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    新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册听力练习录音文本和答案Uintl-Uint7UintlIL Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptW:Ok.Its your turn to pay the bill.I paid last time.M:What?You have a selective memory.You tried to pay last turn,but your creditcard failed;so I ended up paying!ICs definitely your turn.Q:What is true according to the conversation?2.ScriptM:Im having real trouble reviewing for this French exam.I just cant memorize allthe vocabulary.W:Me too.I hate having to learn things by heart.I guess we just have to keep readingthe texts over and over.Q:What does the woman prefer?3.ScriptW:Oh look!Theres that guy we saw last week,playing football in the park!Helooked great in his kit,remember?M:Him?I dont remember him.Ive got a terrible memory for faces.I have a hardtime even recording people Fve been introduced to.Q:According to the conversation,what is the mans problem?4.ScriptM:Why is there a big sign on the back of your door that says keys”?W:Its to remind me to take my keys when I go out because Im always lockingmyself out by accident!It doesnt help enough.Now I just forget to read the sign.Q:Why is there a sign on the back of the door?5.ScriptM:That history exam was really hard.The essay question was terrible!W:I know,I wish I were like David.He has a photographic memory,you know.Howuseful that would be!Q:What is true of DavidKeys:1.C2.D3.A4.B 5.CIII.Listening InScriptM:Tell me your secret.You5re suddenly getting excellent marks in every subject,andyou used to be a bottom-of-class student just like me.W:Simple enough.I read an article in a scientific journal that studying withremembering,based on recent research into the brain.M:Aw,that stuffs old hat:study at the same time every day,be sure your clothes arecomfortable,and make sure you have enough light,blah-blah-blah.W:Not so fast,wise guy.Fm talking about principles like Mental Visualization”,creating a picture in your mind of what is to be remembered.M:Ok,that dies sound different.Id“Association“a principle-you know,youconnect what you want to remember with something youre familiar with?W:Right on!Consolidation“is another.I review my notes right after class andconsolidate-or absorb-the new material into what Ive already learned.M:Youre moving ahead fast with those principles.I swear this weekend Im going tostudy sixteen hours a day both Saturday and Sunday.W:Whoa,big guy.Thats not the way.Follow the principle of Distributes Practice”.Shorter study sessions distributes over several days are better.M:That system is all very well for you;youve got a good memory.But what aboutme?Ive got a memory like a sieve.W:Youre too modest.There9s nothing wrong with your memory.But memory is likea muscle;it needs exercise.And dont forget it.While the man is wondering why the woman is suddenly Retting excellent marks,shesays she read an article on studying and remembering.It talks about principles likeMental Visualization,that is,creating a picture in ones mind of what is to beremembered.This reminds the man of the principle of“Association”,which meansconnecting what one wants to remember with something one is familiar with.Thenthe woman adds the principle of“Consolidation”,or reviewing ones notes after classand absorbing the new material into what one has already learned.When the manpromise to study sixteen hours a day,the woman recommends the principle of“Distributed Practice”,which favors shorter study sessions distributed over severaldays.Finally,the woman tells the man that memory is like a muscle,and that it needsexercise.Task 2:You forget my toast!ScriptAn 80-year-old couple was having problems remembering things,so they decide to goto their doctor to see what was wrong with them.They explained to the doctor aboutthe problems they were having with their memory.After checking the couple over,thedoctor told them that they were physically okay but might need to start writing thingsdown to help them remember.The couple thanked the doctor and left.Later that night while watching TV,the old woman said to the old man,Honey,willyou please go to the kitchen and get me a dish of ice cream?Before the man left,she added,“Why dont you write that down so you wontforget?“Nonsense,“said the husband,4I can remember a dish of ice cream!”“Well,“said the wife,Td like some strawberries on it.Youd better write that downbecause I know your memory is failing.