumup6.Help them tocultivate theability ofsummarizing.五节后业第环课作Make a dialogue in writtenway to introduce yourself课堂教学流程Prepare for listening Listening Speakingsummary效果评价与反思Period 5课题Unitl Making friends课型Grammar备课时间1 period教材分析教学目标l.Know how to use Wh questions2.Master the usage of a and an3.to raise the students5 ability to sum up some language rules教学重点what,why,when,how,which,who,whose,a an教学难点whose,an,how教学关键Can ask questions by using the wh words.教法与学法指导Cooperating,Self-study教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配一节习顾移基性,入题第环复回平的本质引课Step I:Free talkl.Ask your partnerany questions youlike?to see who hasgot the most questionsl.Show a PPTand sum up thestudents9questions andpay attention tothe wh questions1.Let studentsto have a basicidea about howto ask aquestions withthe questionwords likewhat,which,who,etc.5富环察、索纳移作第二节观操作探归平的Step II:Learn how to ask aquestion by using the whquestion words2.Read Part A andmake a dialogue withyour partner by askingthe questions just likePart A2.Explain whenwill use“is andwhen will use“are”2.To let studentstake part in theclass activelyand have abetterunderstanding ofhow to askquestions andanswer aquestion15法StepIII:Discussion3.Sum up the rules inPart Band finish the exercisein P83.Show therules which issummed up3.to havegeneral ideaabout thequestionsentencesStep IV:Learn indefinitearticles:a,an4.Find out thecountable nouns andthe uncountable nounsand add a or an beforethe countable nouns4.Show a pptwhich lists a lotof nouns andexplain when wecan add a andwhen adding an.4.to know theusage of theindefinitearticles a and“an”第三环节课堂练习Step V:Exercise and makesentences by using thestructure My dream is tobe.5.Finish the exercisein P9 and read thesentence fluently.Then make sentencesby using the structure,My dream is to be a/a n.5.Lead studentsto read thesentences5.To consolidatewhat they havelearned in thisclass10四节时结第环课小StepVI:Sum up6.Read and take noteabout the rules ofhow to ask a questionand the rule about theindefinite articles6.Show a ppt toguide thestudents to givesum up of theclass6.To makestudents have agood habit oftaking notes andhave a generalunderstanding ofthis class5五节后业第环课作Finish the exercise in theEnglish paper.课堂教学流程Free talk explain how the askusage of the indefinite articlesa question by using the whquestions Exercise一explain the exercise sum up效果评价与反思Period 6课题Unitl making friends课型Writing备课时间1 Period教材分析教学目标1.To learn how to introduce a person教学重点How to write an e-mail教学难点Using the right sentence structure教学关键Remember the important phrases教法与学法指导Sellstudy,Cooperation,Group work.教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配一节习顾移基性,入题第环复回平的本质引课Step I:Free talk and preparationfor writing1.Talk about theire-friend,and answerteacher 9s questionsand leam someuseful expressions fbrwritingl.Ask studentsquestions likethis:Do you have ane-friend?Howold is she,whatdoes she do,etc2.List out someusefulexpressions todescribe apersonl.To let studentshave a generalidea about howto write thepassage2.to widen theirwords5二节察、索纳移作第环观操作探归平的法Step II:Read the e-mail in Pl 13.Fill in the blanksaccording the picturesgiven,then check theanswer with yourpartner3.Give somekey questionswhich they candiscussionaccording to thepassage like:who is Bobbywriting to?Where is Bobbyfrom?What is Bobbylike?How3.To train theirability toexpress as wellas improve theirspeaking abilityand to get readyfbr the writingand train theirability tocooperate.10many people arein Bobbysfamily?etc.第二环节课堂练习Step III:WritingStep IV:Check the passage4.Write apassage aboutthe seasonwhich you likebest5.Let studentscheck theirpassages withtheir partner4.remind students topay attention to theirhandwriting5.list out themistakes studentsmake4.To train thestudents9 writingability.5.To let them tryto use Englishcorrectly15四节时结第环课小SummerizeHow to organize the writing.Summerize thewriting:When youintroduce yourself,try to talk about:your owninformation,yourfamily,your schoolect,List thebeautifulsentences theywrite in thepassagesLet them getfamiliar withthe writing.5五节后业第环课作1.Recite the passage whichgiven as a sample.课堂教学流程Free talk and preparation 一 Read the email and fill in the blank 一write a passageCheck thewrithing.效果评价与反思Period 1课题Unit2 Daily life课型NEW WORDS备课时间1 period教学目标6.7.8.Students can master how to pronounce the new words andmaster the meanings of the words.Students can use the new words to make new senteces.Train the students ability of coperation教学重点The pronounciation and the usages of the new words such as daily,never,seldom,usually,end,practice,together,etc.教学难点Never,seldom break,practice教学关键Let all the students can read the words and know the meaning ofthe new words教法与学法指导Use some pictures and games and PPT教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配一节习顾移基性,入题第环复回平的本质引课Step one:Warming up.Freely talk:When do you getup?Talk about theirdaily life byanswering thequestions like:Wh


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