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    专题43 自由填空-三年(2020-2022)中考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用).pdf

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    专题43 自由填空-三年(2020-2022)中考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用).pdf

    专题4 3 短文填空一自由填空【2022年】(一)(2022山西 中考真题)请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,在空白处填入恰当的单词,使短文通顺、连贯。每空一词。Know,,一 Parent com Kids Body LanguageDo you want to know your kids well?If so,just start withtheir body language.We all talk,but most of the talking is body language.You may not notice it,35 we use body languagemuch more than we think.Usually kids body language is the same 36 adults,and sometimes it sends a different message.Hereare some examples.Lets see what they mean.Not standing straightA kid 37 doesntstand straight may feel unhappy or just feel a bitdown.He might not feel very good about himself,or 38 might just be thinking aboutsomething else!Its not always easy to say,andmost of the time he wont tell you 39 is thematter.My advice:if there are no health problems,dontcare.Not looking you in the eyeA kid who doesnt look youin the eye may not believe in himself,or he may be afraid40 his elders.He may also feel uncomfortablelooking at anybody.There 41 a few things that youcan do.Try to do things with them that dont require lookingat you.You could also pretend(假装)not to notice it.My advice:42 they are smart,friendly and polite,itll probably be OK.If you are interested 43 kids body language,welcome to my comer.We will talk more about it from8:00 44 9:00 p.m.on Monday.【答案】35.but36.as37.who#that38.he39.what40.of41.are42.if43.in44.to【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍孩子们的肢体语言,并针对不同情况给出一些建议。35.句意:你可能没有注意到,但我们使用肢体语言的次数比我们想象的要多。前后两句构成转折关系,用 but连接,故填but。36.句意:通常孩子们的肢体语言和成年人的是一样的,有时它传递的是不同的信息。the same as 与相同”,故填as。37.句意:一个不站直的孩子可能会感到不开心或只是感到有点沮丧。此处是定语从句,先行词是人,引导词在从句中作主语,用 who/that连接,故填who/that。38.句意:他可能对自己感觉不太好,或者他可能只是在想别的事情!结合前句中的“He”可知,此处也用he作主语,故填he。39.句意:说出来总是不容易,大多数时候他也不会告诉你发生了什么事。此处是宾语从句,引导词在从句中作主语,表示“什么”,用 what连接,故填what。40.句意:一个不直视你眼睛的孩子可能不相信他自己,或者他害怕长辈。be afraid o俨害怕”,故填。f。41.句意:有一些你可以做的事情。此处是there be句型,时态是一般现在时,主语是复数a few things,故填are。42.句意:我的建议是:如果他们聪明、友好、有礼貌,这可能是没问题的。they are smart,friendly and polite”是“2 1 probably be OK”的肯定条件,用 if 引导条件状语从句,故填if。43.句意:如果你对孩子的肢体语言感兴趣,欢迎来到我的角落。be interested in 对感兴趣,故填in。44.句意:我们将在周一晚上8 点到9 点详细讨论。from.to“从到,故填to。(二)(2022 湖南岳阳 中考真题)根据短文内容,在文中空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。How does the tea plant grow?This term,some students got their answers in the schooPs rooftop(屋顶)garden.Many schools have built small gardens on their teaching buildings rooftop.Some students planted tea plants there.While taking 46 of tea plants,they also did experiments to learn more about tea.How to 47 egg soup and sandwiches?Some students learned to cook in an after-school cooking club.To parents 48、their kids could cook some simple dishes in a short time.In the past,Chinese children were sometimes busier after school 49 they had to take so manyafter-school classes.Now,students join all kinds of clubs.Why do students have free lime to 50 