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    Aim:Talk about rules and the punishment.Consolidate conditional clause.Structure:Dont wear jeans!If you wear jeans,we wont let you in.If you are happyIf you are happy and you know it clap your hands If you are happy and you know it clap your handsIf you are happy and you know it never be afraid to show itIf you are happy and you know it clap your handsIf you are happy and you know it stomp your feet.If you are happy and you know it stomp your feet.If you are happy and you know it never be afraid to show itIf you are happy and you know it stomp your feetIf you are happy and you know it wink your eyeIf you are happy and you know it wink your eyeIf you are happy and you know it never be afraid to show itIf you are happy and you know it wink your eye位置:从句可放在主句之前或之后,但是放在主句之前须有逗号隔开eg:如果我有足够的钱,我就去环游世界Grammar定义:if“如果,假如”它引导的句子表示某事发生所需的条件,即“在条件下,某事才能发生”,在句子中充当状语,因此称之为条件状语从句。(If 引导的条件状语从句表示假如有从句的动作发生,就会有主句动作的发生)If I have enough money,I will travel around the world=I will travel around the world if I have enough moneyif 引导的条件状语从句时态u 主将从现 u 祈使句 u 情态动词I will sing a song if I am happy.Dont cross the road if the light is redYou must stop if the traffic light is red.Western Party party 最初是欧洲贵族和上流社会的一种聚会活动,源自于中世纪的骑士聚会和有一些主题的沙龙。西方人party 通常是在主人家举行,他们认为家庭气氛比较友好、轻松。适合朋友之间的交流。西方的豪华party 往往伴随着舞会食物主要是自助冷餐,因为西方人比较注重自我意识,注重私人空间,所以自助餐更能表现平等及自愿。少了旧时的繁文缛节。Dont wear jeans!If you wear jeans,we wont let you in.let sb in 让某人进入let sb out 让某人出去If you do,the teachers will take it away.Dont bring food to the party.take away 拿走,没收 如果宾语是代词 要放中间If you do,the teachers will ask them to leave.Dont bring friends from other schools.ask sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事If you do,the teachers will call your parents.Dont leave the gym during the party.If you do,youll have to leave.Dont run or shout at the party.have to“不得不,必须”后接动词原形Please bring your ID card.If you dont have your ID card,you cant go to the party.End of year party1 别穿仔裤2.别带食品到舞会来3.别带其他学校的朋友来4.别在舞会期间离开体育馆5.别在舞会上又跑又叫的6.请带上你的身份证Summary年终聚会的规定 Karen:Are you going to?Mike:Yea,I am.to wear my new jeans!Karen:You cant do that!Mike:What will happen if I do?Karen:.You should wear your cool pants.Mike:Thats a great idea.the school partyIm goingThe teachers wont let you in PairworkUse the words to make the conversations.example:A:Im going to the school party.B:Me,too.Lets bring some snacks.A:Oh,we cant do that.B:Really?Why not?A:If we bring snacks,the teachers will.Im going to the school party.用现在进行时表将来。我打算参加学校聚会Me,too.我也是。e.g.-Im hungry.-Me,too.Why not?为什么不?(后接动词原形)u 询问被否定原因 e.g.Why not go there with me?u 表示提建议 e.g.Why not come often?Pair workUse the words to make the conversations.example:A:Im going to the school party.B:Me,too.Lets bring some snacks.A:Oh,we cant do that.B:Really?Why not?A:If we bring snacks,the teachers will not let us in.Ice-creamhamburgerExercises1.We will go fishing _ it is fine tomorrow.2.A.If B.because C.before D.after2.Who took _ my pen?A.off B.on C.away D.out3.If you dont wear your school uniform,the teacher wont _ _ you _.A.let out B.let in C.let away D.let down4.The teacher always asked us _ hard.A.study B.studying C.to study D.studied5.-_ do you like English?-Because learning English is very interesting.A.Why not B.What C.How D.Why not6.It is warm today,_take off your coat?A.why not B.what C.how D.why not7._bring your mobile phone to the party,please.A.Not B.Dont C.Cant D.Arent8.-I think Im going to stay at home.-_,you will be sorry.A.If you are B.If you will C.If you stay D.If you doHOMEWORK-WRITTINGOur school is taking part in a project to help people.then write what you will do if you go to the project“we can help”Now,its time for me to relax!Thank you and Goodbye!


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