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    2021年江苏中考英语真题分类汇编之阅读填空表达一.阅 读 理 解(共1小题)1.(2021 常州)After appearing as a special event at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games.Wushu,widely known as Chinese Kungfu,will make itsfirst appearance as an official(官方的)sport at the 4th Youth Olympic Games in 2022.It*s a long-awaited breakthrough(期待已久的突破)for the International WushuFederation(协会)(IWF),which made applications to the International Olympic Committee(100)in 2001,2008 and 2011,but failed.The first two applications were refused at the verybeginning.The third application made it to the final voting for taking part in the 2020 TokyoOlympic Games but missed out once again.Over the years,both the International Wushu Federation and Chinese Wushu Association(CWA)have done a lot to make improvement with strong support from the State GeneralAdministration of Sport of China(中国体育总局).The Administration not only offerstechnical(技术的)support,often sending experts or teachers to help their Wushu trainingcamps,but also generously provides a great deal of Wushu equipment(设备)for free.Every year,many local Wushu groups are sent abroad to put on Wushu shows,trying toimprove the influence of Wushu in foreign countries.Through their continuous efforts,Wushuhas become widely popular across the world,especially among young Wushu fans.Studiedshow that,today,about 120 million people are attracted to Wushu around the world.China got Wushu accepted as an official Olympics event successfully in January,2020,which helps to make it more international quickly.A total of 48 athletes from across the world will compete in four Wushu events:mens andwomen*s Changquan and mens and womens Taijiquan.News:Wushu Is Included in Youth OlympicsNewslead Wushu will(1)_ at the 4thYouth Olympics,first time as an official sport.Efforts made to spread Wushu and enter it forthe Olympics Games:IWF made applications to IOC three times butNews didnt(2)each time.body In order to improve the situation,IWF andCWA have done a lot with the technical supportand(3)equipment from the StateGeneral Administration of Sport of China.Through continuous efforts like putting onWushu(4)abroad.Wushu hasbeen widely accepted across the world,especiallyamong young Wushu fans.Wushu was accepted as an official Olympicsevent successfully in January,2020.48 athletes from across the world will join inthe(5)in four Wushu events.二.阅 读 表 达(共9小题)2.(2021 无锡)When things around the house stop working,what do you usually do with them?If youre like a lot of people,you probably just throw them away.In some areas,its difficult to find people who can make repairs,and fixing things can bequite expensive.Also,some small objects are so inexpensive that its often easier to just buy anew one.In 2009,Martine Postma from the Netherlands decided there must be a better way.Hersolution was Repair Cafes:places where people can take broken items.There they will findtools,resources and volunteer experts who are ready to help with repairs.Postmas first Repair Cafe opened on Oct.18,2009,in Amsterdam,and was a hugesuccess.News of the cafe spread,and people began asking how they could start their own.In2011,Postma set up the Repair Cafe Foundation.This nonprofit organization provides guidanceto those hoping to begin their own neighbourhood repair group.Today,there are about 2,000 Repair Cafes around the world with meetings usuallytaking place once a month.Around 25 objects are repaired during each meeting.Everything isfree,but donations are greatly welcome.The cafes not only provide help with repairs,they also strengthen communityties.Neighbours get to know one another as they work together on projects.Moreover,valuableknowledge is passed along and preserved.Items are kept rather than thrown away,meaning lessrubbish in landfills.Title:RepairCafesBasicinformationAThe first one was(1)_ by Martine Postma in Amsterdam in2009.About 2,000 of them have been set up all over the world so far.Repairing things at such a cafe(2)_ nothing but donations arewelcome.(4)_ They help improve the(3)_ between neighbours.AThey help pass along and preserve valuable knowledge.ATheyhelp(5)_ the environment.3.(2021 南通)Protecting the Habitats of ChimpanzeesChimpanzees are not only social animals living in communities and work together,butthey are smart in many different ways.For over 40 years,people have been studying chimpsboth in the wild and in captivity.One thing they have learned is that chimpanzees and theirnatural habitats-or where they live in the wild-need to be protected.In 1960,a researcher named Jane Goodall began to live with and study wild chimpanzeesin Africa.She learned that they are highly intelligent animals that communicate with gesturesand physical contacl.They make tools to find food,they possess innate decision-makingskills,and they make choices about which groups to join and what foods to eat.Chimpscooperate to hunt and often share the food they have caught.In captivity,where they live inzoos and science centres,they can