“Dont be silly,M replied the husband.Therere only two things:a dish of ice creamand some strawberries.I can surely remember that!With that,he rushed into the kitchen.After about twenty minutes he returned from thekitchen and handed her a plate of bacon and eggs.The wife took one look at the plate,glanced up at her husband,and said,“Hey,youforget the toast!5 9Keys:FTFFFTask3:Memory-Improving TechniquesScriptThere are many techniques you can use to improve your memory.Some of them areintroduced her.First and foremost,you need to stimulate your memory all the time.To put it simply,you should use your memory as much as possible.It is especially important to try tolearn something new.If you work in an office,learn to dance;if you are a dancer,learn to deal with a computer,if you work with sales,and learn to play chess;if youare a programmer,learn to paint.These added activities stimulate the brain so that 11continues to function.Older people need to pay attention to things they are dealing with.Dont try tomemorize everything that catches your attention;focus on what you considerimportant.For example,you can take any object such as a pen and concentrate on it.Think on its various characteristics:its material,its function,its color,and so on.Dont allow any other thought to occupy your mind while you are concentrating inthat pen.Another method that can be used is to relax yourself.It is impossible to rememberthings if you are tense or nervous.So,try holding your breath for ten seconds,and then release it slowly.Association is also a powerful tool to develop your memory.For example,if youcannot remember a persons name,you can think about a special feature of his faceand then link it with his mane.1.Whats seems to be an especially important way to stimulate ones memory?2.What seems to be the best way to focus your memory?3.How can you concentrate on a pen?4.How can you relax yourself according to the passage?5.What is the main idea of the passage?Kes:1A2.C3.D4.B5,DVI.Further Listening and SpeakingTaskl:The Role Memory Plays in Our LifeScriptSince memory plays a significant role in our life,scrientists are increasingly interestedin research on how to improver memory,Here are some factors they believe to beimportant to expanding memory capacity.To begin with,you must take special care in your daily life.Food for example,is veryimportant.Some vitamins are essential foe your memory to work properly.They arefound in bread,cereal,vegetables and fruits.Some experts say that synthesizesvitamins improve memory,but others have doubts about this,arguing that the studieshave not confirmed they do work.Another essential factor is water.It helps tomaintain the memory systems,especially in older persons.According to Dr.Roswell,lack of water in the body has an immediate and strong effect on memory;it can causeconfusion and other thought difficulties.Sleep also plays a significant role.To be ableto have a goof memory,we must allow the brain to have plenty of rest.While sleeping,the brain no longer controls the senses,and starts to revise and store the informationone has receives.Lack of sleep would make one feel exhausted and would weakenones ability to concentrate.Also,one ability to store information would be affected.1.What is the passage mainly about?2.Why are foods important in promoting memory according to the passage?3.To whom is water especially important in maintaining the memory system?4.What problem can a lack of water cause?5.Why is sleep important to memory?Keys:1.A2.B3.D 4.D5.CTask 2:Where did the professor go?ScriptThis is a true story,while happened to friends of ours in a small town in South Africa.They were a hospitable couple who often entertained their neighbors for drinks,tea ordinner.On this particular spring night,they have invited a retired professor to super.During the evening,it began to pour with rain,and the heavens really opened.Because he had walked there,they offered to put him up for the night.They pointedout that by staying overnight,he did not need to RO to out in the bad weather.Heagreed on the soundness of that idea,thanked his hosts profusely,and the matterseemed to be settled.But while they were washing the dishes after supper,theforgetful professor disappeared.No one could find him anywhere.Eventually,after40minutes,the front door bell rang.There was the professor,soaked to the skin.Whenhe was asked what on earth he has been dong in the rain,he replied that because hewas going to stay there overnight,he had gone home to get his pajamas andtoothbrush.Task3:How to Remember NamesScriptYou just called the TV repair shop,and the voice on the other end of the line tells you,“This is Don Smith”.About 5 minutes later you tell your wife that this guywill be out to fix the TV in themorning.You cant think of his mane although you know he mentioned it on thephone.This happens all the time to just about any of us unless we have learned to concentrateand implant a name in our memory,right at the time we hear it.To do this,you mustmake a habit of repeating the name back to the person.This action will remind you tostore the name in your“memory bank“each time you hear someones name,andwithin a short time the“repeating process can be discontinuedWhen you meet someone in person,use the same procedure,and in addition,visualizesomething different,unusual or ridiculous about hid or her appearance,position,oractions that ties in“with his or her name.Later,you may write the descriptiveinformation on one side of a card and the name in the other side.Look at it repeatedly,see the“picture“in your minds eye as you look at the name;or when you see hename,visualize the“picture“you have assigned to the name.Getting this system to work will require changes in your thinking,and it may takeseveral days or several weeks to become proficient.News ReportA Dolphin ExhibitionScriptA recent art exhibition in Florida honored the animal often seen as mans mostintelligent friend,the dolphin.The“Dolphins on Parade exhibition in the Florida Keys featured life-sized decoratesdolphin paintings made of wood and the cost of materials.The dolphins were shownat area business and along the beach.Sponsors paid U.S.