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    2023年高考优秀英语作文范文20篇 2023年高考优秀英语作文范文1People have different views on happiness.Some think moneycan buy happiness,for them the more money you have thehappier you will be;some think love can bring happiness,such people believe that only when people are surrounded bythe love from their families,friends and nature can theirhappiness be complete;some people think that experience isthe key to happiness,they encourage themselves and others togo out,take risks,try different things and they believehappiness will follow.Personally,I think happiness comes from within.It dependson how you treat yourself,such as your attitude towards lifeand how you look at things.It is important to cherish everymoment in life and never take every experience for granted.Happiness should be a process rather than an end-result.Weshould always search for ways to keep ourselves motivated andinspired.Also,we should be understanding,joyful and lighthearted which will help us embrace change,recognize ourpotential and appreciate our life.No matter what,happiness is always something personal.Knowing and understanding oneself can lead to the most honestand satisfying happiness.Only when you re truly comfortableand find peace within,can you feel truly happy.As a student preparing for the college entrance examination,we have to face numerous examinations along the way.Facingall these examinations,we should understand that the path tohappiness is within our own hearts,and only when we keepworking hard and cherish each moment,we will be able toreach our happiness and make our way to the perfect life.2023年高考优秀英语作文范文2Nowadays,the development of students,competence is animportant point that educators and employers are concernedabout most.What if it is 2023?In my opinion,in the year 2023,the education environmentmay become more diversified.As the development ofinformation technology,lifelong learning would be encouraged,more and more people start to focus on the social-publicculture.Thus,the development of creative thinking,problem solving,and concept dig out will be the core ofteaching,students need to encourage exploring throughdifferent resources.In this situation,if students want to stand out among thecountless competitors,it is necessary for them to beindependent,keep learning and update to a higher level.Asfor the English level,besides the basic grammar skills,peers need to understand the culture and trends fromdifferent aspects,then it is possible to produce inspiringwritings combined by original ideas,which are able to leadthe others.At the end,I d 1 ike to encourage students not to be just alearner,but a detective who can seek the truth of the world.Only in this way,can we make a contribution to the futureworld,and share the happiness and beauty of life with others.2023年高考优秀英语作文范文32023年高考优秀英语作文范文Dear Mentors,It has been a few months since the start of 2023.As astudent,I am now standing at the start line for the collegeentrance examination which is important to me and willaffecting my future.It is with great honor that I write thisletter to you.I have no doubt that you all have been through manychallenges and have achieved a lot in various fields.As thementors and supporters most respected by the youngergeneration such as myself,I believe that you are the bestpeople to be my inspiration in the college entranceexamination.My job now is to fully utilize your guidance and better equipmyself with comprehensive knowledge.I believe that whileknowledge is important,personal traits and spiritualpursuits must also be cultivated.Whether it is hard work,patience,persistence,or any other trait,I must achieve abalance between them in order to live a meaningful life.Besides that,I will take advantage of the opportunity ofcollege entrance examination to reflect on myself.What aremy limitations and ideal prospects?What are the traits Ilack and what can I do to exceed my own capabilities?Allthese reflections will enable me to draw a clearer pathwaytowards my life goals.Your guidance and support have been a great blessing to me.Ibelieve that only through hard work and dedication will I beable to succeed,and success will eventually bring hope andunity.Therefore,I am willing to do my best and make use ofevery bit of the advice you have given me.Sincerely yours,Li Ming2023年高考优秀英语作文范文4In the future,peoples lives will become easier and morecomfortable thanks to the rapid development of science andtechnology.Robotics,now widely used in factories and otherenvironments,will be more widely used in more areas,takingthe convenience of our lives to a new level.However,alongwith the great advances technology brings to our lives,italso brings a certain degree of disruption to our daily lives.For everyday people,this disruption starts with the family.With the development of E-commerce,many people often buy-things online and have them shipped directly to their homes.A delivery service such as this is convenient for shoppers,but it can lessen the sense of bonding