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    2020年浙江省中考英语真题一一任务型阅读一、任务型阅读(共8题;共4 0分)1.阅读下面材料,根据文中信息完成以下任务。(David will go on a study tour to England.Wendy is from Welcome Travel Agency.Now she is calling Mr Chow,Davids father,to check the information of Davids study tour.)Wendy:Hello.May I speak to Mr Chow,please?Mr Chow:Speaking.Wendy:This is Wendy from Welecome Travel Agency,Id like to check the information with you.Mr Chow:OK.Wendy:Is it a tour for fifteen days?Mr Chow:Yes,thats right.Wendy:Where would he like to stay,in a hotel or with an English family?Mr Chow:Hed like to stay with an English family.Wendy:Well,what would he like to do in the afternoons?He can have extra lessons or do activities.Mr Chow:Hed love to play football or swim.Wendy:OK.Ive noted that.Does David like Chinese food or Western food?Mr Chow:He prefers Western food.Wendy:All right.Hmm.Do you have any questions about the tour?Mr Chow:Yes.?Wendy.Mr Chow:Thank you,Wendy.Goodbye.Wendy:Goodbye.Welcome Travel AgencyBOOKING FORMName:David ChowTour:study tour to England(London)Duration:for daysAccommodation:stay with an familyActivities:play football or in the afternoonsFood:food2,下面文章中有五处需要添加标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和 F)中选出符合意思的标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。Hopes,ambitions(抱负),dreams.How many of yours will you achieve?When you look back at your life in thefuture,will you have good memories of all his things that you did?Or will you regret all the things that you didntdo?Of course,theres no easy road to success,but one thing is certain:success wont come if you dont doanything.So how do you do it?This four-step model will help you to make your dreams come true.Step 1:_What would you like to do?Write down all your ambitions.They may be very general,such as/would like tobe fitter.I A/ant to be famous,or It would be nice to have more friends.Or they may be more specific,like Ivealways wanted to play a musical instrument.Step 2:_Now you need to do two things:1.Choose one or two ambitions.If you try to do everything,you wont do anything.2.Set a time limit(限定).This is very important,because you will have a goal and you will also know whenyou have reached it.So,for example,/would like to be fitter in Step 1 now becomes/will be fit enough to join a half-marathonrace by the end of August.Step 3:_Now that youve made your choice,what are you actually going to do to achieve your goal?So,in ourexample,/will be fit enough to join a half-marathon race by the end of August,becomes Im going to join arunning club,or Im going to go jogging three times a week.Step 4:_This is when you change your intentions。意图)into specific actions.Prepare to do something at a specifictime.If you dont do this,your dreams and plans will just stay as dreams and plans.So now Im going to join arunning club,becomes Im meting the president of the Cheetahs Running Club on Monday evening at 5:30.Dont let your ambitions die.Follow this four-step plan and make your dream come true.A.Change/would like to.to I w/.B.Change/did.to I do.C.How to be successfulD.Change Im going to.to Im doing.on.at.E.Think about your ambitionsF.Change/will.Ao Im going to.3.相似的话题常有不同的写作结构,请你阅读以下材料,将所给的写作结构图(A-E)与相应的阅读材料进行匹配Air Jordan(飞人乔丹)shoes are very popular and expensive.The first A汗 Jordan shoes were made in1985.The next Air Jordan shoes came out in 1986.These shoes were special for basketball shoes,because theywere made in Italy in 1990,which gave them a luxury(奢侈的)feel.Two years later,the third Air Jordan shoeswere produced.If you want to make your shoes look new,first,get out a toothbrush and some cleaning oil.Second,spray(喷)the oil on the shoes.Third,wash the dirt off with the toothbrush repeatedly while you are scrubbing(擦).Finally scrub the shoes with a paper towel or clean cloth If you did a good