up theirhobbies?Because China has introduced the double reduction policy(双减政策).It hopes to ease(减轻)students,learning burden(负担)51 reducing homework and after-school classes.Students5 lives have changed a lot since the policy was carried out.On the one hand,their homework is clearly52 than before,they arent encouraged to buy workbooks(练习册)any more.Teenagers have more chancesto get knowledge from the real life.This is a much better way than just hitting the books.On the other hand,students spend more time 53 after-school clubs.They get lots of life skills from these colorful clubs andhave enough time to relax and think for 54.Its believed 55 the“double reduction,policy makes adifference to students,lives.【答案】46.care47.make48.surprise49.because50.take51.by52.less53.joining54.themselves55.that【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了“双减政策”之后,孩子们课外生活和学习生活的变化。46.句意:在照顾茶树的同时,他们也做实验来了解更多关于茶的知识。根据“Some students planted tea plantsthere.”可知,照顾植物,take care物 照顾;故填care。47.句意:怎样做鸡蛋汤和三明治?根据egg soup and sandwiches”可知,制作鸡蛋汤和三明治;结合How to do,需要动词原形;故填make。48.句意:令父母惊讶的是,他们的孩子可以在短时间内做一些简单的菜。根据“their kids could cook some simpledishes in a short time”可知,孩子们短时间内学会了简单的菜,父母很惊讶,to ones surprise”令人惊讶的是”;故填 surpriseo49.句意:在过去,中国的孩子放学后有时更忙,因为他们要参加很多课外班。根据“they had to take so manyafter-school classes”可知,此句是前句的原因,because符合句意;故填becauseo50.句意:为什么学生有空闲时间从事他们的爱好?take up”从 事(某一种兴趣爱好)”,结合have time to do,需要动词原形;故填lake。51.句意:它希望通过减少家庭作业和课外课程来减轻学生的学习负担。根据“reducing homework and after-schoolclasses”可知,通过减少家庭作业和课外班来减轻负担,by“通过”符合句意;故填by。52.句意:一 方面,他们的作业明显比以前少了。根据“than befbre”可知,作业比之前少,less“更少”符合句意;故填lesso53.句 意:另一方面,学生花更多的时间参加课外俱乐部。根据after-school clubs”可知,参加课外俱乐部,结合 spend sth doing s th,需要动名词,joining符合句意;故填joining。54.句意:他们从这些丰富多彩的俱乐部获得了很多生活技能,有足够的时间放松和独立思考。根据have enoughtime to relax and think”可知,有时间独立思考,主语是th e y,其反身代词是themselves;故填themselves。55.句意:据说,“双减”政策对学生的生活产生了影响。分析句子结构可知,是主语从句,需要that作引导词,故填thato(三)(2022重庆A 卷中考真题)根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个最恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。Miss Wang recently had a worrying experience.One morning,just as she arrived at her 44.Wang noticed some missed calls from her mother.44Itmust be something very important,she thought to herself.Right away,she called her mother 45 quite worriedly.To her surprise,Wang found her mother onlywanted her charger(充电器),which Wang took to the office by mistake.When Wang hurried home from her office,she found her mothers 46 was still 70%charged.Andher mother was worried that it would run out of power as she continued using it.Now Wang realizes the seriousness of the problem.Her mother 47 eight hours a day playing games,reading news and watching short videos online.And her mother has problems like poor eyesight,headache and soon.This story is not special and Wangs mother is not 48.She is just one in a growing population of theold who lose themselves in playing with phones.As the old have 49 chances to join in social activities,asmart phone is the best way to kill time.But too much time on phone can cause many problems.tfcBe careful when using your phones,50 youwill be easily fooled!Although the old are always warned like this,online frauds(欺骗)still happen to them.Nowthere are more family problems.Action should be taken.For the old,they should control their screen time and get enough rest.The young,for their part,should oftenvisit the old,and help them learn more about online safety so that they can 51 themselves.Also,theyoung can do more activities with the old like talking,walking and traveling,or encourage them to learn somethingat the universities for the aged.