be taught American Sign Language so that they cancommunicate with their hands.There have even been experiments which show that a fewchimpanzees have learned to use computers and to play games!Some scientists argue thatchimpanzees can show emotions such as happiness or sadness.Although chimpanzees are impressive and intelligent animals,their safety is in dangerevery day.In the wild they can be found in 21 different African countries,living inforests.Chimpanzees are able to adapt(适 应)to changes in their environment.They can moveto a new place,make new nests,and find new fbods.Yet people are destroying their naturalhabitats.By cutting down trees for firewood and using the space to build houses,humans leavechimpanzees with smaller areas to live in.Chimpanzees are in danger,and all eyes should be on them.Fortunately manyorganizations and researchers have started to take steps to protect them.Everyone should beaware of their work and it is important to help these amazing animals.(1)According to the passage,why should people help chimpanzees?(2)How do chimpanzees communicate in their natural habitats?(3)How do chimpanzees adapt to changes in their environment?(4)What does the writer want to tell us by saying all eyes should be on them?(5)What can you do for chim panzees?(请自拟一句话作答)4.(2021 泰州)The FA CupThe FA Cup is a very special football competition.lt is the oldest football competition inthe world as it has been played since 1871.It is also famous for the number of football teams inEngland that enter.More than 700 football teams take part in the competition every year.That is all of theteams from the four professional(职业的)leagues and hundreds of small non-professionalclubs.These clubs come from small towns and villages from around England.Because there are so many teams,it lasts for a very long time.The early games are onlybetween the small teams.After six matches,the professional teams from the third and fourthleague enter and then,two games later,the biggest clubs from the Premier League.Often very small clubs will play against big teams.There have been many surprise resultsin the past many years.Teams from the fifth league have even won against teams from thePremier League,but a Premier League team does usually win the competition everyyear.However,there is always a chance of seeing a surprise result.As a result,people showgreat interest in the FA Cup.Its amazing that the FA Cup has the power to change a football club,rewrite the past andshape the future.回答下面5 个问题,每题答案不超过7 个词。(1)How long has the FA cup been played?(2)How many football teams take part in the FA Cup every year?(3)Where are the small clubs from?(4)What type of team usually wins?(5)What doesna surprise result mean in the p a s s a g e?(根据作者意图,自拟答案)JLFA CUP5.Paper is one of our oldest,simplest and most important inventions.lt is the pride of us Chinese,but it also presents a danger to the world.First,the making of paper requires the loss of many millions of trees each year.Accordingto The World Counts,between 2001 and 2019,the world lost a total of 386 million hectares offorest.Of the trees that were cut down,42 percent went to paper production.That represents agreat part of the worlds forests.And worldwide use of paper is expected to double in the next40 years.Clearly,the planet cannot keep such a high rate of forest Loss.The second great problem with paper is that when the paper is used,it is useless.A greatdeal of wastepaper ends up in rubbish and even landfills(废物填埋场),where it can produceharmful gases.Paper in landfills causes the release(释 放)of methane,a gas that is animportant factor(因 素)in climate(气 候)change all around the world.One simple way to help out can greatly reduce both of these problems:paperrecycling.Instead of cutting down trees,recycle used paper to meet the need of paper-making.Effective recycling requires an effort from everyone all over the world.The way tobegin is with education and understanding.Once enough people realize the need for recycling,more effective recycling systems can be put into use.The need is real.The loss of tees influences everybody on earth.Every one should do theirpart to recycle paper and encourage government and industry to do the same.The world will bea better place fbr it!Topic:The invention of paper is the(1)of us Chinese,but it also presents adanger.Two great(2)Paper making causes the loss of forests.42 percent of trees cut down were used to(3)paper.In the next 40 years well use(4)as much paper as that of today.Wastepaper causes the release of a kind of harmfulgas.Used paper is no longer(5)andbecomes rubbish,and even goes to landfills.The gas is an important factor that(6)climate change all around the world.One simple way to(7)_ theproblem We should(8)_ cutting down treesand recycle used paper to meet the need of papermaking-T o start recycling we should educate people andmake them(9)_.More effective recycling systems can be carriedout.Suggestions Everyone should take part in recycling paper.Government and industry should be(10)to do the same.6.