job,your shoes should look asnice as when you first got them.If you go to a dance party,youll need to wear dress shoes.However,wearing dress shoes for a fewminutes can be really painful.To solve the problem,you can bring a box of band-aids(仓 ij 口 贝 占)with you.Whenyour feet hurt,put on those band-aids.The band-aids will create something that will reduce pain.When playing golf and bowling(保龄球),people need to wear special shoes.Golf shoes have sharpmetal spikes(鞋旬),while bowling shoes have almost no spikes a tall Both these shoes help players perform.Besides looking silly golf shoes and bowling shoes do not have soles(鞋J氏)that are fit for street use.Are you wearing shoes?Why?People wear shoes for many reasons.The fist and most importantreason is to protect their feet.Shoes keep people from hurting their feet while walking on hard roads.Somepeople wear special shoes designed to help them play a game.Some people wear expensive shoes to lookfashionable.And a lot of other people wear shoes so that their feet wont stink(发臭)up the room.4.下面短文有四处需要添加首句。请仔细阅读,从方框中所给的A-E 五个选项中选择符合相关段落意思的首句(其中一项是多余选项),并完成问题。(1)How to Get Children to Stop Touching Their FacesKids seem like theyre always touching everything in their environment,from tables and chairs to doors andstairs.Since those surfaces may hold germs(细菌),you can help your child avoid illness by encouraging them notto touch their face throughout the day.Once your child is about 3 years old,you can begin having conversations with them and avoidinggerms,including the importance of washing their hands and how touching their face can spread germs to theirnose and mouth.While just knowing this information probably wont help them break the habit,it can help setthe groundwork.If you dont want to criticize(批评)your child when they forget,it is important to remind them whenyou see them with their hands around their face or mouth.Sometimes,just knowing that theyre doing it will beenough to help them stop doing it.It can be hard to remember sometimes,but look for chances to let your child know when theyredoing a good job of keeping their hands away from their face.Encouraging words can be a really powerfulmotivation(动机)for kids to keep trying when theyre learning something new.Children often touch their faces or mouths without thinking about it.Many times,its just becausetheyre bored and they*re looking for a way to excite themselves.If you think that might be the case,try givingyour child a toy they can hold onto.A.Point out any time you see your child touching their face.B.Encourage your child to wash their face carefully.C.Offer your child something they can hold.D.Explain why its important if your child is old enough.E.Praise your child when they arent touching their face.(2)The passage is most probably chosen from the part of in a newspaper.A.SportsB.HealthC.SportsD.Business5.下面是英国植物园Batsford Arboretum的宣传页。阅读该页内容,然后从方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出符合各段信息的标题,并完成问题。Batsford4A world of trees,and so much more!Built in the late 1800s,Batsford Arboretum is among the largest wild gardens in England,home to acollection of some of the worlds most beautiful trees,bamboos,and shrubs.Its perfect for a peaceful walkbeside the small rivers and pools.Early daffodils(水仙花)and a cherry collection in spring.The Handkerchief Tree and wildflower areas in summer.To smell the flowers of reds,yellows and golds in autumn.Ice and snow turn the Arboretum into a magical wonderland.Batsford Arboretum is just one mile west of Moreton-in-Marsh on the A44.There are road signs all the way.the end of our mile-long drive.Visitor InformationWe are open every day except Christmas Day.In bad weather we may close the Arboretum,so please call uson 01386701441 before setting out.Petsare welcome throughout the Visitor Centre and the Arboretum but mustbe closely watched all times.Parking for cars and coaches is FREE.Youll find picnic areas near to the lower car parks.Sorry no picnics inthe Arboretum.Sign up to receive our regular email newsleters if you love Batsford;Check for the latest admission charges(门票价格)before you come.Website:www batsarb.co.uk Email:arboreumbasfordoundation.co.kA.Opening timesB.How to find usC.Parking and picnicsD.Keep in touchE.A garden for all seasons6.