【答案】44.office45.back46.phone47.spends48.alone49.fewer50.or51.protect【解析】【导语】本文通过王小姐和她母亲的经历告诉我们老人现在过度使用手机,这样会引起很多问题,所以作者建议年轻人要多拜访老人,老人也要多做一些其他活动。44.句意:一天早上,她刚到办公室,就注意到她妈妈的一些未接电话。根据“When Wang hurried home from heroffice”可知她到达了办公室,office“办 公 室 故 填 office。45.句意:马上,她很着急的给妈妈回了电话。根据“she called her mother.以及上文可知,看到妈妈的未接电话,会回电话,call sb.back“给某人回电话”。故填back。46.句意:王小姐从办公室赶回家时,发现妈妈的手机还有70%的电量。根据“she found her mothers.was still 70%charged”以及上文可知她妈妈的手机还有电,phone 电:指她妈妈的手机,名词用单数。故填phone。47.句意:她的母亲每天花八个小时玩游戏、阅读新闻和在线观看短视频。根据“eight hours a day playing games.”可知是花费时间做某事,主语是人,用 spend 花费”,描述一般情况,用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语用第三人称单数。故填spends。48.句意:这个故事并不特别,王的母亲并不是唯一的例子。根据“This story is not special”以及“She is just one ina growing population of the old who lose themselves in playing with phones”可知王小姐的母亲不是唯一的一个沉迷手机的例子,alone 单独的。故填alone。49.句意:由于老年人参加社交活动的机会较少,智能手机是打发时间的最佳方式。根据“a smart phone is the bestway to kill time”可知他们用手机打发时间,因为他们参加社交活动的机会相较于年轻人来说更少,故此处用比较级,修饰可数名词复数用fewer“更 少 故 填 fewer。50.句意:使用手机时要小心,否则很容易上当!根据Be careful when using your phones.you will be easily fooled可知此处是结构“祈使句+。+陈述句”,表示“用手机时要小心,否 则 很 容 易 被 欺 骗 故 填。r。51.句意:对于年轻人来说,他们应该经常拜访老年人,并帮助他们更多地了解网络安全,以便他们能够保护自己。根据“help them learn more about online safety so that they can.themselves”可知让老人了解网络安全,这样老人能保护自己,protect“保护”,情态动词can后加动词原形。故填protect。(四)(2022重庆B 卷 中考真题)根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个最恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。As students,you should study hard.More importantly,you should study in a smart way.Try these methodsbelow.Spaced RepetitionAccording to Ebbinghaus,youll 44 easily if you dont review in time.After you read your studymaterial for the first time,youd better come back to it 6 hours later,then 24 hours later,3 days later,7 days later oreven 14 days later and above.Repeat it 45 least 5 times,and you can almost remember everything.Jim Kwik*s Technique(方法)According to Jim Kwik,an expert on reading and the memory,the key to understanding your readingmaterial is to ask question.You can put a line down the 46 of a piece of paper.On the left,take notes ofkey information,while on the right,write down 3 kinds of questionshow,when and why.Among the questions,the most important 47 is how you can use the key infbnnation.Connect it with the knowledge youve48 known.And think about what real life problems you can solve by using it.This helps to keep theinformation your mind.The Feynman TechniqueStudies show students can understand what theyve teamed better when they 49 someone else.TheFeynman technique includes 4 basic steps.First,study.Second,teach what youve just learned to someone withzero knowledge of the subject in 50 words.Third,find out which parts you can explain well and whichparts you cant Go back to the book and try to understand the topic once again.Fourth,repeat the stepsabove 51 you can explain the topic without looking at the book.