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    2022年山东省济南市市中区中考英语一模试卷一、单 选 题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1.Do you know_ girl with long curly hair?Yes.She is Helen,my cousin.()A.a B.an C.the D./2.-I forget to bring my eraser today.-Dont worry.You can use_.()A.I B.me C.my D.mine3.-John,what do you usually eat_ lunch at school?-Nothing special.Just rice,meat and some vegetables.()A.on B.for C.about D.in4.How long does it_ you to get to school?-About 10 minutes by bike.()A.pay B.cost C.take D.spend5.I think Miss Wang is the most_ teacher in our school.-Thats true.She never gets angry with her students.()A.patient B.active C.interesting D.important6.一 Gu Ailing,a superstar of the Winter Olympics,is really talented in many things.一_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _excellent the girl is!()A.How an B.What an C.What D.How7.Could you please some ideas for dealing with students*stress?-YesJess homework and more outdoor activities may be good w ays.()A.cut out B.come up with C.care for D.catch up with8.-Why do we run so fast,Molly?Ifs already 7 oclock now!Hurry up,we cant catch the school bus.()A.or B.and C.so D.but9.-Can you catch what I said,Vince?-Sorry,!can follow you because you speak too fast.()A.almost B.mostly C.hardly D.carefully10.-Do you like rock music or light music?.I like Beijing Opera.()A.Either B.None C.Both D.Neither11.-Wow!Smells good!You dinner!-Its time for dinner.Lefs eat now.()A.cookB.have cookedC.will cookD.are cooking12.-Must I stay to clean all the rooms?No,y o u.We have a sweeping robot at hom e.()A.needntB.cant C.shouldnt D.mustnt13.Ifs kind of you to help me.My spoken English has greatly improved.-()A.Pm sorry to hear that.B.What a pity!C.It all depends.D.My pleasure.14.-Dear friends,do you still remember you came here three years ago?To achieve dreams.()A.why B.where C.what D.which15.Is there a message for me,Mom?Yeah.John phoned you just now,He wonde r e d.()A.why you are late for school this morningB.what will you do for the coming weekendC.where did you play volleybail after schoolD.if you could go to the cinema with him二、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)I was nine when my father first sent me flowers.I had been taking tap-dancing lessons for sixmonths,and the school was Holding its yearly(16).As a member of the beginners*chorus line(歌舞团),it was a(17)to have my name called out at the end of the performance along withthe lead dancers and to find my arms full of red roses.I can still feel myself standing on that(18)seeing my father at the audience,he cheered(19).As the years passed,all kinds of celebration festivals-birthdays,awards,graduations-were(20)with Dads flowers.Dads flowers stand for his(21)and my success.When I(22)fromcollege,!got a new job and got man ied.第2页,共27页As I developed better,my father gradually became(23),but his gifts of flowers continued(24)he died of a heart disease a few days before his 70th birthday.I covered his coffln(25)thelargest reddest roses I could find.Often in the following years since,!have(26)expected to go out and buy a big bunch(花束)to fill the living room,(27)I never did.I know it would not be the same.One birthday,!was feeling(28)because I was alone at home.Then the doorbell rang.To mysurprise,there stood my son,Matt,who had run out earlier with asee you later,nevermentioning my birthday.uForgot my key,he said,shrugging.uForgot your birthday too.Well,!hope you like(29),Mom.1 He pulled a bunch of daisies(雏菊)from behind hisback.Oh,Matt,1(30),bugging him hard,I love flowers!16.A.speechB.performanceC.surveyD.report17.A.surpriseB.symbolC.recordD.progress18.A.benchB.floorC.stageD.seat19.A.carefullyB.quietlyC.quicklyD.loudly20.A.actedB.markedC.coveredD.played21.A.prideB.sadnessC.mindD.warmth22.A.movedB.graduatedC.workedD.found23.A.busyB.unhappyC.weakD.careful24.A.afterB.whileC.untilD.since25.A.ofB.onC.inD.with26.A.stronglyB.suddenlyC.clearlyD.certainly27.A.soB.andC.butD.or28.A.nervousB.gladC.luckyD.upset29.A.cardsB.flowersC.cakesD.clothes30.A.doubtedB.criedC.lookedD.shouted三、补全对话(本大题共1小题,共5.0分)31.A:Good morning,Madam.(1)B:Yes,please.Fd like to buy a blender.A:We have many different kinds of blenders here.Some are made in China,and some aremade in other countries.B:This one looks very nice.(2)A:In America.B:Could you tell me how to use it?A:Sure.Put all the fruit and vegetables in the blender.Turn it on and youll find it works.B:Wow,so easy to operate.(3)A:850 yuan.B:Well,thats so expensive!(4)A:What about this one made in China?It performs as well as that one and its only 399yuan.B:I think it perfectly meets my needs.(5)A:OK.ril get the goods ready for you at once.B:Thank you for what youve done.(1)A.How are you?氏Are you OK?C.Can I help you?D.Whats wrong?A.Who made it?B.What is it made?C.How is it m ad e?.D.Where is it made?A.How can I use it?B.What do we need?C.How much is it?D.How does it work?(4)A.Can you show me a cheaper one?B.Can you tell the differences?C.Can I buy it at a low price?D.Can I place the order?(5)A.See you then.B.ni take it.C.I cant afford it.D.Here you are.