that comes withshopping in person.We often don,t even get a glimpse at theperson who delivers the package.The development of technology can also lead to the gradualdisappearance of manual labor.Automated machines are takingover roles in society s economy which used to be performedby human beings.While it is undeniable that these machinescan make the workplace more efficient,the lack of manuallabor frees up fewer jobs for people.Finally,the rapid growth of technology has also made a majorimpact on the environment.The invention of many electronicdevices has enabled us to carry out activities moreefficiently,yet at the same time,it has caused great harmto our environment.Continuous emissions of gases and otherpollutants have already changed the climate,leading to anumber of severe natural disasters.In the years to come,technology will bring much convenienceto human life and create a better environment,but at thesame time,we should be cautious about it.We should notsimply rely on the development of technology to solve thevarious problems,but ensure that it does so in a rationaland sustainable way.Only in this way can we ensure thattechnology will bring us closer to a better,more prosperousfuture.2023年高考优秀英语作文范文5In the future world of 2023,with the fast development oftechnology,peoples life will be more colorful andconvenient.In 2023,there are also a great changes havetaken place in the college entrance examination.We willwitness an increasingly fierce competition.To get anexcellent result of the exam,we need to do a lot ofcorresponding training and preparations.In my opinion,the excellent results should mainly depend onour own efforts and attitudes.First,we should form a goodstudy habit and try to form an effective learning system.That is to set up a plan for our everyday study,such asreading extracurricular books and keeping diaries.Besides,we should choose study materials,such as math,Chinese,andEnglish according to our own conditions,and concentrate onpractice and accumulation.Secondly,we should stick to theprinciples of being hardworking and positive.We should beconfident and leave no room for regrets.Thirdly,we shouldkeep in touch with teachers and if possible,invite moreteachers to help us.The most important thing for everybody is to believe inourselves.Have faith in our own study.Only if we knowourselves,can we exert our greatest strength.Difficultwords,difficult sentences and difficult ideas are likestones in the road block our learning process.However,asfar as we persist,we will emerge victorious.What a brightfuture it is!On the road to success,let us furtherstrengthen our efforts.We will definitely excel in theNational College Entrance Examination of 2023!2023年高考优秀英语作文范文6My Vision of 2023The year 2023 is just around the corner.With the turn of thecentury,many changes will come in a variety of ways.Withremarkable scientific and technological development,people slife and work efficiency will be greatly improved.Meanwhile,due to the global promotion of environmental protection andgreen energy,our living environment will be well preserved.In education,the digital age will bring big changes to thelearning experience.Traditional textbooks and classes aregradually replaced by e-learning,and teachers and studentscommunicate with each other more easily and conveniently.Online learning and sharing becomes more and more popular inlearning,making learning more interesting and diverse.Wecan also access a library of online educational resources andbe able to do research on topics we care about from thecomfort of our own home.In terms of social life,people start to focus more on mentalhealth and become more open to each other.With theimprovement of public health and psychological counselingsystem,people become more aware of the importance of mentalhealth.People express their opinions more easily and canaccept different kinds of views.More and more peoples livesbecome diversified,allowing people to pursue the value oflife through their methods and lifestyles.In 2023,people will enjoy a better life beyond ourexpectations.All these predictions make me feel excited,solets embrace the coming of 2023.2023年高考优秀英语作文范文72023年高考优秀英语作文范文2023 is the year when the national college entranceexamination is held.For students,the college entranceexamination is a precious chance to realize their dreams of abright future.As a senior high school student,Im very looking forward tothe college entrance examination in 2023.Although theres along way to go and a lot of preparation to do in the future,I,m still full of passion.I always think of the future,towork hard for the highest score,to be admitted to the topuniversity,and to develop my career in the future.The college entrance examination is an opportunity and achallenge for me,so I will spare no effort to prepare forthe examination.I not only read a variety of books,but alsofocus on self-discipline,so that I can make the best use ofmy limited time.In addition,I believe that cooperatingclosely with my classmates and teachers can not only enhancemutual trust,but also strengthen and deepen my knowledge.r m looking forward to a new journey.I am confident thatthrough my own efforts,I will be able to overcome thedifficulties and achieve a good result in the collegeentrance examination.I believe that I can enter a gooduniversity in 2023.