【答 案】44.forget45.at46.middle47.one48.already49.teach50.other51.until【解 析】【导 语】本文主要讲述了三种学习方法。44.句意:根据艾宾浩斯的说法,如果你不及时复习,你很容易忘记。根据“easily if you dont review in time”以及常识可知不及时复习容易遗忘,forget“忘记”,will后加动词原形。故填forget。45.句意:重复至少5 次,你几乎可以记住所有内容。根据力east 5 times”可知是至少5 次,at least“至少”。故填ato46.句意:你可以在一张纸的中间画一条线。根据“You can put a line down the.of a piece of paper.On theleft.while on the right.”可知是在纸的中间画一条线,the middle of4.的 中 间 故 填 middleo47.句意:在这些问题中,最重要的是如何使用关键信息。根据Among the questions,the most important”可知是最重要的问题,此处用one代指可数名词单数。故填one。48.句意:将它与你已经知道的知识联系起来。根据Connect it with the knowledge you,ve.known”可知是把问题和已经知道的知识联系起来,already“已经”,副词。故填already。49.句意:研究表明,当学生教别人时,他们可以更好地理解他们学到的东西。根据Second,teach what youve justlearned to.”可知当学生教别人时,他们学得更好,teach”教汽描述一般情况,用一般现在时,主语是they,谓语动词用原形。故填teach。50.句意:其次,用其他的语言把你刚刚学到的东西教给对这个主题知识为零的人。根据“teach what youve justlearned to someone with zero knowledge of the subject in.words”可知是用其他的话把自己学到的知识教给别人,other 其他的“,后加名词复数。故填other。51.句意:第四,重复上面的步骤,直到你不用看书就能解释这个话题。根据repeat the steps above.you can explainthe topic without looking at the book”可知是重复这些步骤直到可以解释,until 直到”,引导时间状语从句。故填until o2021年】(2021.湖南岳阳市.中考真题)根据短文内容,在文中空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。No one can live without sleep.Experts believe that sleep is food and water.Good health needs goodsleep.Scientists have found that people who sleep for less than 6 hours and a half at night are more often ill thanpeople 2 sleep for 8 hours.How 3 hours do you sleep every night?Most students have less than 8 hours of sleep every night.Someteachers complain that a few students feel sleepy or even fall asleep in class.These students can 4concentrate(集中注意力)on their study.Why are so many students shorl(缺少)of sleep?Recently,a reporter did a survey in No.21 Middle School.The result shows that there are two main 5 about this problem.One is that students have too much homeworkat night.Some students have to 6 up late to finish their homework till 11:00 p.m.The 7 reason is aboutthe use of Internet.Some students are crazy about playing games on the phones.Many parents worry about this problem.The Ministry of Education(教育部)has paid more attention 8this problem and required that students in primary schools should 9 at least 10 hours a day,9 hours for juniorhigh and 8 hours fbr senior high.Schools are expected to give less homework to students 10 that they canhave more time to sleep.【答案】1.like2.who3.many4.not/hardly5.reasons6.stay7.other8.to9.sleep10.so【分析】本文是一篇说明文,讨论目前青少年的睡眠时间不够等问题。1.句意:专家认为,睡眠就像食物和水。根据No one can live without sleep.”可知,睡眠像食物和水一样重要,be like 像,故填 like。2.句意:科学家发现,晚上睡眠少于6 个半小时的人比睡眠8 个小时的人更容易生病。本句是定语从句,先行词是people指人,引导词在从句中作主语,故填whoo3.句意:你每晚睡儿个小时?根据“Most students have less than 8 hours of sleep every night.“可知,此处对数量提问,hours是可数名词复数,how many多少,故填many。4.句意:这些学生不能集中精力学习。t4Some teachers complain that a few students feel sleepy or even fallasleep in class.”可知,学生不能集中,用 not/hardly表示否定,故填not/hardly。5.句意:结果表明,造成这一问题的主要原因有两个。