(2021 南京)Exams are a fact of school life for most people.Almost everyone worries aboutthem and feels stressed,although they have prepared well.A little stress caused by the exams is useful as it can sharpen your mind and motivate(激发)you to do well.But too much stress can stop you working to the best of your abilities,soits important not to let it get out of controLHere are some ideas to help you.The keys to being prepared for exams and avoiding unnecessary exam stress are knowingwhat you need to know,planning and preparing for your revision(复习),and giving yourselfenough time to do it.If you can,find a copy of the syllabus for each subject.This tells you what you need toknow and gives you the topics for revision.Make a week-by-week revision timetable chart to display in your work space.Includethe topics you need to cover for each subject.About 12 weeks before your first exam,record the dates and times for each of your examsin your planner or diary and make a copy to put on your wall at home.During your exam period you want your brain to work at is very best,so build inrelaxation time before bed,avoid late night revision sessions and try to go to bed early so youget enough sleep.If panic(惊 慌)starts to creep in,try to replace your negative thoughts withmore positive(积 极 的)ones,such as.Its going to be OK.If you have difficulty answering aquestion,leave it and move on to the next one-dont spend time tying yourself in mental(思想 上 的)knots over each question.You are not alone while dealing with the stress.Call psychological(理的)hotline toshare your wonies and get help from others going through the same experience.Remember thatthere is life after exams.Things may feel stressful right now,but it wont last tbrever.And thenthe rest of your life will still be there.The Exam StressSituation(1)_ about exams is a real fact foralmost everyone at school.ProblemHow to control exam stressThough a little exam stress does good to you,toomuch may make you(2)_ to workas well as you can.Careful preparation is necessary to stop youfrom worries.Find a copy of the syllabus fbr each subject toget necessary(3)_.Make a revision timetable chart for every(4)to display in your work space,including necessarytopics.Prepare fbr your exams(5)_andremind yourself of the dates and times for eachexam.Make yourself(6)_ beforebedtime and get enough sleep.Try to(7)_yourself to staypositive.If you meet difficult questions,just move on,instead of(8)_ how to answer themtoo long.Turn to psychological hotline and those in thesame boat for(9)_.Remember stress will disappear but your(10)will go on.7.(2021 盐 城)Homestays are becoming more and more popular,and people around the worldare offering their homes as hotels.Homestays offer cheap places to stay,and the chance forguests to see the area like a local.They are very popular with people who want to stay inanother country to study or on holiday.We asked three families who run homestays to tell usabout where they live.The Atal familyOur family home is in a small village in the north of Pakistan,in the Himalayanmountains The village is quite small and very quiet.The mountains are extremely beautiful.Youcan go for long walks and swim in the rivers,but there are no shops,cinemas or cafes.Kate and Julian FoxtonOur two-bed house is by the sea in the south-west of England.lt is about five minutesdrive to the nearest village of Portreath.There are lots of beaches,rivers and forests and it isvery quiet.We spend a lot of time reading books,watching films and going for walks.Our areais great fbr sports like surfing,kayaking and mountain biking.However,the houses here areexpensive,which can be a problem for local people.There are no buses or trains here,so it canbe difficult to get around without a car。Chafic and Aline HalwanyOur home is near the centre of Beirut,Lebanon,one of the largest cities in the MiddleEast.There are lots of cafes and restaurants,which open late at night.We love it here becauseits so friendly and you can always find what you need一lots of people come to stay to learnArabic and French.Ho we ver,it can be noisy at night,and there is quite a lot of traffic duringthe day.Homestay holidays-A home(1 )from homeFamiliesAdvantagesDisadvantagesThe Atal family(Pakistan)Its in a small and quiet village inbeautiful mountains.People can(2)_ andswim there.There are no shops,cinemasor cafes.Kate and JulianFoxton(3)_ It takes a short(4)_ tothe beaches,rivers and forests by car.It*s a good place for(5)like surfing,kayaking and mountainbiking.Houses here are not(6).Its difficult to get around(7)a car.Chafic and AlineHalwany(Lebanon)Lots of cafes and restaurants(8)at night.You can always find(9)you need.There is much(10)at night and lot of traffic duringthe day.8.(2021 盐城)Eyes always on usVideo cameras are everywhere;schools.theatres and stores.But in recent years,theyhave entered our homes.Many parents set up cameras at home to watch their childrens onlineclasses and homework.Are ca


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