$750 to cover the artists5 feeand the cost of materials.There were more than 100 dolphin themes,including a beer-belly dolphin.Theyshowed the work of local artists,as well as the beach atmosphere the Keys are famousfor.Probably the most unique was special because of its artist,Pandora.Pandora thedolphin painter is area dolphin,art the Dolphin Research center,in Marathon,Florida.The playful artist streaks colors across a dolphin painting holding a brush in itsmouth.The exhibition was held by the Monroe Florida Council of the Arts as part of a planto make the Keys an international arts center.The paintings were to be auctioned offin March,with the money earned going to community art programs.Uint2IL Basic Listening Practice3.ScriptW:Have you chosen your elective for next semester yet?Are you taking Frenchwriting again?M:Yes I am,but ifs compulsory for us next semester.So I think Im gong to domarketing as an elective instead.Q:Which class will the man choose as his elective?4.ScriptM:Did you go to that businesses lecture on Friday?I missed it and need to copy yournotes.W:rd say you could borrow my notes,but Sarahs got them.Be careful not to missProfessor Browns seminar;he takes attendance in that.Q:What is the woman telling the man?3.ScriptW:Wow,Steven!In the library!What brings you here?M:Im enjoying the view.All the girls in fashion design are here are preparing for anexam on Monday.Q:Why is the man in the library?4.ScriptW:Hows your group doing with this statistics presentation?Mines terrible.M:Yeah,mine too.David and Mike are OK,but Steven doesnt pull his weight andSuzies never around.I dont see how we can pass unless Steven and Suzie realizethat this is their last chance.Q:What is the true of Steven and Suzie?5.ScriptW:You took an MBA at Harvard Business School,didnt you?Whats it like?M:Its expensive,about U.S.$40,000 a year,plus the costs of food and housing.Butthe teaching is first class.The professors have a lot of practical experience.Theyuse the case system of teaching;that is,you study how actual businesses grew orfailed.Q:Why is he MBA teaching in Harvard Business School first class,according to theconversation?Keys:1.C2.D3.B 4.D5.AIII.Listening InTaskl:On the First DayScriptHarrison:Im Harrison.Good to meet you.So youve bought the books for thisbiology class.Jenny:Sure,I think everyone had to before class started.Harrison:No.Usually no one does much on the first day because its still add-drop.Jenny:Whats that?Harrison:Changing from class to class to find out which one is best.Hey,where areyou from?Jenny:Poland.Have you has this teacher before?Ive heard he is really good.Harrison:Hes good if youre a hand-worker.He expects a lot.Jenny:Oh,I guess thats good.I hope I can keep up with everyone else in theclass.Maybe I need your help after class.Harrison:Youre welcome.Professor:All right.See you guys next week.Student:See you.Jenny:Harrison,wait up!Harrison:So what do you think about the professors lecture?Jenny:I think half of what he said went over my head.Harrison:Thats all right.A lot of what he said is explain in the reading/Jenny:Hey,would you mind if I borrowed your notes tonight to look them over?Harrison:No problem.We dont have class until Wednesday.Here you go.Jenny:Thanks.I just want to make sure Im prepared for the seminar.Harrison:Yeah,participation in the discussion is an important part of the educationhere.Seeing that Jenny has bought the books for the biology class,Harrison says nobodydoes much on the first day because its still add-drop,which means students arechanging from class to class.Jenny knows the professor is really good.But Harrisonwarns her that the professor is good,only if students are hand-workers,for he expectsa lot.After class,Jenny admits that half of what the professor said went over her head,andHarrison assures her that a lot of what the professor said is explained in the rnadin?.When Jenny asks to borrow Harrison notes,he says“on problem”,for they dont haveclass until Wednesday.Finally,Harrison says participation in the discussion at theseminar is an important part of the education there.Task 2:Money for CollegeScriptRobert is a university student.He likes to have fun.But having fun was expensive,sohe was rapidly running out of money.There was nothing to do to try to call his motherfor help.“Hi,Mom.I certainly miss you and Dad.I.uh.got a big surprise this week in myphysics course.We have to buy two new textbooks.Im going to need$100.”“I understand,said his mot


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