请根据以下五个学生的喜好及右栏中的书评帮他们选出最适合阅读的书。_Leo enjoys travelling and wantsto learn how to make different typical dishes.A.Night LightThe writer talks about his hard life as a blind person,anddescribes the challenges on his way to success._ Jeff loves the countryside andenjoys writing.He wants to develop his writingskills.B.Action PlanIts all about famous sportspeople and includes lots ofinterviews about what theyve done to succeed.7.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成阅读摘要。每空限填一词_ Chloe loves doing sports andwould like to learn how top sportspeoplesucceed.C.Days in the SunThe writer describes his happy early life on a small farm,andhow travelling around the countryside helped him tobecome a writer._ Mia likes books about excitingexperiences happening in the past.D.Endless DaysIts about a true story of the first pilots.With plenty ofphotos,the book brings history to life for readers._ Dan wants to read books aboutsomeone whos brave enough to face hischallenges.E.Our LivesThis is the perfect book if youre interested in cultures.Itintroduces recipes(菜谱)for traditional dishes fromdifferent places.Extreme Amazon(亚马孙之最)Twenty percent of all the water that goes into oceans around the world comes from one riverthe Amazon.The Amazon River begins in the Andes Mountains in Peru.It travels about 6000 kilometers to the AtlanticOcean.It is the largest river in the world.It is also the second longest.Most of the Amazons water comes fromrain.During the rainy season,parts of the river are 190 kilometers wide.The Amazon River goes through the worlds largest rain forest.The Amazon rain forest is home to the highestnumber of plant and animal species(种类)on Earth.There are 2.5 million kinds of insects,such as the worldslargest ant.At least 3,000 kinds,of fish,live there,and one-fifth of all the bird species in the world.Some of theAmazons animals are dangerous,such as the anaconda,the largest snake in the world.But there are also gentleanimals,like the sloth and the pink dolphin.The Amazon is very important to Earth.There are still many kinds of animals and plants there that we dontknow about.If we lose the Amazon,we will lose a big part of life on Earth.(1)(4)8.阅读下面短文,根据所给信息,完成组织结构图。每空不得超过三个词。Good readers often use a flowchart(流程图)or webs(网状图)to have a better picture of what they read(seethe drawings on the right).A flowchart is used to put events in a certain order.Webs show a main idea and supporting details(细节).Now try to be a good reader and finish the following TWO tasks.Task 1:Read Passage I and complete the flowchart.Passage 1:1 spent the whole day with Bob today.In the morning,we went shopping but we bought nothing.Inthe afternoon,we went to a pet shop.Then we played computer games at home.Bob stayed for dinner withour family.We had great fun.玲went to a pet shop玲 玲had dinnerTask 2:Read Passage 2 and complete the websPassage 2:Students have different opinions about doing housework.Some students think its good for them tolearn to look after themselves.Besides,they can learn to do their part in the family.However,others dont agree.They think they should save the time on housework for learning their lessons.different opinions about doinghousework答案解析部分一、任务型阅读1.【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了 David Chow英国学习之旅的一些安排。(1)根据前一句Do you have any questions about the tou r?你对这次旅行有什么问题吗?,可知,此处是询问旅行中的一些问题,结合常识可知,旅行中很可能会询问天气怎么样,所以空处需用Whatsthe weather like there?