根据“Why are so many students shorl(缺少)of sleep?”可知,此处表示“原因”,可用reason表示,此前有two修饰,使用名词复数,故填reasons。6.句意:有些学生不得不熬夜直到晚上11点才完成作业。stay up late 熬夜很晚”,用于have to do sth短语中,使用动词原形,故填slay。7.句意:另一个原因是关于互联网的使用。根据“The result shows that there are two main.”可知,是两个原因,one.the other.一个.另一个.,故填 otherc8.句意:教育部已经对这个问题给予了更多的关注,要求小学生每天至少睡10小时,初中9 小时,高中8小时。pay attention to”关注,注意,故填to。9.句意:教育部已经对这个问题给予了更多的关注,要求小学生每天至少睡10小时,初中生9 小时,高中生 8 小时。根据“students in primary schools should.at least 10 hours a day”可知,此处表示“睡觉,可用 sleep表示,should后加动词原形,故填sleep。10.句意:学校希望给学生少布置作业,这样他们就可以有更多的时间睡觉。they can have more time to sleep,是目的,so that 以便,为了“,故填so。B(2021.重庆中考真题)A study has been done at a university.Scientists divided a class into two groups.They made each group takenotes 11 different ways.The first group took notes by hand.The second one did it on the computer.The 12of the study was to find out which method would help the students learn better.The scientists thought Group Twowould win.But to their surprise,Group One did a better job.Since you take notes by hand,stick to it!Good notes can 13 to less stress(压力)when test time comes around.Then how can you improve yournote-taking skill?The following advice can help you.Firstly,try to get yourself ready 14 class begins.Be familiar(熟悉的)with the material that you aregoing to learn.Make sure you have your notebooks and pens on the desk.Secondly,take notes wisely while listening in class.Many students become 15 taking notes and theymay fail to follow the teacher.So it is important to know when to take notes.And remember to write down the keywords and use shorthand(速记法)if necessary.Thirdly,check your notes after class.You can add some details(细节)yourself first.If there is still somethingmissing,compare your notes with 16.Do it with those who take notes carefully.These checks will also 17your chances of understanding what youve written.Try the advice above.When you can take notes 18 than before,you will find your lessons easier andmore enjoyable.【答案】11.in12.purpose13.lead14.before15.busy16.others17.increase18.better【分析】本文通过一项研究来证明记笔记的好处,本文着重介绍了如何提高记笔记技巧。11.句意:他们让每个小组用不同的方法做笔记。此处表示“用不同的方法”,用介词in表示“用方法”,故填in。12.句意:这项研究的目的是找出哪种方法能帮助学生更好地学习。根据“to find out which method would helpihe sludenls learn better”可知,此处介绍这项研究的目的,purpose 目的,根据was”可知,此空应填名词的单数形式,故填purpose。13.句意:好的笔记可以减少考试时的压力。根据Good notes can.to less stress(压力)when test time comesaround”可知,此处表示“导致”,英文表达为lead t o,情态动词can后接动词原形,故填lead。14.句意:首先,在上课前做好准备。根据“try to get yourself ready class begins”可知,是在上课前做好准备,故填before。15.句意:许多学生变得忙于记笔记,他们可能不能跟上老师。根据they may fail to follow the teacher”可知,学生忙着记笔记以至于跟不上老师讲的内容,be busy doing sth“忙于做某事,故填busy。16.句意:如果还缺少什么,把你的笔记和别人的进行比较。此处表示把你的笔记和其他人的笔记进行比较,。thers“其他人”,用名词所有格表示“其他人的笔记“,故填。thers,。17.句意:这些检杳也会增加你理解你所写内容的机会。根据These checks will also.your chances ofunderstanding what youve written”可知,在检查笔记的过程中,也是增加了理解自己所记的内容的机会,increase“增加”,will后接动词原形,故填increaseo18.句意:当你能记笔记比以前更好,你会发现你的课更容易和更愉快。根据“than”可知,此处应填比较级,根据you will find yourlessons easier and more enjoyable”可知,笔记比之前记得更好了,会发现课程很容易,用副词的比较级better修饰动词take n o tes,故填betteroC(2021重庆中考真题)Nowadays we often w


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