这篇文章的字数为442字 2023年高考优秀英语作文范文8Although it is still 2020 now,the year of 2023 is justaround the corner.Coming up next year,I can imagine howdifferent things will be in the future.First of all,I am sure that the world would advance towardsa much greater scientific level.By then,advancedtechnologies would be widely applied to all types of industry.A lot of things which are now impossible to us,can beachieved with ease.For example,such labors like mining ormanufacturing will become automated.People can be highlyproductive in the labor field with the help of machines.Besides advanced science,our education system would havebeen greatly improved by then.Education has always been oneof the most important things to all the human beings,and itis surely making great progress as time goes on.In 2023,Ianticipate that every student will have access to the bestpossible learning resources.Meanwhile,the teaching qualityin our country will reach an international standard.All in all,I am so excited to see what will happen in thefuture.I believe with these powerful technologies,thoseambitious dreams will become certainly come true.2023年高考优秀英语作文范文92023年高考优秀英语作文范文Recently,people eat less fruit and vegetables but more junkfood.What causes this to happen and what effects will ithave on our health?It is well known that people increase their demand for fastfood gradually,but unfortunately the results it brings usmay be much more severe than expected.To be more specific,people are usually attracted by the low prices and quickconvenience of junk food such as hamburgers and chips andthus they forget to take a well-balanced diet with sufficientfruit and vegetables.To be more precise,the reasons why people tend to give up awell-balanced diet including sufficient fruit and vegetablesis mainly caused by three major elements.Firstly,people areliving in a modern society in which a huge pressure fromstudy,job,family and friends is providing an easy excuse toplay safe by avoiding healthy but time-consuming foods likefruits and vegetables.Secondly,the expansion of fast foodrestaurants near residential areas makes it easier for peopleto grab a quick-bite with low prices.Thirdly,the constantpromotion of junk food by various marketing activities causethe exaggeration of its effect on people,leading them topass up a nutritionally balanced diet.When fast food intake increases,our health will become morevulnerable to illness.An unhealthy diet high in fats and lowin fiber can increase the risk of life-threatening diseasessuch as diabetes,heart diseases and cancer even in youngpeople.On the other hand,a well-balanced diet withsufficient fruit and vegetables provide adequate vitamins andminerals,which helps to create strong health conditions andprevent us from catching illnesses.In conclusion,it is always important to make sure that anutritionally balanced diet including sufficient fruit andvegetables is always kept in order to ensure a strong healthcondition.Thus,it should be highly encouraged to avoidconsuming large amount of junk food and remember to alwayslook out for our health.2023年高考优秀英语作文范文102023年高考优秀英语作文范文As the saying goes that“Youth is not a time of life;it isa state of mind”,young people nowdays should start tounderstand their true social responsibilities and activelyparticipate in the cause of world peace making.Being ateenage in this era of rapid development,with countlessissues and problems arising around us,it is important thatthe youth should take the initiative to take part in theprocess of world peace making.First of all,we should have a positive attitude towards theglobal issues,be aware of the importance of global peace,and actively participate in diplomatic activities.In recentyears,more and more countries are joining internationalorganizations,and by advocating peace through theseorganizations,we can prevent bushfires from happening andhelp maintain global peace.Secondly,we should shoulder the social responsibility tomaintain social development,making contribution to climatechange,economic inequality and other major issues.Forinstance,we can actively participate in environmentalprotection activities,or volunteer in social organizations.We can also take part in international exchange programs andcultural activities to strengthen understanding,friendshipand cooperation between countries.Finally,we should take the lead to spread a culture of peaceto the world,leading us towards a prosperous and harmoniouslife.We can put the values of friendship,mutual aid,mutualbenefit and life-saving into practice in our daily life.Wecan widely spread the same messages in our study,work,dailylife and social activities,to creat


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