第4页,共27页四、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共 40.0分)AThings to do in San Francisco BayFitnessSan Francisco loves health and fitness.There are many spas in the city.They can help yourecover from your everyday stress.One famous spa is the Nob Hill Spa.Famousathletes,designers,CEOs,and directors come here daily.Stop by for a full day of relaxation.FoodThere are many restaurants in San Francisco.You can get a steak,crab sandwich,or pizza at Pier39.Or,if youre looking for dessert,there are sweet shops all around Chirardelli Square.Want tostay in?Then get some takeout from the citys famous Chinatown.But,watch out!The chili and garlicdishes are really spicy.Also,the lunchtime crowds arc very big.Come early and come hungry.WorkNot everyone works in technology here.There are many other tor people nor interested incomputers.You can learn to be a pilot over at Bay Aren Flying Lessons.Not interested in flying?What about the arts?You can study to be a musician or writer over at the Kala An Institute inBerkeley.The sky is the limit!32.Famous people go to the to recover from everyday stress.A.Nob Hill Spa B.BerkeleyC.Chirardelli Square D.Chinatown33.What can you NOT order from Pier 39?A.Pizzas.B.Chili dishes.C.Steaks.D.Crab sandwiches.34.What does the word M mean in this passage?A.jobs B.abilities C.activities D.chances35.Study at Bay Area Flying Lessons if you want to become a(n).A.pilot B.musician C.writer D.artist36.What is the article discussing?A.Where to cat the popular spicy dishes.B.Who lives in San Francisco.C.What you can do in San Francisco.D.Which areas youd better avoid.BEnjoyable Childrens Books That English Learners Will LoveBest Friendsby Jacqueline WilsonKindle edition:4.49Hardcover:8.40Intro:Gemma Jackson and Alice Barlow were bom on thesame day and they are best friends.They are very differentGemma has a larger-than-life personality,while Alice isquieter and calmer.Alice is moving to Scotland.Gemma is worried,particularlythinks that Alice might find a new best friend.Is there anything that Gemmasbrothers,or her Grandad,can do to help?The Story of Tracy Beakerby Jacqueline WilsonKindle edition:4.99Hardcover:8.97Intro:Tracy is 10 years old.She lives in an orphanage(孤儿院),but would like to own a real home one day with areal family.Meet Tracy,follow her story and share herhopes for the future in this detailed,touching and often very funny tale,all told inTracys own words.Tracy Is back on TV In My Mum Tracy Beaker!Watch this TV series on CBBC and IPlayer.37.Who is one of the main characters in Best friends?A.Nick.B.Alice.C.Tracy.D.Jacqueline.38.What does Gemma worry about?A.Alice doesnt like her anymore.B.She is different from her friends.第6 页,共 27页C.Her family will also move to Scotland.D.Her best friend Alice is leaving.39.How much is the hardcover of The Story of Tracy Beaker?A.4.49 B.8.97 C.4.99 D.8.4040.What do we know about Tracy Beaker?A.She loves her mother and father.B.She likes to tell funny stories.C.She hopes to have a real family.D.Her story is touching and sad.41.Which of the following is True about these two books?A.They were written by the same writer.B.They are both made into movies.C.They are sold at the same price.D.They were written specially for adults.cGrowing up.I was in an ice-skating club,and my friends and I did lots of competitions.When Iwas 18,I entered a big one in Italy,and I came first.The prize was a job as an ice dancer in a bigshow.Thats how my career started.One of the things I love about the shows is the beautiful clothes.The only trouble is thatsometimes theyYe heavy and I get very hot.Also,!have to change lots of times in one show.Thepeople who make the clothes are very clever 一 its amazing how quickly they work!Before the show starts,we get dressed,put our skates on,and wish each other goodluck.Then,while Fm waiting to go on,I like to sit quietly by myself and think about what Fmgoing to do.The other skaters chat together or listen to music.In the shows,we have to dance,sing,and also speak.For me,ice dancing is fine,but Im not anactor.Fm always a bit scared because I sometimes wont remember the words.Fm not botheredabout falling-it doesnt usually happen.And I really enjoy joining in with all the songs.People always ask me if Tm tired when each show finishes.I love skating,so I never feel thatway.I love listening to the people who came to watch 一 so excited as they leave,talking aboutwhat they have seen.That*s when Fm really happy I chose ice dancing as a career.42.How did the writers career as an ice dancer begin?A.She saw an advertisement for a job.B.She won a competition.C.A friend invited her to join an ice show.D.She dreamed to be an ice dancer.43.What does the writer say about the clothes she wears?A.Some are prettier than others.B.She tries to make them lighter.C.Ifs hard to skate in them.D.Making them takes a long time.44.What does the writer do just before each show?A.She talks to the other skaters.B.She checks if her skates are OK.C.She is too nervous to keep calm.D.She takes a moment to be alone.45.From Paragraph 4,we know that the writer isnt good