天气怎么样?故填 One possible version:Whats the weather like there?(2)根据对话第 5 行和第 6 行 Wendy:Is it a tour for fifteen days?Mr Chow:Yes,thats right.(这是一个15天的旅行吗?是的,对的。)可知,这次旅程为期15天。故 填fifteen/15。(3)根据对话中 Mr Chow:Hed like to stay with an English family.Mr Chow:他想住在一个英国家庭。可知,这次旅行想要和一个英国家庭住在一起。故填English。(4)根据对话中Mr Chow:Hed love to play football or sw im.他想要踢足球或游泳。可知I,这次旅行的活动是踢足球或游泳。故填swim。(5)根据对话中Mr Chow:He prefers Western food.他偏爱西方食物。可知,David Chow偏爱西方食物。故填Western。【点评】考查任务型阅读,关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言填写答案。在文章中找不到答案时,要完全理解句子,根据同义词,句型转换的方式找到可以替换文章中的单词,短语或者句子的词。2.【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章主要介绍了关于帮助实现理想的四个步骤。A.Change I would like to.to I will.把我想改成我要 B.Change I did.to I do 把我做了改成我做 C.How to be successful 如何成功D.Change Im going to.to Im doing.on.at.把我将要 改成我正在哪里做什么E.Think about your ambitions 想想你的雄心壮志F.Change I will.to Im going to把我要 改成我将要(1)考查主旨大意。根据文章结构和第二段第一句及最后一句,theres no easy road to success.Thisfour-step model will help you to make your dream come true,可知成功没有容易的,这四步会帮助你实现你的梦想。故选C。(2)考查上下文逻辑。根据第三段第二句Write down all your ambitions.可知第一步是写下你的抱负。故选Eo(3)考查上下文逻辑。根据第五段,I would like to be fitter,in Stepl now becomes I will be fit enough to joina half marathon race by the end of August.可知把第一步是给自己的抱负设置一个时间限定,根据举例可知是把 I would like to.,变为 I will故选 A。(4)考查上下文逻辑。根据第六段第二句可知 I will be fit enough to join a half marathon race by the end ofAugust,becomes Im going to join a running club,or Im going to go jogging three times a week,故选 F。(5)考查上下文逻辑。根据倒数第二段第四句,Im going to join a running club,becomes Im meeting thepresident of the Cheetahs Running Club on Monday evening at 5:30.可知第四步是把自己的意图变为具体的行动。故 选 D。【点评】考查任务型阅读,注意先分析方框内选项意思,再略读文章,掌握文章大意,再选择通顺的句子。3.【解析】【分析】A、时间顺序,B、按步骤,C、因果关系,D、提出问题,解决问题,E、比较异同点(1)根据in 1985、in 1986、in 1990 Two years la te r,可知是按时间顺序写的,故选A。(2)根据first、Second Third、Finally,可知是按步骤写的,故选B。(3)根据To scdve the problem,you can.可知前面是提出问题,后面是解决问题,故选D。(4)根据 Golf shoes have sharp metal spikes,while bowling shoes have almost no spikes a tall.Both theseshoes help players perform,比较了高尔夫球鞋和保龄球鞋的不同点和相同点,故选E。(5)根 据 People wear shoes for many reasons,可知前面是结果,后面是介绍原因,故选C。【点评】考查任务型阅读,注意先读懂题目要求和结构图,再分析每段材料的关键词,判断出结构。4.【解析】【分析】本文讲述了为避免被细菌感染,如何阻止孩子们触摸他们脸的具体方法。A.Point out any time you see your child touching their face.当你看到你的孩子触摸他们的脸时,指出来。B.Encourage your child to wash their face carefully.鼓励孩子仔细洗脸。C.Offer your child something they can hold.给孩子一些他们可以拿着的东西。D.Explain why it*important if your child is old enough.解释为什么当你的孩子足够大时,它是重要的。E.Praise your child when they arent touching their face.在孩子不摸脸的时候表扬他们。(1)根据空后 Once your child is about 3 years old,you can begin having conversations with them andavoiding germs,including the importance of washing their hands and how touching their face can spreadgerms to their nose and mouth.可知,当你的孩子大约3 岁时,你可以开始与他们交谈,避免细菌,包括洗手的重要性,以及触摸他们的脸会如何传播细菌到他们的鼻子和嘴。由此可知,空处谈论的是吸收的重要性;结合选项可知,选项D.Explain why itimportant if your child is old enough.解释为什么当你的孩子足够大时,洗手是重要的,符合本段描述。故选D。(2)根据空后 If you dont want to criticize(批评)your child when they forget,it is important to remindthem when you see them with their hands around their face or mouth.可知,如果你不想在孩子忘记的时候批评他们,那么当你看到他们用手捂着脸或嘴时提醒他们是很重要的。由此可知,本段谈论的是要提醒孩子洗手;结合选项可知,A.Point out any time you see your child touching their face.当你看到你的孩子触摸他们的脸时,指出来,符合本段描述。故选A。(3)根据本段最后一句 Encouraging words can be a really powerful motivation(动机)for kids to keeptrying when theyre learning something new.可知,当孩子们学习新东西的时候,鼓励的话可以成为他们不断尝试的强大动力。由此可知,本段谈论的是鼓励孩子;结合选项可知,选 项 E.Praise your child whenthey arent touching their face.在孩子不摸脸的时候表扬他们,符合本段大意。故选E。根据本段最后一句 If you think that might be the case,try giving your child a toy they can hold onto.可知,如果你认为可能是这样的话,试着给你的孩子一个他们可以拿着的玩具。由此可知,本段建议给一些东西给孩子拿着;结合选项可知,选项 C.Offer your child something they can hold.Offer your childsomethi


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