at.A.speaking B.dancing C.skating D.singing46.How does the writer usually feel after a show?A.She wants to do nothing but a rest.B.Shes glad that she has finished.C.She*s pleased about making people happy.D.She is afraid to be bothered.DSticking to a vegan(纯素食者)diet might sound difficult,especially since many populardishes have meat in them.Yet in recent years,veganism has become one of the fastest-growingtrends(趋势)in the world.According to HuffPost,more than 3 million people in the United States are vegans.In the UK,about 542,000 people have chosen veganism over the past ten years.What is driving this growth in veganism?One reason might be that people want to protect theenvironment.According to a 2013 study by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization,globalmeat manufacturing(力 口 工)causes about 18 percent of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions(#F放).This is more than all the worlds cars,trains and planes added together.According to BBC News,another reason is that many of todays young people believe its第8页,共27页wrong to kill animals for food.For many people,veganism simply means eating no meat,cheeseor eggs.In fact,going animal-free has applied(应用)to fashion and manufacturing.Forexample,leather(皮革)is used to make shoes and clothing.Every year more than 1 billionanimals,from cows to horses to snakes,are killed to make products from their skins.Now,manybrands are looking for other materials.The sports brand Puma,for example,has made shoes out of pineapple leaves.Tesla,the US carmaker,is said to be removing(去除)animal-based leather from its seats.Earlier this year,USsinger Lady Gaga created the vegan makeup brand Haus Laboratories.On the brands Instagramaccount,it says:”Cruelty-free and vegan,because we love animals and you.”So,if youre interested in protecting animals and saving the environment,you might want to giveveganism a try.Veganism is not only good for our health but also for the environment.47.How many people are vegans in the United States?A.About 542,000.B.More than 3,000,000.C.More than 30,000.D.More than 1 billion.48.More and more people are choosing veganism b e c a u s e.a.They think eating meat is not healthy.b.Processing meat pollutes the environment.c.They think we shouldnt kill animals.d.There are new materials to replace animal products.A.ab B.be C.bd D.cd49.The examples in Paragraph 5 show t hat.A.some brands try to protect animalsB.many famous people are vegansC.veganism is popular all over the worldD.we can live on plants in the future50.Which of the following is True according to the passage?A.Veganism means eating no meat,cheese or eggs.B.Greenhouse gas emissions caused by meat manufacturing is less.C.Tesla is said to get rid of animal-based leather from its seats.D.Many brands try to make more products from the skins of animals.51.Whats the purpose of writing the passage?A.To help people choose a healthy diet.B.To call on people to protect the environment.C.To explain what animal cruelty is.D.To introduce the trend of veganism.五、任务型阅读简答(本大题共1小题,共10 0分)52.情境运用根据所提供的图片,用一个完整的句子回答以下问题。(1)What festival is it?When is the festival?(3)What traditional food do people serve for the festival?(4)What materials does the old lady need to make the food?(5)How do the old lady and her granddaughter feel about the festival?六、信息匹配(本大题共5小题,共5.0分)A day in the life of an astronautItalian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti talks about daily life on the International Space Station(IS S).For the last few months,my home has been the International Space Station,orbiting(环绕轨第10页,共27页道运行)400 km above the surface of the earth,at 25,000 km per hour.We took off in aRussian Soyuz spaceship from Kazakhstan,and the flight to the Space Station took six hours.(1)I felt especially excited then.There are two Americans,three Russians,and me.(2)Luckily,we all get on weli.The day startsfor everyone at 7 a.m.Theres no gravity up here,so every morning I float(漂浮)through thecabin(机 身 仓)to attend our daily planning meeting.(3)It usually lasts a few minutes.After itsfinished,we speak to space centers around the world,including Houston(USA),Munich(Germany)and Tsukuba(Japan).Then we have breakfast:oatmeal,eggs and coffee.In the past,astronauts had to suck(吮吸)food out of tubes.Nowadays,astronauts food is served in special individual boxes withcovers.This stops everything floating away while we eat!(4)Our dinner is all around 7:30 p.m.My meals were prepared by an Italian chef on Earth beforeI left,and theyre delicious.(5)They like my desserts,and they have a dark bread that Ilove.Their bean and vegetable soup is also really good.Of course I miss fresh food,but a cargospaceship comes once a month with fresh fruit.When I get back down to Earth,I know Ill missthis place.A.Im the only woman in this group.B.That was a very long time to live in space.C.People often ask what food tastes like in space.D.Life has become much easier fbr astronauts over the years.E.However,!do exchange a lot of food with my three partners from Russia.F.Tha


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